Quote: DRichI would consider suicide.
As long as you have heat in your house to me it’s no different than being 115 in Vegas either way you stay inside .
That was actually a good movie back in the day.Quote: rxwineThe US is looking like the movie "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles." and lots of people are the characters played by Steve Martin and John Candy.
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I was going to, but I won't, until I can persuade you guys to start using Degrees Celsius Like the rest of the world has done since 1962 ! $;o)
Idiots guide to Celsius.....
-25C The freezer is working fine.
-10C What we had last week from the arctic wind
0C Water freezes: Bl006dy cold to be out gardening
16C A cold bedroom at night. A British Beer as served
20C Comfortable room temperature
25C Time to switch from drinking warm Ale to cold Lager
30C Scorchio
37 °C You don't have a fever
65 °C The compost heap is warming nicely.
100 °C Water boils
160-200 °C Oven cooking
Compared to Farenheit
-59 °F God knows. I saw it in a US headline
0 °F God knows. Probably cold
32 °F Freezing point of some arbitrary brine and ammonia chloride mix
68 °F = 20 °C Comfortable room temperature
212 °F = Exactly 180 °F more than 32 °F Huh. Why???
Seriously guys. Science and engineering are SOOOOOOO much simpler if you embrace metrication and then SI units. Stop fannying about with imperial and obscure measures. Ounces, Pints, Gallons ( We can't even agree on that one), inches, feet, yards, acres, miles, etc. You just make life so hard for yourselves. Didn't you lose a space ship because of non-metric measuring? https://www.simscale.com/blog/nasa-mars-climate-orbiter-metric/
Maybe we Brit stitched you up with these archaic measures out of spite knowing that even we would quit on them.
Remember thinking how dumb our UK currency was with 12 pennies in a shilling, 20 shillings in a pound. You got it right with your dollar and we stole your idea. Europe got it right with metric, but you guys were too set in your ways.
But really guys, drag yourself into the twentieth century ( And I mean that) Then drag yourself into this one $:o)
Not including EvenBob, who can use his own calendar and timezones :o)
50 years ago, I was blown away that a cube of water 0.1m x 0.1m x 0.1m would be EXACTLY a litre. Would weigh exactly a kilogram. Distance, volume, mass all aligned. I was blown away at not having to remember 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet to a yard, 440 yards to a furlong, 8 furlongs ( or 1780 yards ) to a mile. Just 1000mm to a metre, 1000m to a kilometre
From ounces of water in a pint or gallon would have been unthinkable. But cubic centimetres to litres to cubic metres, just needed a sense of scale to get the right number of zeros.
16oz to a pound, 112 pound to a hundredweight, 20 hundredweight (or 2240 pounds) to a tonne!
Where you can have 1000g to a kilogram. 1000 kilograms for a tonne and if you want a handy size bag of cement, just have 50kg
Oh hum. Keep warm folks and Seasons Greetings to you all.
Quote: OnceDear
Seriously guys. Science and engineering are SOOOOOOO much simpler if you embrace metrication and then SI units.
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Our ancestors didn't throw all that tea in the ocean so that the fish could have a nice energy boost and start to their day.
Quote: OnceDearI was going to wish you guys a speedy recovery from your brief arctic cold snap. we in the UK had one last week, which caused problems...
I was going to, but I won't, until I can persuade you guys to start using Degrees Celsius Like the rest of the world has done since 1962 ! $;o)
Idiots guide to Celsius.....
-25C The freezer is working fine.
-10C What we had last week from the arctic wind
0C Water freezes: Bl006dy cold to be out gardening
16C A cold bedroom at night. A British Beer as served
20C Comfortable room temperature
25C Time to switch from drinking warm Ale to cold Lager
30C Scorchio
37 °C You don't have a fever
65 °C The compost heap is warming nicely.
100 °C Water boils
160-200 °C Oven cooking
Compared to Farenheit
-59 °F God knows. I saw it in a US headline
0 °F God knows. Probably cold
32 °F Freezing point of some arbitrary brine and ammonia chloride mix
68 °F = 20 °C Comfortable room temperature
212 °F = Exactly 180 °F more than 32 °F Huh. Why???
