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January 8th, 2014 at 11:04:37 AM permalink
Sure, I go away for ONE weekend...LOOK at this house! Hurt myself laughing today. Carry on....

I hate my tablet. Sorry for typos.
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January 8th, 2014 at 12:42:09 PM permalink
You act like bimbos are a bad thing.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 8th, 2014 at 12:55:53 PM permalink
"hot" and "juicey" bimbos have their place in society.

they just need to know their worth...and their place
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January 8th, 2014 at 6:18:23 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

You act like bimbos are a bad thing.

Well, I can't really say that's true - that I act that way, or that they're a bad thing. They're a product of their environment more than anything. If advertising tells us anything, it's that there's a jingle or slogan to justify any behavior, and a lot of it teaches women to be objects, to be valued only externally, and that their earning power is both indirect and quite personal; most retail at point-of-sale. It also teaches them a value system that places looks, money, and power well above creativity, personality, kindness, or dozens of other male characteristics. That doesn't mean the value system is wrong. Or that they're bad. I just make other choices, with both advantages and disadvantages.

That said, I was absolutely and still am sexually attracted to powerful men. Being aware of it is not the same thing as acting on it or leveraging my femaleness in their presence. But it's definitely both a cultural and generational bias, and probably goes back into the same sort of almost instinctual behaviour being dissected in multiple threads this week. And I will preemptively say that I'm not being hypocritical.

Need to go party now. \\\ Later.
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January 8th, 2014 at 6:32:36 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

That said, I was absolutely and still am sexually attracted to powerful men. .

You seldom hear a woman say, gee, weak men
who have accomplished nothing are a real turn
on for me. Women are wired to go after the
males with the most skulls on their belts.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 8th, 2014 at 6:39:50 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

You seldom hear a woman say, gee, weak men
who have accomplished nothing are a real turn
on for me. Women are wired to go after the
males with the most skulls on their belts.

I can't help myself but throw in a little "Preditor" analogy here.
So skulls on the belts or skulls neatly polished and placed on a make shift tropy mantle is what the girls want then?

As with most things on this planet there are always the ones who will fit the stereotype and the others who will go against the stereotype for whatever reason.

Some women like strong men because they make them feel safe and they have the ability to care for them and their offspring. Some women prefer marrying a baseless, spineless man so that they can control them unabashedly.

How come we need to pigeon-hole what the relationship between man and woman means?

There is no way we have the collective knowledge to answer that question. All we should do is allow people to make their decisions based on either their personalities or alternatively what is best for them at that particular point in time.

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus......even JuicieJennie and Bob, believe it or not :)
“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” - Winston Churchill
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January 9th, 2014 at 9:26:20 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

You seldom hear a woman say, gee, weak men
who have accomplished nothing are a real turn
on for me. Women are wired to go after the
males with the most skulls on their belts.

And men only dig deeper into women's personality, intelligence, etc. after something catches their eye (and their are many physical attributes on a woman that will catch a man's eye). If you are not good looking enough to catch our eye, we will probably not even notice you at all - unless you are in our way or are completely obnoxious, neither of which is a good thing.
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January 9th, 2014 at 9:53:27 PM permalink
Most of the men actually having babies are successful, successful at leaving the women to be single mothers. A little reality to think of, of what actually happens and not what we think should happen.
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January 9th, 2014 at 10:21:33 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

Most of the men actually having babies are successful, successful at leaving the women to be single mothers. .

In my whole life I don't know one man that
did that. I know women that kicked them out,
but not one that left on his own.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 9th, 2014 at 10:49:45 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

Most of the men actually having babies are successful, successful at leaving the women to be single mothers. A little reality to think of, of what actually happens and not what we think should happen.

You almost never heard of that and if you did it was like a scarlet letter on the woman.

Women at one time were the ones who said "no" to spreading their legs. The men would ask..and the women would be very selective and say no alot.

