Is it with pay? If so, I think you've just found an angle...Quote: WizardSince I have banned others for passing on messages from banned members, so shall I now suspend myself. See you three days.
I was going to write that, but read the rest of the thread posts first. Smart damn white men always stealin' my glory ;-)Quote: MathExtremistIs it with pay? If so, I think you've just found an angle...
In my opinion, the hatred over there is just manifestation of jealousy. They think they're smarter then Mike and are upset that Mike was able to make $$ off of it, and they weren't.
My ex had a stalker who posted trash about her online (some of it deserved) I tracked down the guy and a couple friends went to him job- all talk not an ounce of backbone in person
"My ex had a stalker"Quote: Wizardofnothing
So then 2 of them I guess.
Quote: rsactuaryIn my opinion, the hatred over there is just manifestation of jealousy.
Bingo! They weren't like that when they were members here.
All Larry has ever done was complain about other sites he was booted off of.
post the drama queens make, they would
quit doing it. All you're doing is feeding the
Quote: EvenBobYa know, if y'all would stop repeating every
post the drama queens make, they would
quit doing it. All you're doing is feeding the
Not so much. They had a good 30 or more pages before anyone here really said much about it.
They are just going to do what they do no matter what we do...
Quote: WizardofnothingI believe I indirectly sent mike a text of the screenshot of it . I also contacted my local Fbi office
I'm nice and rested after my three-day suspension. I hate to add fuel to this thread but let me just make a quick statement and hopefully that will end what I have to say on the matter.
First, here is a screenshot of the death threat. Click on it for a larger version.

Second, I reported this to the FBI division of cyber crimes. So far, I haven't heard anything in response. They seemed to be more set up to respond to financial crimes and scams. Anyone who has been duped by a betting system salesman online might consider filing a complaint.
Third, let me say that KJ was in large part banned, and blew his chances to return, for threats (albeit not death treats) made via private communication. To reveal specifics would violate forum rules. Let me promise you this. As long as I have a say in the matter he will never be back. He is now in the same file as statman of ex-members who I so despise that I consider myself not on speaking terms with them. Any communication from these individuals should be sent to my attorney Brandon Philips, who has an ad on DT.
Have a good day.
His 2:00 AM drunken rant, viewed in context, would seem to be his way of venting about his alcohol-fueled perception that you view yourself as his judge, jury and executioner.
He seems very independent and would naturally resist any attempts to corral or judge him in any way.
He was drunk and pissed off and lashed back reflexively on his keyboard without having a clear mind to use as a filter.
That is not an excuse, but it may be an explanation.
The good news is that he qualified his veiled threat, saying "if" not "when" or "I will."
There is little likelihood that he'll ever see you, or seek you out.
MC may be a drunk, but he seems to value his ability to contribute to the good of the order of the gambling community, and I doubt he'd jeopardize that by acting out against you.
Of course, I could be wrong, but were I a betting man I'd set very long odds against it.
After all, when he sobered up he posted his retraction.
Nothing wrong with reporting it: I just wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
In reflection, you might want to ask yourself what have you said or done that has led people to harbor such animosity and resentment over their perceived treatment by you, and is it really in the best interest of the board for you continue to do so?
There has been a recent exodus of valued members from this board: why?
Constructive suggestion: consider surrendering your admin powers on a probationary basis, and let the others mod: that would free you from responsibility and allow you to chill out and post informative, constructive threads without having to wear the hat of schoolroom monitor.
Oh. Really? I sure hadn't noticed that. All I noticed was a continued screeching noise generated by a very small number of individuals, accompanied by a transparent little wavelet of trolling from zombie accounts. It leads some others to conclude that a 'constructive suggestion' might be exactly the opposite of that suggestion.Quote: MrVThere has been a recent exodus of valued members from this board:
But then, "valued members" is in the eye of the beholder, and to me usually means those who tend to get drowned out by the very small but intense little social club.
Quote: MrV
In reflection, you might want to ask yourself what have you said or done that has led people to harbor such animosity and resentment over their perceived treatment by you
Ha ha, you're funny. We both know some of
these guys from other forums. They got kicked
off those forums too, or had you forgotten.
They don't play well with others, and you want
to lay that at Mike's door? Like I said, ha ha,
you're funny. How is it that I'm still here? Mike
doesn't like me any better than any of the people
he kicked off. It's that I never stepped over
the line, I never pushed and pushed until something
broke. Why would I.
