Based on the above scenario, would you still consider him stiffing them?
In my opinion he got stiffed. They should have just no mailed him the following month based on a lower ADT. A mailed offer should stand thru the period offered unless noted that their are arbitrary stipulations. JMO
Since this is the beginning of a new month it would be nice to know if these offers are for September mail or was OP expecting same in September based on offers during August.
Quote: WizardofnothingThis was the first mail. I'll elaborate . I went down the shore for a week. Played one night at tropicana sometime in the beginning of August. I was not staying there so we went back to our hotel. As we were walking the boardwalk we stopped in and used the comps I earned from playing a day or two earlier for dinner just the same as if I would have used it the night I played. Then the next morning while riding my bike I stopped there and paid for Starbucks and printed a comp from my remaining comps for cigarettes. Never went back, got mail for offers for sept: didn't use the first couple . Drove all the way to shore today and with no notice not only did they kill my card and force me to go to the long line at the players club, they cancel my mail without a letter and email or a phone cal. That to me is really crappy customer service and a scam
How could you not have used the first few?
We are only 1/2 way thru the first week of September. If you received mail for August in any way, did not use it, and lowered your ADT you have no argument.
I mean, if someone drops a G and uses his comp dollars on a couple of dinners and some smokes, then as the casino, I think I got the good end of the deal so far. The bird is still in my hand and there may be as many as a flock of them in the bush.
I'd probably let a few of the Free Play offers play out and see what happens. I don't have an issue with them cutting someone off in the middle of the cycle, but I'd at least be inclined to give him a chance.
It sounds to me like the player used his comp points, which he should be allowed to do. However, the mailer was a nicety. Casinos hate it when a player uses a mailer and gives them no free play in return. They understand that sometimes a player isn't in the mood to play but if is a repeat thing they have every right to pull back.
Quote: WizardofnothingHow is that stiffing them- I earned the comps from play and they were auto loaded - where does it said I had to use them the same trip?
"Comp eligibility and future offers based on play" and "Right to alter or remove at any time".
It says this on pretty much every mailer and their site.
Quote: WizardofnothingTo make it even a better story I continue to get emails even just this morning telling me about the offers in my account- this is literally just a total amatuer marketing promotion.
I have had a similar experience at the Trop earlier this summer, a few months ago, (allegedly I was taking more money from promotions than I was putting into play at the Casino).
I explained the situation to the Player Rep (I explained that I often don't think to ask to get rated when I play and apologized) and he reversed it saying that first offenses can be automatically reversed, any further offenses may require higher approval. It may be worth going in to speak to a different one or ask to speak to somebody higher. Though after the reversal they rated my play for a few weeks before putting offers back onto my account, but then after a while everything went back to normal. It shouldn't effect any comp points or comp dollars you have built up on your account, its usually just the special offers they pull down if they feel you abuse them.
And, I have talked to other people (the Trop is my regular casino) that have had the same experience as well recently, so they must be cracking down on offers.
Quote: WizardofnothingJust a warning for people . DO NOT PLAY at the tropicana. The my do not honor the mail that they send out. Stopped at tropicana and played for the first time this summer. Played and lost about 1000 and recently got mail for 25 dollars once or twice a week. After I lost the thousand two day later I went and had dinner with my comps that I earned and did not go back since . Went down today to use my mail and was told my card is canceled for mail. And the players club rep processed to turn the screen around and show me the one trip that I lost and then two more trips where I used my comps for a dinner and then the following day for a pack of cigarettes so therefore my mail was cancelled. WHAT AND ABSOLUTE F-info joke
Abandon Trop, and Go play in Borg.
Why would you or other gamblers want to play anywhere else except in Borgata? It offers best slots, games, comps, services, etc...
Figures don't lie. Look at the recent report below. Borg has much more businesses and winnings than Trop, i.e., Borg's $75,652,886 vs Trop's $31,925,372.
Once you play in Borg, you'll never want to play in any other casinos...until Borg "86s" you for winning too much, such as in the cases of Phil Ivey & Don Johnson:-)
You receive free-play every single day. You have the choice of free-play or a gift on some days but if you choose, you can take the free-play. Generally offers are equivalent dollars so if you get a $100 gift card offer you can elect to take it as $100 free-play.
Offers are monthly so ALL the offers for all 30 days of September will be uploaded and sent in the mail to you.
Tropicana will lock you card if you do not gamble for two days straight while taking comps. 2 days only!
This includes ANY comp. Free-play, staying in the hotel, a free meal.
Each and every day is a new day so if you took a hotel and gambled $10,000, the next day if you check out and grab the free-play before you leave you have a strike against you.
