(a) at 4:00 (Pacific), listen to Big Ben chime 12 on BBC World Service (or maybe watch the live TV feed online if I can get it);
(b) watch Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin on CNN - actually, live coverage of the ball drop to the western USA is a relatively new thing; before then, it was about a fifty-fifty shot as to whether or not CNN would show it live, and when it did, it was only the last 20-30 seconds or so;
(c) watch a local station show the midnight fireworks in San Francisco - they used to include Seattle, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas as well (midnight was always at Seattle's Space Needle);
(d) wait for some kids to shoot off firecrackers right after midnight, then turn on the police scanner to see if anybody is responding.
too terrified to leave the house on that
night now. It's called 'amateur night' for
a reason.
Quote: EvenBobI worked in a bar 4 NYE's in a row. I'm
too terrified to leave the house on that
night now. It's called 'amateur night' for
a reason.
Agreed 100%.
I wonder if the Mummer's parade out of Philly is broadcast live on national TV?
Saw it once, in Philly: wow!
Fralinger rocks!
If not for the weather on the roads I might have gone down to LA or thereabouts, maybe get a place near the beach. Because it will be less crowded with Californians there. Plus, most of them remaining there will actually have a place of their own to sleep, indoors, like with a bed and indoor plumbing fixtures and whatnot, which can't be said for many of them who'll be puking on themselves in Las Vegas tomorrow. Like every year, thousands are going to suddenly decide about 12 hours from now that it is a great plan to just come with a vague idea they'll "crash somewhere." More than all the rooms that even exist, if they had any major part of the money to pay for one of them on that night, which they don't, and if even the flophouses & hourly rate no-tells would have a spare bed or cot available then, which they won't.
Did someone say it might freeze over & snow? Now I'm thinking every dark cloud really does have a silver lining. Does this make me a bad person? Probably. Sue me. Right after you thaw them out & ship the remains back, not necessarily in that order.
But that sounds grumpy; so happy New Year, y'all.
Happy New Year to all WOV members, may it be successful and prosperous 2015.
Quote: MrVWe are heading out tomorrow afternoon to Lincoln City, Oregon where we'll be until Saturday, watching football, gambling at Chinook winds casino, and sight seeing.
I wonder if the Mummer's parade out of Philly is broadcast live on national TV?
Saw it once, in Philly: wow!
Fralinger rocks!
Oh, dem golden slippers.
Age?Quote: MoscaWorking until 5, dinner at 7:30 at Mohegan Pocono's Rustic Kitchen, then some gaming. Our daughter is in town, I want to teach her of the evils of gambling.
Quote: MrV
I wonder if the Mummer's parade out of Philly is broadcast live on national TV?
Saw it once, in Philly: wow!
Fralinger rocks!
Mummers aren't broadcast nationally. They are only covered on one of the local (non-network) channels in Philly.
I lived 2 blocks off of Broad Street in Center City (Rittenhouse Square area), near the start point of the parade for 8 years. The mummers were nasty. Drunk, fighting, cussing out people, pissing all over the street. I don't miss NYD in Philly.
As for me. I am staying home. My brother and other roommate are heading out to the fireworks and clubs. My clubbing days are pretty much over, but I was thinking of joining them, if for nothing else, to keep an eye on them...lol. But it's too damn cold. I am staying home. They are leaving the car at home and taking the bus from western Vegas area, so I will make myself available to pick them up at Westcliff bus station upon their return at whatever time. If they can't get back to Westcliff, I will go where ever needed to pick them up (hopefully not CCDC), but I am really hoping to stay off the roads as much as possible, so am hoping they make it back to the bus terminal.
Quote: AxelWolfAge?
23. There's not much danger, she would rather keep the money in her pocket and watch.
Quote: ZugaI am going to spend it with my family :)
Happy New Year to all WOV members, may it be successful and prosperous 2015.
Thanks Zuga! Right back at you!
Oh yes this was about gambling. I was just keeping my options open :)Quote: Mosca23. There's not much danger, she would rather keep the money in her pocket and watch.
I actually think the sooner they learn about gambling the less chance at problems they will have.
I'm mostly against it. I have that gut feeling that I shouldn't leave the house, but, uncharacteristically, I'm going to ignore it today. It's the offer of the steak and scallops special that got me.
So I guess I'll be bringing in the new year with a bunch of random old timers. Probably the next best thing to sitting home alone in sweatpants.
Quote: Dalex64Board (and other) games at my house.
The same, but at a different persons house.
I realized this year I am the amateur... my booze consumption has been much less in 2014, so I should take it slowly...

