"Metro police have confirmed al-Qaida leaders are encouraging lone jihadists to target Las Vegas for terror attacks. That information comes from a recent publication which names the city as a top spot to strike."
If they can't have fun, nobody is allowed to have fun.Quote: Dicenor33What so special about Vegas? The attack won't stop commerce or political life of the country. Gamblers have never been considered as someone valuable.
Quote: Dicenor33What so special about Vegas? The attack won't stop commerce or political life of the country. Gamblers have never been considered as someone valuable.
It's a major tourist destination worldwide,
that's why.
Quote: Dicenor33What so special about Vegas? The attack won't stop commerce or political life of the country. Gamblers have never been considered as someone valuable.
Good way affect people from all over the US. High profile. Not a place that is in tune with Islamic Fundamentalist values.
Quote: thecesspitGood way affect people from all over the US. High profile. Not a place that is in tune with Islamic Fundamentalist values.
And thousands of people packed in a small area. 3,000 people died on 9/11. I imagine an attack in Vegas would eclipse that number.
Anyone who has seen the movie War Games knows that....
Most people don't understand why someone would want to live in Vegas.
I am actually the other way around.
Terrorists? Yeah. I don't know, but after being here for years, I'm more afraid of the people on the roads here.
Within your lifetime, name the odds, since you can't win and if you die, you don't get paid. Only the yes can be paid.Quote: djatcI'll take the no on us blowing up. What's the official lines?
Las Vegas offers even more symbolic targets.

No airplane needed this time, just some explosives in a terrorist-guest's luggage.
Scary thought.
Some people are afraid to live in Vegas.Nothing to do with terror on the city but at the tables. They know deep down, doing so would be a life changing event.Quote: AhighWhen I'm not in Vegas I just can't wait to get back.
Most people don't understand why someone would want to live in Vegas.
I am actually the other way around.
Terrorists? Yeah. I don't know, but after being here for years, I'm more afraid of the people on the roads here.
At the homeless shelter.
I can Imagine the Revel closing and a dumb terrorist blowing it up for them.Quote: GWAEI bet someone in AC started this rumor in order to scare people away from Vegas and into AC.
Quote: GandlerI would imagine any highly populated area with a lot of tourists would be an attractive target for terrorists. And as others said places like Vegas it's not suspicious to walk around with big bags.
This is why we need great (not just good) intelligence efforts--the more we are vigilant without being stupid, the better off we will be.
What is stupid? The way we are searched upon entering the gate area as if we are criminals...yet they airlines really don't know who is getting on the planes. Do they ever ask you for ID when you go to board? There are dozens of other things wrong with the whole thing but it is flawed from the start.
Quote: RonCThis is why we need great (not just good) intelligence efforts--the more we are vigilant without being stupid, the better off we will be.
What is stupid? The way we are searched upon entering the gate area as if we are criminals...yet they airlines really don't know who is getting on the planes. Do they ever ask you for ID when you go to board? There are dozens of other things wrong with the whole thing but it is flawed from the start.
I agree. It's important to use all intelligence avaliable. You may disagree (as many probably do), but I for one have no problem with the NSA. Terrorists use modern communications more and more sometimes even using video games as a way to send messages. So I have no problem with the goverment observing digital trends to get an idea of who they watch. It's important to stop them before they have a chance to start.
As for the airports I have never had my ID taken boarding the plane, they just check your boarding pass, but secuirty always checks IDs and boarding pass so there is really no reason for the airlines to , even if two customers wanted to trade flights or something I don't see why the airlines would care.
I thank NSA, CIA, FBI and other government agencies for all they do to prevent more attacks on American soil.
But it would be reasonably possible to pull off one or more high profile attacks here, at least conceptually, and if that happens people here will freak.
I see no "happy ending" to the Islamist-militant threat, just a continued worsening.
Time to book a flight to Sin City to forget about the realities of life.
Quote: MrVWe Americans have been fortunate that the terrorists have not "taken the fight to us" more than they have.
I thank NSA, CIA, FBI and other government agencies for all they do to prevent more attacks on American soil.
But it would be reasonably possible to pull off one or more high profile attacks here, at least conceptually, and if that happens people here will freak.
I see no "happy ending" to the Islamist-militant threat, just a continued worsening.
Time to book a flight to Sin City to forget about the realities of life.
It keeps getting worse and worse, a lot of people are joining them from England now and other European countries. The sad part is many of the militants are highly educated and often pretty well off, so it's not like they are recruiting bums from the wilderness of the desert and give them guns. The only thing that could make such people give up everything to fight with militants out in the desert is religion, it poisons everything.
The happy ending would be if religion was removed from the world, or at least Islam since that is the primary culpirit.
I suppose spreading secular values is a start.
Quote: GandlerThe happy ending would be if religion was removed from the world, or at least Islam since that is the primary culpirit.
I suppose spreading secular values is a start.
I fear that someday the Israelis will feel constrained to use nukes, which will unleash the genie from the bottle.

