mine so much it's profound. I buy lots of books
and DVD's every year, and haven't visited a
bookstore or bought a DVD anyplace else than
Amazon since 1997.
I gave up on antique shows in 1998 and sold on
Ebay full time until 2005. It was all I did, 7 days
a week. I buy almost everything online now, except
essentials. A snowblower from Craigslist. A car
from Craigslist. All my contact with family is online.
All my entertainment is from places like Netflix.
If I want to know something, I used to make lists
and go the library. Haven't been in a library since
If that isn't enough, I learned how to get an advantage
in certain casino games by studying them online. I
can go and play them live for free at certain online casinos.
I can access today's result's from numerous casinos in EU
every day and use them in practice. The net has taken
years off the process of learning.
The internet is amazing, it's almost in the realm of miraculous
for us that remember what life was like in the 50's and
60's. I actually know two very smart men that I've known
for decades that flat out refuse to get computers. When I
talk to them, it's like they're retarded now. They know almost
nothing about anything, yet are smug in their assurance that
we are the ones who are ignorant. I'm embarrassed for them.
It was about a mentally ill, con artist, that is well spoken and pawns himself off as the son of Sidney Poirtier....a well off white family takes him in when he appears to be injured, and are enthralled by his stories and feel they have a real celeb in their home. Weeks later they have suspicions and go to a book store, and find a book on the life of Sidney Portier and find that he only had daughters.
Oh well...of course this premise wouldnt fly today where a smart phone takes care of that in 10 seconds....and will smith is kicked out on his ass...end of movie in 5 min
And thats the thing about the net....so much is at your fingertips
Even simple things....you are watching tv and see an old movie....and you say to your wife...I wonder what ever happened to him.....or what other movie did we see him in....he looks familiar. In 20 seconds you can have that answer. Before the net you could only wonder.
And planning out trips by calling AAA to send you a trip-tik....where they highlight on a map your route. Or even needing gas stations to ask for directions.
yes, most book stores or "record shops" are out of business
betting, and waiting for the newspaper to arrive the next day to see if you won....and being pissed because the late games werent listed.
having stocks and waiting till the next day to see how your stocks did in the newspaper (or haivng to watch the crawl on the bottom of the screen on a finacial network hoping u dont miss it)
Having to go to travel agents
snowstorm right now, in real time. I can see radar
from a satellite any time I want. I can Skype with
the AFB 1500 miles from here. Bid on a rental car
from my home office.
Quote: sodawaterThe next step for you is to stop referring to anything as "The Net." This isn't 1998.
"The Internet and the World Wide Web have a whole-to-part relationship. The Internet is the large container, and the Web is a part within the container. It is common in daily conversation to abbreviate them as the "Net" and the "Web", and then swap the words interchangeably."
Hee hee heeQuote: sodawaterThe next step for you is to stop referring to anything as "The Net." This isn't 1998.
Quote: onenickelmiracleHee hee hee
I don't get the joke, whats it called if not the net?
"The Internet and the World Wide Web have a whole-to-part relationship. The Internet is the large container, and the Web is a part within the container. It is common in daily conversation to abbreviate them as the "Net" and the "Web", and then swap the words interchangeably."
Quote: EvenBobI don't get the joke, whats it called if not the net?
"The Internet and the World Wide Web have a whole-to-part relationship. The Internet is the large container, and the Web is a part within the container. It is common in daily conversation to abbreviate them as the "Net" and the "Web", and then swap the words interchangeably."
Looks like onenickelmiracle is laughing all through cyberspace!!
The thing is about the internet is the brain becomes weak recalling things because of reliance on Google. Your own associations lose their ties and it's harder to navigate them.
I like searching information, but miss the randomness and creativity of picking up a book and being inspired with ideas and glossing over things. google page searches you see exactly what you wanted to, but mainly only that. Say if I wanted to find out about a bird I saw, wouldn't learn anything about the others out there and would just be back at Google again. Sometimes I do worry when something you've found you cannot find again, then you find out you know something but can never back it Up.
Can agree Larrys aboutTv shows etc plots becoming obsolete because of technology. There always used to be car chases on tv with people trying to slam other cars off the road in broad daylight. Never would believable today.
Saw a Twilight Zone episode with a similar theme today about a guy trying to get something with a large block of gold. Then the other man said gold used to be valuable until they find another way to manufacture it. The show was supposed to be 100 years in the future so the viewer could imagine although gold being an element, maybe there would be some radical discovery given time.
