Personally, whatever power I have, I'd want it to still include an element of chance. I.E. I don't want a guaranteed win. (Wasn't that the plot of a Twilight Zone? A gambler dies and goes to heaven where he's in a casino and can't lose... only to discover he's in hell.)
Therefore, in poker, I'd like to know what cards are going to appear on the board, see the opponent's cards, or the other way around, but not both. I do play a lot of poker. I think I'd rather know the board cards.
In Blackjack, either knowing the dealer's hole card, or the top card in the shoe. But, since there's a version of BJ where both dealer's card's ARE exposed, I suspect that's not much of an advantage, so lemme see the top card. Of course, I'd have to not double down on 15 when the top card is a 6...
In Craps, nothing more than real dice influence - but to a level that DI guys would dream about, but without causing suspicion. I.E. Change the odds of rolling a seven so there are twice as many on a come out roll, and half as many otherwise.

Quote: IbeatyouracesTannen
But if I did that, the "Back to the Future" guys would sue my nuts off.
Like saving supermodels from evil villains.Quote: billryanIf I had any sort of super-power, I'd like to think I would put it to better use than cheating people at cards.
Quote: AxelWolfLike saving supermodels from evil villains.
You're a sick man... but I love it!
I'd think after 2 in a row they'd ban you or prosecute you based purely off of the "odds" of you winning back to back, etc. I mean, would you believe anyone won the Powerball 3 times in their lives without cheating?Quote: IbeatyouracesObviously to be able to see into the future and rightly choose the winning numbers for Powerball and Mega Millions on every single drawing.
I get 90% cash or you can poop out your mouth every ten minutes. If you're late paying, diarrhea on both ends.Quote: IbeatyouracesObviously to be able to see into the future and rightly choose the winning numbers for Powerball and Mega Millions on every single drawing.
Quote: onenickelmiracleI'd like to be able to make people poop out of their mouth that piss me off. Guess I could use it to win, by extorting people to have it my way or the poop out the mouth highway. Might as well make it a double shot power, up high and down low.
Another great super power would be, yup, you guessed it!
But I think having a super power to win at gambling would be pretty boring (not at first, though). Part of the fun and what makes it interesting is the cat & mouse game, trying to figure new stuff out, etc.
If I had a super power to know when I was going to win (or something like that, ie: knew the hole card, next cards in VP, knew the lottery numbers, etc.), I wouldn't go balls to the walls and try to win as much as possible as quickly as possible. Rather have some fun with it (and also not get banned from every casino / lottery / etc. in the world).
If we were talking about the same amount of money either way. It would be far more satisfying and fun to get the casinos money. Not to mention you can take a date to the casino where she would probably have lots of fun. I cant imagine many chicks would have much fun trading.Quote: PaigowdanI'd rather be a Warren Buffett than a Jimmy The Greek.
Quote: AxelWolfLike saving supermodels from evil villains.
Being able to find stash houses, as a start.
When I was in high school, my friend lived next door to two stunningly beautiful girls who never seemed to go out. Guys would come by at all hours. We thought they were prostitutes, until the FBI raided the house and there was six million dollars in it. In 1976, that was a huge amount of cash.
I'd love to be able to use my spider sense to find such opportunities.
Quote: SiegfriedRoyI'd prefer to have the ability to see flashes of final scores of sports games. I'd then run around town making under the radar sports bets to make this last. If I just hit 3-4 casinos a day with a modest average bet of $500 bet that's $2000. There are 176 casinos in Clark County alone. I know not all of them have sports books, but I think I can schedule it so that I don't hit the same casino within 60 days. If I do this M-F, that's roughly $40,000 a month or $480,000 a year. I'd just live quietly and comfortably.
Hahaha sounds interesting!
The next time the Powerball gets up to some ridiculous number (didn't it hit a billion $$ a couple years ago?) I would want to know what the winning numbers were, and I would be the only one who wins. That would make me more than happy for the rest of my life.
Quote: TigerWuI would only need one superpower, and I would only need to use it once.
The next time the Powerball gets up to some ridiculous number (didn't it hit a billion $$ a couple years ago?) I would want to know what the winning numbers were, and I would be the only one who wins. That would make me more than happy for the rest of my life.
That can also make your life a living curse and boring. What if you get robbed. What if you don't manage your money well and buy a failing business or a failing video game company? What if you end up getting 20 baby mamas and they hit you up with $20K child support charges a month for each child? Your face and name will be blown up everywhere. All your family, relatives, friends, coworkers will hit you up for money and you'll may get super annoyed and broke.
If you knew you were going to win whenever you wanted to, you would have time to make a plan, prepare and remain anonymous form pesky family members.Quote: SiegfriedRoyThat can also make your life a living curse and boring. What if you get robbed. What if you don't manage your money well and buy a failing business or a failing video game company? What if you end up getting 20 baby mamas and they hit you up with $20K child support charges a month for each child? Your face and name will be blown up everywhere. All your family, relatives, friends, coworkers will hit you up for money and you'll may get super annoyed and broke.
Quote: SiegfriedRoyThat can also make your life a living curse and boring. What if you get robbed. What if you don't manage your money well and buy a failing business or a failing video game company? What if you end up getting 20 baby mamas and they hit you up with $20K child support charges a month for each child? Your face and name will be blown up everywhere. All your family, relatives, friends, coworkers will hit you up for money and you'll may get super annoyed and broke.
If I ever have that much money I'm leaving the country and moving to Monaco. I'll be just another rich face. No one will care.
Quote: AxelWolfIf you knew you were going to win whenever you wanted to, you would have time to make a plan, prepare and remain anonymous form pesky family members.
I guess that's a preference. I'd much rather live quietly and comfortably with my $480K income, and quietly become a multi-millionaire in several years. I honestly do not have a desire to become SUPER rich. I have an aunt who has "F U" money (around $100M). She's bored and miserable. I pity her. She's also so out of touch with reality. Keep me max at $10M to make life still a bit interesting!
I would want to be able to predict the future ... for multiple obvious reasons. Where there is uncertainty, there is vulnerability. Where there is vulnerability, there is opportunity. Where there is opportunity, there $$$ in sight.