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39 members have voted
The reason that she was staying at one and back roomed in the other is because these two particular properties are run by one Surveillance and one Security outfit. They would take you to the property that has its "base of operations". Also the two properties are run as one. They have one executive and one managerial outfit that look after both properties. A penny saved and all.
From a Surveillance persepctive, if you had been detained against your will and they did not give you clear indication on why you had been detained (while you were in the holding room), then there should be audio and video of this incident. If you feel that you or anyone in yoru crew rightfully did nothing wrong then you should pursue a legal route which includes contacting a lawyer. Don't worry about the footage and the time lapse as all incidents including back rooming has to be saved for a longer period of time (unless the casino is being underhanded in which case they risk their license which I doubt they will do).
The reason (in my opinion) you were detained was because your hand was close to the railing when it popped off and they couldn't clearly make out if you had done anything maliscious to make it pop off so they decided to question you with regards to the incident. Unfortunately most security departments take you to the holding room for this interogation. If they didn't search, bound, cuff and photgraph you, then you have nothing to worry about.
Here is my final opinion:
Do what a poster earlier on suggested and write a letter to both the property you stayed at and corporate. Ask for your flight ticket re-imbursed and also some other compensation for pain and suffering as well as physical duress. What theyw ill more than likely do is throw it over to their risk department who will then take a look at the footage, review all incident files and write a findings report to both the President and the legal team. If your story checks out they will make you a low ball offer which you can either accept or turn down with a threat of legal action attached. If you are happy with the offer accept it and move on.
This is not a pleasant situation to be in but I don't think the casino security was completely outside of their rights unless they had no good reason to stop you from leaving.
Going the legal route upfront may be too strong. Write a letter first and take it from there.
Good luck and choose better properties when next you go to Vegas :)
Quote: HunterhillThey had no right to detain you, so they need to be taught a lesson.
Again, I'm not at attorney, but if they asked her to come to the back room, and she agreed, I think she has a weak case. The casino is sure to make that argument if she didn't protest at the time.
In Nersesian's book he emphasizes that if you get back roomed say many times that you're being taken against your will and consider it illegal detainment.
If you called and explained to the casino that being held up cost you several $100 for the lost flight and you think you should get a some free stuff for it. They might give you some free stuff.
I think in a court setting you should be entitled to the few $100 that you lost from switching flights only if you told them that you were going to miss your flight and you were leaving and they held you anyway. It doesn't sound like you were really injured or have any other legitimate claims.
From what i understand about civil suits.. there is a principle of making the wronged party whole.. It sounds to me like a few $100 should do it.
I'm not a lawyer and I don't know what would happen if you sued in small claims court against a big corporation.. maybe they send someone down to the courthouse and they do some lawyer magic... maybe they just read the claim, get confused and write you a check for what you think your trouble was worth.
Quote: WizardAgain, I'm not at attorney, but if they asked her to come to the back room, and she agreed, I think she has a weak case. The casino is sure to make that argument if she didn't protest at the time.
In Nersesian's book he emphasizes that if you get back roomed say many times that you're being taken against your will and consider it illegal detainment.
Well I am not surprised a young woman who doesn't spend a lot of time reading advantage play books may not be aware of her legal rights. She was obviously frightened by security and may have thought she didn't have a choice. They may have told her she didn't have a choice. All of this can be explained to a jury.
What OP should do is schedule a free consultation with a lawyer to see if he is interested in taking the case on contingency. Nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Quote: chrisrwow 23:6 say get a lawyer..
If you called and explained to the casino that being held up cost you several $100 for the lost flight and you think you should get a some free stuff for it. They might give you some free stuff.
This is is such bad advice. Don't write a letter hoping for free stuff. Use your legal rights and the legal system. It's not worth a few hundred dollars. Successful cases proving illegal detainment are worth several hundred thousand dollars. Detaining someone without cause is a serious crime. It's akin to kidnapping. It's not something to write a letter for and hope for free stuff.
See a laywer and bring it to a courtroom. Even if you lose, maybe the casino will think twice before it backrooms customers because their own equipment malfunctioned.