The thing is, they did write Seinfeld in a modern setting. It's called Curb Your Enthusiasm, written by former Seinfeld showrunner Larry David. Curb is set in the modern world, has many of the same comedic sensibilities as Seinfeld, and is very funny despite everyone in the show having a cell phone on him at all times.
It just goes to show that good writing is good writing, and bad writing is bad writing, and if Jerry and Larry were making "Seinfeld" today, it would be just as funny. Good writing always wins.
Quote: onenickelmiracleReposting, guess phone erred me.
Saw a Twilight Zone episode with a similar theme today about a guy trying to get something with a large block of gold. Then the other man said gold used to be valuable until they find another way to manufacture it. The show was supposed to be 100 years in the future so the viewer could imagine although gold being an element, maybe there would be some radical discovery given time.
Decent episode called Rip Van Winkle Caper. Do love Twilight Zone arguably best tv ever made.
Quote: sodawaterLooks like onenickelmiracle is laughing all through cyberspace!!
Cyberspace, who calls it that. Do you think you're in
a TV commercial? I took a rent a car back last week
and the 22 year old girl told me to look their site
up on the net. She would have sounded like a moron
telling me to look it up in cyberspace.
Quote: onenickelmiracleThe net is just out of fashion, but is acceptable.
I hear it all the time, it's hardly out of fashion. The
'web' is out of fashion. In 1996 everybody was
'surfing the web'. All the douchebags were, anyway.
Quote: sodawaterPeople always say that Seinfeld wouldn't have any valid plots if it had been written when cell phones were common -- and then point to episodes like "The Chinese Restaurant" and "The Pool Guy," where miscommunications easily solvable with modern technology resulted in funny consequences.
The thing is, they did write Seinfeld in a modern setting. It's called Curb Your Enthusiasm, written by former Seinfeld showrunner Larry David. Curb is set in the modern world, has many of the same comedic sensibilities as Seinfeld, and is very funny despite everyone in the show having a cell phone on him at all times.
It just goes to show that good writing is good writing, and bad writing is bad writing, and if Jerry and Larry were making "Seinfeld" today, it would be just as funny. Good writing always wins.
any word on curb coming back?
Quote: EvenBobHas the internet changed your life?
You mean BESIDES the easy access to porn? (Safest of sex...lol).
I don't know about 'changed', but there are a number of ways the internet has influenced my life.
First professionally. For a solo card counter, there is an education process, a learning curve. You buy and read all the books, many from the 80's and partially outdated, but the biggest part of the education process comes from experience. The internet has allowed me access to a whole community of other players that you can meet, network with and learn from. So, in a sense, you learn from not only your own experiences, but from other members experiences. I have had access to some great mathematical minds, like our host, Mike, as well as a number of really special blackjack authors and legends, such as Mr Schlesinger, Wong, Wattenburger that I greatly admire and respect. I mean instantaneous access. I can and do communicate with folks that I never would be able to, and they all are so very generous with their time. It most certainly is no coinsidence that just about the time I really got involved with a couple different sites, my results dramatically improved.
Secondly and much more personal, I left home on my 18th birthday and had no contact with my family for a number of years. Sadly this included my younger brother, 10 years younger than me, who was just a kid when I left. When he reached his teen years and started participating on social media, I was able to reconnect with him and sort of get to know him all over again. We now have a really good relationship and he visits me twice a year over Christmas and summer break from college. With all the bad things associated with the internet, for this opportunity I am grateful.
Quote: onenickelmiracle
I like searching information, but miss the randomness and creativity of picking up a book.
Not me, far too time consuming. I spent half
my life in bookstores and libraries looking
things up. Buy literally a hundred price guides
on different subjects when I was selling antiques,
and always updating them. Then came Ebay
and you could see the actual value of something
right then. I still read books but I look nothing
up in them anymore. And all my books are Kindle
Quote: LarrySany word on curb coming back?
One of the best shows ever. I miss it.
Quote: kewljThe internet has allowed me access to a whole community of other players that you can meet, network with and learn from. So, in a sense, you learn from not only your own experiences, but from other members experiences. .
That's what I was saying earlier. I did something
in about 4 years that would have taken me 15
years with a computer. The access to important
information is incredible here, if you know how
to exploit it. Incredibly, a lot of people don't, they
spend all their time on porn and twitter and FB.
Or they're married men on dating sites trying
to get laid.
Quote: LarrySany word on curb coming back?