As we hold solemn vigil till her reappearance, let us ponder once again the sacred wisdom she hath bestowed upon us mortals:
Quote: juiciejennieya size does matter!! i know there's a saying: "it's not the size that matters, it's how you use it".... um no! Long as the guy isn't like 4" down there teeny weeny! Or skinnier than a finger!~ oops did i say too much
Quote: juiciejenniei won't be needing any rooms!! But yum food would be nice! and chippies!! i will pack my sexxxy red dress! staying at bally's again idk i like that place; plus it's a short walk over to Paris and Caesar's...
Quote: juiciejennieya i am juicie! jk...
guys do try talk to me, they even come play at table where i am playing etc... but i don't really notice anything else except the cards being dealt in front of me! i wish i was good at Math bleh i never liked Math![...]~~~ happy new YeaR boysss
If you, too, feel lost in life without Ms. Juicie's guiding light, join us in solidarity for the non-violent protest against the administration's continued refusal to justly re-instate her:

Quote: sodawaterGoing to refresh WoV every 30 seconds awaiting the prophesied return of Juicie Jennie on the anniversary of her miraculous advent here lo some 12 months ago.
As we hold solemn vigil till her reappearance, let us ponder once again the sacred wisdom she hath bestowed upon us mortals:Quote: juiciejennieya i am juicie! jk...
guys do try talk to me, they even come play at table where i am playing etc... but i don't really notice anything else except the cards being dealt in front of me! i wish i was good at Math bleh i never liked Math![...]~~~ happy new YeaR boysss
If you, too, feel lost in life without Ms. Juicie's guiding light, join us in solidarity for the non-violent protest against the administration's continued refusal to justly re-instate her:

Quote: Doc... sitting in front of my TV watching one of my schools play in their bowl game. Should be over by midnight -- maybe I can be in bed by 12.
Yes, a victory in Miami. It's always fun for GT fans/alumni when the team defeats an SEC team called the Bulldogs, no matter what school they are from. Game didn't end until 11:50 EST, so I was still up at midnight, but with the TV off.
Quote: kewljI guess this is the first year I have stayed home on NYE since I moved to Vegas. It's kind of odd to watch the new year hit NYC, while it is only 9pm here. I started getting some texts from friends on the east coast and it just seems kind of weird.
Yah it does feel weird. First I got texts around 9pm from family in new york. Then got some texts around 10pm from friends in northwest indiana. Indiana has some really weird timezones. Like just a small part of the northwest and southwest are on central time then the whole rest of the state is on eastern time even the area between the northwest and southwest.
Quote: sodawaterGoing to refresh WoV every 30 seconds awaiting the prophesied return of Juicie Jennie on the anniversary of her miraculous advent here lo some 12 months ago.
As we hold solemn vigil till her reappearance, let us ponder once again the sacred wisdom she hath bestowed upon us mortals:Quote: juiciejennieya i am juicie! jk...
guys do try talk to me, they even come play at table where i am playing etc... but i don't really notice anything else except the cards being dealt in front of me! i wish i was good at Math bleh i never liked Math![...]~~~ happy new YeaR boysss
If you, too, feel lost in life without Ms. Juicie's guiding light, join us in solidarity for the non-violent protest against the administration's continued refusal to justly re-instate her:
You can definitely see the signs. Someone who started out strong yet slowly fading. Hooray to the one invented Photoshop.
Quote: mipletI'm working my usual 10pm to 6am. It's our busiest overnight of the year. If I don't post in the next few days, its because I'm in jail for killing someone who doesn't show up for work.
I survived , but I think there may be two people looking for jobs.
It is kinda sad that my parents have more of a life than I do.
Quote: GWAEMy plans worked out perfectly. I was in bed by 11 and asleep by 11:30
It is kinda sad that my parents have more of a life than I do.
I can claim to have stayed up since I hadn't quite dozed off and somebody set off fireworks, confirming I was still awake!
Quote: AxelWolfOh yes this was about gambling. I was just keeping my options open :)
I actually think the sooner they learn about gambling the less chance at problems they will have.
I agree. A healthy respect for the value of what you are risking is essential for enjoying it as a pasttime.
We got out okay. She won $30 and stopped. I lost $400 playing BJ @ $20; played an hour and a half without getting a single BJ. Hell, I hardly had any dealt 20s. It seemed like every hand was 9-6. Halfway through the last of probably 6 shoes, I said to the dealer, "I don't know if you've noticed, but I have been getting just horrible cards." And he nodded wryly and said, "I noticed. Sorry." Everyone around me was hitting like crazy, I think me and one other guy were the only losers. Then I went over to 3 Card Poker and @ $10 won $200 of that back in an hour, lots of straights and flushes interspersed with card salads. Whatcha gonna do, y'know? I took some chances, had fun.