Everyone knows if something happens to you on an escalator, from no fault of your own(or your accomplice). You don't just go wash up, That's insane. ANYTHING that happens to you on something like an escalator is a scary event and has shock (sue) value(often times even news worthy). People are already un-trusting of people movers.
Even if you are not a sue happy person
It is baffling why you wouldn't stop and warn others of the danger or tell the casino someone might get hurt. I wonder what would have happen, if this happened again and someone got hurt really bad. Does one have a duty to warn others of the the potential danger.
If I was security I would have detained you as well, thinking you must have done something wrong, or why would you run from the accident? IMO That's suspicious behavior.
Your BF was probably jack f-ing around and you knew it, since you left him completely out of the original story. Rail surfing sounds logical.
If he did do something suspicious, they have every right to detain you as potential accomplice. You can sue him in small claims for the extra costs.
Quote: AxelWolfIt is baffling why you wouldn't stop and warn others of the danger or tell the casino someone might get hurt. I wonder what would have happen, if this happened again and someone got hurt really bad. Does one have a duty to warn others of the the potential danger....
Your BF was probably jack f-ing around and you knew it, since you left him completely out of the original story.
As I've said all along, the original story sounds fishy. I like your theory.
Quote: WizardAgain, I'm not at attorney, but if they asked her to come to the back room, and she agreed, I think she has a weak case. The casino is sure to make that argument if she didn't protest at the time.
In Nersesian's book he emphasizes that if you get back roomed say many times that you're being taken against your will and consider it illegal detainment.
I've never been questioned or accused by the police or security for anything. When they first asked, it was "you look like someone who fits a description and we'd like to ask you a few questions." Then, we were escorted to the back. I didn't even think it was a thing what happened with the moving walkway because we weren't the only ones on it. When it broke, everyone jumped off to the side, stunned for a second, then kept walking talking about how crazy that was. It wasn't until security was asking about an escalator that it wasn't a mistake in identity. I asked multiple times if I could leave. I said my story and filled out a form that said "Voluntary Statement." I pointed out that this said 'voluntary' and that I should be able to voluntary walk out. They said I couldn't. I didn't want to get arrested for walking out.
Unless you are going to explain the entire true story from the start, no one can give you proper advice.Quote: acheapwaytogoI've never been questioned or accused by the police or security for anything. When they first asked, it was "you look like someone who fits a description and we'd like to ask you a few questions." Then, we were escorted to the back. I didn't even think it was a thing what happened with the moving walkway because we weren't the only ones on it. When it broke, everyone jumped off to the side, stunned for a second, then kept walking talking about how crazy that was. It wasn't until security was asking about an escalator that it wasn't a mistake in identity. I asked multiple times if I could leave. I said my story and filled out a form that said "Voluntary Statement." I pointed out that this said 'voluntary' and that I should be able to voluntary walk out. They said I couldn't. I didn't want to get arrested for walking out.
When they first approached you.
You didn't ask," FIT THE DESCRIPTION FOR WHAT?"WTF are you guys talking about?" "Are you guys crazy?" "I didn't do anything wrong.....SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE"
Or were you thinking in the back of your head. Oh Sh*t, what did my BF do now.
Quote: AxelWolfUnless you are going to explain the entire true story from the start, no one can give you proper advice.
When they first approached you.
You didn't ask," FIT THE DESCRIPTION FOR WHAT?"WTF are you guys talking about?" "Are you guys crazy?" "I didn't do anything wrong.....SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE"
Unfortunately, many (most?) people will not stand up to authority, real or perceived. They will comply with any request.
If you haven't, you should watch the movie "Compliance". Last time I checked, it was available for streaming on Netflix.
Most people ask, "FOR WHAT" at minimum. Watching something where they compiled a bunch of similar events will probably look worst then it really is.Quote: AxiomOfChoiceUnfortunately, many (most?) people will not stand up to authority, real or perceived. They will comply with any request.
If you haven't, you should watch the movie "Compliance". Last time I checked, it was available for streaming on Netflix.
Quote: AxelWolfMost people ask, "FOR WHAT" at minimum. Watching something where they compiled a bunch of similar events will probably look worst then it really is.
Unfortunately, they really don't. If they do ask something like "why", the security will just say something like "please just come with me" and people will comply. That's how these bullies manage to detain these people illegally. Dragging someone kicking and screaming to the back room is not good for business.
