Quote: Face
Aren't we on the cusp of an ebola pandemic?
That was cured by the election, just in time.
Quote: FaceI've lost the thread. Not only this specific one, but the thread of the US.
I thought this was about Ferguson. Next thing I know NYC is being tossed in, as if one has a single thing to do with the other. Parts of Buffalo shut down tonight as there were protesters doing something or other, the St Louis Rams are apparently defending violent criminals and now have beef with 5-0, there's a new trend for white folks to state crimes they committed, tell everyone they got let off, and tag it #Crimingwhilewhite or some such thing, because that bit of information matters.
#I Am Officer Wilson. #I am Michael Brown.
I no longer have the thread, and I suspect most everyone else has lost it, too.
Aren't we on the cusp of an ebola pandemic?
I agree both cases are totally unrelated. I am firmly on the side of Wilson, However, in NYC the police are in my view in the moral wrong.
However, I assume, we here are lumping them together, is because that is what the media and protest groups have been doing...
Quote: bwProbably they are too busy working hard and making a living.
There's some evidence (no doubt tainted by bleeding heart liberals, I'm sure I'll be told) that African American's are more likely to be excluded from schools at a young age for than Caucasians for the same acts. This certainly could have a knock on effect later in life.
Quote: thecesspitThere's some evidence (no doubt tainted by bleeding heart liberals, I'm sure I'll be told) that African American's are more likely to be excluded from schools at a young age for than Caucasians for the same acts. This certainly could have a knock on effect llater in life.
Whats really important in public schooling? Does anything really matter in real life but an understandkng in some language and math up to the algebra level?
Quote: rudeboyoiI guess its for being a white rapper and remaining silent about eric garners death. Like if shes going to embrace black culture she should embrace all aspects of it is the argument.
Sorry but not all blacks feel they are victims. Some have done what most other people who have found success in this country have done. You know, worked hard, make the tough decisions and were rewarded for it. Instead too many others follow people like Thegood Rev Al and think they are always the victim.
Quote: BozSorry but not all blacks feel they are victims. Some have done what most other people who have found success in this country have done. You know, worked hard, make the tough decisions and were rewarded for it. Instead too many others follow people like Thegood Rev Al and think they are always the victim.
Im not black. I cant und w rstand the opression theyve been going through. Im just saying what I think its over.
Quote: BozSorry but not all blacks feel they are victims. Some have done what most other people who have found success in this country have done. You know, worked hard, make the tough decisions and were rewarded for it. Instead too many others follow people like Thegood Rev Al and think they are always the victim.
The thing is, if you're white and commit the same crime as a black man, the black man on average is more likely to be convicted or serve more time.
Quote:While some claim that minority overrepresentation
in the justice system is solely the result of people
of color committing more crime, empirical analyses
do not support this claim. One scholar recently
reviewed 32 state-level studies of the decision to
incarcerate and length of sentence imposed, and
concluded that there is ample evidence among these
studies that, controlling for other relevant factors,
African Americans and Latinos are more likely to be
incarcerated than whites and, in some jurisdictions,
receive longer sentences.12
Quote: rxwineThe thing is, if you're white and commit the same crime as a black man, the black man on average is more likely to be convicted or serve more time.
Can of worms, refuse to open. Bye now.
Quote: rxwineThe thing is, if you're white and commit the same crime as a black man, the black man on average is more likely to be convicted or serve more time.
One of the reasons that's true is because when blacks are interviewed or interrogated by police they are more likely than whites to talk or match wits with investigators. Whites are more likely than blacks to say nothing and lawyer up. Police are trained to get people to talk. They will act like your friend, start talking to you about things unrelated to the investigation. Then, slowly guide the conversation in the direction they want to go. The more uneducated a person is the more they will fall into the trap.
Officer accidently shoots a person.
Instead of calling for an ambulance, officer texts his union rep. WTF????????????????????
Quote: rudeboyoiWhats really important in public schooling? Does anything really matter in real life but an understandkng in some language and math up to the algebra level?
Critical thinking, examination of facts and data, scientific process, expression of creativity, ability to accept and work with others, basic life skills such as nutrition, the tax system and government structure.
Among other things.