Seriously guys. Science and engineering are SOOOOOOO much simpler if you embrace metrication and then SI units. Stop fannying about with imperial and obscure measures. Ounces, Pints, Gallons ( We can't even agree on that one), inches, feet, yards, acres, miles, etc. You just make life so hard for yourselves. Didn't you lose a space ship because of non-metric measuring? https://www.simscale.com/blog/nasa-mars-climate-orbiter-metric/
Maybe we Brit stitched you up with these archaic measures out of spite knowing that even we would quit on them.
Remember thinking how dumb our UK currency was with 12 pennies in a shilling, 20 shillings in a pound. You got it right with your dollar and we stole your idea. Europe got it right with metric, but you guys were too set in your ways.
But really guys, drag yourself into the twentieth century ( And I mean that) Then drag yourself into this one $:o)
Not including EvenBob, who can use his own calendar and timezones :o)
50 years ago, I was blown away that a cube of water 0.1m x 0.1m x 0.1m would be EXACTLY a litre. Would weigh exactly a kilogram. Distance, volume, mass all aligned. I was blown away at not having to remember 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet to a yard, 440 yards to a furlong, 8 furlongs ( or 1780 yards ) to a mile. Just 1000mm to a metre, 1000m to a kilometre
From ounces of water in a pint or gallon would have been unthinkable. But cubic centimetres to litres to cubic metres, just needed a sense of scale to get the right number of zeros.
16oz to a pound, 112 pound to a hundredweight, 20 hundredweight (or 2240 pounds) to a tonne!
Where you can have 1000g to a kilogram. 1000 kilograms for a tonne and if you want a handy size bag of cement, just have 50kg
Oh hum. Keep warm folks and Seasons Greetings to you all.
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I’m embarrassed to admit I know someone who thinks a furlong is 440 yards!
That's right!Quote: AitchTheLetterOur ancestors didn't throw all that tea in the ocean so that the fish could have a nice energy boost and start to their day.
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I saw a program or read an article, can't remember which, which tried to explain why the US never went metric even though it was strongly pushed by some founding fathers [money was decimalized by this thinking] ... and there was a big push in the 1970s that I remember. That came to almost nothing, but they were able to get the liquor industry to got to liters etc ... but even they fudged in a way, story below.
Not Mentioned in the article, which had a lot of silly theories mixed in with the history of it, was that it is un-American if not unconstitutional to force people to change if they don't want to. And, generally, people don't want to! This is really why it didn't happen.
In fact in defense of Fahrenheit, the range of 0 to 100 does reflect well the normal temperature range people experience.
A quarter-pound burger sounds better than a .0113-kilogram one.
Every red-blooded American youth has experienced the joy of driving 100. How many Brits have?
Do you know who uses it today? Russia.
Do you know who else? Drug dealers. Why do they always measure cocaine seizures in kilos?

Quote: OnceDearI was going to wish you guys a speedy recovery from your brief arctic cold snap. we in the UK had one last week, which caused problems...
I was going to, but I won't, until I can persuade you guys to start using Degrees Celsius Like the rest of the world has done since 1962 ! $;o)
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I'm happy to switch to Kelvin once you folks do...
I think the weather forecast here said -30°C, but that may have included wind effects.
Quote: billryan
Every red-blooded American youth has experienced the joy of driving 100. How many Brits have?
I went 100mph once in my life and it scared the crap out of me.
138 and I worried for weeks that I'd been caught in a speed trap. Driving a company vehicle.Quote: DRichQuote: billryan
Every red-blooded American youth has experienced the joy of driving 100. How many Brits have?
I went 100mph once in my life and it scared the crap out of me.
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I like it.
As far as temps, southern Cal is balmy upper 60s today, mid 70s over the weekend. Try to tell me this ain't the place to be!
Inside my house. Teens!
Had a storm last night that caused the Bay to overflow. Lost my whole basement. The water is gone but besides the furniture damage there is no heat.
