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August 9th, 2011 at 4:36:51 PM permalink
Generally the best tippers are the people who rely on tips as a source of income. The worst tippers are wealthy people (they don't stay rich by giving it away). I do not like how people have the attitude if they do not like the job they can get another one (maybe they are trying to get another one but have to stick with what they can get). As a lowly chip runner at the card room I work at I know that the tips are a nice source of income. Usually I make in a week 1/2-3/4 of what the dealers make in a day, but until I am fully dealer trained I cannot do anything else but appreciate the dollar or two players give me when I color up their dollar chips on the 3/6 poker table. If people could only spare a dollar per transaction it would really add up and make a big difference to the person working. The extra money really helps and the dollar is such a small expense for the player.
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August 9th, 2011 at 4:43:57 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

In Jersey and Oregon (and Richmond BC thank you councellor Sandberg), your gas gets pumped for you (no self-service), and they go for tips by looking at your oil or washing your windshields and some people tip, and some don't.

In Mexico there are no self-service gas stations. You are expected to tip. Most employees will grab your gas tank keys, if any, or otherwise quickly ask "cuanto?" and dash to the pump, lest you ask them to check the tires, oil, water, etc. Wash your windshield? You should live so long...

Oh, if you catch an employee, or ask for a check on tires or levels before asking for gas, they'll do it. If they do you should tip more, anturally. But few even ask if you want anything besides gas.

Some stations do have better service. But very few. I get my tires checked every week, even so, but I check the oil and other fluids myself at home.
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August 10th, 2011 at 12:46:24 PM permalink
I don't like the tipping culture in casinos. To me, it feeds into the delusion that the chips in front of you are not real money, so why not throw a few the dealer's way since he dealt me a winning streak. Then, you leave busted and feel stupid for tipping. (Ashamed to say I've done this a few times).

Now, when I tip, I reach into my wallet and change a fresh bill and give those chips to the dealer. It shows that I am tipping him real money, and it actually does make more of an impact, I think.

Oftentimes I play at a crowded table, and will not tip or will tip less if others are tipping. Like Michael Bluejay, I am a communist when it comes to tipping.
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October 30th, 2011 at 9:56:00 AM permalink
Infact with me its the other way from Teddy's....yes many a times I have been playing long and therefore would have tipped a good amount, as I usually bet 100+ a hand, going from 100-500 depending on whether I am winning or losing tips are equally good...I tip if I get a friendly dealer, irrespective if I am losing or winning the difference is, if I am winning I would throw in a 25 or so every few hands for the dealer, If I am losing I would tip at the end of my session at that table but my point is when I am walking out after a really bad session also, I am thinking I wished I had tipped more, that way atleast the person I tipped would have made good use of the money as vs giving it to the casino, thus if I had tipped more, I would have lost less to the casino ( I would have still be down the dont tip because its their job, you tip because your session is so much more fun if you get a good dealer. Similarly I would tip the housekeeping , maybe 2-3 dollars a day, tip the valet or limo driver, again like I said if they are nice and friendly, if they are not, I not only wont tip, will probably complain about them to boot also.
They are in a service industry and should give service and expect to be rewarded for them. Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong ofcourse.
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October 30th, 2011 at 11:41:16 AM permalink
Some people tip at the end of their trip, rather than at every hand or toss of the dice.
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October 30th, 2011 at 11:46:48 AM permalink
Quote: Keyser

Some people tip at the end of their trip, rather than at every hand or toss of the dice.

Well that I agree with.

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December 21st, 2011 at 11:06:59 PM permalink
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in on this topic. As a cage cashier I find it somewhat amusing to hear people tip dealers large sums when those dealers are unresponsive, don't know the rules, or are downright rude, but wouldn't deign to tip the cashier even the change from their TITO redemption. I have no problem with dealers being tipped when they're entertaining, knowledgeable, and friendly.

My job may not seem difficult to some, but I always greet my guests with a smile, carry a conversation, and handle multiple types of transactions that a bank teller (which I was for 7 years before coming to Vegas) never has to do. I appreciate every tip I receive no matter the amount, and always thank every guest I deal with tip or no tip.

I always carry about $20 in ones so that I can tip, and I do tip everyone that I encounter when I'm at a casino/resort unless I receive unusually poor service.
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December 21st, 2011 at 11:51:06 PM permalink
If you tip at the end of your trip, how are the dealers going to make things better for you?