Quote: onalinehorseas for MC I learned long ago to need argue with a drunk. You can no win and in a morning he won't even know there was an argument. Or all that bruising on his face came from. As fr EB, we all have a crazy uncle somewhere.
you gained that much knowledge of EB over a week. Impressive
He seems stressed out, which may have led to his self-imposed suspension; life is short, be happy.
Many regular posters no longer seem to post at all or as frequently, for whatever reason.
Mike taking a brief hiatus as a mod might calm things down a bit, and allow him to relax a bit and enjoy the forum, instead of having to wear the hat of kindergarten cop.
Of course he would still communicate his thoughts with other mods, but any discipline would not be administered in his name, thus removing the bulls eye from his back when people start to complain.
Of course this board is "his baby" and he'd likely be understandably reluctant to take a short, trial break from mod duties.
I really don't care, I threw it out there as food for thought.
Quote: MrVI'm not trying to lay anything at Mike's door.
He seems stressed out, which may have led to his self-imposed suspension; life is short, be happy.
Many regular posters no longer seem to post at all or as frequently, for whatever reason.
Mike taking a brief hiatus as a mod might calm things down a bit, and allow him to relax a bit and enjoy the forum, instead of having to wear the hat of kindergarten cop.
Of course he would still communicate his thoughts with other mods, but any discipline would not be administered in his name, thus removing the bulls eye from his back when people start to complain.
Of course this board is "his baby" and he'd likely be understandably reluctant to take a short, trial break from mod duties.
I really don't care, I threw it out there as food for thought.
It's good that you don't care, because I think your line of advice in this is garbage. The people you're claiming may have a point on the other forum are obsessive, maybe even ill, I don't know. Mike made the effort over months to work things out with kj; it didn't happen. We gave MC chance after chance to post within the rules; he couldn't do it. Just for 2 examples.
More to come. Must take a dinner break.
Ok, back. More thoughts. ..
So. What Mike has is integrity. Not just because it's necessary in his business, but because he is that type of person. That's also where his goat is tied; impugn his integrity, and you damage him personally and professionally, whether there's anything to it or not. So these guys, who are looking to hurt the people they think hurt them, are going to attack him that way.
In comparison, I'm overweight, and self-conscious about bad photos being published of me. That happened here, without my permission, I tried to fix it, and it escalated from there. So they found one of my goats (they think), and they continue to make the fat jokes and call me the beached whale for, what, 2 years ago that happened? Joke's on them, because for me it was over 2 years ago, but I still live rent - free in their heads all this time.
But for Mike it's a little different. They're threatening his reputation, his livelihood, and now even his person. All for the "sin" of throwing them out when they became obnoxious and rude here, a free resource he paid to build. Why they're getting any further air time is a mystery to me, but it seemed some of this needed saying.
The forum rules didn't start out as much. Mike paid to start the forum because he believes in free speech and intelligent discourse. The rules evolved into their current pretty restrictive (IMO) state through circumstance and necessity. He even paid to make a second forum for the non-pertinent to gambling, flaming discussions to have a home.
The part that stresses him out, as you claim you're seeing, is the part where people act like assessment and he has to deal with it. He takes it very seriously that people who could stay civil instead make other choices, usually outside forum rules, and he (or another of us) has to do something about it. He'd much prefer folks just acted like in-person guests; unfortunately that's not how the Internet works.
It hurt him to have to lose kj. We haven't discussed this latest, but from what he said upthread, it also hurt him to have kj make those personal remarks (which you note Mike did not respond to in kind). And his integrity is such that he did not declare himself above his own rules; he brought something up from PM's, and self-suspended as a result.
So, no, I don't think he needs a break from this. He could probably use a break from garbage fights and juvenile insults (not saying you made any), but then we all could.
This board has been in a mild uproar, on and off, since the sale.
While I may have my feet planted in both worlds (WoV, GF) I was trying to be objective.
Oh well, flush and forget.