Then we get the liberal teachings in the schools where we teach the girls that they are equal to the boys. That its common for boys to want sex, and its equally common for girls to want sex, and since we are all equal......and you are going to have sex anyway(since we no longer expect your to have self control)....then here is how to use condoms . But rest assured young ladies..you are equal to men, and if they want sex..its just as equal for you to want it just as bad, and react like the boys

now we have an epidemic of single moms because of sexual equality and poor parenting..which multiplies exponentially
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January 9th, 2014 at 11:06:25 PM permalink
The really successful, powerful men just leave the women with a splattered blue dress and no money to have it dry cleaned. Just like every day, they promise the world and show them the moon.
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January 9th, 2014 at 11:14:37 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

In my whole life I don't know one man that
did that. I know women that kicked them out,
but not one that left on his own.

Back in your day, there wasn't any Maury Povitch to say "you are not the father" and enough of the dads raised other men's babies. It still happens today quite a bit, but not as much.
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January 10th, 2014 at 12:29:46 AM permalink
I wanna fuck. I don't give a rats ass that i'm sixty years old. I wanna fuck.
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January 10th, 2014 at 12:52:08 AM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

I wanna fuck. I don't give a rats ass that i'm sixty years old. I wanna fuck.

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” - Winston Churchill
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January 10th, 2014 at 3:32:25 AM permalink
I think our LarryS has a preformed opinion on certain topics and is willing to bend a great deal of history to fit it.

The truth is that for much of history Anglo Saxon law considered a female to be emotionally vulnerable and incapable of sufficient self restraint which was not so unreasonable giving the legal age of consent varied between eleven and thirteen. It was men who being of superior intellect were considered biologically able to exercise sufficient self restraint.

As to equality, I forget the actress's name but her response to being put on a pedestal was "That's silly, if he want to look up my skirt, he need merely ask".
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January 10th, 2014 at 3:37:05 AM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

I think our LarryS has a preformed opinion on certain topics and is willing to bend a great deal of history to fit it.

The truth is that for much of history Anglo Saxon law considered a female to be emotionally vulnerable and incapable of sufficient self restraint which was not so unreasonable giving the legal age of consent varied between eleven and thirteen. It was men who being of superior intellect were considered biologically able to exercise sufficient self restraint.

As to equality, I forget the actress's name but her response to being put on a pedestal was "That's silly, if he want to look up my skirt, he need merely ask".

A wise man once told me to "never put p*ssy on a pedestal.". It might have been from 40 Year Old Virgin.
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January 10th, 2014 at 6:56:30 AM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

I wanna fuck. I don't give a rats ass that i'm sixty years old. I wanna fuck.

Three-day suspension for profanity.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 10th, 2014 at 7:30:25 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Quote: mickeycrimm

I wanna <the f-word>. I don't give a rats ass that i'm sixty years old. I wanna <another f-bomb>.

Three-day suspension for profanity.


Technically impossible no doubt, but instead of suspending mickey, I wish you could configure his account on a timer. Anything he posts between midnight and 6 am would automatically be spoiler-tagged with a warning label :)
"Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 feet per second, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter."
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January 10th, 2014 at 7:50:50 AM permalink
Quote: gpac1377

Quote: Wizard

Quote: mickeycrimm

I wanna <the f-word>. I don't give a rats ass that i'm sixty years old. I wanna <another f-bomb>.

Three-day suspension for profanity.


Technically impossible no doubt, but instead of suspending mickey, I wish you could configure his account on a timer. Anything he posts between midnight and 6 am would automatically be spoiler-tagged with a warning label :)

That's an amazingly great idea! I had also noticed that confluence quite some time ago, but you've hit on a grand solution. See ya soon, Mick!
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January 10th, 2014 at 8:00:32 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

That's an amazingly great idea!

That is way beyond the technical capabilities of the forum.

I will say that I'll be more lenient on Mickey if he puts his late night posts under spoiler tags himself, like this:

I wanna ride by bicycle. I don't give a rats ass that i'm 48 years old. I wanna ride by bike.

All due apologies to Queen.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 10th, 2014 at 8:03:42 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

That is way beyond the technical capabilities of the forum.

I will say that I'll be more lenient on Mickey if he puts his late night posts under spoiler tags himself, like this:

I wanna ride by bicycle. I don't give a rats ass that i'm 48 years old. I wanna ride by bike.

