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November 13th, 2014 at 4:58:58 PM permalink
Quote: Boz

C-Stores in PA are always looking for AM's and Managers starting at mid 30's, without a college degree required. Again you may have to work more than 40 hours as a salaried employee (against Liberal beliefs), but 2 people working like this can make a decent living of $75K. Not sure if that is the magic number for happiness or not, but it is available to almost anyone with hard work and effort.

Against whose liberal beliefs? I'm scheduled 66 hours as a salaried employee and in West Virginia (we only declare a party in Ohio primaries, but don't register as one or the other) was a registered Socialist!

I also don't know that it is available to anyone with hard work and effort. If you do not consider the hours I put in, I'm actually probably somewhat overpaid for what I do, but about right if you consider the hours.
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November 13th, 2014 at 5:02:30 PM permalink
There are supposed to be generally a few requirements to be truly middle class, which would be happiness for many. Basically feeling you have a future, have savings, good healthcare, retirement savings, ability to afford children's higher education, ability to afford vacations, a few others, and some money left over.
I am a robot.
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November 13th, 2014 at 5:05:52 PM permalink
Quote: Boz

C-Stores in PA are always looking for AM's and Managers starting at mid 30's, without a college degree required. Again you may have to work more than 40 hours as a salaried employee (against Liberal beliefs), but 2 people working like this can make a decent living of $75K. Not sure if that is the magic number for happiness or not, but it is available to almost anyone with hard work and effort.

Always? Sounds a little absolute. What happens if all of your grill cooks and cashiers decide they want those C-Store management jobs? Could they all find open positions? No? What should happen with the pay of the folks who try hard and are motivated but don't quite make the cut?
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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November 13th, 2014 at 5:07:00 PM permalink
If we could split this off into a separate thread, I'd be willing to make a proposal to guarantee it would become an Uber-thread, & possibly entice UK out of self-exile.

Hint: it has to do with donating goods & services to the homeless in lieu of cash. (warning: this may include tobacco products)
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November 13th, 2014 at 6:16:00 PM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

Always? Sounds a little absolute. What happens if all of your grill cooks and cashiers decide they want those C-Store management jobs? Could they all find open positions? No? What should happen with the pay of the folks who try hard and are motivated but don't quite make the cut?

Never happens because far too many are unwilling to make the commitments required for the job. Which is why these jobs are always available. Too many have excuses on why they can't meet the job requirements. Many are unwilling to work required shifts 24/7/365. It would be nice if these jobs were filled and there were not enough opportunities for those willing to find them. Sadly we are going in a different direction when it comes to people willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.
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November 13th, 2014 at 6:30:28 PM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

All? All?? All?!? We have a bet. I just need to prove that there's one incompetent dunce of a trust fund baby among the 10% to win. Easiest victory ever.

If you can arrange the above - we have a bet :)
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November 13th, 2014 at 6:33:55 PM permalink
Quote: MrV

I wonder if anyone has done a study to determine, as best as it can be determined, whether wealthy people are in fact happier than those who are not wealthy?

It seems to me that the only real difference between the wealthy and the others is that the wealthy have more money.

Otherwise we all face the same problems / issues in our daily life, things that ultimately are not tied to wealth.

Take the most important: finding a mate, procreating, and being satisfied in the process.

Look at all the rich cats who get hosed in divorces, victimized by gold diggers, and use their money to numb themselves with great food, booze and drugs.

In fact I suspect that having a lot of money leads to a not so good place: fear.

Fear of losing it.

Fear of people only liking you for your money.

Emerson, Lake and Palmer nailed it: Lucky Man

2013 Study

very recent WSJ article - it's HOW you spend the money
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November 14th, 2014 at 2:25:45 AM permalink
Quote: 7star4now

I would hope they would come to the conclusion (on my dime) that the 1st thing they had to do to better themselves - is to exit AC.

Remember, most of our ancestors, many at great risk, left the motherland to do better for their families.

It is only a recent phenomenon, that so many feel entitled to sit on their arse in a dead end area, & expect to be handed free $ & healthcare.

Here's a mind blowing experience.

I have been in the past been7star now mid DIA.

I do not own a smart phone simply because I do not see the value proposition - for me personally.

My last trip to Vegas, while passing over a pedestrian bridge, I was flagged down for spare change by a man begging for cash , holding an Iphone!

What a country?

I'm gonna have to disagree with the first part of your statement here. Our ancestors didn't live in modern times. They did what they did to survive and to live as comfortably as possible, just like people do today. Pretty sure they woulda sat on their ass and collected free healthcare if that would have worked out for them. If someone is 'entitled' under an entitlement program, what's your beef? I hate when people complain about these things; it's usually people who don't understand much about how it actually works, and of course, would immediately take it should they ever need it. And never fail to take a tax deduction.

I don't own a smart phone either, I see no value. I own a cheap flip phone. I hate when people bother me for money. It's happened so often, that most of the time, I don't even acknowledge a stranger attempting to talk to me...I know they want something from me. A beggar holding an Iphone, that is egregious. Even if it is some bizarre and rare circumstance where he legitimately didn't choose to pay for an iphone over a cheap phone, and a phone is important for him to live...he may as well pull up in a Cadillac for all the sympathy he's gonna collect for his circumstances. It's moronic.
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November 14th, 2014 at 5:14:18 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

I am speaking about the proliferation of dirtbags who stand at freeway offramps and other roadside areas with little cardboard signs which contain their pitch: "Give Me Money!"

I NEVER saw this when growing up (I'm a baby boomer).

Now, it may be this sort of thing happened in the cities, but not in the suburbs where I've always lived, and where this activity currently occurs on a widespread basis.

In my observation it is a relatively new phenomenon.

