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January 7th, 2014 at 1:56:19 PM permalink
" I know people who eat Chinese food every day. It's all they eat. It's all they like." Millions of people in China have this addiction. It is pandemic.
Shed not for her the bitter tear Nor give the heart to vain regret Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem that filled it Sparkles yet
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January 7th, 2014 at 2:16:06 PM permalink
Thanks, LarryS for your contribution. Please define what you believe an addict is. You need all four characteristics to make an addict, not just one. We should probably add something to do with endorphins in there.

Let's have a dialogue rather than an attack.
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January 7th, 2014 at 2:41:01 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Thanks, LarryS for your contribution. Please define what you believe an addict is. You need all four characteristics to make an addict, not just one. We should probably add something to do with endorphins in there.

The main problem is that the word "addiction" is not well defined. It's not like a mathematical concept which can be rigorously defined. It's not even like a scientific concept which can be determined through experimentation. Some doctors just got together, and said that anyone who meets certain criteria is "addicted", and people who don't meet those criteria are not. And, every once in a while they all get together and change their definitions. And different doctors in different countries have their own definitions. So, while you might be an addict in the US, you might not be in France. It's completely arbitrary.

Note that, a few decades ago, someone who was homosexual was considered to be mentally ill. Why? Because it was politically correct, at that time, to define homosexuality as a mental illness, so that's how it was defined. Now it is not politically correct to define it that way, so that's not how it's defined any more. The point is, "mental illness" doesn't actually mean anything; it's simply some arbitrary list of things that some doctors made up. The list changes as the things that society considers to be acceptable change.

As such, it doesn't really make sense to argue about whether or not someone is addicted. We clearly don't all mean the same thing by the word. You can choose to use the definition that one group of doctors uses, or you can use the definition that another group uses, or you can make up your own definition. It doesn't matter. And obviously, if we all use different definitions then we are not going to agree on the outcome.
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January 7th, 2014 at 5:28:57 PM permalink
My definition of "addiction" is not relevant. In fact I have no personal definition. There are plenty of medical websites to give you a cogent definition.

However the things brought up are clearly recognizable as not being addictions

People who are fat and eat alot of chocolate are not chocolate 'addicts".....they are fat people with no discipline'

People who get caught cheating ont heir wives are not "sex addicts"....they are more self absorbed selfish poorly raised a-holes

A person who goes to Italy and has a great time, and for years and years thinks about going back, craves going back, not a "travel addict" or an italy addict

A person who goes to vegas less than once a month and thinks about it alot is not automatically an "addict" based on just what has been told to us.

A person who spends all his time working on his personal motorcycles in the garage at the expense of paying attention to his not an "addict"....rather just a poor parent

we just love to throw the word "addict" around. It makes people a victim of a disease rather than just call the person out for being a bad person, a egomaniac, a poor decision maker, a person that prioritizes poorly,,,a person who is irresponsible. a bad parent/husband

A person on welfare who buys scratch off tickets every day is an "addict"??? or just an irresponsible person who has money that they didnt work for and therefore puts no value in conserving it? They will get another check next week.

I personally have gambled at least once a week at a casino or racetrack every week for the last 35 years. Am I addicted? NO.....How can I say that?,,,,Because 3 years ago I was between jobs and for 3 months didnt gamble.I just didnt think it was right to risk family money if I wasnt bringing any in. And I did not go thru withrawl tremors, no shakes, no depression, no stomach pain, no insomnia, no constant thinking of placing a bet(all common traits of addiction). I just did other things to concentrate on getting my next job. Could someone else in my shoes that gambles every week for 30 years be an addict???..Absolutly. Its not the action only....its how your brain and body require the action and physically and mentally needs that action that counts.

You cannot simply identify an action as being addiction
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January 18th, 2014 at 11:40:37 AM permalink
hi there!! soooo i been contemplating and maybe worrying? that i may be addicted to gambling; i NEVER went to (local) casinos this much...i went practically every dam day this week!! i DO NOT want to end up like my friend who lost her sister's car and bank account. of course i know it will never come to that...whenever i go to casino, i only bring/take with me like few hundred ($150-250)
and i never gamble/play w money i shouldn't be losing etc...but i just concerned that i may be addicted somebody please any insight and advice opinion etc will greatly help TIA!~
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January 18th, 2014 at 11:43:28 AM permalink
Quote: juiciejennie

hi there!! soooo i been contemplating and maybe worrying? that i may be addicted to gambling; i NEVER went to (local) casinos this much...i went practically every dam day this week!! i DO NOT want to end up like my friend who lost her sister's car and bank account. of course i know it will never come to that...whenever i go to casino, i only bring/take with me like few hundred ($150-250)
and i never gamble/play w money i shouldn't be losing etc...but i just concerned that i may be addicted somebody please any insight and advice opinion etc will greatly help TIA!~

And so it begins.......
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January 18th, 2014 at 12:09:05 PM permalink
Quote: Perdition

And so it begins.......

ok idk what ur problem is, but i am just asking for any thoughts etc but never mind
wow i can't even chime in and share my feelings
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January 18th, 2014 at 12:24:42 PM permalink
What's the difference between addicted and working? If I'm gambling a lot it's an addiction, but if I am making money at it does it still become an addiction, or does it become work?