Not being excluded at age five is probably a way to make sure you grow up a little healthier and less kicking (uselessly) against authority.
Quote: terapinedWhat is going on with New York Police?
Officer accidently shoots a person.
Instead of calling for an ambulance, officer texts his union rep. WTF????????????????????
Brooklyn? Brooklyn is NYC. It is illegal to possess a gun in NYC without an extensive application process, to include well over $500 in fees, express written permission from the Sheriff, affidavits swearing your knowledge of all applicable gun laws, a live interview where you will be questioned on such laws, as well as necessity of reason, which must be communicable and deemed legit.
Is it impossible? No. But last time Supreme Leader posted all permit holders' names and addresses, there were about 20,000 legal license holders in the city of 8 million. What are the odds Gurley was one of them? What am I thinking? We have the SAFEAct, of course he must be one of them =p
But anyways, derail. Yeah, if I ever shoot someone, I wouldn't be calling HR. I'd call the poli... erm... oh yeah. Well, it's NY. If you don't ask yourself "wtf NY?" at least daily, you're out of the loop as it pertains to the stuff that goes on here.
Quote: thecesspitCritical thinking, examination of facts and data, scientific process, expression of creativity, ability to accept and work with others, basic life skills such as nutrition, the tax system and government structure.
Among other things.
Not being excluded at age five is probably a way to make sure you grow up a little healthier and less kicking (uselessly) against authority.
In other words you want more sheep.
Quote: thecesspitCritical thinking, examination of facts and data, scientific process
They ever still teach those things in public schools?
Quote: rudeboyoiWhats really important in public schooling? Does anything really matter in real life but an understandkng in some language and math up to the algebra level?
Yes, and that is the primary focus on public schools, math and reading. But other mandatory classes are important, especially Gym class (people need to be forced to work out, young people are so out of shape these days), technology based classes, almost everything you do in life requires computer literacy. And, of course History, especially American history is greatly important.
Quote: rudeboyoiIn other words you want more sheep.
(not aimed at you but I just saw this meme on FB, and is relevant for the attitude a lot of people have, especially with all of the inappropriate riots), often the people who use the term sheep, other than religious people who like the term as a reference (I'm not sure why being referred to as a flock is an appealing analogy for churches to use), but, calling people sheep for their political views is often used by people as a blanket insult for an opinion they have, as if cooperating with groups of people is a bad thing.

Quote: GreasyjohnThen, slowly guide the conversation in the direction they want to go. The more uneducated a person is the more they will fall into the trap.
If you drive a cab, you quickly learn that
a lot of blacks will misinterpret or
misunderstand what you say if you're not
careful. So you learn not to say much,
don't talk to them at all, it's just not
worth the hassle. And the men are worse
than the women for sure. I think women
are smarter than men anyway, and it's
really apparent in blacks.
Quote: rudeboyoiIn other words you want more sheep.
Sure, yeah. I like sheep who can think for themselves, examine information and creative people. If that's being a sheep, sign me up, I'm already there.
You are more likely to exposed to a wide range of views and ideas at a public school of 1000 than being home schooled in a class of 3.
Quote: GandlerYes, and that is the primary focus on public schools, math and reading. But other mandatory classes are important, especially Gym class (people need to be forced to work out, young people are so out of shape these days), technology based classes, almost everything you do in life requires computer literacy. And, of course History, especially American history is greatly
Thinking something needs to be mandatory is the problem. Thats what schools do. Indoctrinating the youth into respecting so called authority figures and its okay for these authority figures to coerce you into doing something you dont eant to do with threat of punishment if you refuse. Learning history of america in a public school is going to be heavily biased towards America is great when the stuff we done isnt so great. I think what theyre teaching now is that the native americans seceded their land to us.
Quote: thecesspitSure, yeah. I like sheep who can think for themselves, examine information and creative people. If that's being a sheep, sign me up, I'm already there.
You are more likely to exposed to a wide range of views and ideas at a public school of 1000 than being home schooled in a class of 3.
Public school hinders creativity and thinking for yourself. They want you to do things their way or else.
Quote: rudeboyoiThinking something needs to be mandatory is the problem. Thats what schools do.