On top of that, their system is ADT punitive. What I mean by that is, lets say you have a high ADT that gets you $350 per day in free-play (which btw is the top amount they award) and you gamble every time you take it but not at the SAME ADT, your card is locked.
So, for ex. if you gamble ten grand and take the $350 in free-play, stay over night, and then only gamble $1000 the next day and also take the free-play, your ADT is not maintained and your card is locked.
Additional play is not enough. You must gamble exactly the same way. There is some latitude of course, within a few percentage points but not much.
They are extremely unforgiving in this regard. No other casino I know of does this. I see plenty of people who are complaining.
BTW - they are locking accounts just for taking the bus bonus. I wrote about this in a different thread on here. It is also beginning to spread to other AC properties although they are not so strict yet. Taj Mahal and Resorts are currently doing similar programs.
Hope this helps.
Quote: WizardofnothingThat explains a lot but it's total bullshit most people vary amounts in adt. Explains my issue as I used one day of freeplay and a comp the day before and poof locked. Some at trop should realize the bad press and the fact that the offers are just bull and not a reality
I suspect there is more to these stories than is being reported. But it's the Internet, what, you expected the whole, and true, story? Shame on you.
Quote: WizardofnothingYou suspect wrong two fathers so maybe you should no comment on things you do not know about
I probably shouldn't comment at all, ever.
So what's new?
I could understand the comp thing two days in a row, and then maybe lock the card just so the player can come up and receive a polite warning, of sorts.
What befuddles me is how consistent the ADT sounds like it has to be from day to day, that's what I consider bizarre. I've probably only played a ton at two different casinos, as in, a regular if you don't count my ADT is very consistent just because that is how it works out, but the other I mainly just concerned myself with making sure it remained consistent on a month to month basis. You could pick up your FP and roll, they didn't care at all.
Quote: WizardofnothingIt was great info and backed up exactly what I said about only using freeplay one time and it getting cut along with one day of getting cigarettes, why (edited to he) had to chime in is beyond me
WoN: manipulating a member's name into something derogatory is a personal insult. Please edit your post to correct that. You're welcome to take issue with what he said, as you have, but not disparage him. Thank you.
He is correct, but that story does not involve you.
The reason I know so much about the Trop is because I know the full story. You however are an innocent victim. Don't take it to heart.
Quote: WizardofnothingAmended but so should saying something accusatory . Seems like he always is stirring the pot
Thank you. I appreciate it. :)
So if I spent 6 hours and $200 in gas and tolls driving there, am I being told if I basically will have to lose over $1,000 a day to redeem these offers or else the future offers already promised as free will be voided and be replaced with a feck you?
I understand they could decide to not mail any more, but it only seems fair to have to honor the mail sent and email mailed. The very word free inherently means no strings attached. In totality, still mail fraud no matter lame disclaimers nobody understands. I don't even understand them and pretty much feel like I'm imagining them based on what I heard here.
Sounds like no matter how lucky I ran, it would be virtually impossible to keep the offers.
I hope to use as many offers before they stop mailing. I presume they will stop mailing after 1 year which would be October or November. Advice getting as much as I can before whatever offers are rescinded if I can make the trip.
I would be surprised if they told you you have to lose 1k per day perhaps in EV or theo. If someone did tell you that, I would contact someone else perhap you or they misunderstood. Basically they don't care of you win or lose as long as you are playing x amount of coin in. They have been known to cut off offers quickly if you don't play very much and just come in and pick up the FP. Read the kiosks and they have some signs I believe with a disclaimer that says something about how you have to play to keep the offers. If you feel you are playing enough (I doubt you are or they wouldn't say anything to you) talk to a host.Quote: onenickelmiracleSo I was there in October and spent too much the first night. Stayed in the hotel which I had paid for and didn't play with a card the next two days. So since that trip, have been getting mail every week. Basically free gifts and $125 or $225 a day free play and a few week days $250 free play. They rarely send me free rooms, which confuses me.
So if I spent 6 hours and $200 in gas and tolls driving there, am I being told if I basically will have to lose over $1,000 a day to redeem these offers or else the future offers already promised as free will be voided and be replaced with a feck you?
I understand they could decide to not mail any more, but it only seems fair to have to honor the mail sent and email mailed. The very word free inherently means no strings attached. In totality, still mail fraud no matter lame disclaimers nobody understands. I don't even understand them and pretty much feel like I'm imagining them based on what I heard here.
Sounds like no matter how lucky I ran, it would be virtually impossible to keep the offers.
I hope to use as many offers before they stop mailing. I presume they will stop mailing after 1 year which would be October or November. Advice getting as much as I can before whatever offers are rescinded if I can make the trip.