And it's right before the holidays. Pumps are draining out the water but tomorrow morning I am checking into a hotel.
Tempted to check in now but gotta be here in the AM early for repair guys. The estimate is everything will be fixed within two weeks.
The Bay is seawater so I now have Black Mold issues, electrical wiring issues, frozen pipes issues, boiler issues, etc.
Merry Christmas!
Quote: darkozNYC. Temperature going down to teens with -5 wind-chill outside
Inside my house. Teens!
Had a storm last night that caused the Bay to overflow. Lost my whole basement. The water is gone but besides the furniture damage there is no heat.
And it's right before the holidays. Pumps are draining out the water but tomorrow morning I am checking into a hotel.
Tempted to check in now but gotta be here in the AM early for repair guys. The estimate is everything will be fixed within two weeks.
The Bay is seawater so I now have Black Mold issues, electrical wiring issues, frozen pipes issues, boiler issues, etc.
Merry Christmas!
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Last couple years, I will start looking for tips on youtube when dealing with all kinds of unfamiliar problems. example, flooding, mold, etc., (or even more specific like "My basement was flooded") Also be sure and check comments if you find anything, useful info there sometimes also.
Good luck.
Quote: billryanIt rarely gets below zero in the US, but it happens regularly in Europe and England. Meanwhile, our summers see it get to the high 80s/low nineties, while Europeans have a fit if it breaks 50 degrees. If the metric system is so great, why did you need Uncle Sam to rescue your asses twice? Has a ship using metrics reached the moon?
A quarter-pound burger sounds better than a .0113-kilogram one.
Every red-blooded American youth has experienced the joy of driving 100. How many Brits have?
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I think saying it rarely gets below 0 in the US is quite a generalization.In some states it’s not that uncommon.
Quote: Ace2Use Kelvin and your temperature will seem much higher
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I can only imagine the distraught mother explaining to school that their child is running a fever of 312 degrees, and won't be in today.
Ice cream at 265 degrees just doesn't seem like it would help ease a sore throat, but I guess we'll try it.
Our road distances and speeds are still in Miles and Miles/hour, unlike most of Europe.Quote: MDawgAll this talk about the metric system in the U.K., but I've been there many many times and all I recall seeing are MPH speed warnings everywhere, has that changed?
As far as temps, southern Cal is balmy upper 60s today, mid 70s over the weekend. Try to tell me this ain't the place to be!
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I suppose the world could switch to metres per second if we wanted to get all scientific,
at least you are still alive to tell us. Major inconvenience for sure,but you are alive and doing well financially and with insurance you will be ok.merry Christmas and I will be praying for youQuote: darkozNYC. Temperature going down to teens with -5 wind-chill outside
Inside my house. Teens!
Had a storm last night that caused the Bay to overflow. Lost my whole basement. The water is gone but besides the furniture damage there is no heat.
And it's right before the holidays. Pumps are draining out the water but tomorrow morning I am checking into a hotel.
Tempted to check in now but gotta be here in the AM early for repair guys. The estimate is everything will be fixed within two weeks.
The Bay is seawater so I now have Black Mold issues, electrical wiring issues, frozen pipes issues, boiler issues, etc.
Merry Christmas!
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Quote: DRich40 degrees this morning in South Florida. I am terrible at this moving thing. I really thought I moved somewhere that doesn't get cold. Thankfully, it is supposed to be 84 degrees on New Years day.
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Aim for the Equator next time.
Quote: DRich40 degrees this morning in South Florida. I am terrible at this moving thing. I really thought I moved somewhere that doesn't get cold. Thankfully, it is supposed to be 84 degrees on New Years day.
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Really? No exaggeration?Quote: DRichI would take bugs and humidity 365 days a year to avoid one single day of snow.
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A single day of snow is FINE. Even wonderful. It's three or four months of it, along with seemingly endless overcast skies, that made me want to leave Michigan 30 years ago, for a warmer, sunnier climate.
Frightening to think that most people operating a vehicle on a federal highway aren’t capable of multiplying a number of kilometers by 0.6Quote: billryanWhat good is a sign giving distance if most people can't convert it to useful information?