HBO periodically reiterates that it will make another season of curb whenever larry david wants. a lot of the supporting cast is also pushing hard for another season ... but larry david has been busy making and promoting movies.
maybe this spring larry gets bored and decides to do a new season.
Quote: EvenBobCyberspace, who calls it that. Do you think you're in
a TV commercial? I took a rent a car back last week
and the 22 year old girl told me to look their site
up on the net. She would have sounded like a moron
telling me to look it up in cyberspace.

Quote: rainmanOut of fashion?...Hell I use and hear the word all the time by young and old alike.
young and old alike?
if you casually referenced "the net" to anyone under 17 he would have no idea what you're talking about.
Quote: sodawateryoung and old alike?
if you casually referenced "the net" to anyone under 17 he would have no idea what you're talking about.
Not true. I would be willing to meet up in Vegas Jan-20-24 if you would like to make a prop.
We can ask random youths under 17 if they know what it means and you will loose.
Quote: sodawateryoung and old alike?
if you casually referenced "the net" to anyone under 17 he would have no idea what you're talking about.
Absolute nonsense. But just for a laugh, what do
you think they call it? And it's not cyberspace,
nobody uses that ludicrous word except people
on TV.
Quote: EvenBobThat's what I was saying earlier. I did something
in about 4 years that would have taken me 15
years with a computer. The access to important
information is incredible here, if you know how
to exploit it. Incredibly, a lot of people don't, they
spend all their time on porn and twitter and FB.
Or they're married men on dating sites trying
to get laid.
There's certainly a lot of fluff, but the power is there if you want it.
Anything you want to know or learn, it's here. Granted, you have to be savvy enough to be able to spot the b.s., but if you have a brain, you can open it wide.
My entire race car was built by the intertron. Wtf do I know about 24 year old Honda rustbuckets? Zilch. But I built that whole damn thing with little more than a 3/8" socket set and a smartphone. Instead of leafing through a $30 Haynes manual and ruining it with greasy hands, instead of traveling and hour to order parts, wait a week, then travel another hour to pick them up, instead of running out of ideas and breaking out the hammer, I can look up the problem, order parts online direct to my front door, search a hundred threads of a hundred guys that already had that problem, and reach out to real, live people to ask for help, all without crawling out from under the car or even putting down my beer.
My Mosin was terribly out of whack when I bought it. Think you're gonna find an instruction manual for a 70 year old Soviet rifle at Wal-Mart? To the intertron!
I needed an engine that was only offered in Japan and South Africa. Think you're gonna find that at your local NAPA Auto Parts? To the intertron!
Yeah. It's a pretty sweet place =)
just researching what I might have. Yeah,
they say that's having a fool for a doctor,
but that was before the internet. You can
get 10 different opinions from 10 docs, and
even better, read endless forums by people
who suffer the same problem.
3 years ago I had some high readings in
my bloodwork and my doc wanted me to
take a battery of expensive tests. Screw
that, I researched it exhaustively and took
some measures of my own and now my
bloodwork is back to normal. Doc's are
test crazy, they don't have time to stay
abreast of every new thing.
Quote: EvenBobI've avoided countless trips to the doctor by
just researching what I might have. Yeah,
they say that's having a fool for a doctor,
but that was before the internet.
I do the same, and I've been accurate so far.
I'm pretty sure that's what the doctor does
when you're sitting in the private waiting room,
he's busy looking up your symptoms on WebMD.
Quote: JBI do the same, and I've been accurate so far.
I'm pretty sure that's what the doctor does
when you're sitting in the private waiting room,
he's busy looking up your symptoms on WebMD.
More accurate than the doctor. You have access
to more info than him. You need him for the blood
tests and he has a script pad. And experience, of
Nothing wrong with that, just there is the fact polarization is increased and people become caricatures of themselves. Things like antiques and many other things, can we maybe say they have become commodities with the internet from before when value and availability was less certain.Quote: EvenBobNot me, far too time consuming. I spent half
my life in bookstores and libraries looking
things up. Buy literally a hundred price guides
on different subjects when I was selling antiques,
and always updating them. Then came Ebay
and you could see the actual value of something
right then. I still read books but I look nothing
up in them anymore. And all my books are Kindle
With a place such as a library, a person can change thoughts so fast just by walking from here to there. I don't think it's the same online. Seems like exploring caves to me maybe with some offshoots but not so abrupt online where things are more linear, if I'm using the term correctly.