All due apologies to Queen.

I like that the spoiler had words in it and even simulated a drunk post. Well played Mr. Wizard, well played.

Speaking of well played did the last option on the poll come from that Tolkien quote he made a long time ago? It reminded me of Bigot Baggins :(
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January 10th, 2014 at 9:03:30 AM permalink
I sometimes have "bad vibes" about some guy. Not Karma or any of that BS, just a bad vibe. It's never been wrong. First time was a guy named Donny W. Everybody liked Donny. Hell, so did I. anchor man on bowling team. Just had this bad vibe. We hundg out with same friends. Hard to explain. Even felt guilty about it.

When I went in Air Force, Donny had married and had 2 little girls. I was a practicing Catholic and Donny and his wife went door to door collecting for Bishops Relief Fund. What the hell was wrong with me. When I got out of AF, I was talking with Ronnie Finn about the old gang. That's when I found out way an absolute bastard Donny was.

Finn was still pissed in the part he played in it. Seems Donny and Finn were gonna go bar hopping Christmas Eve. No biggie, so far.
Donny called Fin twice top make sure he picked him up at his house right at 8PM. No alarm bells so far. Finn knocked on the door and one of the little girls opened the door. Donny and his wife were fighting. Donny had a packed suitcase in one hand and and telling the little girl tugging at his pants leg, " Mommy, says I have to go. I can't stay here." Seems the asshole was moving in with his girlfriend and have staged a fight with his wife, probably telling her about the girlfriend and taunting her until she told him to get out.

Finn just stood there dazed. Donny left his wife with two little girls begging Mommy to not made Daddy go. Instead of going to the bar,
Donny wanted to be dropped off at his girlfriend's and Finn gladly obliged. Anybody else just had bad Vibes. I mean just had bad feeling without any reason whatsoever. Never saw Donny again. Would have popped him one in the mouth , just for old times.
Shed not for her the bitter tear Nor give the heart to vain regret Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem that filled it Sparkles yet
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January 10th, 2014 at 9:05:42 AM permalink
" now we have an epidemic of single moms because of sexual equality and poor parenting..which multiplies exponentially"

I remember when they were homes for unwed mothers. And living together was shacking up. And the term Baby Daddy was in nobody's vocabulary.
Shed not for her the bitter tear Nor give the heart to vain regret Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem that filled it Sparkles yet
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January 10th, 2014 at 9:13:30 AM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

I sometimes have "bad vibes" about some guy. Not Karma or any of that BS, just a bad vibe. It's never been wrong. First time was a guy named Donny W. Everybody liked Donny. Hell, so did I. anchor man on bowling team. Just had this bad vibe. We hundg out with same friends. Hard to explain. Even felt guilty about it.

When I went in Air Force, Donny had married and had 2 little girls. I was a practicing Catholic and Donny and his wife went door to door collecting for Bishops Relief Fund. What the hell was wrong with me. When I got out of AF, I was talking with Ronnie Finn about the old gang. That's when I found out way an absolute bastard Donny was.

Finn was still pissed in the part he played in it. Seems Donny and Finn were gonna go bar hopping Christmas Eve. No biggie, so far.
Donny called Fin twice top make sure he picked him up at his house right at 8PM. No alarm bells so far. Finn knocked on the door and one of the little girls opened the door. Donny and his wife were fighting. Donny had a packed suitcase in one hand and and telling the little girl tugging at his pants leg, " Mommy, says I have to go. I can't stay here." Seems the asshole was moving in with his girlfriend and have staged a fight with his wife, probably telling her about the girlfriend and taunting her until she told him to get out.

Finn just stood there dazed. Donny left his wife with two little girls begging Mommy to not made Daddy go. Instead of going to the bar,
Donny wanted to be dropped off at his girlfriend's and Finn gladly obliged. Anybody else just had bad Vibes. I mean just had bad feeling without any reason whatsoever. Never saw Donny again. Would have popped him one in the mouth , just for old times.

