Quote: EvenBobThey're not. The NYPD says they're against policy.
Out of 41,000,000 blacks in the US, 123
were killed by police last year. Al Sharpton
says this is an 'epidemic'. Yawn. Hardly..
The fine citizen who died was out on bail
for selling cigs with no tax stamp on the
street. What does he do the day after
he gets out? You guessed it. He resisted
and resisted and they finally used force.
No indictment.
I agree 100%. With your first paragraph. But the race baiters get more attention blaming the government than gangs...
However, in this case, I must say the police and EMS are clearly in the wrong. He did resist, but hardly, he simply moved his hands he never punched anyone. The cops undoubtedly overreacted. And after looking into the cop involved he has more devious history than the "suspect" did. I think these "undercover cops" had it out for this guy.
Quote: Gandler
However, in this case, I must say the police and EMS are clearly in the wrong. .
Oh well, s**t happens. What I take away from
this is, if the police want to arrest you, let
them. To resist is a lose-lose situation every
time. The fat guy had a history of arrests, yet
he resisted. The universe punishes stupidity
rather harshly at times.
Quote: EvenBobOh well, s**t happens. What I take away from
this is, if the police want to arrest you, let
them. To resist is a lose-lose situation every
time. The fat guy had a history of arrests, yet
he resisted. The universe punishes stupidity
rather harshly at times.
When you are choking somebody to the point that somebody cant breathe. When somebody says they cant breathe.
This is criminal. You know the person cant breathe, the humane thing to do is let a human breathe.
As somebody with asthma, at the very very minimum, you have to let a human breathe.
Coroner ruled - homicide
Quote: terapinedWhen you are choking somebody to the point that somebody cant breathe.
Coroner ruled - homicide
Oops, they made a mistake. Oops, the fat
guy made a mistake. It happens.
And homicide alone does not designate a
crime. Criminal homicide does.
'The killing of one human being by another human being.'
It's when you can't talk, that's when you can't breathe.
Quote: RSIf you can talk, you can breathe. So if someone says "I can't breathe" you know they're full of shit. It's true.
It's when you can't talk, that's when you can't breathe.
Are you saying the guy could breathe, but died just to piss off the cops?
Quote: RSIf you can talk, you can breathe. So if someone says "I can't breathe" you know they're full of shit. It's true.
It's when you can't talk, that's when you can't breathe.
Yes that is medically true.
However , have you ever been in a situation where you are choked or can't breathe, or have been gassed? I guarantee you would not be like "By the way sir I still have oxygen flow but it is declining please ease pressure," you would shout "HELP I CAN'T BREATH".
Not to mention he was asmatic. Which the cops likely knew since they had many records on him and he also worked for the city so the city had his full medical physical....
The city goverment made a lot of mistakes here both the police and ems. They both violated policy.
Quote: Gandler
Not to mention he was asmatic. Which the cops likely knew.
And he HIMSELF knew it. And when you're
asmatic, the last you do is fight someone.
'Stupid is as stupid does'. Forrest Gump
Quote: EvenBobAnd he HIMSELF knew it. And when you're
asmatic, the last you do is fight someone.
'Stupid is as stupid does'. Forrest Gump
He was selling a cpuple packs of cigarettes (which he legally purchased) to his friends under the table. Yes it's techical tax evasion. Does that really warrant a team of undercover cops stalking him? Especially in NYC where there are drug dealers everywhere...
This cop has a bad history with violence and clearly had it out for this guy. He did not fight. He minorly fidgeted. Not to mention the cop in queston performed a violation of department policy, and the EMTs were a joke and also violated policy (they at least got punished, I guess they don't have a powerful enough of a union).
Quote: GandlerHe was selling a cpuple packs of cigarettes (which he legally purchased) to his friends under the table. Yes it's techical tax evasion. Does that really warrant a team of undercover cops stalking him? Especially in NYC where there are drug dealers everywhere...
This cop has a bad history with violence and clearly had it out for this guy. He did not fight. He minorly fidgeted. Not to mention the cop in queston performed a violation of department policy, and the EMTs were a joke and also violated policy (they at least got punished, I guess they don't have a powerful enough of a union).
My understanding was that he was selling loosies (single cigarettes out of a pack). Same concept though.
Quote: rudeboyoiMy understanding was that he was selling loosies (single cigarettes out of a pack). Same concept though.
No he would buy loosies, form a pack, and then sell them as a pack to his friends to save money (I guess in NYC loosies are cheaper than buying a pack or carton), doesn't surprise me, 15 bucks for a pack of cigs in NYC... but in either scenerio the crime is equally victimless.