Hopefully by the that point the USA can have back channel discusssions with Russia and China on this issue such that they don't see that as provocation for WWIII.
Indeed, properly implemented, nuclear fire might solve the problem.
Difficult problems make for tough solutions, but hey, no problem is insoluble.
Quote: MrV
Hopefully by the that point the USA can have back channel discusssions with Russia and China on this issue such that they don't see that as provocation for WWIII.
Indeed, properly implemented, nuclear fire might solve the problem.
Difficult problems make for tough solutions, but hey, no problem is insoluble.
I don't think nuclear fire would solve any problem, that is what the Islamists fantasize about (their rally flag is of a mushroom cloud). But they are spread around the world in all populations, there is no country that you could make a target even if you were willing to engage in nuclear weapons.
Isreal will not use nuclear weapons, the international community cracks down on Isreal more than anyone, Isreal does everything they can to appease misplaced criticism from the International community there is no way they would do a nuclear strike on anyone.
Quote: GandlerIsreal will not use nuclear weapons, the international community cracks down on Isreal more than anyone, Isreal does everything they can to appease misplaced criticism from the International community there is no way they would do a nuclear strike on anyone.
Ah, but what about In The Future?
I am talking about The Future when the Islamist militants have developed nuclear weapons.
Under threat of imminent nuclear attack by their Islamist foes, whose aim is to destroy them, I am quite certain that Israel would employ their nuclear weapons preemptively.
Assume this ISIS nonsense catches on, and Iraq, Syria and other Arab countries come under their jihadist thrall.
With enough money and political will they should be able to develop nuclear weapons; it's a matter of time, that's all.
Envision then an Israel encircled by a bitter enemy armed to the teeth willing to die for Allah.
Not a pretty scenario, is it?
Quote: MrVAh, but what about In The Future?
I am talking about The Future when the Islamist militants have developed nuclear weapons.
Under threat of imminent nuclear attack by their Islamist foes, whose aim is to destroy them, I am quite certain that Israel would employ their nuclear weapons preemptively.
Assume this ISIS nonsense catches on, and Iraq, Syria and other Arab countries come under their jihadist thrall.
With enough money and political will they should be able to develop nuclear weapons; it's a matter of time, that's all.
Envision then an Israel encircled by a bitter enemy armed to the teeth willing to die for Allah.
Not a pretty scenario, is it?
Hopefully ISIS gets contained. That's why I am glad we never took out Assad, they are going to have a rough time taking Syria.
Quote: rudeboyoiFor anyone that wasnt aware, the TSA has caught ZERO terrorists. Keep giving up those rights.
Doesn't mean they haven't been spooked from boarding with a pressure cooker in a backpack. Or shampoo that stings the eyes.
Quote: rudeboyoiFor anyone that wasnt aware, the TSA has caught ZERO terrorists. Keep giving up those rights.
Yeah but they are still looking under granny's skirt instead of in the mirror.
Quote: rudeboyoiFor anyone that wasnt aware, the TSA has caught ZERO terrorists. Keep giving up those rights.
That's actually not true. The TSA has admitted that much in the aggregate, so I can say that. I had a security clearance until 2009 that allowed me to be read in on some things, with enough evidence to prove they have done what they said. They just don't give out a lot of details - it's all classified per Patriot Act, other laws. But they got the Times Square bomber for one you must know about, and they got others.
Quote: rudeboyoiFor anyone that wasn't aware, the TSA has caught ZERO terrorists. Keep giving up those rights.
I do not understand the hatred of the TSA. Do you honestly think they are getting their jollies feeling you. No, it is their JOB. They may not be 100% effective, but hey, its something. What is your idea for preventing terrorist activity on an airplane.
Also, just the threat of them being there is probably enough to stop a few people. If there was no TSA then it would be open season for terrorists.
Quote: VCUSkyhawkI do not understand the hatred of the TSA. Do you honestly think they are getting their jollies feeling you. No, it is their JOB. They may not be 100% effective, but hey, its something. What is your idea for preventing terrorist activity on an airplane.
Let the airlines do their own screening however they see fit that you consent to with purchase of their ticket. A JOB is not justification to violate someone's rights. And yes there have been numerous instances of TSA agents getting their jollies groping people with impunity. Here's one instance:
Quote: beachbumbabsThat's actually not true. The TSA has admitted that much in the aggregate, so I can say that. I had a security clearance until 2009 that allowed me to be read in on some things, with enough evidence to prove they have done what they said. They just don't give out a lot of details - it's all classified per Patriot Act, other laws. But they got the Times Square bomber for one you must know about, and they got others.
The Patriot Act has done more damage to our 4th amendment rights than any other bill passed. Do you really think violating the rights of hundreds of millions of our citizens is worth "protecting" ourselves from an anomaly?