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I’m amazed at how most Americans know absolutely nothing about the metric system, which is what 99.9% of the world outside of the USA use. Even more astonishing is when they travel abroad and refuse to learn a few simple conversion factors for everyday stuff like kilometers, grams and Celsius.
Incidentally, the exact miles to kilometers conversion is 1.609….Quite close to the golden ratio, so you get very close to the converted number by using factors of 1.6 or 0.6
Quote: billryanI occasionally see snow on the mountaintops but have no desire to get any closer. Having gone to school in Rochester NY, and had the pleasure of wintering at Fort Drum, I've had more than my fill of snow. I've no plans to ever frolic in it again.
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Having grown up in the midwest there were two things I vowed I would never do again, shovel snow or mow a lawn.
He's ok, because it's still the middle of summer at his home.Quote: rxwineSpeaking of Michigan, where is evenbob. Is he frozen inside his igloo with 50 candles burning trying to open sardine cans with his 800 cats? (creating a word picture)
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Quote: OnceDearHe's ok, because it's still the middle of summer at his home.Quote: rxwineSpeaking of Michigan, where is evenbob. Is he frozen inside his igloo with 50 candles burning trying to open sardine cans with his 800 cats? (creating a word picture)
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That's right, I forgot he set his clock back to summer.
Quote: billryanFor reasons no one has explained to me, distance signs on the highways in Arizona are in miles until you get to Tucson. There they switch to kilometers. Coming down from the north, you will see signs saying it it 30 miles to Green Valley. Then, in Tucson, they suddenly change to 40 KMs. It's on US 10 and US 19, and the signs only go about ten miles before they go back to miles. I can see them having both, as we border Mexico, but to only have Kilometers for a stretch seems strange. As the signs are on Federal highways, I don't think it is a local thing, and many people I've asked are annoyed by it. What good is a sign giving distance if most people can't convert it to useful information?
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Maybe a vestige of the time back in the 70s when Carter tried to move all of the US to the metric system?
As for the info being unuseful, most speedometers today have markings for both miles/h and km/h.
Despite dire predictions, didn't get to single digits here in Eastern MA.

A lovely day in Las Vegas this Christmas eve. Here is one of my rappelling students this morning.
Just like the ones I used to know
To hear sleigh bells in the snow, oh, the snow
Quote: Ace2Frightening to think that most people operating a vehicle on a federal highway aren’t capable of multiplying a number of kilometers by 0.6Quote: billryanWhat good is a sign giving distance if most people can't convert it to useful information?
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Multiplying number of kilometers by 0.6 does provide NO useful information. Multiplying miles by 0.6214 (rounded) does.
I’ve used metric system entire career. Medicine generally uses centimeters, milliliter’s, grams, etc…. So it’s second nature to me. If we were starting from scratch, and someone offered our pounds/feet/ quarts system or the metric system, it would be the metric system in a runaway.
Quote: billryanMy water system froze up again last night, although it appears to have only been below freezing from 5AM to 630 AM. Major pain in the ass. I guess I will have to spring for a heated hose, even though almost everyone I talk to tells me it isn't needed.
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Doesn't letting your faucets drip prevent that.
Quote: rxwineQuote: billryanMy water system froze up again last night, although it appears to have only been below freezing from 5AM to 630 AM. Major pain in the ass. I guess I will have to spring for a heated hose, even though almost everyone I talk to tells me it isn't needed.
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Doesn't letting your faucets drip prevent that.
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It does. I did trickle the water, but got up around 4 for a bathroom break and saw it was 35 degrees so I shut it down. It gets coldest here just before dawn.
Quote: billryanMy water system froze up again last night, although it appears to have only been below freezing from 5AM to 630 AM. Major pain in the ass. I guess I will have to spring for a heated hose, even though almost everyone I talk to tells me it isn't needed.
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Do you have skirting installed?
I would definitely look into heat tape with a thermostat, simply for the convenience.
Quote: billryanMy water system froze up again last night,
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Go around the trailer park where you live you see how other people are doing it. Do you have a single wide or double wide.