Quote: GandlerHe did not fight. .
Did you see the video? He was a guy out
on bail breaking the law and resisting
arrest. What do you expect the cops to
do? Kiss him?
A lot of the protesters' anger and dissatisfaction is with their own lives, and not because of what happened to someone they never met.
Quote: EvenBobDid you see the video? He was guy out
on bail breaking the law and resisting
arrest. What do expect the cops to
do? Kiss him?
So you believe scofflaws flouting the laws should be taken. That Cliven Bundy is still running around. If he and his supporters need to be killed, in order for justice to take its course, why not. They were threatening violent reactions unlike this black man.
Black/white, it shouldn't matter.
Quote: RSIf you can talk, you can breathe. So if someone says "I can't breathe" you know they're full of shit. It's true.
It's when you can't talk, that's when you can't breathe.
So you are an asthma expert?
I have asthma.
So when I have an asthma attack and can hardly breathe.
If I say "I cant breathe", I am not full of s**t.
Quote: Dicenor33You fight the same with 50/50 chance. Killing an unarmed person is a coward act, nothing to be proud of. Dirty Harry dealed with criminals who had guns in their hand, these cops are not worth being called a police officer.
So I suppose this line of thinking leads to the conclusion that the officer in Ferguson should have ignored the thug's attempt to grab his weapon and just gone hand to hand with him in his attempt arrest him? All of that while giving up 90 pounds to the thug. The cop loses the fight, the thug gets the gun, what next? Maybe he shoots the cop; maybe he uses the gun to continue his life as an upstanding you citizen.
Rudeboi, whether or not Wilson is guilty (but for instance, let's just say he's not guilty and was 100% correct to do what he did)....look at what's going on in Ferguson and everywhere else with the riots. There's a large group of people who have it out to end Wilson's life. Without government and a set of way of doing things, it simply becomes a mob rule. Punishment is no longer based on evidence or reason, but "what the crowd wants". Hell, even if most people think Wilson is innocent, there's still that group that wants him dead. If people take law and order into their own hands, world becomes chaos.
Quote: RSSorry, I didn't quite mean what I said about the "being full of shit" thing. Shouldn't have said that. (I was thinking in difference context when I wrote that.)
I appreciate that. As somebody that has asthma and has had asthma attacks, if we say "I can't breathe" or "Cant breathe"
You have to realize that yes, the reality is we can barely breathe and am simply trying to alert those around us of the problem.
Now in reality a more accurate discription would be "I am having difficulty breathing"
Thats a 5 word sentence that is very dificult to say during an asthma attack.
All asthmatacs , when having difficulty breathing keep the statement short, 2 or 3 words such as "can't breathe"
If you are in the presence of somebody that has an asthma attack and hear "cant breathe", its serious.
Look for an inhaler or get this person to a pharmacy asap which genearlly have emergency inhalers.
Unfortunately in this situation in NYC, the police did not take the statement seriously and continued to choke, that is criminal.
Quote: RSRudeboi, whether or not Wilson is guilty (but for instance, let's just say he's not guilty and was 100% correct to do what he did)....look at what's going on in Ferguson and everywhere else with the riots. There's a large group of people who have it out to end Wilson's life. Without government and a set of way of doing things, it simply becomes a mob rule. Punishment is no longer based on evidence or reason, but "what the crowd wants". Hell, even if most people think Wilson is innocent, there's still that group that wants him dead. If people take law and order into their own hands, world becomes chaos.
A leftist talking head said something like, grand juries should not only consider law, but what the local people want. I can't find the quote or who said it, but there it is.
Anyway, some people ... liberals, leftists, progressives, whatever the nom-du-jour is ... are perfectly fine with mob rule, so long as it's their mob doing the ruling. That's something they cannot deny they want, as famously memorialized in Time magazine.
It's like 2002-2004 never happened, the congress where liberals were fighting like hell for minority rights like filibuster. Republicans never changed the rule to get something passed or nominees confirmed.
Democrats, after the election of Scott Brown (R-MA) to the senate, who ran on the promise of being the 41st vote to filibuster Obamacare and got elected ... oh by the way IN MASSACHUSETTS TO FILL TED KENNEDY'S SEAT ... Democrats changed the filibuster rule. This was offensive, and they wonder why there's such resistance.
When .. no if, when ... Obamacare is repealed (if it's not torn apart by the courts next summer), it will be done so with a simple Republican senate majority. Watch Democrats bawl when that happens, bitching again about minority rights like they did in 2002-2004.