(Making money at it implies gambling with an advantage)
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January 18th, 2014 at 12:35:43 PM permalink
juicie, there are tests you can take to see if you have a problem, only thing is, I don't know which ones to trust. A lot of people think Gambler's Anonymous is extremist, for example.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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January 18th, 2014 at 5:16:17 PM permalink
Quote: juiciejennie

hi there!! soooo i been contemplating and maybe worrying? that i may be addicted to gambling; i NEVER went to (local) casinos this much...i went practically every dam day this week!! i DO NOT want to end up like my friend who lost her sister's car and bank account. of course i know it will never come to that...whenever i go to casino, i only bring/take with me like few hundred ($150-250)
and i never gamble/play w money i shouldn't be losing etc...but i just concerned that i may be addicted somebody please any insight and advice opinion etc will greatly help TIA!~

It is a question of degree. Gambling creates an emotional response which can become destructive. Many activities in our daily lives create similar responses. That fact alone doesn't make these activities a damaging addiction. Petting one's dog is an example. You might do it daily, many times in fact - but of course it is not a dangerous addiction. I try to assess my gambling on purely financial terms... Can I afford what I am spending on it ON A NET BASIS each month. If not, my gambling habit must be altered.
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January 18th, 2014 at 7:03:17 PM permalink
Have you ever had the "FEVER" where you cant breakaway from a table? You miss a very casual dinner with your friends or that show you are suppose to attend. Is that a warning sign you need help? Maybe it isn't a sign until you literary hear a slot calling your name like in that twilight zone. []
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January 18th, 2014 at 10:07:24 PM permalink
Juicy sounds like a teenager who hears about a relative dying of cancer, and then complains that she hopes that the mole she has on her elbo isnt malignant melanoma.

Hey everyone....instead of asking strangers if you are "addictied'....why dont you find out for yourselves

Its easy

If you really feel you are addicted, and there is a REAL problem with gambling....then just dont gamble for a couple months.

And note the symptoms

do you now suffer insomnia, GI pains,. whithrawl tremors, cant function at your job because you are thinking about your next bet. Irritable/short fuse
depression, no interest to do other events with friends or family,

Go ahead and try it. You want a bunch of stangers to diagnose you over the internet?

addiction is a REAL clinical disorder. Leading to much pain for the people involved and for their friends and family.

do you think i am addicted, do you think i have a brain tumor, Do you think I am biopolar, do you think my leg is broken or just severely bruised....are questions best not answered by strangers on the internet.

to speak in the vernacular of Juicey so she understands

soooooooo JUICEY,....omg omg....i dont think gambling every day for a week indicates addiction...lolol lol..omg, ...

your bff
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January 19th, 2014 at 3:45:13 AM permalink
Quote: juiciejennie

hi there!! soooo i been contemplating and maybe worrying? that i may be addicted to gambling; i NEVER went to (local) casinos this much...i went practically every dam day this week!! i DO NOT want to end up like my friend who lost her sister's car and bank account. of course i know it will never come to that...whenever i go to casino, i only bring/take with me like few hundred ($150-250)
and i never gamble/play w money i shouldn't be losing etc...but i just concerned that i may be addicted somebody please any insight and advice opinion etc will greatly help TIA!~

You have so many great stories! Please tell us how your friend lost her sister's car and bank account. I can't wait to hear it. If that happened to me I think I might have a TIA.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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January 19th, 2014 at 4:12:26 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

You have so many great stories! Please tell us how your friend lost her sister's car and bank account. I can't wait to hear it. If that happened to me I think I might have a TIA.