Quote: 1BBIf Jennifer returns yet another time, I could use some of her sage blackjack advice. Does anyone feel the need to bone up on their game?
"Never count your chippies while you're sittin' at the table."
Quote: Mosca
We got out okay. She won $30 and stopped. I lost $400 playing BJ @ $20; played an hour and a half without getting a single BJ. Hell, I hardly had any dealt 20s. It seemed like every hand was 9-6. Halfway through the last of probably 6 shoes, I said to the dealer, "I don't know if you've noticed, but I have been getting just horrible cards." And he nodded wryly and said, "I noticed. Sorry." Everyone around me was hitting like crazy, I think me and one other guy were the only losers. Then I went over to 3 Card Poker and @ $10 won $200 of that back in an hour, lots of straights and flushes interspersed with card salads. Whatcha gonna do, y'know? I took some chances, had fun.
I did OK too.... Here's my brief NYE trip recap:
1) Accidents
There was a vehicle accident on Interstate 78 eastbound as I was on my way to the casino.
On my way back home, there was another vehicle accident on Interstate 78 westbound (buzzed driving is drunk driving, perhaps?).
2) Parking garage
It's a mad house in there. There were just too many cars jammed into the parking deck.
3) Actions
Many big gamblers played in its popular bj games. In its 2 deck games, some Russian players jumped their bets from a black chip to a orange chip. The dealers just beat them up and took all their money all night long.
Another big gambler played in its 6 deck game. He jumped his bet from $100 to $5,000. He got beaten up too.
Most players played in its $25 6 deck games. Except for two winning players in hot seats, they all just got beaten up too.
4) NYE celebration
Most gamblers did the new year's countdown in the bj pits, then they continued to lose their money. This casino probably made a ton of money in the NYE, but it failed to hand out free champagnes. On a positive note, it did hand out free NYE hats and horns.
Here are my NYE souvenirs (free NYE hats!):

24yr old buddy shows up, I dunno what to say to him. I eek out maybe 15 min convo.
Random 40something shows up, eek out 5 more.
Not until the 74yr old vet and retired truck driver asks what the time is do I find conversation. Ended up making pretty good friends with him and his elderly wife. 2.5 hours later and we're the only ones left, getting soused with each other as we close out the bar.
Love you old gits. Happy New Year.
When we got to the party it was everything you could imagine. Top quality food, champagne, and "party favors" for everybody. Let's just say this was the true wealthy party crowd. About 2am we all had too much fun and it was time to go home. The party provided limo's for the guests so the three of us went back to my house. I turned on the jacuzzi and poured us each one last drink that we really didn't need. This is when things started to get fuzzy but I do remember the three of us getting frisky in the hot tub. It wasn't long before we all moved to the bedroom for some fun you only dream about.
I then woke up, realized I'm 48 years old, happily married, and in bed at 9pm on New Years Eve.
Quote: DRichMy New Years Eve was fantastic. I picked my girlfriend up at about 6:30pm and headed out for some drinks before dinner. She was wearing a nice short skirt that showed just the proper amount of behind and cleavage. We went to Blue Martini for happy hour and started with some fancy drinks that were very strong. After about an hour my girlfriend ran into a friend that is a nursing student with her, and she is stunningly beautiful. Apparently she got stood up or just couldn't find her friends so she had a few cocktails with us. When her friend heard that we we going to a private dinner party at the Maloof's she asked if she could join us. I didn't think George would mind so I told her she could come.
When we got to the party it was everything you could imagine. Top quality food, champagne, and "party favors" for everybody. Let's just say this was the true wealthy party crowd. About 2am we all had too much fun and it was time to go home. The party provided limo's for the guests so the three of us went back to my house. I turned on the jacuzzi and poured us each one last drink that we really didn't need. This is when things started to get fuzzy but I do remember the three of us getting frisky in the hot tub. It wasn't long before we all moved to the bedroom for some fun you only dream about.
I then woke up, realized I'm 48 years old, happily married, and in bed at 9pm on New Years Eve.
I bought it all the way to "got fuzzy". Well played, DRich, well played.
Quote: DRichMy New Years Eve was fantastic..
Didn't fool me, sounded like an episode
of Dallas from the 80's. Partying with the
Perfect People.