Seriously, watch Compliance. It's a really good movie, and a true story. Really makes you think about how peoples' minds work.
No need to watch it, I have seen the documentary on this. Very strange and baffling indeed.Quote: AxiomOfChoiceUnfortunately, they really don't. If they do ask something like "why", the security will just say something like "please just come with me" and people will comply. That's how these bullies manage to detain these people illegally. Dragging someone kicking and screaming to the back room is not good for business.
Seriously, watch Compliance. It's a really good movie, and a true story. Really makes you think about how peoples' minds work.
Quote: Wizard++;
As I've said all along, the original story sounds fishy. I like your theory.
My complete play by play because now I have lots of time on my hands.
Lunch at Luxor with my friend and my boyfriend on our last day in Vegas. We were walking back thru the walkways that connect thru the casinos. While on a moving walkway, my friend and I were talking, standing there, I had my hand on the handrail, I could actually feel a weird movement from it right before it happened. It tilted inwardly before popping off the track. Something hit my face. I dont even know what happened there. I jumped off to the side as the railing fell to my right. The walkway stopped moving immediately. It was a mix of us saying "what the fuck..." "what just happened" My friend quickly asked "what happened to your face?!" My boyfriend started touching my face. I was like "I dont know, what do you mean?!" She told me I had black stuff on my face, simultaneously my boyfriend whipped out his camera phone to take a pic. I dodged. I wanted to see it first. I wiped my face to see, but he took a pic. So, I have a pic of me with this black crap on my face. Mind you, we are slowly walking away, as they are surrounding me, as I wanted to go see in bathroom. The group of people that were behind us at the time of incident were also laughing, walking away from the scene. Bathroom, wash, black stuff gone. We walk off and joke Vegas hates us, we had bad luck that day.
We are back at our casino now, killing time until the shuttle comes to take us to airport. A man in a suit with 2 security guards says "you look like someone who fits a description, can I ask you some questions? All 3 of us go even tho only one of us were asked because we wanted to stay together.
Back of casino, we were told where to sit. My friend sat in the first room, alone. My boyfriend and I sat in the backroom attached to it. They started to ask about Luxor. Shit, I smoked a cigarette in a non designated place... "Escalator." Bam, I knew why. I don't even know how I managed to forget but we were all playing at the tables distracted from that prior incident. We told them what happened. We told them like we were witnesses and about me and my head. I didn't realize I was in question for actually causing that! We had to wait after filling out a report for the police. 30 minutes in, I want to not wait to give my statement. I wanted to leave. They said I couldn't. I didn't understand why I was there. Was I being accused? I told them no way, no way I broke that. It wasn't my fault. All she said was the guy in the suit was in charge and he wasn't here at the moment. No help, no info, asks like she's clueless on any info. I was so stressed I cried. I wanted to leave. I never stopped mentioning my flight I was going to miss. It was crappy. 2.5hrs-ish...police guy comes in. Asks me how am i going to pay for damages. I'm mad. He pokes fun at me, saying I must be strong to destroy that. I'm mad this guy thinks he's funny. I get it, he's playing, but it just made me mad. Finally, another cop (his partner) comes in, looks at me, goes sees my friend in the next room. Come between the doors. Says these are the girls that destroyed the walkway. Laughs. The 2 cops walk out, a few moments pass, come back in. State we're free to go, he watched the tapes.
Quote: acheapwaytogoI wanted to leave. They said I couldn't.
That's the most important part of everything you said and make sure you emphasize that when you meet with the lawyer.
Ya screw suing them, get a good defense attorney.Quote: djatcI'm gonna be a contrarian and say don't sue, send Luxor a check for the amount of the thing you broke.
Quote: AxelWolfUnless you are going to explain the entire true story from the start, no one can give you proper advice.
When they first approached you.
You didn't ask," FIT THE DESCRIPTION FOR WHAT?"WTF are you guys talking about?" "Are you guys crazy?" "I didn't do anything wrong.....SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE"
Or were you thinking in the back of your head. Oh Sh*t, what did my BF do now.
I know the casino security aren't police but they kind of seem as they are as far as authority goes. Have you ever seen those videos where a guy is exercising his "rights" and gets his ass kicked or worse? Yeah, I don't want to be that guy.