Process matters. We the people know that process matters ... at least, the people who aren't, in John Gruber's words, "stupid."
Not since the U.S. took the lead in stripping bare Ukraine:Quote: Dicenor33It's an open a season for all non whites around the globe. The only place which has decency is a war between Ukraine and Russia. Men against men.
"Tuesday, August 30, 2005
DONETSK, Ukraine – U.S. Senators Dick Lugar (R-IN) and Barack Obama (D-IL) called for the immediate destruction of 15,000 tons of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and light weapons, and 1,000 man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) or shoulder missile launchers that are often sought by terrorists.
Lugar and Obama toured the Donetsk State Chemical Production Plant, a conventional weapons destruction facility where the U.S. has taken the lead in a three-year NATO program to destroy the weapons. Another 117,000 tons of ammunition and 1.1 million small arms and light weapons are slated for destruction within 12 years. . . ." lugar and obama
Great link to the number of arrests of all types in NY State and in NY City in the past year. Looks like over 244,000 YTD in the City, yet one JUST ONE person died. If the city has a huge problem with rogue cops looking to kill minorities, they need much better training doing their job. They are missing a lot of opportunities. But again, you wont see the good Rev Al talking about these numbers, will you?
Quote: BozYou cant have it both ways NY. You either want and need the tax revenue by selling $13 packs of Cigarettes, therefore you have to arrest those who break the law selling untaxed cigs. Looks like this guy was a career criminal (arrested 31 times) taking tax money that would help poor black kids get free Health Insurance. But you wont see that on TV.
If you think the Left can't have it both ways you have little knowledge of them.
Quote: EvenBobOh well, s**t happens. What I take away from
this is, if the police want to arrest you, let
them. To resist is a lose-lose situation every
time. The fat guy had a history of arrests, yet
he resisted. The universe punishes stupidity
rather harshly at times.
If the statistics are true some 4000 white people have been killed by police in the last 10 years, some by black cops. Not one of those 4000 names has crossed the lips of the rev uhr end Al Sharpton.
Quote: BozYou cant have it both ways NY. You either want and need the tax revenue by selling $13 packs of Cigarettes, therefore you have to arrest those who break the law selling untaxed cigs. Looks like this guy was a career criminal (arrested 31 times) taking tax money that would help poor black kids get free Health Insurance. But you wont see that on TV.
So he should be choked out with an illegal chokehold for a minor crime?
Even if you are a huge supporter of their cigarette tax. You can't deny that both the police and ems violated policy.
Quote: Bozhttp://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/crimnet/ojsa/greenbook.pdf
Great link to the number of arrests of all types in NY State and in NY City in the past year. Looks like over 244,000 YTD in the City, yet one JUST ONE person died. If the city has a huge problem with rogue cops looking to kill minorities, they need much better training doing their job. They are missing a lot of opportunities. But again, you wont see the good Rev Al talking about these numbers, will you?
I have no idea about the 'racism' industry, but justice is for all, and committing a crime while black and committing a crime while dress in Police Blue should have the same penalty. If I screwed up my job half this bad, I'd be looking for a new one. Possibly as bum in Vegas...
Quote: thecesspitI have no idea about the 'racism' industry, but justice is for all, and committing a crime while black and committing a crime while dress in Police Blue should have the same penalty. If I screwed up my job half this bad, I'd be looking for a new one. Possibly as bum in Vegas...
Yea I find it ironic that the only city employees who were punished were the paramedics (rightfully so). But nothing happened to the cop that caused the situation.
Quote: thecesspitI have no idea about the 'racism' industry, but justice is for all, and committing a crime while black and committing a crime while dress in Police Blue should have the same penalty. If I screwed up my job half this bad, I'd be looking for a new one. Possibly as bum in Vegas...
Police have a tough job but they should actually be held to a higher standard.
Quote: RogerKintPolice have a tough job but they should actually be held to a higher standard.
Yes... see for example the taser death of the Polish guy in Vancouver airport. The RCMP were not held to a high standard, even after lying about the situation afterwards. They were not held to the high standard expected, and confidence in the RCMP has fallen based on this and other situations.
Quote: thecesspitI have no idea about the 'racism' industry, but justice is for all, and committing a crime while black and committing a crime while dress in Police Blue should have the same penalty. If I screwed up my job half this bad, I'd be looking for a new one. Possibly as bum in Vegas...