Totally sad and so manipulative, Buzz; great example. Yes, I have gotten vibes. Will talk more later about it.
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January 10th, 2014 at 9:21:41 AM permalink
All these bad vibes posts came after my post. I'm getting nervous :(
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January 10th, 2014 at 9:26:14 AM permalink
Sometimes I made bad judgements, like most everybody else. But my bad vibes always have been true. Just takes a while to surface sometimes. Remember having serious doubts about that radar.. Especially when the guy was leader of choir in our church. His wife had MS or something just as bad a year later. Josie and I went to visit her. Semi=private room . Other woman in pain and really made things uncomfortable. Found out would cost him $5 extra for private room under his insurance. She told Josie she begged him, but he controlled the finances and said NO.

Cost my $60 till she was discharged. He never spoke to me again and we moved a few months later. what an asshole !
Shed not for her the bitter tear Nor give the heart to vain regret Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem that filled it Sparkles yet
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January 10th, 2014 at 12:37:50 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

I don't give a rats ass that i'm sixty years old.

I thought he said he was 58 a couple
weeks ago. Drinking will do that to your
brain, I guess.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 10th, 2014 at 5:24:12 PM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

I think our LarryS has a preformed opinion on certain topics and is willing to bend a great deal of history to fit it.

The truth is that for much of history Anglo Saxon law considered a female to be emotionally vulnerable and incapable of sufficient self restraint which was not so unreasonable giving the legal age of consent varied between eleven and thirteen. It was men who being of superior intellect were considered biologically able to exercise sufficient self restraint.

As to equality, I forget the actress's name but her response to being put on a pedestal was "That's silly, if he want to look up my skirt, he need merely ask".

If you look at the movies of the 50's. you will constantly see single female characters that proclaim that they are "good girls". That was their goal. There were rare "good boy" characters. Men were the seekers of sex and the women were the protectors of their "virtue". Ever see scenes in mmoves(which reflect real life values of the times" where the girl spreads her legs and the man says...no, I want to wait till I am married? I am sure there might be one or 2 to show the character as being odd/

I dont know about the Roman Empure...but in the united states in recent past before the explosion of single moms and the burden to society of their children via expense and their behavior....its always been the woman that said no...and boys if raised properly would be taught "if the girl says no....then its NO".

that IS NOT revsionist history. It is very real. Maybe 100 years ago when women didnt have the vote they were thought to be weak minded. But in recent history the women held all the power in the word NO. And in more recent history(like the last 25 years) women have given up their power of "NO". HOW DO i KNOW THIS? Because babies keep popping out of them, and they are not pressing rape charges....SO i guess they are saying "yes" alot more......with men they dont know well enough........And how do I know they dont know the men well enough?,,,,,BECAUSE THEY ARE ALONE WITH THEIR CHIlDREN.

Liberal equality at work. The teachings to young girls that their sexual stance should be equal to the men. The men dont say NO....and the women dont say NO as well. The women and society suffer the consequence.

Although I agree with equal wages for equal work for all sexes.....it is not sexist to acknowldge that there ARE differences between men and women/boys and girls.
Nothing worng with that.
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January 10th, 2014 at 6:21:14 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

If you look at the movies of the 50's. you will constantly see single female characters that proclaim that they are "good girls". That was their goal. There were rare "good boy" characters. Men were the seekers of sex and the women were the protectors of their "virtue". Ever see scenes in mmoves(which reflect real life values of the times" where the girl spreads her legs and the man says...no, I want to wait till I am married? I am sure there might be one or 2 to show the character as being odd/

I dont know about the Roman Empure...but in the united states in recent past before the explosion of single moms and the burden to society of their children via expense and their behavior....its always been the woman that said no...and boys if raised properly would be taught "if the girl says no....then its NO".

that IS NOT revsionist history. It is very real. Maybe 100 years ago when women didnt have the vote they were thought to be weak minded. But in recent history the women held all the power in the word NO. And in more recent history(like the last 25 years) women have given up their power of "NO". HOW DO i KNOW THIS? Because babies keep popping out of them, and they are not pressing rape charges....SO i guess they are saying "yes" alot more......with men they dont know well enough........And how do I know they dont know the men well enough?,,,,,BECAUSE THEY ARE ALONE WITH THEIR CHIlDREN.

