Because of a work trip that took me down to his neck of the woods, I recently had the opportunity to meet up with gentleman hotelier, gambler, esteemed moderator and all-around class act Mission146 on his home turf. It was quite the experience.
I met Mission at his hotel he runs (he got me the friends and family rate -- cheers!) as he was taking out the garbage on a hotel bellman's cart. This guy does everything! His hotel was nicer than I expected. It has a pool, flat screen TVs, and the rooms are basically suites. Mission runs this place like Jack Welch runs G.E. Talk about making money for the company. Let me just say -- hopefully without being too patronizing -- that this guy is WAY too talented to be running a chain hotel out in the boonies. Someone recruit this guy at the Bellagio quick!
After settling into my room, Mission gave me a tour of all the hotel facilities and showed me how he books reservations. He is very good at getting top dollar for every available room night. He also told me he sells the beer he finds in the rooms at the bar, and showed me his scheme for getting free pizzas. We also did shots of Johnnie Walker Black in his office. (Good scotch!) I really enjoyed getting a behind the scenes tour of hotel operations. Mission is a very entertaining, amicable guy who is enthusiastic about his interests. He then showed me pictures of his family on Facebook, and we ordered said free pizza and ate while late-night walk-ins wandered in looking for hotel rooms.
I then took a nap in my hotel room and when Mission's shift was over at 1:30 A.M., we drove to the casino in Wheeling. First we stopped off in a slot parlor on Wheeling Island. These slot parlors are everywhere in West Virginia, but they only have six machines each. Some have free cappuccino. The first one we went to was closed (it was 2 A.M.), but the second one -- basically an ice cream parlor with slots -- was open. There was one addict there sitting in the darkened slot room playing the max on a generic slot game. We got some free pop and blew $5 in Keno each. I've never played keno before, and Mission is perhaps the world's most enthusiastic keno player. He showed me how to play. I still don't get it :)
Then it was on to the casino itself. We parked and walked in the front entrance, and Mission took me on a tour of his "route" of all the advantage slots. Unfortunately, there weren't too many opportunities, but there was a nickel keno game that was at about 103% with the jackpot. This guy knew the progressive odds of almost every machine. We went to play craps. I bought in for $490, prepared to play my usual method of max odds and a come bet every roll. Mission I believe was shocked at my action and only bought in for $20. He only bet the pass line, single odds, and the six and eight. He shot the dice well but not well enough to make me any money at the table. I lost more than I won betting on other shooters. The craps dealers were surly, I thought, but Mission tipped them almost every roll. What a nice guy!
I went to play iTable blackjack, and Mission went to play one hand (!) of Mississippi Stud. I told him not to throw his money away on a high-edge, high-variance wager, but he did anyway, and was pissed when he lost. I told you so! I won $20 at blackjack, and then went to hammer the progressive keno game and won another $35. By this point Mission was down a fair amount and started to chase, mostly on keno but he took a shot at the QuickHits Platinum as well. He also found a Rock around the Clock machine with the hands at 8 o'clock. Unfortunately, he couldn't hit a damn thing. We played A LOT of keno; I still don't get the appeal of keno. I would rather be entertained by graphics of flying monkeys than numbers showing up on a screen. The man does love his keno, though!
Finally, we called it a night. I was down about $200 and Mission about $100. I think he may have wagered more than he usually does because of my presence, and I felt bad about that. There is no accounting for variance, however, and I believe we had fun. I drove Mission back to his car and we parted ways. It was really a fun experience gambling with a knowledgeable gambler who understands the odds. I have not yet had a bad experience meeting up with people on this board. Good luck on the McNugget challenge!
Quote: teddys
I met Mission at his hotel he runs as he was taking out the garbage on a hotel bellman's cart. !
Isn't that his regular job? He does all that other stuff
in between the garbage hauls.
I feel like I know Mission146 a lot better.
Shots of Johnnie Black in the Mans office. Love it.
Wow, craps dealers surly and Mission tipping almost every roll. Mission must be considered the MAN in this place.