Some things do need to be mandatory. This is evident by how high obesity rates are and how high illiteracy rates are. If we want America to be the strongest country in the world we need a population of highly educated and fit young people.
Quote:Indoctrinating the youth into respecting so called authority figures and its okay for these authority figures to coerce you into doing something you dont eant to do with threat of punishment if you refuse.
Teaching how the world works is not indoctrination. Its called living in a society.
Quote:Learning history of america in a public school is going to be heavily biased towards America is great when the stuff we done isnt so great. I think what theyre teaching now is that the native americans seceded their land to us.
Well from what I recall from HS American History. 90% of the classes were how horrible we were because of slavery, and Civil Rights. And Native American mistreaetment. If anything it was a class of self-hatred... I think more time needs to be spent on the Revolutionary period, particularly the greatness of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution, the greatest document of freedom every written.
Of course every class has bias, based on the teacher and region (another great reason for standardization). But far less bias than private education, most creationists in my family went to private school and rave on how superior they are, yet they think evolution is a government conspiracy theory and the world is 6k or 7k (whatever nonsense they claim) years old...
Most private schools are run by churches, and with the rise of Islam, many will be run by possibly more odious organizations that not only deny scientific theories but teach hatred.
Anytime religion influences education, education deteriotes, not to mention it causes religious segregation since everyone will stay with people who believe what they believe. And religion running education is certain if public school are abolished as they already have almost a monopoly on private education. I can't think of a single secular private school I have ever seen.
Quote: rudeboyoiPublic school hinders creativity and thinking for yourself. They want you to do things their way or else.
I disagree. I've been through public school, and it was far better for me than being kept at home and taught my parents single view of the world.
Quote: rudeboyoiNothing needs to be mandatory. If you want your kids to be healthy and excercise. Then be healthy and excercise yourself. We have social media these days. Its so incredibly easy to promote any cause. Start a sports league with other parents in town. People being herded into a building to learn is archaic. We have the technology to learn whatever we want from home and even if you dont want to teach your kids yourself you can have an online school do it.
Its not archaic if its effective, besides the social benefits. By that same logic why would we herd into casinos to gamble when we can play every game online?
There is a reason that countries with more state central education scores consistently higher on global education evaluations.
If you think kids are honestly going to spend time on their own studying math on a computer (I know I never would have), or perfecting literacy skills, I think you have been an adult for too long. And certainly not exercising.
Plus when people can teach themselves they will learn what they want to learn, not necessarily what is true or what is useful for society. There are some things that people need to be taught.
Quote: rudeboyoiPublic school hinders creativity and thinking for yourself. They want you to do things their way or else.
I disagree. I've been through public school, and it was far better for me than being kept at home and taught my parents single view of the world.
I understand the anarchistic view of the world, and wouldn't disagree that schools could be run by private groups. But any such group is still going to install a view on the world... even the most free-roaming school, and without room for self creation and thought, it fails.
Quote: GandlerIts not archaic if its effective, besides the social benefits. By that same logic why would we herd into casinos to gamble when we can play every game online?
There is a reason that countries with more state central education scores consistently higher on global education evaluations.
If you think kids are honestly going to spend time on their own studying math on a computer (I know I never would have), or perfecting literacy skills, I think you have been an adult for too long. And certainly not exercising.
Plus when people can teach themselves they will learn what they want to learn, not necessarily what is true or what is useful for society. There are some things that people need to be taught.
Why shouldnt people be able to learn what they want to learn? Why should others decide what one needs to learn? Why do people need to be taught?
Quote: rudeboyoiWhy shouldnt people be able to learn what they want to learn? Why should others decide what one needs to learn? Why do people need to be taught?
Because we live in a connected society. And a person's knowledge base a evaluation skills influences society as a whole.
Quote: GandlerBecause we live in a connected society. And a person's knowledge base a evaluation skills influences society as a whole.
We have the internet to keep us connected. We have the internet to enlarge our knowledge base.
Quote: thecesspitI disagree. I've been through public school, and it was far better for me than being kept at home and taught my parents single view of the world.
I understand the anarchistic view of the world, and wouldn't disagree that schools could be run by private groups. But any such group is still going to install a view on the world... even the most free-roaming school, and without room for self creation and thought, it fails.