One more thing- autocorrect is often making me look like an idiot. I swear I'm hitting these button right then I look away and the phone changes them back. lol It's too uncomfortable to be perfect when my hands start hurting. Thumbs weren't meant to crawl ten miles.
So free GAY porn has changed your life?Quote: djatcSaved me a lot of trips to the adult video store, so yeah it has changed my life.
Bob I'm not sure how you got your antiques. With the internet(that's what I call it) it seems that now everyone knows the exact value of rare items and what to look for. Did it piss you off a bit, that everyone now had instant assess to all information you spent time researching and learning?Quote: EvenBobNot me, far too time consuming. I spent half
my life in bookstores and libraries looking
things up. Buy literally a hundred price guides
on different subjects when I was selling antiques,
and always updating them. Then came Ebay
and you could see the actual value of something
right then. I still read books but I look nothing
up in them anymore. And all my books are Kindle
Quote: AxelWolfSo free GAY porn has changed your life?Quote: djatcSaved me a lot of trips to the adult video store, so yeah it has changed my life.
Quote: AxelWolfSo free GAY porn has changed your life?
You know some of that stuff is the funniest stuff I have ever seen in my life. I don't know why it makes me laugh so much but there was this site, it was like efukt or something to that effect and it had a video called Macho Man Cries From Anal. And it was like a fat neckbeard type and and some dude that looked like Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite going at it and the neckbread is all tough saying he's going to do this and that and then when things get reversed he's still talking all tough and then he just is like "wait this hurts" and has a total breakdown, I never laugh half as much as I do at stuff like that.
I would always hear on Howard Stern about people laughing so much that they drove off the road and I never understood it. But then when Richard Christie and Sal joined they would always play sound clips of that stuff and there would be some dude saying like "Rules are I'm in charge" and guys making the craziest sounds ever, I don't know I never not laugh at that. It's probably not normal but I don't know what to tell you.
Edit:Oh PS that efukt place shows some really odd stuff, I mean I have a pretty high tolerance but they are out there so fair warning if you decide to go down that dark road lol.
So you watch gay porn because it's "funny"?
Riiiiiiiiight (wink wink) lol...
The term is about as antiquated as the computers used in that movie
Quote: PerditionRichard Christie and Sal
That reminds me of their hilarious CNN prank when they were making out behind a reporter. lol!
True depending on circumstances but I'm guessing "online" is the best choice and most acceptable.Quote: Beethoven9thThese days, you usually don't hear people say "the net", "the web", or even "the internet" anymore. Nowadays, people usually refer to specific websites instead (e.g., Google, Facebook, etc.).
Anyways I have been Mr. Derail today so I'll stop before Mission or the Wizard have to come in here and break threads up.
Back to the main topic, the internet has helped me become a social recluse at certain times which has been beneficial for my overall mental health.
Not gay porn, but the funniest line I heard in porn was ....... a girl saying.... OHHH NOOO, DON'T DOUBLE DONG ME!Quote: PerditionWell 90% listen but I'm not going to lie and say I never watched it, but yeah the lines are the funniest thing to me. Sometimes I'll go around repeating them using the voice the guy does and that makes me laugh too. There used to be a YouTube video of a black girl watching and doing the voices and I would have totally put that here because it was that funny but the comments got really racial and I guess she or YouTube took it down. My friend is the same way you are, like I will hand him the head phones and tell him to go stand away from the screen and he laughs but mainly he is like "You actually watched that" and I say well someone has to take the hits for the laughs. He probably thinks I take it up the 5 hole but what can you do. See the Joe Rogan weightlifter bit in the D thread for an example.
Anyways I have been Mr. Derail today so I'll stop before Mission or the Wizard have to come in here and break threads up.
Back to the main topic, the internet has helped me become a social recluse at certain times which has been beneficial for my overall mental health.
Quote: Facethe intertron!
Bob, that's what the young people call it now.
I can remember paying the smart kids to do my book reports because it wasn't as simple as going online and just downloading or printing. We actually had to go to the library and find books using an old fashioned card catalog.
My 21 year old brother in law grew up in the next generation where everything was digital. He had internet most of his life and had a cell phone when he was young.
The net has changed all of our lives and I think it is 100% for the better. If it weren't for social media I probably would have not seen or spoke to any of my relatives in many years.
Quote: odiousgambitBob, that's what the young people call it now.
No they don't, that's a farcical word people use when
they want to be funny. The internet is a place, going
online is how you get there. The internet is still very
much in use, the web is not. Nobody 'surfs the web'