Quote: WizardofnothingEven better when two weeks later you continue to get a new email soliciting business and offering free play yet if you go down because of the email - there is no freeplay and basically you are just out tolls and gas and or airfare- what a joke
So you didn't even burn them using free play? You just were there without rated play and redeemed your points and they took all your offers away and you were no longer a member of the players club? That's too bad you didn't seem to know you would ruin your adt. Most forum people know this will happen. I had a night comped when we checked out. Wasn't even in line and my sister had the clerk do it. Good to know a charge was taken off, but would have been nice to get better offers before they take them away.
The maids stole two of my brand new jockey t-shirts from the room. Never even wore them before they were take. If my card gets cancelled, I'm going to have to tell them they weren't free and they owe me $35. That still bothers me the manager on the floor said she would look into it, never got back to me, and I let them get away with it.
No I'm just surmising this number based on less than I lost. Played dollar slots and pretty much felt like every spin was a loser. Any other casino I've been to, what was promised, was promised. I've been to casinos time after time just using free play if I wanted with no problem, so this seems like the nazis took over-just twilight zone mind blowing to me. I noticed something in one of the emails mentioning free play a use and was like what is that? Fisting the slot machine?Quote: AxelWolfI would be surprised if they told you you have to lose 1k per day perhaps in EV or theo. If someone did tell you that, I would contact someone else perhap you or they misunderstood. Basically they don't care of you win or lose as long as you are playing x amount of coin in. They have been known to cut off offers quickly if you don't play very much and just come in and pick up the FP. Read the lips and they have some signs I believe with a disclaimer that says something about how you have to play to keep the offers. If you feel you are playing enough (I doubt you are or they wouldn't say anything to you) talk to a host.
Quote: AxelWolfI would be surprised if they told you you have to lose 1k per day perhaps in EV or theo. If someone did tell you that, I would contact someone else perhap you or they misunderstood. Basically they don't care of you win or lose as long as you are playing x amount of coin in. They have been known to cut off offers quickly if you don't play very much and just come in and pick up the FP. Read the kiosks and they have some signs I believe with a disclaimer that says something about how you have to play to keep the offers. If you feel you are playing enough (I doubt you are or they wouldn't say anything to you) talk to a host.
I haven't been back to Trop since October, so nothing has happened yet. When you say, they cut offers, what do you mean? Do you mean offers they haven't sent yet will be different or nonexistent or they will alter and/or void offers waiting to be redeemed? Personally I liked the hotel, shops area, but not the casino. I am not sure I want to relive that playing experience.
Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. You have post traumatic stress from this, and I understand that. So when you say cut, you mean from the day you were there, the offers you planned on using were no longer available. Theoretically say every Monday they had promised you $25, but it was Monday and you had nothing? Is that what you mean by cutting offers?Quote: WizardofnothingI'm pretty sure I know what adt is and how it works- I'm not going to lay out specific facts at times and exact facts are modified so that I don't give out too much but clearly trop cuts offers very quick and yes it is bait and switch and they have one of the worst reputations of doing it. My point in here was I only used earn comps not freeplay before they cut it off
Bottom line is use your offer one time and don't play and they will all be gone it's pretty cut and dry
Quote: onenickelmiracleDidn't mean to ruffle your feathers. You have post traumatic stress from this, and I understand that. So when you say cut, you mean from the day you were there, the offers you planned on using were no longer available. Theoretically say every Monday they had promised you $25, but it was Monday and you had nothing? Is that what you mean by cutting offers?
What will happen is after you take the offers for a day or two without additional gameplay, you will come to the casino and find your players club card does not work at the kiosk. You must activate the offer at the kiosk prior to using it at the slot machine. The kiosk screen will keep flashing and nothing will work.
When you go the rewards desk to fix it, they will tell you that due to not playing sufficiently, your card has been locked out. Most times they will turn it on and warn you that is the only time they will do that, lock your card again and the offers, while still there are basically unavailable.
I will tell you what happened to me. I had $300 in FP a day and was doing additional gambling. They locked my card and told me I wasn't doing ENOUGH gambling.
After unlocking my card, I did $2K coin-in a day at the slots and they re-locked my card. They then told me that I had done $12K in coin-in to get the offers and unless I did close to that every day, they would lock the card again.
After two more days, my card locked again. I complained that I should be able to decide when I wish to stop gambling. I had a bad day the day prior and I shouldn't be forced to keep losing just to keep my comps. The host agreed to turn them back on for the third time (my loss was evident) however, she said my rated play wasn't high enough for the comps I was getting for the month and re-loaded them as $35 a day.
This really ticked me off, so I did not gambling and did not take free-play for the next two days but simply lounged in their hotel room.
A week later, I came by Greyhound bus and they refused to even redeem the $25 promised bus bonus. The host said I stood in the hotel room and did no gambling whatsoever so they had re-locked my card.