They going to go back and remind you about your odds bets? The housekeeper going to leave you more coffee after you've checked out?
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December 22nd, 2011 at 12:01:36 AM permalink
I'm not a huge gambler, but I remember once when I hit that six out of six on live Keno in Luaghlin, NV, in 1991 for 2200 bucks. I said to the guy, "I've never won this much, what do you normally get for a tip?" He said, "Ten percent." I gave the guy $100 bucks! Yes, and I was a full-time student and my husband just got out of the Marine Corp. I never got a thank you, ma'am or NOTHING! I was pissed that I just handed over 100 bucks and it wasn't even appreciated. So I guess it's hit or miss. You would love to tip someone and have them appreciate it. But nowadays, it's like, no problem, have a fantastic day! WHATEVER! How about a "Thank you. I appreciate that." That's all! I put five bucks in the Salvation Army bucket last night and didn't get a thank you. I am so over this stuff. I shop, I hear, "Have an awesome day!" Whatever! How about a Thank you! Don't get me started! BUT i believe in giving back no matter how unappreciative people are.
If I'm playing BlackJack or something and the dealer isn't friendly, I do not tip anything. As a matter of fact, I usually leave because they're creating bad energy. I'm starting to change my tipping ways in restaurants and everything else. Last two times I went to TacoDelMar, I put money in the tip jar while they witnessed it and heard it and I never got a thank you. So, I say, "THE MONEY LOOKS BETTER IN MY POCKET THAN IT DOES IN YOURS!"

Very easy to convince yourself of that quotation. A very smart woman told me that once!
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December 22nd, 2011 at 2:37:15 AM permalink
Allow me to vent for a bit. The tipping culture in Vegas is very bad. I don't like how everyone is looking for a handout and acts like they are entitled to it. To be fair, some people are enthusiastic and make an effort to provide superior service and be extra friendly. I also understand this town is built on tips to a certain extent and service workers are paid poorly (not their or my fault). But it seems they just have their palms up. I tipped a waitress a dollar every other drink and you would have thought I was committing the ultimate sin by the way she acted.

There's my vent. I fear I may be turning into Jerry Logan :(
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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December 22nd, 2011 at 2:49:20 PM permalink
Quote: candrv

Just wanted to put my 2 cents in on this topic. As a cage cashier I find it somewhat amusing to hear people tip dealers large sums when those dealers are unresponsive, don't know the rules, or are downright rude, but wouldn't deign to tip the cashier even the change from their TITO redemption. I have no problem with dealers being tipped when they're entertaining, knowledgeable, and friendly.

My job may not seem difficult to some, but I always greet my guests with a smile, carry a conversation, and handle multiple types of transactions that a bank teller (which I was for 7 years before coming to Vegas) never has to do. I appreciate every tip I receive no matter the amount, and always thank every guest I deal with tip or no tip.

I always carry about $20 in ones so that I can tip, and I do tip everyone that I encounter when I'm at a casino/resort unless I receive unusually poor service.

Players interact with the dealer for hours at a time and the dealer "gives" them money. They are at your window for less than a minute and you merely exchange chips or tickets for money. I don't see the comparison. Did you get a lot of tips when you were a teller? Are tellers even allowed to accept tips?

Tipping the dealer especially when the pit boss is watching can go a long way toward how a player is treated.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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December 22nd, 2011 at 5:03:40 PM permalink
My host is very nice to me, hooking me up with free rooms and entertainment upon request.

Today I said I wanted to give him a xmas gift, and when I listed several choices he quickly opted for "booze."

Take care of those who take care of you.
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December 22nd, 2011 at 5:39:56 PM permalink
Quote: candrv

Just wanted to put my 2 cents in on this topic. As a cage cashier I find it somewhat amusing to hear people tip dealers large sums when those dealers are unresponsive, don't know the rules, or are downright rude, but wouldn't deign to tip the cashier even the change from their TITO redemption. I have no problem with dealers being tipped when they're entertaining, knowledgeable, and friendly.

My job may not seem difficult to some, but I always greet my guests with a smile, carry a conversation, and handle multiple types of transactions that a bank teller (which I was for 7 years before coming to Vegas) never has to do. I appreciate every tip I receive no matter the amount, and always thank every guest I deal with tip or no tip.

I always carry about $20 in ones so that I can tip, and I do tip everyone that I encounter when I'm at a casino/resort unless I receive unusually poor service.