But I'll happily concede that some others who read every dot-'n-tittle may have a better overview, since I generally only look at < about 15-20% of it, at most. And I sure plan to keep it that way. I know of quite a few others around who keep it to even less, for the same reasons. Once a month I briefly click into a thread with the word "baccarat" in the title, and about once a year into a political-slogan trench-warfare thread, just because that's about how often I forget why I really don't want to do that. I sure don't have the impression that it is run in a restrictive way at all, to put it mildly. It is the least restrictive of what it will publish of those that I choose to have anything to do with. On others I'm familiar with some of the most hyperactive folk here would've been summarily, almost immediately, and permanently zapped for general extreme weirdness right from the get go (and in some cases were). Not saying that to argue for it to be this way or that, just as one comparative point of view.
How nice that the 'net doesn't appear to have run out of electrons just yet. Folks who wanna be even more... *ahem* something.... than the long leash provided here can do that with or to one another to their l'il hearts' content. And an address to do that at has even been handed out right here. And they can even do that while they are also getting posts published to an audience someone else has paid to develop here, if they are able to switch gears to a level that would perhaps be permitted in the average scruffy skid-road sawdust-floor wino & asylum outpatient bar.
It's painfully obvious they think about you and this forum 24/7.
Has anyone credible ever meet any of these guys?
For all we know they all live in their mom's basement.
Obviously being banished from here upset him.
Remember anyone can be anyone they want to be on the Internet, but I do doubt those 2 are willing to meetup in person. I also Tried to meetup after an offer was made and they backed down based on a "fear" I am unstable. Sounded like an excuse to me to not meet in a public casino, but it was his call.
Obviously many people from here are reading over there, so there is interest and the comments are not stopping anytime soon. Face it, someone has to be enjoying it.
The whole thing started because he was asking the casino shift manager a blatant question he shouldn't have been asking about the game I was playing. He knew exactly what he was doing and didn't seem to care. At some point he started telling me about the AP's he had gotten barred from casinos, and that if he wanted he could have the game I was playing taken out.
I don't know anything about the guy other than what I have gleaned from skimming this thread, but he seemed to meet the description.
Quote: cwazyOut of curiosity, does anyone know KJ's ethnicity? I had what can only be described as a bizarre encounter with an AP recently and one of the things he seemed almost proud of was all of the forums he was very high up in and then banned from. He refused to tell me his former handle. Just wanted to talk about math and was incredibly argumentative.
The whole thing started because he was asking the casino shift manager a blatant question he shouldn't have been asking about the game I was playing. He knew exactly what he was doing and didn't seem to care. At some point he started telling me about the AP's he had gotten barred from casinos, and that if he wanted he could have the game I was playing taken out.
I don't know anything about the guy other than what I have gleaned from skimming this thread, but he seemed to meet the description.
IMO that sounds absolutely nothing like the person that KewlJ has portrayed himself to be. I get the overall impression that while KJ will voice his opinions and thoughts he does so respectfully.
Quote: BozI agree that any valid points Larry and Freddy make are ignored because of the other nonsense. And I 100% agree with the right to ban anyone from your business for any reason you want, as long as it's legal from a discrimination standpoint. That said, they also have right to put their points out there and they have found a place to do it. They are doing exactly what the Wizard told them to do, not sure if the door hit them on the ass or not.
Remember anyone can be anyone they want to be on the Internet, but I do doubt those 2 are willing to meetup in person. I also Tried to meetup after an offer was made and they backed down based on a "fear" I am unstable. Sounded like an excuse to me to not meet in a public casino, but it was his call.
Obviously many people from here are reading over there, so there is interest and the comments are not stopping anytime soon. Face it, someone has to be enjoying it.
Don't waste your time on those clowns. Just do what I do when rolling by a jail or a prison...Point and laugh :-)
BTW, that Kewadin 6d game has a H.E. of 0.20%
This is the internet: it should be used to exchange ideas, learn, and entertain oneself, not to identify adversaries to meet up with in the real world.
I flame people on occasion and am flamed in return and think little of it: it's the 'net: I would never dream of meeting them: call it "compartmentalization."
But jokers who get all indignant about how a poster is a "pussy" for not agreeing to meet them in the real world demonstrate a form of mental instability which can lead to violence.
They should be shunned.
Quote: MrV
But jokers who get all indignant about how a poster is a "pussy" for not agreeing to meet them in the real world demonstrate a form of mental instability which can lead to violence.
I think anyone that argues with someone online beyond maybe three posts is mentally insane.
Quote: DRichI think anyone that argues with someone online beyond maybe three posts is mentally insane.