I play keno sometimes, actually played quite a bit at the 4 queens my last trip. I was so lucky my last trip with video poker and craps, decided to play some keno, its so convenient at the 4Q, right next to the small sports book w/99.54 JOB under the TV's. I'm there anyway monitoring my sports bet and playing JOB. Might as well lay a few bets since I felt lucky. Unfortunately didn't hit anything playing keno.
Sorry for your losses but it sounds like you guys had a ton of fun.
Quote: IbeatyouracesIt's on an island in the Ohio River as you cross from Ohio to W. Virginia. They have table games unless they removed them all.
I went to Wheeling Island casino sometime within the last year. They did have table games, but the place seemed to be near death.
The Meadows in Washington PA is much better for blackjack (S17 and surrender). And it's only around 20 minutes away.
1.) Teddys is a great guy, and about as quiet as I would expect him to be from his posts here! He becomes pretty talkative when he grows familiar with surroundings, though.
2.) Teddys is a terrifically fun guy! He's up for just about anything! Play Craps, okay, let's play Craps? Keno, why the Hell not?
3.) Teddys is as sharp, smart and quick as they come! He's a two-time Jeopardy Champion, so that's to be expected, but being a fairly intelligent person myself, it's not very often that I meet someone whose intelligence absolutely puts mine to shame, and his certainly does! I'm the intellectual equivalent of a pre-pubescent child, in comparison...so if you want to have an intelligent conversation and learn some stuff, Teddys is your guy!
Quote: teddys
Because of a work trip that took me down to his neck of the woods, I recently had the opportunity to meet up with gentleman hotelier, gambler, esteemed moderator and all-around class act Mission146 on his home turf. It was quite the experience.
I met Mission at his hotel he runs (he got me the friends and family rate -- cheers!) as he was taking out the garbage on a hotel bellman's cart. This guy does everything! His hotel was nicer than I expected. It has a pool, flat screen TVs, and the rooms are basically suites. Mission runs this place like Jack Welch runs G.E. Talk about making money for the company. Let me just say -- hopefully without being too patronizing -- that this guy is WAY too talented to be running a chain hotel out in the boonies. Someone recruit this guy at the Bellagio quick!
I wish I could have charged Teddys nothing, but I just manage the hotel not own it!
I was taking out the garbage because the housekeepers put some of the bags of garbage in the cleaning room off the lobby and some of it goes in the basement, depending on what floor the housekeeper has (2nd/3rd floor trash goes to the basement) and my morning guy forgot to take out the basement trash.
I appreciate the compliments, but Teddys is overly flattering me on those, if I were that good at what I do, I'd be somewhere else!!!
Quote:After settling into my room, Mission gave me a tour of all the hotel facilities and showed me how he books reservations. He is very good at getting top dollar for every available room night. He also told me he sells the beer he finds in the rooms at the bar, and showed me his scheme for getting free pizzas. We also did shots of Johnnie Walker Black in his office. (Good scotch!) I really enjoyed getting a behind the scenes tour of hotel operations. Mission is a very entertaining, amicable guy who is enthusiastic about his interests. He then showed me pictures of his family on Facebook, and we ordered said free pizza and ate while late-night walk-ins wandered in looking for hotel rooms.
Making money, getting pizza!!!
Just for the record, I don't sell the beer I find in the rooms if it is not something we have at the bar, I give those away for free. If it is something the bar carries, then I sell them, all profit, no expense!!!
I also appreciate the additional compliments, and our pizza was very good!
Quote:I then took a nap in my hotel room and when Mission's shift was over at 1:30 A.M., we drove to the casino in Wheeling. First we stopped off in a slot parlor on Wheeling Island. These slot parlors are everywhere in West Virginia, but they only have six machines each. Some have free cappuccino. The first one we went to was closed (it was 2 A.M.), but the second one -- basically an ice cream parlor with slots -- was open. There was one addict there sitting in the darkened slot room playing the max on a generic slot game. We got some free pop and blew $5 in Keno each. I've never played keno before, and Mission is perhaps the world's most enthusiastic keno player. He showed me how to play. I still don't get it :)
The slot parlors, by license, actually only have five machines each, but that's minor. This one was the Island Grille which has the machines in a separate room with three machines along the right hand wall (same side the door is on, right of the door) and two machines along the back wall. Across from the door is where the pop dispenser is and where the free coffee goes, but they were out of free coffee at that moment. No free Cappuccino at Island Grille, have to go to Lily's for that, but that was the one that was closed already.