Blame it on many things, but at the top of the heap is the ACLU, fighting in court for the rights of beggars to beg.

Yeah, "free speech:" I am well aware of the arguments; doesn't mean I have to like it.

*And no, I do not advocate actually shooting people who beg or give to beggars; that was said to emphasize my point in a fit of exasperation over this issue*

This has existed for quite a long time. Hell Orson Wells wrote a book about it "Down and Out in Paris and London" talking about some of the homeless in the London portion and the beggars. That was in 1933. Also even when he was writing about it it wasn't a new phenomenon and beggers could be found in the works of Dickens and numerous other authors. So it is hardly something that cropped out in the last 20 years or even the last 200 years having existed for a very long time.
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November 14th, 2014 at 5:18:46 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

*And no, I do not advocate actually shooting people who beg

I do. Do you know how many problems that could solve? Poverty, crime...virtually vanish overnight. Mental health improves, less economic waste.

I totally advocate shooting beggars. Of course, there must be procedures involved. Potentially hot chicks are exempt (but seemingly, they are exempt from being beggars in the first place).
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November 14th, 2014 at 7:35:11 AM permalink
Quote: sodawater

Strange, you never see quotes published by poor people who never became famous that say:

"No matter how hard I work, I can't get ahead."

Maybe just maybe those people aren't actually working hard or maybe theyre just not working SMART.

In high school, my wrestling coach said, "Other teams work hard, some even harder than us. But we work smart....smarter than ANYONE." While other teams may have a 4 hour practice where they run sprints half the time, do 200 pushups and other stuff....we'd work on our technique and finesse. Yes we worked hard. 3 hour practices, pushups and sprints included, but I guarantee you a lot of drills and stuff we did were beyond what other high school teams were doing...and it showed.

Yes you can deal cards 16 hours a day....I know a handful of dealers in LV who do. Nothing against them. Of the casino workers whom I've asked (or they brought up in conversation), it seems like only 15% have actual college degrees and another 15% are working on a degree. (I'd venture to say the other 70% just bitch about tips.)
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November 15th, 2014 at 12:09:19 PM permalink
Quote: RS

Yes you can deal cards 16 hours a day....I know a handful of dealers in LV who do. Nothing against them. Of the casino workers whom I've asked (or they brought up in conversation), it seems like only 15% have actual college degrees and another 15% are working on a degree. (I'd venture to say the other 70% just bitch about tips.)

Its kind of like the most dangerous thing an intercity minority young man can do......everytime you hear about someone who was "going to go to college", "going to go to a trade school", simply "he was a good boy" or worst of all "Turning his life around", he is gunned down on a street corner at 2AM. It seems like it is very dangerous to make these plans in some locations.

Because life choices have nothing to do with what happened.
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November 19th, 2014 at 4:04:32 AM permalink
Quote: 7star4now

I would hope they would come to the conclusion (on my dime) that the 1st thing they had to do to better themselves - is to exit AC.

Remember, most of our ancestors, many at great risk, left the motherland to do better for their families.

It is only a recent phenomenon, that so many feel entitled to sit on their arse in a dead end area, & expect to be handed free $ & healthcare.

Here's a mind blowing experience.

I have been in the past been7star now mid DIA.

I do not own a smart phone simply because I do not see the value proposition - for me personally.

My last trip to Vegas, while passing over a pedestrian bridge, I was flagged down for spare change by a man begging for cash , holding an Iphone!

What a country?

I will start (before somebody inevitable "accuses" me) of saying I am not a liberal, I am a Neoconservative (though I do have some social liberal tendencies, so I suppose that is why I am neoconservative).

But I can understand you are surprised when you see that. But understand it is a different world.

Visit (or look at pictures) of third world villages in certain countries in the world, you can see people living in huts with no water, and no "civilized" clothing, yet they all are sitting around on fancy cellphones.

There are a number of reasons for this. The obvious being we have so much cellphone proliferation in the world that even the most advanced phones can be obtained for very cheap (often free with promotions).

Also, if somebody is poor and/or homeless they likely do not have a PC, a cellphones can be used as a portable computer for email and such. So it makes very much sense for somebody in this scenario to desire a smartphone.

Also, many churches/religious groups, charities, and sometimes even phone companies, have programs to provide cellphones for people in need.
Also, when people upgrade their phone (which many do almost every year) they often donate their "old" smartphone to such charities...

Also, I would rather see homeless people save up their money for a cellphone than booze or drugs anyway.... At least it may help them find a job or something productive at any rate.
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November 19th, 2014 at 4:53:11 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Never happens because far too many are unwilling to make the commitments required for the job. Which is why these jobs are always available. Too many have excuses on why they can't meet the job requirements. Many are unwilling to work required shifts 24/7/365. It would be nice if these jobs were filled and there were not enough opportunities for those willing to find them. Sadly we are going in a different direction when it comes to people willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

What people call "success" has changed over the years. "Success" now often just means a job with fringe benefits. PTO, and you just work the day shift. The excuse list can be long:

"you have to work nights and weekends"
"you have to use your own car"
"you have to work outdoors"
"you have to study for a test on your own time"
"the job takes you away from home 2 nights week"
"the commute is too long"
"it is hot/cold/dangerous/smelly/whatever"

And on, on, and on. The older I get the more impressed I get with people who just hustle to get what they need. At the dealing gigs it is amazing the variety of backgrounds. Same when I did other "hustles." College degreed people working tables at a banquet. I think I mentioned the gal I know makes a killing selling bras for large women online. Her husband said he doesn't care how many people laugh at him.

We lost several abstractors on a job because they just could not show up when needed. Other people I know scoff at the idea of a 70-90+ mile commute each way even with paid mileage. My reply is a simple one, "that is where the project is, if you want a shorter drive you have to accept lower pay."
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