She could have been of the mindset, I didn't do anything wrong I will talk. Like the mindset people have when the police want to search your car, if you don't have anything illegal in it why not let them search it?
If he does tell you that there is no case, you can still call casino and try to get reimburse for extra expenses
Have I Seen a Video? Hmm... let me think, Oh yea, I have seen A few, considering I was featured in one a few times. So yes I know what can happen.Quote: iamthepushI know the casino security aren't police but they kind of seem as they are as far as authority goes. Have you ever seen those videos where a guy is exercising his "rights" and gets his ass kicked or worse? Yeah, I don't want to be that guy.
She could have been of the mindset, I didn't do anything wrong I will talk. Like the mindset people have when the police want to search your car, if you don't have anything illegal in it why not let them search it?
A normal reaction if you have done NOTHING wrong is to ask Questions(WHY, FOR WHAT?) period. I didn't say to thrash around like a crazy person and antagonize them. How often does security guards come up to NON AP's doing absolutely nothing and ask you to come with them. Does it happen? Yes, mistaken identity, it has even happen to me in a casino. Are you suggesting a normal reaction is to say, "OK sure, i'll come with you." for no reason? Come on, im not buying that.
Quote: AxelWolfHave I Seen a Video? Hmm... let me think, Oh yea, I have seen A few, considering I was featured in one a few times. So yes I know what can happen.
A normal reaction if you have done NOTHING wrong is to ask Questions(WHY, FOR WHAT?) period. I didn't say to thrash around like a crazy person and antagonize them. How often does security guards come up to NON AP's doing absolutely nothing and ask you to come with them. Does it happen? Yes, mistaken identity, it has even happen to me in a casino. Are you suggesting a normal reaction is to say, "OK sure, i'll come with you." for no reason? Come on, im not buying that.
Didn't she say she already knew the what for? She thought they were going to see if she was ok and this and that b/c the escalator broke and hit her in the face.
Quote: iamthepushI know the casino security aren't police but they kind of seem as they are as far as authority goes. Have you ever seen those videos where a guy is exercising his "rights" and gets his ass kicked or worse? Yeah, I don't want to be that guy.
Many of these false imprisonment cases are getting paid off in the 6 digits.
For an ass kicking by an out of shape old man? I dunno where the sign up list is, but put me on the top AND the bottom.
I would think you are asking because you would agree, that it would be strange, if she said, she didn't have any clue at first?Quote: iamthepushDidn't she say she already knew the what for? She thought they were going to see if she was ok and this and that b/c the escalator broke and hit her in the face.
Yea I got screwed.Quote: FaceMany of these false imprisonment cases are getting paid off in the 6 digits.
For an ass kicking by an out of shape old man? I dunno where the sign up list is, but put me on the top AND the bottom.
Quote: AxelWolfA normal reaction if you have done NOTHING wrong is to ask Questions(WHY, FOR WHAT?) period..
She did, going by her first post
Quote:Roughly 2 hours go by and security walks up to me and says they need to ask me a few questions, but won't say what its in regards to.
If they won't say why, someone must of been asking them why.
Quote: FaceMany of these false imprisonment cases are getting paid off in the 6 digits.
For an ass kicking by an out of shape old man? I dunno where the sign up list is, but put me on the top AND the bottom.
I will kick your ass to get in front of you in line. I will take an ass kicking and even a chopped off finger for 6 figures.
Quote: GWAEI will take an ass kicking and even a chopped off finger for 6 figures.
Some people will shake their "money maker" for cash, some will chop off a finger.
: )
1 thing that keeps getting mentioned is that she should have just left. How many movies have we all seen where you get back roomed and it turns ugly. If she has never been in trouble before how was she to know that it wouldn't happen that way? I am sure she was nervous and scared so I can fully understand why should would cooperate and not just storm out, especially when they tell her the police are on their way.
OP I think you should contact the police department and get a copy of the police report. If the report looks favorable then I would send a letter to the casino asking for a settlement. I am not sure how much you can say in this letter or they can make it look like you are blackmailing them. I am not sure if I would ask for a dollar amount or wait to see if they offer anything.