That addict was pumping $20's into the machine like she had her own money press at home, division of the Treasury, or something! Teddys asked me how they could make money off of so few machines (before we had gotten there) and when we left I said, "Teddys, they need three of those people a day to be profitable, anything else is gravy!"
I did not blow $5.00 in Keno!!! I got up to 196 credits ($9.80) shooting for Credits in multiples of 100 ($5.00) or to get back down to 100 Credits. Never got above 200 Credits, and ticketed out the $5.00 I put in. Teddys lost $5.00, though!
I love Video Keno. Nine out of Nine numbers....One time, baby! Just not that time. Or, any other time that night!
Quote:Then it was on to the casino itself. We parked and walked in the front entrance, and Mission took me on a tour of his "route" of all the advantage slots. Unfortunately, there weren't too many opportunities, but there was a nickel keno game that was at about 103% with the jackpot. This guy knew the progressive odds of almost every machine. We went to play craps. I bought in for $490, prepared to play my usual method of max odds and a come bet every roll. Mission I believe was shocked at my action and only bought in for $20. He only bet the pass line, single odds, and the six and eight. He shot the dice well but not well enough to make me any money at the table. I lost more than I won betting on other shooters. The craps dealers were surly, I thought, but Mission tipped them almost every roll. What a nice guy!
There were no opportunities besides the Rock Around the Clock at the end and a few of the Video Keno. I didn't go after any of the Keno's because they were all on Lucky Bells and I don't actually like that game very much. Furthermore, I only had about $300 on me, so not enough to make a serious attempt at any of those Progressives, anyway. I opted to play the negative expectation Fireball Keno instead, because I love that game. I did, however, repeatedly lament the fact that Fireball is not a Progressive game.
I was pretty shocked at Teddys action, but I bought in for $100. I think he may have said $20 because I told him if I got down by $20 (or more) I was done with Craps. I ended up coloring up to a single Black chip when we were done, "Naked I came into this world, and naked I shall leave it," I said, thought that was a good line for a break-even session. Technically, I didn't break even, though, I tipped a total of $20 either via toke bets or hand-ins.
I also did not bet the six/eight, I thought about Placing the six when a guy got on a long roll and I started to get bored because I had no action. I was only betting the PL + Single Odds when either Teddys or myself were shooting, so that's why I had no action. The only bets I made other than PL + 1x Odds were a single dollar on the Fire Bet once, and then I Crap-Checked the dealers for a buck when I had them on the Line for $2.00.
I originally thought every PL I made for the dealers won, but I remembered that the PL for the dealers lost on the occasion I Crap-Checked them, but every other PL bet for the dealers won.
I also maintain that Teddys was profitable only considering my rolls, but he seems to disagree. I had more PL winners than losers by a score of 8-3, (not counting CO winners/losers) so if he wouldn't have been making the continuous Come bets he definitely would have profited on my rolls.
I also did a great job at taking down his Come bets with Crap numbers, I rolled three 3's in a row at one point.
Here's a great note: There was a guy Laying the Four who pressed that action all the way up to Table Max of $1,000!!! Anyway, when I was shooting, the guy had the Lay-Four off until he saw another four...I threw three CO Sevens with a Yo in between and never threw a Four that entire hand! I also eventually Sevened-Out. He'd have won that bet four times if he'd had it on!!!