Agree. Public school gets a bad rap, and in some cases, deservedly so. But whenever you have an institution for the masses, said institute will always cater to the lowest common denominator.
Never have I heard a solution. Never have I heard a sense of personal responsibility. All I've ever heard is "blah, blah, bad, blah, blah, sheep, blah, blah, liberal indoctrination". So what are you doing to fix it?
Me? I can't afford private school. And even if I could afford the time and effort of home schooling, I wouldn't do it. I can't mimic the social interactions that are a necessary part of my son's development. And while I could teach the science curriculum from beginner Earth science through AP chemistry and physics, my math knowledge breaks down right about the time Pythagoras and modus tollens comes into play. For all its "bad", public school is better than I can offer.
But an education utilizing public school isn't the end. It isn't the all. School doesn't teach you how to think. Mostly I find it a case of simple memorization. I don't like that, so I will teach my son how to think. I take offense as a Native American and offense as an intellectual American at the legend of Cristoforo Colombo, as the fairy tale we are taught is nowhere near the facts of history. I will teach him the true history of America's "discovery". And if I should happen to move somewhere where Creationism is being taught in science class, I have all the time in the world to shut that down in its tracks.
A kid can't track game, can't skin a rabbit, can't prepare a meal, can't balance a checkbook, can't pay taxes, can't write a resume, doesn't have the first clue how to land a job. Whose fault is that? You can cry about public school, sure. But what are you doing?
Public school sucks? Fix it. Your kid is right there. Fix it. It's as easy as falling off Pinus ponderosa at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared.
(All uses of "you" are generic, and not necessarily directed at thecesspit, specifically)
Quote: EvenBobLOL!
The bottom text of that image is photoshopped. Ill see if I can find the original.
Quote: rudeboyoiWe have the internet to keep us connected. We have the internet to enlarge our knowledge base.
Where do you think the internet came from?
Quote: rudeboyoiThinking something needs to be mandatory is the problem. Thats what schools do. Indoctrinating the youth into respecting so called authority figures and its okay for these authority figures to coerce you into doing something you dont eant to do with threat of punishment if you refuse.
Like Obamacare, eh?
Quote: rudeboyoiWe have the internet to keep us connected. We have the internet to enlarge our knowledge base.
And some people believe EVERYTHING they see on the Internet.
Quote: RSThe original sign (LEAVES HOME version) is stupid and implies these blacks are getting shot for no reason. If you're a criminal, you're gonna end up getting f*cked up, either dead or in jail.
It's almost more absurd since it is implying there is people hunting people because of their race. More white people get killed by police than any other race. And more black people get killed by black people than anything else. The amount of white on black violence is almost a statistical insignificance.
The only trend is if you put yourself in criminal situations you will more likley have violent interactions.
Quote: rudeboyoihttp://www.snopes.com/photos/politics/fergusonsign.asp
Heres the photoshopped one and the original.
You don't get it. No matter who wrote
the sign, it totally captures the true
sentiment of the protesters. The poor
lad was just robbing a store, he should
not have to fear for his life.
Quote: EvenBobYou don't get it. No matter who wrote
the sign, it totally captures the true
sentiment of the protesters. The poor
lad was just robbing a store, he should
not have to fear for his life.
Obviously you don't get it.
A photoshopped photo is a lie.
It exactly captures the anti-protest sentiment of the person that photoshopped the picture.
Quote: terapinedObviously you don't get it.
A photoshopped photo is a lie.
It exactly captures the anti-protest sentiment of the person that photoshopped the picture.
That is the point.
They're protesting on false grounds, as if Michael Brown was an innocent angel who only "left his home". He had just robbed a store (or maybe just stole something, since stealing & robbing aren't exactly the same thing), he didn't just "leave his house". He was acting violently, not peacefully.
Or look at it like this.
Protestor's "logic":
Leaving Home -> Getting killed.
Photoshopper's logic:
Robbing a store / being violent -> Getting killed.
Photoshopper's logic > protestor's logic
Police just shot someone in hollywood.
Quote: RSQuote: terapinedObviously you don't get it.
A photoshopped photo is a lie.