Liberal equality at work. The teachings to young girls that their sexual stance should be equal to the men. The men dont say NO....and the women dont say NO as well. The women and society suffer the consequence.

Although I agree with equal wages for equal work for all sexes.....it is not sexist to acknowldge that there ARE differences between men and women/boys and girls.
Nothing worng with that.

Knowing this, why don't the boys/men take precautions and use birth control themselves? Why let yourself get stuck with 18 years of child support for a kid that you have to fight with some crazy bi*** to visit when you want to? I maintain that it is a lack of taking responsibility for one's actions and accepting the consequences thereof that is lacking - in men as well as in women. What we don't teach is with more power and more freedom comes more responsibility.

Also, watch sometime what the media is teaching. Years ago, dating referred to a social activity and often ended with a kiss. Today "dating" as far as the media is concerned, more often than not, means sex. My daughter actually said to me that she didn't want to date because she didn't want to have sex with anyone. Talk about a wake up call. I had to teach her what dating (or what I referred to as dating) meant. Scary.
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January 10th, 2014 at 7:34:33 PM permalink
Quote: skrbornevrymin

My daughter actually said to me that she didn't want to date because she didn't want to have sex with anyone. Talk about a wake up call. I had to teach her what dating (or what I referred to as dating) meant. Scary.

YOU may be in need of a Daughter-Father discussion as to today's activities. Dating is very RARE. Most social actions are "hook ups" not dates.

Girls who would go sailing or go to the movies or DO something with young men... often seem out of options now since all the men want is the sex, not the sailing, movies or dinner stuff.
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January 10th, 2014 at 7:54:57 PM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

YOU may be in need of a Daughter-Father discussion as to today's activities. Dating is very RARE. Most social actions are "hook ups" not dates.

Girls who would go sailing or go to the movies or DO something with young men... often seem out of options now since all the men want is the sex, not the sailing, movies or dinner stuff.

Maybe this is why marriages fail. How do people get to know each other well enough and have enough chances to interact with members of the opposite sex in many varied situations to successfully (meaning long term) marry? There needs to be a lot more to a marriage than sex, and it is more than a mare business transaction or partnership agreement.
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January 10th, 2014 at 11:38:26 PM permalink
Quote: skrbornevrymin

Knowing this, why don't the boys/men take precautions and use birth control themselves? Why let yourself get stuck with 18 years of child support for a kid that you have to fight with some crazy bi*** to visit when you want to? I maintain that it is a lack of taking responsibility for one's actions and accepting the consequences thereof that is lacking - in men as well as in women. What we don't teach is with more power and more freedom comes more responsibility.

Also, watch sometime what the media is teaching. Years ago, dating referred to a social activity and often ended with a kiss. Today "dating" as far as the media is concerned, more often than not, means sex. My daughter actually said to me that she didn't want to date because she didn't want to have sex with anyone. Talk about a wake up call. I had to teach her what dating (or what I referred to as dating) meant. Scary.

funny question, obvious answer. Why dont young men take "precautions"....because the have no jobs, no responsibilities, no court can order them to pay anything because they have nothing. They have friends who have done the same thing. All they wanted is for the girl to say "yes"...thats it. And not only that..but its very common for the girl to say yes multiple times with multiple men they dont really know well enough.....and hence we have the new word in our lexicon..."baby daddy".....girls who say yes multiple times often have multiple "baby daddies".

Schools and parents now have the attitude "you are going to have sex no matter what I say so here is the precautions you should take". So the girls went from being taught the attitude to say no and be selective, and have sex with men they know well and can trust to do the right thing...
to "here are some condoms and birth control....have at it baby we cant stop you, you have a sex drive just like men,,,,so dont hold back"
And there are no consequemces....they get to leave school in order to take care of the baby(which is so so cool because who needs school) , have welfare pay for it if the man they spread their legs for never shows up again or has no money.
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January 11th, 2014 at 7:43:54 AM permalink
Quote: LarryS

no court can order them to pay anything because they have nothing.