I think she meant Thank you In Advance(Tia)
Part of it went on gambling, and part of it went on women. The rest I spent foolishly. -George Raft
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January 19th, 2014 at 4:30:25 AM permalink
Quote: juiciejennie

hi there!! soooo i been contemplating and maybe worrying? that i may be addicted to gambling; i NEVER went to (local) casinos this much...i went practically every dam day this week!! i DO NOT want to end up like my friend who lost her sister's car and bank account. of course i know it will never come to that...whenever i go to casino, i only bring/take with me like few hundred ($150-250)
and i never gamble/play w money i shouldn't be losing etc...but i just concerned that i may be addicted somebody please any insight and advice opinion etc will greatly help TIA!~

If you're addicted, you'll not want to keep records of your wins and losses.
I am a robot.
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January 19th, 2014 at 4:37:08 AM permalink
Quote: Transcend

I think she meant Thank you In Advance(Tia)

Yes, I knew that. Just reaffirming that I should leave the humor to those more capable. I forgot the smiley face. :-)
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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January 19th, 2014 at 4:41:21 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Yes, I knew that. Just reaffirming that I should leave the humor to those more capable. I forgot the smiley face. :-)

I got the sarcasm, that last sentence just threw me a bit.
Part of it went on gambling, and part of it went on women. The rest I spent foolishly. -George Raft
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January 30th, 2014 at 6:29:15 AM permalink
I'm telling you im going to Vegas too much! Went last week for business and my Birthday, going Feb 14 for business, Feb 28th for baby shower, March 20th for March madness and April for business as well. It just so happens I have good reasons to be there but am I addicted? Am I finding reasons to go? I will play craps for my regular 4 hours a day.. I also feel obligated to play as I always go in comped. I know I can just pay for a room, food and beverage and not feel obligated but I enjoy not having to put up front the 1000 or more for all that. I also like coming in comped. Much easier. I think im scared because I have won the last 3 years (knock on wood!) (Except 3 times)....I'm do for a big loss so im a little frightened. Yes, I am way up but the money isn't house money it is mine!
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January 30th, 2014 at 7:15:43 AM permalink
Quote: mds

I'm telling you im going to Vegas too much! Went last week for business and my Birthday, going Feb 14 for business, Feb 28th for baby shower, March 20th for March madness and April for business as well. It just so happens I have good reasons to be there but am I addicted? Am I finding reasons to go? I will play craps for my regular 4 hours a day.. I also feel obligated to play as I always go in comped. I know I can just pay for a room, food and beverage and not feel obligated but I enjoy not having to put up front the 1000 or more for all that. I also like coming in comped. Much easier. I think im scared because I have won the last 3 years (knock on wood!) (Except 3 times)....I'm do for a big loss so im a little frightened. Yes, I am way up but the money isn't house money it is mine!

I'd be going just as often, if I could afford it. It's like Disneyworld for adults!
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January 30th, 2014 at 8:42:17 AM permalink
Keeping it simple: I think there are two main indicators of addiction:
1. It affects or interferes with your life negatively (you lost some time and money you couldn't afford or used more positively); and,
2. It is not controllable by you, it derails and distracts you from doing what you need and had planned to do, for a positive life. You planned to do the right thing (go to your kid's game) but went to the casino, liquor store, or drug spot instead. It overrode what you knew better, it re-prioritized your priorities. That's controlling you.

One easy way to find out: Live in Vegas or AC where this "gambling drug spot" is at your finger tips and not a plane ride away.
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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January 30th, 2014 at 9:21:48 AM permalink
At one time it didn't matter to me but I have become extremely addicted to keeping a roof over my head, eating quality meals, and drinking in bars instead of alleyways. Gambling is the tool I use to accomplish it.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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January 31st, 2014 at 7:52:37 PM permalink
I hate to lose more than I like to win too. And I can afford to bet more than I do but I don't want to jeopardize my winning percentage by upping my action. I would not gamble though if I didn't have an advantage ( I count). If I could only play 9/6 Jacks and double odds craps, I wouldn't go to Vegas. But I do play these games ALONG with21.
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January 31st, 2014 at 9:44:41 PM permalink
Question is.. If you know you only have a 40% to 50% chance of winning and still gamble, are you addicted? At a 48.50% to 50% chance or better of winning im in! I will take that gamble to make free money! Will I go broke? Or, should I continue to play smart and keep winning?
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February 2nd, 2014 at 6:22:02 PM permalink
Just read that Philip Seymour Hoffman died from an apparent drug overdose. Reminded me of the movie Ownng Mahowny, where he plays a mid level banker with gambling addiction (which is based on a true story).
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February 4th, 2014 at 8:58:13 PM permalink
Quote: EdgeLooker

Just read that Philip Seymour Hoffman died from an apparent drug overdose. Reminded me of the movie Ownng Mahowny, where he plays a mid level banker with gambling addiction (which is based on a true story).

I remember that movie, thanks for bringing it up...i was just thinking of it.

There was a scene where he is at the casino, and going down the escalator.....and its not a big scene...but I remember he was walking down the esclator as it went down,,,,,just to get to the action quicker.

I thought that was very realistic.

He made some other very good indie films. The Savages come to mind. Very versitile....he could play a bad guy, he can play a weak victim. There was also this indie film where he robbed his own parents jewlery store and mother got killed in the process.

I will miss his work
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