It exactly captures the anti-protest sentiment of the person that photoshopped the picture.
That is the point.
They're protesting on false grounds, as if Michael Brown was an innocent angel who only "left his home". He had just robbed a store (or maybe just stole something, since stealing & robbing aren't exactly the same thing), he didn't just "leave his house". He was acting violently, not peacefully.
Or look at it like this.
Protestor's "logic":
Leaving Home -> Getting killed.
Photoshopper's logic:
Robbing a store / being violent -> Getting killed.
Photoshopper's logic > protestor's logic
You have to look at the big picture.
You are looking at one incident.
The one incident , you refer to, and in this instance I take the officers side, just lit the powder keg of frustration of Police violence against Blacks.
I have no doubt that Ferguson residents have had to put up with many instances of injustice regarding the police.
You are looking at one incident, they are protesting due to a long history of injustice in many incidents.
I posted earlier a link to a case where the officer shoots a black person by mistake. Does the officer call it. No. He texts his union rep.
There are many good police officers. There are also officers where Black lives don't matter. Its those officers that the protests are about.
If somebody says I cant breathe, You have to let him breathe. Even if you are a Police Officer and the person asking to breathe is a Black person.
Quote: rudeboyoihttp://ban.jo/m/android/event_feed?id=54827968b42acc125f00bc30&name=Shooting%20Near%20Hollywood%20Walk%20of%20Fame
Police just shot someone in hollywood.
Yes because he assaulted somebody with a knife and did not drop it.
Or is this somehow relates to race too?
Quote: terapinedObviously you don't get it.
A photoshopped photo is a lie.
How can it be a lie when the text is correct?
Just because it's not what the sign said is
irrelevant, it's what the sign should have
said. That's what the protesters really
want, to commit crimes with impunity.
Ever stop somebody doing a crime and
have him get pissed at you for interfering
with his right to do it? It's a mind changing
As an example, I caught a bum sleeping in
my van in Santa Barbara 30 years ago.
He had taken everything of value and
stuffed it in his backpack and fallen asleep.
I woke him up and was so pissed I started
kicking him. He got FURIOUS with me because
I had so much and he had so little, he thought
it was his right to take it from me.
That's how crooks think. Deal with that for
awhile. They don't get educated, they don't
get jobs, they're professional victims. For
a long time in ancient Japan the penalty
for theft was execution. Needless to say,
crime rates in Japan were almost non existent.
Quote: GandlerYes because he assaulted somebody with a knife and did not drop it.
Or is this somehow relates to race too?
Im hearing there was no knife on the ground at the time of shooting. Then it appeared later.
What this is really about is how much we as a nation are going to let this idiocy control us.
Quit resisting arrest. Quit attacking police officers. Quit being a criminal.
Let me ask you one question. In black neighborhoods are blacks being taught to respect the police and obey the law?
(Really, there's a conspiracy to murder black people. It's being taught at Area 51.)
Quote: EvenBobNeedless to say,
crime rates in Japan were almost non existent.
The Yakuza.
Over 100k members.
Extremely feared in Japan. They extort you, you pay or else.
Their version of the Mafia, just more ruthless.
Quote: EvenBobIf you drive a cab, you quickly learn that
a lot of blacks will misinterpret or
misunderstand what you say if you're not
careful. So you learn not to say much,
don't talk to them at all, it's just not
worth the hassle. And the men are worse
than the women for sure. I think women
are smarter than men anyway, and it's
really apparent in blacks.
I never even got my hack license and learned that! Sadly it is not just "a lot" it is "most." Either one of two things happens. The white person will take a negative opinion on any black, anywhere. They might not like a black ball player. They might not like Chris Rock's act. They might not like the music of Michael Jackson. The black will be of the opinion, "what do you mean? He is great! The only reason someone could dislike him is because they are racist!" I've seen it happen many, many times. After a few innocent conversations go bad like this most white people will not even bother talking.
The second thing many blacks are so into thinking any criticism is racist that they go to DefCon3 the minute a white asks them to do or not do something. "He asked me to walk on the sidewalk, he is hassling me because I am black!" "He asked if I am from the neighborhood just because I am wearing a hoodie!"
Even on simple things at work, surely we have all seen this.