The State of Ohio orders them to pay $50/month if they are unemployed, unless verifiably physically/mentally disabled.


Furthermore, if they get a, "Seek work," order with which they do not comply, they go to jail.
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January 11th, 2014 at 2:15:17 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

The State of Ohio orders them to pay $50/month if they are unemployed, unless verifiably physically/mentally disabled.


Furthermore, if they get a, "Seek work," order with which they do not comply, they go to jail.

doyou think a 15 year old boy is scared of being ordered to pay 50 dollars a month if a girl is in front of him spreading her legs.

really....we are not talking about a world full of Schwzeneggers who will be paying large amounts. There are those women who spread their legs for the rich and famous hoping to get pregnant. Hoping for the big child support check. And the children get supported because the man is high profile and can be found easily. This is a rare situation in the grand scheme of things.

But the other category of woman I am talking about who dont say "no" cant cry when they cant find the guy from the "club" or party who they knew would be their prince charming for life based on 2 hours of dancing and a half bottle of vodka. You know the 15 and 16 year olds that give birth to a higher percentage of babies with medical issues, premature births, physical/mental issues sometimes based on their tendy to "party" drink alcohol, smoke weed while they are pregnant...eitherknowingly or unknowlingly.

Like I said...it used to be viewed as the boys will chase girls, and girls had the responsibility to hold the line and say no.

Now the girl doesnt say no to men they hardly know, our cities are filled with children( soon to be adults) raised by teens who like to go clubbing, and leave them off with friends and their 28 year old grandmother. Children that are dumpd on daycare and schools todo ALL the teaching. And we look around at graffitti, crime, unemployment, high cost of medical care,...and say...it never used to be like this.....what happened? Why do we have so many poorly educated people, young children with serious medical problems and high obesity rates. graffitti everywhere., little respect for personal property and life, generation after generation of welfare families....because the gatekeepers of unleashing children into society threw away the key.

And going back to the original premise. The key was thrown away when the liberal media and womens lib started telling women that they were equal to men in every way. There is no difference...even in handling their sexuality. So women became the carbon copy of men...seeking and having sex without discretion.
they gate keepers threw away the keys with the prodding of the liberals and the womens libbers. In the name of a false equality.
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January 11th, 2014 at 2:21:42 PM permalink
It's cool, Larry, I was just saying that the courts can order them to pay something, (or seek work) regardless of what they have or don't have, in the State of Ohio.
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:14:20 PM permalink
Good grief, Larry! What a rant among your last 5 posts!

Mulling what I might say in response. I don't necessarily disagree with most of what you say, but maybe some of the cause-effect and cultural mores are misattributed, IMO. Can I take a raincheck?
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:19:26 PM permalink
' If you look at the movies of the 50's. you will constantly see single female characters that proclaim that they are "good girls".

I remember that in horror movies back then, the first girl who got killed was either making out, or had the biggest tits.
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:30:17 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

So women became the carbon copy of men...seeking and having sex without discretion.

Where were all these women when I was single? I took me six months of dating to get to second base.
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:34:17 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Where were all these women when I was single? I took me six months of dating to get to second base.

Stop asking trivia questions before advancing bases.
Part of it went on gambling, and part of it went on women. The rest I spent foolishly. -George Raft
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:43:17 PM permalink
I have 6 nieces between 20 and 30. Not one of them is a casual sex person, though one is married and all are in long-term relationships. I don't think they're waiting for marriage, and in a literal sense, sex is definitely more casual, in that it's occurring earlier in the relationship, but it's also not like any of them are just jumping from bed to bed either. And, yeah, they're all very attractive girls who are capable and experienced at turning down unwelcome advances. But all of them have figured out that sex is just part of it; a good part, to be sure.
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:45:54 PM permalink
Quote: Transcend

Stop asking trivia questions before advancing bases.

Now you tell me. If it wasn't for torturing women with trivia questions I wouldn't have anything to say at all.
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:54:00 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Where were all these women when I was single? I took me six months of dating to get to second base.

