May 23rd, 2014 at 1:28:18 PM
The 7+Dealer Blackjack used a Dynamic Array... since it was limited to 16x16 in those days, the Player hands were displayed vertically on the ZX and QL, with Dealer horizontal across top. A near WYSIWYG. And thus one split and the 6-card rule! I used a then-novel approach of using a string-array as the shoe "2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9cTcJcQcKcAc" since I could parse it Left/Right/Mid$. An exact same length blank array served as the "To" shoe. I would Fisher-Yates the "new" deck into the "To" shoe and decrement the "From" shoe. The variables were also decremented. "From x=52 to 2 Step -1". What was nice about this is when back-filling the "To" shoe with discards the resulting expired shoe at cut-card was then copied to the "From" shoe and the process repeated as play continued. It seemed fairly random to random-pick a card in the From shoe and put it sequentially in the To shoe. (It would have been better to randomly place it in the To shoe, in hindsight.) But in late 1976 I got an A for shuffling/dealing cards from 4 decks. But B+ overall on the game. (Too much paper I think LOL)
Some people need to reimagine their thinking.