OR just a troll trying to get their kicks from messing with people
Quote: DrawingDeadWhere do you get a Chia Pet? I want a Chia Pet living on my desk so I can impress it with some of my skills, make it pay attention to me, tell it off when it gets out of line, show it who's boss, and get even with Chelsea for that thing she did to me back in high school.
Kmart has them. They even have a duck dynasty series.
Quote: billryanYears ago, when kj was supposedly a homeless youth bussing from Philly to AC several days a week, myself and a few other members from Ken Smith's Blackjack forum offered to meet him and discuss a few things best not posted on the net. He either bailed or no showed every time. Too many excuses for my liking.
Has anyone reputable from this or any forum actually ever meet him?
We should be judge on our words, not our appearance.
Are you implying something?
Quote: DrawingDeadWhere do you get a Chia Pet? I want a Chia Pet living on my desk so I can impress it with some of my skills, make it pay attention to me, tell it off when it gets out of line, show it who's boss, and get even with Chelsea for that thing she did to me back in high school.
Why do you always hijack a thread or conversation and post such inane comments and try and make it careen off course. Seems pretty disrespectful. Didn't you do that with vegetables?
I believe it was exactly relevant to the topic, particularly in context of the flow of the conversation about behavior characteristics of online chronic serial antagonists. And I think you've just provided a fine illustration of the point. This thread which, by the way, was a pretty transparent hijack of the forum to defeat the purpose of the suspension list containment thread, and not a very clever sort of effort at that kind of thing either. I gather you would not agree on either count. Fine. Get used to it, or not, as you wish. I don't recall ever intentionally flagging a post when that function was available, certainly not over anything ever specifically directed my way, but I'd sure do that with yours in an instant, even more so if directed at someone other than me.Quote: sammydvWhy do you always hijack a thread or conversation and post such inane comments and try and make it careen off course. Seems pretty disrespectful. Didn't you do that with vegetables?
Have trouble on forums much?Quote:make it pay attention to me, tell it off when it gets out of line, show it who's boss
Thank you. I have a vision of the future. It involves getting re-acquainted with K-Mart. Perhaps I'll now become a better and more respectful man in the eyes of some from my coming blue-light-special experience. But I doubt it; I'll probably just get a Chia Pet. Maybe in a vegetable theme. Thanks.Quote: GWAEKmart has them. They even have a duck dynasty series.
It's just online, I know that. But look around for a minute, Online life is blending in with RL. People are spending as much time online as offline (excluding sleeping). Just look at dating sites. Many personal and business relationships start online nowadays.Quote: MrVWhy would that matter?
We should be judge on our words, not our appearance.
Are you implying something?
I would rather judge someone on their actions and words in person. How can you really know who someone is if you or at least someone you know has never meet them?
I'm sure there's troll online who are normal good people in RL I'm sure there's people online that seem like good people but they are evil.
Many are as you would expect.
I prefer to listen to what they say online first if they seem ok then I don't mind meeting them in RL, at that point I assess them oftentimes I know quickly if this person is someone I can trust or not. I then figure out if it's someone I want close or at arm's length or run. I generally know who I can invite into my home or who I should probably just keep it casual. For the most part it's worked out well for me.
He has posted an extensive amount of information on this board, and based on that developed many admirers.
Clearly his bonafides as someone knowledgeable about AP have been established.
Your inquiry implies that you wonder whether the emperor has any clothes, and that just seems silly, given the info he's previously posted.
Or maybe you wonder what he looks like, and if so, how is that relevant?
He could be black, or in a wheelchair, or a dwarf: do you really need to know?
Quote: billryanYears ago, when kj was supposedly a homeless youth bussing from Philly to AC several days a week, myself and a few other members from Ken Smith's Blackjack forum offered to meet him and discuss a few things best not posted on the net. He either bailed or no showed every time. Too many excuses for my liking.
Ok so this is mixing up the story he's told....briefly homeless, graduated high shool homeless, stepdad booted him out of house on 18th birthday. Moved to philly and did bus it as he started his playing career in AC but wasn't homeless at that time, if I recall the details.
I don't remember any legitimate poster having an issue with KJ until the situation with Norm came up and it hit KJ hard for reasons I still don't fully understand but again most backed him on here. Now i see posters starting to question his backstory and speak differently about him.
It's sad it ended this way and again the biggest loser is the forum. But it seems to be the trend here anymore to turn on anyone who doesn't say the things some want to hear.