Except for their is debate if a crime was committed or not (other than by the "vicitim", which was obvious). A Grand Jury decided their was not one. While others may disagree, we move on. Just like we did when most people thought OJ was guilty, except we didnt protest.
Quote: rudeboyoiProtesters are shutting down the Iggy Azaleia show at USC tonight.
Because Iggy A is terrible or for some greater cause?
Quote: BozExcept for their is debate if a crime was committed or not (other than by the "vicitim", which was obvious). A Grand Jury decided their was not one. While others may disagree, we move on. Just like we did when most people thought OJ was guilty, except we didnt protest.
As the victim in both cases was never indited before a Grand Jury, neither of them had been convicted of committing a crime either, just the suspicion of a committing one. Neither 'victim' got to go to court. One, I suspect, thought he was untouchable and that his actions didn't have consequences.
Quote: rudeboyoiProtesters are shutting down the Iggy Azaleia show at USC tonight.
Proof there is a God and he loves us ;)
Quote: thecesspitBecause Iggy A is terrible or for some greater cause?
I guess its for being a white rapper and remaining silent about eric garners death. Like if shes going to embrace black culture she should embrace all aspects of it is the argument.
Quote: mcallister3200Why don't we ever see rioting or race outrage by Asian cultures? Yes there is some racism, but I don't think this situation gets any better until the culture looks and is willing to take some responsibility if they're looked down on by some. Seeing the crap going on on t.v., how would you expect someone in a small community who doesn't interact with your culture to view it. Racial tension isn't going to get any better when all there is is finger pointing. Everyone knows there is a problem but no one seems to want to look at what the root of the problem might be, or even knows what the problem actually might be.
^ This has to go viral.
Quote: mcallister3200Why don't we ever see rioting or race outrage by Asian cultures?
Probably they are too busy working hard and making a living.
Quote: bwProbably they are too busy working hard and making a living.
I dunno man I didn't do crap all day today
Quote: mcallister3200Why don't we ever see rioting or race outrage by Asian cultures?
We all know why but who has
the guts to say it. I don't.
Quote: mcallister3200Why don't we ever see rioting or race outrage by Asian cultures? .
Are you kidding me.
Happens all the time in China.
The press there will not report it.
I'm 1/2 Chinese and I follow what's happening over there.
Riots happen in China due to the widespread corruption there.
Did you see how difficult it was for Japan to build Narita airport.
Riot police and protesters constantly clashed in the 1970's
She is responsible for this.
She failed to assume command and she did absolutely nothing to diffuse the situation.
She didn't utter a single word.
Especially as a woman of color in command, she may have been able to reason with Garner and convince him to go peacefully.
She never came within ten feet of him.
Instead, she remained silent the whole time and allowed the scene to deteriorate.
He has 6 kids. With their fine role model of a dad
gone, they now have a life as millionaires to
look forward to. NYC (which is broke) will settle
out of court for multi millions because they deprived
6 kids of a stand up dad..
Quote: TankoThere was a Sergeant at the Garner scene the whole time.
She is responsible for this.
She failed to assume command and she did absolutely nothing to diffuse the situation.
She didn't utter a single word.
Especially as a woman of color in command, she may have been able to reason with Garner and convince him to go peacefully.
She never came within ten feet of him.
Instead, she remained silent the whole time and allowed the scene to deteriorate.
If somebody says they cant breathe.
Humane thing for the choke holder is to let that person breathe.
Don't need to be a sergeant to understand that. Just need to be humane about it.
I have asthma. I understand. If somebody says they cant breathe, I don't need to turn to a sergeant, to decide if I am going to let somebody breathe.
Quote: mcallister3200Why don't we ever see rioting or race outrage by Asian cultures?
Ones who conspire against the gov are oniwabanshū, translated as "garden keepers". These positions are filled by shinobi, or, in other words, ninjas.
Granted, that just explains Japan. China and North Jong-Un is probably because there's no freedom of the press. The rest of Asia? No guess.
I thought this was about Ferguson. Next thing I know NYC is being tossed in, as if one has a single thing to do with the other. Parts of Buffalo shut down tonight as there were protesters doing something or other, the St Louis Rams are apparently defending violent criminals and now have beef with 5-0, there's a new trend for white folks to state crimes they committed, tell everyone they got let off, and tag it #Crimingwhilewhite or some such thing, because that bit of information matters.
#I Am Officer Wilson. #I am Michael Brown.
I no longer have the thread, and I suspect most everyone else has lost it, too.
Aren't we on the cusp of an ebola pandemic?