Quote:I went to play iTable blackjack, and Mission went to play one hand (!) of Mississippi Stud. I told him not to throw his money away on a high-edge, high-variance wager, but he did anyway, and was pissed when he lost. I told you so! I won $20 at blackjack, and then went to hammer the progressive keno game and won another $35. By this point Mission was down a fair amount and started to chase, mostly on keno but he took a shot at the QuickHits Platinum as well. He also found a Rock around the Clock machine with the hands at 8 o'clock. Unfortunately, he couldn't hit a damn thing. We played A LOT of keno; I still don't get the appeal of keno. I would rather be entertained by graphics of flying monkeys than numbers showing up on a screen. The man does love his keno, though!
Teddys tried to compel me to play Blackjack, but I wasn't in the mood. It doesn't affect the Odds, but last time I played, I lost thirteen consecutive hands on that very table!
We saw a guy fail to Split a pair of deuces against a dealer Seven.
I did play one hand of MS because I'd never played it live before. Of course, I got dealt a pair of 5's, so had to bet 3x and then no 5, so had to bet 1x twice. I freaking lost $30 on that one hand!!!
I wasn't really pissed about losing, mainly pissed about the Inside Fives, I was hoping not to have to bet 3x/spot on anything but a sure winner.
I wasn't technically chasing, I liked Teddys company, so just wanted to hang out there longer. I obviously knew I was playing -ER games, so didn't expect to win. I threw a $20 Hail Mary at Quick Hits Platinum because I was down $60, but that failed.
I did lose on Rock Around the Clock by hitting the smallest Progressive, though 8 O'Clock is playable. I had lost on my $20 Hail Mary and ended up down about $15 on Rock Around the Clock, so I was down $95 at that point.
The final machine I played was Super Keno at $0.25/Card, I decided to be down $100 or improve in multiples of $10. Ultimately, a few decent hits improved me to $90 on that ticket by the time I played down to a multiple of 10, so I ended up down $70 for the night.
Quote:Finally, we called it a night. I was down about $200 and Mission about $100. I think he may have wagered more than he usually does because of my presence, and I felt bad about that. There is no accounting for variance, however, and I believe we had fun. I drove Mission back to his car and we parted ways. It was really a fun experience gambling with a knowledgeable gambler who understands the odds. I have not yet had a bad experience meeting up with people on this board. Good luck on the McNugget challenge!
I was actually only down $70 for the night, but close enough! I thought it was $90, but I got out a $20 to put in a Keno machine (at one point) and two of them stuck together. I'd already replaced my wallet in my front pocket when I discovered there were two of them, so I just stuck the bill in my back pocket, forgot about it until I got home.
I wagered more than usual because I was having a great time hanging out with Teddys and wanted to stay longer!!! The only things I would have done differently is that I wouldn't have left the Craps Table when I did because I was doing well, so I'd have either lost $20 or played until ahead $50 (including tips). Aside from that, I would only have lost $20 on Video Keno, but we were having such a great time that I wanted to stick around!
Thanks for the well wishes, Teddys, can't wait to do it again!
If any of you get the chance to meet Teddys, do it!!! If you're a small bettor like me, his Craps action (while only on the best bets) will put your heart right in your throat! I'll forgive him for that and say that Teddys is an awesome dude, all-around, and we had a terrific time!!!
Quote: Dicenor33I guess no table games, hah? Not much to do, how far is it from the strip?
We did!
BJ, Craps, 3CP, Roulette and MS were all open when we were there.
Let it Ride was closed for the day, da**it, though not unexpected.
Quote: terapinedGreat report,
I feel like I know Mission146 a lot better.
Shots of Johnnie Black in the Mans office. Love it.
Wow, craps dealers surly and Mission tipping almost every roll. Mission must be considered the MAN in this place.
It was the wrong crew! Only one of them knew me, the crew that replaced them (when it went down to a half table) is the crew that knows me well, but the table was always too crowded to go back.
The latter crew does consider me to be the man, I must admit!
Sorry for your losses but it sounds like you guys had a ton of fun.
Losing happens, expected to happen! No more -EV action for me this month because I only have a certain $$$ amount I will allow to be played at -EV each month, but it was worth it to blow it all on this occasion!
Quote: rainmanIs teddys saying mission is an alcoholic garbage man/con artist running some sort of pizza scam? :)
It's not a scam! They want business, I want pizza.