You were dating the wrong women. I've known very
average looking men who had 5 girlfriends at the same
time, and was having sex with all of them. It's not that
hard, but it is a lot of work. These men all had one
thing in common: none of them took women seriously.
Many women hate that and are attracted to it at the
same time. They exude an air of not giving a damn
what a woman thinks, and that gets them laid. Not
fair, is it.
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:54:53 PM permalink
" all are in long-term relationships. " Pardon the comment, but the reference to long-term relationships often means " shacking up ".
Just saying !
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January 11th, 2014 at 8:55:43 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I wouldn't have anything to say at all.

That's perfect. Just smile and nod.
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January 11th, 2014 at 9:07:34 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Where were all these women when I was single? I took me six months of dating to get to second base.

but then again you are not one of 3 or 4 baby daddies for each of those women you would have "met"
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January 11th, 2014 at 9:12:50 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

" all are in long-term relationships. " Pardon the comment, but the reference to long-term relationships often means " shacking up ".
Just saying !

Well, one of those LTR's got engaged Christmas Eve, a second one bought a house in common after 2 years, the third one (the longest together) is probably in "shacking up" mode because the guy is a sh*t. The 4th is in their 2nd year and they're getting more independent together (he was still at his parents' at 24), the 5th is married with a baby, and the 6th is only about 6 months along in the relationship and unknown situation after divorcing w/6 years marriage and 1 kid. I think the default assumption is that they all are "doing it", though at least 1 may still be a virgin; it's not for me to inquire of any of them. All of them seem within the relatively typical boundaries for their generation. Of the 3 boys, one is still an idiot at 38 and will probably never get into a mature relationship, the 2nd is in his 4th committed relationship at 24, and the 16 yo is just starting to be interested but will be successful socially (I think). Just a small cross-section. The 24yo is very handsome and attracts great women, but he's all about personality, brains, and compatibility (looks are well down his list, but that's not to say the women haven't been very good looking), and this latest lady is probably going to be his wife.
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January 11th, 2014 at 9:17:59 PM permalink
I never passed judgement on " shacking up ", but nice to have my guess confirmed.

You do know insanity is hereditary, darling. You get it from your kids.
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January 11th, 2014 at 9:25:33 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

" all are in long-term relationships. " Pardon the comment, but the reference to long-term relationships often means " shacking up ".
Just saying !

I am married almost 30 YEARS AND NEVER "SHACKED UP".....so I knopw what you are saying.

But in our society today "shacking up " has been replaced.

At least if a woman "shacked up" ...she knew the name of the man, where he worked, often knew friends and family...so if she got pregnant she knew where to look

Today women dont even know where to look when they are pregnant. Its not like she takes a drivers license photocopy in the backseat in the parking lot of the club or the hotel room, or the friends house during or after a party. She might not even know his real name.

There are entire groups of TV shows dedicated to these women.

Look at Maury. Almost every show involves multiple women bringing men in for a DNA test. Sometimes a woman brings in multiplemen because they just dont know.
Now back in the day..this isnt something you would be proud to announce to a best friend , let alone go on national tv and declare you had sex with many men before you got pregnant and have no idea who the father is.

And there have been other copycat shows that have sprung up,

Its an industry around women who who dont "shack up"....but are even more irresponsible than that.

actually I look back fondly tothe days of people "shacking up"
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January 11th, 2014 at 9:35:46 PM permalink
Not to change the subject , but I often wonder about people in foreign countries who see Maury, Cheaters, Cops, etc and the opinions they must form about blacks in america ??
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January 11th, 2014 at 10:46:10 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

Not to change the subject , but I often wonder about people in foreign countries who see Maury, Cheaters, Cops, etc and the opinions they must form about blacks in america ??

My comments on this thread go accross alot of races.

I never singled out one

cheaters has alot of whites as does Cops.

I agree that although black people make up 13 percent of america....my guess is that maury has at least 70 percent black participation

Single mothers are indeed a big issue in the black community...Bill Cosby has even commented on that and got alot of heat

But other communities are catching on as well

white teens love to pick up on hip hop, rap.......they pick up on other things as well
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