Quote: rudeboyoiLet the airlines do their own screening however they see fit that you consent to with purchase of their ticket. A JOB is not justification to violate someone's rights. And yes there have been numerous instances of TSA agents getting their jollies groping people with impunity. Here's one instance:
Are you suggesting that you would not object to the pat downs if it was mandated by the industry itself and outside of the government agency?
As far as that incident, the same thing goes for cops. Sure there are rogue assholes out there, but the vast majority just want to do their job the way they are suppose to.
Quote: VCUSkyhawkAre you suggesting that you would not object to the pat downs if it was mandated by the industry itself and outside of the government agency?
As far as that incident, the same thing goes for cops. Sure there are rogue assholes out there, but the vast majority just want to do their job the way they are suppose to.
I object to anything where I'm not free to give my consent. As for cops, the "rogue" assholes are the norm not the exception.
Quote: rudeboyoiI object to anything where I'm not free to give my consent. As for cops, the "rogue" assholes are the norm not the exception.
I guess I am not understanding you. If the security enforcement was taken out of the hand of the government, but the rules were still in place, would you object. I am confused as to whether you object the searching (which is something that is needed on some level) or if you just object that it is being enforced by the government.
As far as the cop thing goes, we can agree to disagree :)
Quote: VCUSkyhawkI guess I am not understanding you. If the security enforcement was taken out of the hand of the government, but the rules were still in place, would you object. I am confused as to whether you object the searching (which is something that is needed on some level) or if you just object that it is being enforced by the government.
As far as the cop thing goes, we can agree to disagree :)
I want choices. I want to be able to say I change my mind and not be forced to go through something I no longer want to go through with. Different airlines can have varying degrees of screening. The more paranoid passengers can choose an airline with more invasive levels of screening while the less paranoid can choose to go through an airline with a less invasive level of screening. If you want to board you got to go through whatever level of screening the airline has but are free to turn back at any point.
Quote: rudeboyoiThe Patriot Act has done more damage to our 4th amendment rights than any other bill passed. Do you really think violating the rights of hundreds of millions of our citizens is worth "protecting" ourselves from an anomaly?
I am, in fact, NOT an advocate or defender of the Patriot Act or any other abridgement of my rights to privacy, free speech, and protection from search and/or seizure or self-incrimination. I AM an advocate of governmental transparency, FOIA compliance, and equal protection under the law.
However, to my certain knowledge, your assertion that TSA has captured zero terrorists is woefully incorrect. If the Patriot Act were not in place, you would still have the right to know much more about it than you do now. That's part of what was taken from all of us.
Quote: beachbumbabsI am, in fact, NOT an advocate or defender of the Patriot Act or any other abridgement of my rights to privacy, free speech, and protection from search and/or seizure or self-incrimination. I AM an advocate of governmental transparency, FOIA compliance, and equal protection under the law.
However, to my certain knowledge, your assertion that TSA has captured zero terrorists is woefully incorrect. If the Patriot Act were not in place, you would still have the right to know much more about it than you do now. That's part of what was taken from all of us.
Sorry. Misunderstood.
Nothin', but don't tell the Homeland Security, FBI, US Marshals, etc. about that. They sure prefer to read Vegas is target than Nome, Alaska is target. Some one said... deep background.. etc. etc. so increase our budget and don't bother sending our agents to Nome or any other hardship post.Quote: Dicenor33What so special about Vegas?
Quote: FleaStiffNothin', but don't tell the Homeland Security, FBI, US Marshals, etc. about that. They sure prefer to read Vegas is target than Nome, Alaska is target. Some one said... deep background.. etc. etc. so increase our budget and don't bother sending our agents to Nome or any other hardship post.
I disliked that much security for in state flights. How much damage really can be done from what's in a back pack and flying in a twin otter?
Makes we wonder why they are extending all those runways along the coast, I guess so they can all land a C5-A? God what waste of money. The locals would prefer depedable transport aircraft to longer runways. They are all ice most of the year anyway. TSA in Gnome AK, what joke. That's like Dillingham, everyone there is armed but they are just looking for bears. The second amendment in the far north is the right to have and arm bears.
Not like these idiots.
edit;for spelling
Strip, I never go on the Strip anyway. At
night when it's busy, I mean.
Quote: beachbumbabsHowever, to my certain knowledge, your assertion that TSA has captured zero terrorists is woefully incorrect.
The United States Government Accounting Office begs to differ:
$900 million spent on behavior detection and zero terrorists captured. The GAO also noted that at least 16 individuals later accused of involvement in terrorist plots flew 23 different times through U.S. airports since 2004, but TSA behavior-detection officers didn't sniff out any of them.
Quote: HughJassThe United States Government Accounting Office begs to differ:
$900 million spent on behavior detection and zero terrorists captured. The GAO also noted that at least 16 individuals later accused of involvement in terrorist plots flew 23 different times through U.S. airports since 2004, but TSA behavior-detection officers didn't sniff out any of them.
I think babs is trying to say they have found terrorists but have chose not to make it public knowledge when they should since she prefers transparency in the government.