Quote: GWAEI will kick your ass to get in front of you in line.
Do it, and I'll sue!!
Do go to a lawyer promptly. I realize you don't seem to live in las vegas but you can do the preliminaries by phone anyway. And its better than asking for a paltry settlement.
Its unwise to delay.
Quote: acheapwaytogo
We had to wait after filling out a report for the police. 30 minutes in, I want to not wait to give my statement. I wanted to leave. They said I couldn't. I didn't understand why I was there. Was I being accused? I told them no way, no way I broke that. It wasn't my fault. All she said was the guy in the suit was in charge and he wasn't here at the moment. No help, no info, asks like she's clueless on any info. I was so stressed I cried. I wanted to leave. I never stopped mentioning my flight I was going to miss. It was crappy. 2.5hrs-ish...police guy comes in.
Quote: acheapwaytogo
Wow was I wrong! They brought me back there to hold on to me because the other casino said I broke the escalator... I WAS SHOCKED and scared at the same time.
So about 2 hours pass by. In the mean time I keep telling them that my shuttle for my plane leaves in 1 hour. They totally disregarded this and I missed my flight out.
So I miss my flight, Get hit in the head/face, Get Detained, Get completely humiliated by this, and had to pay a whole lot more for my plane ticket because the airlines wouldn't refund me..
They intimidated you.
They detained you for an unreasonable period of time.
They prevented you from leaving.
They caused you monetary loss.
They caused you emotional pain and suffering.
This is very serious stuff.
Get an Attorney.
This site has some useful information:
Who knows, I may have to eat crow on this one.
Quote: WizardAs a follow up, I directed an attorney friend of mine to read this thread, and he was interested in taking the case. I PM'd her the contact information. Looks like she will get legal help, if she wants it, after all.
Who knows, I may have to eat crow on this one.
I wouldn't recommend it. It has a very greasy, gamey taste and only in a stew is it really palatable.
This is why lawyers are everywhere, they can best tell you what your options are. Look in the Yellow Pages....yes they actually still do print them...they are filled with lawyers ads. They will sue anyone at anytime if they smell money. Not a knock on them, its just what they do. And they can give you better advise than anyone on here, UNLESS that person actually is a lawyer.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceUnfortunately, they really don't. If they do ask something like "why", the security will just say something like "please just come with me" and people will comply. That's how these bullies manage to detain these people illegally. Dragging someone kicking and screaming to the back room is not good for business.
Seriously, watch Compliance. It's a really good movie, and a true story. Really makes you think about how peoples' minds work.
Or maybe it's because "If I'm wrong I might be in more trouble for resisting?"
It's not like cops/other authorities haven't pwnd people for bullshit like "interfering with police investigation" etc.
I do agree with your intention that people's rights should never be abused. But I can see why at least for some people why they don't resist in face of such bullying.
But you didn't do all that because you are an honest citizen. Honest citizens are always the ones who get screwed.
Quote: mickeycrimmAcheapwaytogo, thats what you get for being an honest citizen. What you should have done when that rail hit you was fall down then start screaming of backpain (hard to prove a back injury doesn't exist). Your boyfriend should have called for an ambulance. At the hospital, when you take the urine test, prick your finger and drop some blood in the urine. When you get out of the hospital contact the casino and tell them you will sign a release for $50,000, otherwise you will sue for millions.
But you didn't do all that because you are an honest citizen. Honest citizens are always the ones who get screwed.
lol at the idea of blood in urine. I am going to keep that idea in the vault.
I think a lawyer took the case. I'm sure he told them to keep their yap shut.Quote: BTLWIAny updates?
Quote: WizardI'm not a lawyer, but I think security can only detain somebody if they catch him/her in committing a crime and can do so only for the purpose of detaining him/her until the police arrive. Correct me if I'm wrong. I think it is basically making a citizen's arrest.
Of course security don't have to tell you your rights. If they try to detain you for any other reason, then explain that you committed no crime and choose to leave the property instead. If they don't let you, then clearly say that you are being detained against your will and you wish to immediately notify your attorney or the police on charges of illegal detainment. I think every advantage player should have Bob Nersesian's cell number on his contact list, just for such a contingency.
I have Bob's number on my cell phone.