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Allyson Pelesky sued Rivers in 2014 on a sexual harassment and hostile workplace claim, saying that in April of that year a signature card member put his hand down her shirt and placed a $1 chip in her bra.
She said state troopers stationed at the casino asked if she wanted to press charges, but she said no after receiving assurances that the customer would be permanently banned from the club. He was kicked out but later allowed back in about 40 days later, according to her suit.
A U.S. District Court jury awarded her $150,000 in compensatory damages on Wednesday and today awarded another $999,000 in punitive damages.
In a statement, casino spokesman Jack Horner said the company values its employees, disagrees with the verdict and is exploring its options.
Tim Barry, who represented Ms. Pelesky, said he believed the evidence supported the verdict. He said he believed the casino allowed the customer back in because he was a high roller.
My opinion. If this judgment is allowed to stand I see big problems for casinos. What about sexual harassment or verbal abuse of casino personal by gamblers are they also due large 100k settlements if these gamblers are not permanently banned from the casinos., even though no charges were ever brought against the gambler. In this case would the casino have been better off not doing anything to protect there employee?
A casino guest is sexually harassed (in a very clear and obvious way) by an employee (in the presence of others and the employee happens to be in a Management position.) The harassment is unwelcome and unprompted by guest (which, even if invited, casino employees should know better than to engage.) Guest is shaken up and decides to report incident to property/security days later - more because of the morality/lack of moral character of the employee than anything else. Casino "investigates" what is clear and concise written/tangible evidence of the incident over a period of ten (10) days. At the end of investigation, employee is put on disciplinarian leave guest is PERMANANTLY 86'ed.
How wrong is this and for how many reasons? Before I say more (and I once and for all intend to speak up and have my voice heard....) please offer your thoughts.
Nerserian... half attorney- half pitbull.
You need five grand to talk to him but a one paragraph email will let him know if its worth his time.
No damages.... just outrage....but very bad publicity for a casino to deal with.
settlement value would be fairly high.
I contacted Nersesian late last week and he picked up the office phone personally (it was the end of the day......) I briefly ran my story by him and he was, to say the least.....STUNNED. I have not had the chance to follow up with him (meaning, if I wish to proceed with utilizing his services) and thought I would table my situation with you (Vegas veterans) before deciding to move forward. My hesitation lies in the fact that I am poker player....I have sacrificed and invested a lot to move to Las Vegas....& I am fearful that blowing the whistle (using Nersesian) may end up crippling any chance at a career (poker or any other profession....)
@TexasDolly: I would be hesitant to post details about your story. While I'm quite intrigued and personally want to hear the fully detailed story, I'll be honest in saying if you're planning any kind of litigation (even potential) you should keep your mouth, and computer, quiet. Only discuss the case with Bob. If Bob believes you have a case, you should absolutely take this to court (in my opinion). You were wronged multiple times for doing nothing wrong. Lastly, in regards to your career, I don't see it being an issue. There are dozens of decent card rooms in Vegas and unless you're a widely recognized/known player this shouldn't cause any issues for you. Not only that if you ARE widely recognized then you could use the press to your advantage. If you're that concerned about your image, get a press secretary or someone for the case so that your image is protected as the rightful one, the victim, and not a "whistle blower."
Bob is the best and he doesn't take cases that he thinks that he can lose. If he says that he will take your case then listen to him and go forward. I also would advise not talking about this publicly especially here because there are many casino employees that post here.
Good luck, these people need to be taught a lesson.

Quote: TexasDolly....I have been biting my tongue and waiting for the right time/venue to discuss I'll start by asking here and now....I'd like your opinion prior to rendering details.....
A casino guest is sexually harassed (in a very clear and obvious way) by an employee (in the presence of others and the employee happens to be in a Management position.) The harassment is unwelcome and unprompted by guest (which, even if invited, casino employees should know better than to engage.) Guest is shaken up and decides to report incident to property/security days later - more because of the morality/lack of moral character of the employee than anything else. Casino "investigates" what is clear and concise written/tangible evidence of the incident over a period of ten (10) days. At the end of investigation, employee is put on disciplinarian leave guest is PERMANANTLY 86'ed.
How wrong is this and for how many reasons? Before I say more (and I once and for all intend to speak up and have my voice heard....) please offer your thoughts.
Welcome to the forum. If you want your inquiry split off from the waitress thread, I will do so; just advise.
I do think, not knowing the details, you've suffered some harm and may have a case, but I am not a lawyer. I also think it's wise for you to keep the details to yourself for the moment and pursue legal advice from Bob N. or someone else. I just don't know what's more important to you, since the casinos reserve the right to not do business with anybody they please. Yeah, you can make an ugly public spectacle out of their rude cow of an employee, but does that serve your purposes? Seems to me your best course is to quietly sue their asses and keep the publicity angle as a bullet in your (and your lawyer's) gun for now, since your objective seems to be to get un-86'ed and pursue a pro career. Can't un-say something like that (accusation with names) once it's out.
Manager: "Allyson, we'd like to have this big fish in our tank again. He's promised to treat you with respect in the future. If we gave you $100 would you be okay with our letting the guy back?"
Allyson: "Sure, why not. There hasn't been a month that's gone by where some guy hasn't grabbed my ass."
They both laugh.