I complained that at least the bus bonus should be honored since that is promised as a part of the ticket which I purchased and he told me that is a complimentary of the casino, not Greyhound and they don't have to honor it either. He even had the nerve to look at my play history and said, paraphrasing here,
"Sir, I show you have only lost $1500 for the year. We will not comp you based on the offers promised and how little you have lost to date."
I replied, "So, You're saying you won't comp anyone who wins and doesn't lose more than several thousand."
"That's not what I said, sir. I said you didn't lose enough for the comps promised."
He refused to discuss it further and refused to budge on the $25 bus bonus so I left and never returned.
So, now you know what to expect at Tropicana.
It was their decision to offer comps and they should be honored. If you aren't playing enough, that should mean pulling back on future comps, not those already promised.
All the better reason for me to stick with CET. I play very little and they continue to offer me free rooms and food with no hassle.
Quote: darkozWhat will happen is after you take the offers for a day or two without additional gameplay, you will come to the casino and find your players club card does not work at the kiosk. You must activate the offer at the kiosk prior to using it at the slot machine. The kiosk screen will keep flashing and nothing will work.
When you go the rewards desk to fix it, they will tell you that due to not playing sufficiently, your card has been locked out. Most times they will turn it on and warn you that is the only time they will do that, lock your card again and the offers, while still there are basically unavailable.
I will tell you what happened to me. I had $300 in FP a day and was doing additional gambling. They locked my card and told me I wasn't doing ENOUGH gambling.
After unlocking my card, I did $2K coin-in a day at the slots and they re-locked my card. They then told me that I had done $12K in coin-in to get the offers and unless I did close to that every day, they would lock the card again.
After two more days, my card locked again. I complained that I should be able to decide when I wish to stop gambling. I had a bad day the day prior and I shouldn't be forced to keep losing just to keep my comps. The host agreed to turn them back on for the third time (my loss was evident) however, she said my rated play wasn't high enough for the comps I was getting for the month and re-loaded them as $35 a day.
This really ticked me off, so I did not gambling and did not take free-play for the next two days but simply lounged in their hotel room.
A week later, I came by Greyhound bus and they refused to even redeem the $25 promised bus bonus. The host said I stood in the hotel room and did no gambling whatsoever so they had re-locked my card.
I complained that at least the bus bonus should be honored since that is promised as a part of the ticket which I purchased and he told me that is a complimentary of the casino, not Greyhound and they don't have to honor it either. He even had the nerve to look at my play history and said, paraphrasing here,
"Sir, I show you have only lost $1500 for the year. We will not comp you based on the offers promised and how little you have lost to date."
I replied, "So, You're saying you won't comp anyone who wins and doesn't lose more than several thousand."
"That's not what I said, sir. I said you didn't lose enough for the comps promised."
He refused to discuss it further and refused to budge on the $25 bus bonus so I left and never returned.
So, now you know what to expect at Tropicana.
Wow yes. This is exactly what I thought would happen based on reading this thread, but I just didn't believe it. It will happen if I go because I can't afford to keep that play up. I just don't believe going in I even have a chance expecting to lose so much to get so little continuously and not even sure they'll keep loading it. If the casino doesn't honor the free play offers, they shouldn't mail them instead of doing this. I would make it three days max, probably just like you doing your best the last day with them already knowing they'll pull the plug. It's so predatory if there ever was predatory. Thanks for the clarification.
Quote: Tropicana fine printPromotions are subject to change or cancellation at any time without notice. Certain restrictions apply. See TROP ADVANTAGE CENTER for details. Photo ID required. May substitute. All gift offers based on availability and qualification of play. Photos for promotional purposes only and may vary from item shown. All TROP ADVANTAGE rules and regulations apply. Free slot play must be played at Free Slot Play enabled machine and is not redeemable for cash. Gifts available while supplies last. Restricted TROP ADVANTAGE members & Tropicana employees not eligible. Not valid in combination with any other offer. Must be 21. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.
I've taken free play, used it, sometimes played a lot, sometimes didn't at all, but every casino I've ever been to honored all offers they sent. The general public, and myself included, don't really understand adt beyond the definition, and not in practice.
We might know how much we lost, what we played, but we don't know instinctively how this translates on different machines, whether with larger bets or smaller. From Dark Oz's clarifications, seems like they unlocked his card, induced him to play more, knowing full well at that point, they were not going to honor the offer no matter what he did. 2,000 coin-in is a lot even if they gave him $ 125 free play, or even more. Gaming enforcement or whatever agency which afaik allowed Revel to pull the scheme they pulled, really sent a message the Atlantic City casinos are unregulated in many ways an can do whatever they want. There really needs to be an expose on this if there are any journalists left.