I spend several hours with the dealer. I spend several seconds with the cashier.

EDIT: I see that I am echoing 1BB.
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December 22nd, 2011 at 5:53:44 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Players interact with the dealer for hours at a time and the dealer "gives" them money. They are at your window for less than a minute and you merely exchange chips or tickets for money. I don't see the comparison. Did you get a lot of tips when you were a teller? Are tellers even allowed to accept tips?

I have to agree here, who tips a bank teller? Who tips any employ that give a service often measured in seconds? (no jokes in replies, please.) While I am sure you do appriciate those tips, I have no sympathy for a cage worker who expects tips and gets none. If you want tips take a job as a dealer, porter, or waitress.

On the hand pay person who said he got tipped "10%" I say that is crazy. You want 10% for a few seconds work? The casino hold might not be 10%. If you want 10% of what someone is getting you had better become made-guy on the Spilotro Crew.
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December 22nd, 2011 at 6:58:36 PM permalink
Quote: weaselman

A cab company is doing business with your business. But it underpays the driver,

Cab companies don't pay the drivers, the drivers pay
the cab company for the car. I used to own a cab
company. In Vegas the driver spilts the meter with
the Cab Co, but in both cases, the driver only makes
money if the cab makes money.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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December 22nd, 2011 at 11:38:34 PM permalink
Tipping is like golf: One good shot keeps you enthusiastic about the game. Same with people: One nice person appreciates it and then you get duped again. Then you go golf and hit a bad shot -- round and round we go! My husband calls me a "bleeding heart." I can't help it!
I agree with Teddy in that everyone is looking for a handout and not willing to provide any type of service to deserve that handout. It's like we're supposed to give you money just for being present. I disagree. I would rather give my money to an animal shelter. Just donated five bucks for that today! Animals are helpless; humans aren't, for the most part.

Bob, I hope that wasn't one of your guys who tried to take me to the MGM (Signature --- great place) via the interstate?
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December 23rd, 2011 at 12:38:36 AM permalink
We all have tipping preferences but also tipping obligations though perhaps I should instead say expectations.

One man likes to lug his bags into the hotel himself... he gives tips to cocktail waitresses rather than bellmen and he doesn't much care for the driving skills of valet parkers.

Some people do indeed tip the cashier (cage clerk), I never knew they were "tipable" and felt a cashier would be fired for taking "tips" and that was why their uniforms had no pockets. We all might prefer to avoid tipping a cabbie who just drove us and didn't handle any luggage but its often a mean thing to do since he utterly lives by tips and often does select short cuts that are indeed just that or knows which exterior door is closest to our actual destination inside a mega-casino.

Often Housekeeping doesn't really do much more if you tip them than if you don't yet people still tip them two to three dollars per day.
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December 23rd, 2011 at 2:39:19 AM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

Often Housekeeping doesn't really do much more if you tip them than if you don't yet people still tip them two to three dollars per day.

If you don't tip them, they stick your toothbrush up their butt while you're out.

(urban legend, joke, who knows?)
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December 23rd, 2011 at 2:42:00 AM permalink
Quote: candrv

As a cage cashier

I won't say you shouldnt be tipped, but it never occurred to me cashiers get tips. There are many professions where tipping is inappropriate and this actually seems like one of them. In other words, a cashier who won't take tips might be trying to show that embezzlement also is out of the question. Since you mention it I might tip a cashier after a big win, probably only after asking if it was OK.


I always carry about $20 in ones so that I can tip

This is the single solitary thing I like about dollar coins. I take a pocketful with me on a trip. It does two things, one I don't have to dig for my wallet. Two, it is kind of a kick to see someone realize they got $2, not the 2 quarters they were thinking. I almost never tip less than $2 anymore for *anything* btw.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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December 23rd, 2011 at 3:20:12 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

If you don't tip them, they stick your toothbrush up their butt while you're out.

I just knew there had to be some reason why people went down to that Sundries place and paid eight dollars for a Venetian toothbrush. Heck at a dollar a toothbrush at home, you can bring eight with you and save a housekeeping tip.
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December 23rd, 2011 at 4:04:23 AM permalink
Many cashier cages have a clear plastic box on the wall behind the cashiers for tips. It's at the customer's eye level and always seems to have a bill larger than a dollar neatly displayed across the front of it.

Tip hustling 101.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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