Quote: Mission146It's not a scam! They want business, I want pizza.
How to get free pizza???
Quote: vendman1As Mission is clearly a man of high moral fiber...I would assume the free pizza deal works like this. He manages the hotel....so when a guest(s) ask "Hey where can I get a pizza delivered"...he recommends pizza joint X....in return he is "tipped" the occasional free pizza. Bet I'm pretty close...hmmm?... Well played sir, definitely plus EV.
Got it in one!!!
One pizza per ten orders, unless the order is over $40, then that gets two signatures.
I had one place that was one pizza for five orders, but they were hurting for business and eventually closed anyway. Needless to say, they were, "Highly recommended," by me.
Quote: KeyserSozeI went to Wheeling Island casino sometime within the last year. They did have table games, but the place seemed to be near death.
The Meadows in Washington PA is much better for blackjack (S17 and surrender). And it's only around 20 minutes away.
I grew up in Pittsburg. My Dad would take is to the Meadows in the mid to late 60's. There was a horse named Adios, he had to have KDKA radio playing in his stall or he would get upset!!
Quote: Mission146
Let it Ride was closed for the day, da**it, though not unexpected.
Might explain the happy dealers! Time drags on that game like no other.
Quote: teddysWe also did shots of Johnnie Walker Black in his office. (Good scotch!)
I love JW black. Very decent blended whisky, very drinkable and not too expensive. I'll even go down to red sometimes, but Black I find to be a pretty optimum price/quality breakpoint for drinking straight.
Quote: Mission146If any of you get the chance to meet Teddys, do it!!! If you're a small bettor like me, his Craps action (while only on the best bets) will put your heart right in your throat! I'll forgive him for that and say that Teddys is an awesome dude, all-around, and we had a terrific time!!!
Couldn't agree more. Quality people on this board, there are. Kinda bummed I can't make it out to the Nugget challenge. Hmmm, actually, let me check flights for that weekend...
Quote: deedubbsiIf I had known about this trip, I would have gladly invited myself to join in the fun at Wheeling. I live in Pittsburgh and I have fond memories of Wheeling, when they used to have a beer with your choice of a hot dog, chips, or popcorn for $1 at the dog track. Terrible EV gambling, but great fun getting wasted at the matinee on Saturdays.
I was practically raised at the Wheeling Downs dog track. And Waterford Park in Chester, WV.
I swear I was placing bets at 15 years old, and served beer at 16. I probably only looked 13.
After the races we would go to the strip joints in Weirton. Man, I loved my childhood!
Quote: TropicalElectriI grew up in Pittsburg. My Dad would take is to the Meadows in the mid to late 60's. There was a horse named Adios, he had to have KDKA radio playing in his stall or he would get upset!!
Damn it.. You grew up in PittsburgH and you left off the H. sigh!!!
BTW, adios is now the name of the VIP lounge in the casino.
Quote: deedubbsiIf I had known about this trip, I would have gladly invited myself to join in the fun at Wheeling. I live in Pittsburgh and I have fond memories of Wheeling, when they used to have a beer with your choice of a hot dog, chips, or popcorn for $1 at the dog track. Terrible EV gambling, but great fun getting wasted at the matinee on Saturdays.
There seems to be a large contingent of Pittsburgh residents on this board. I wonder if any of us have ever played together at the Rivers or Meadows.
Quote: KeyserSozeI was practically raised at the Wheeling Downs dog track. And Waterford Park in Chester, WV.
I swear I was placing bets at 15 years old, and served beer at 16. I probably only looked 13.
After the races we would go to the strip joints in Weirton. Man, I loved my childhood!
My parents used to take me to Wheeling growing up. I can remember one of my parents going to the small room with the slots or maybe video poker while the other stayed with me to watch the dogs. It wasn't uncommon for me to place all of the bets with my Dad standing next to me when I was 14ish.
Quote: GWAEThere seems to be a large contingent of Pittsburgh residents on this board. I wonder if any of us have ever played together at the Rivers or Meadows.
I have been thinking the same thing. Someday we may need to do WOV-East II.
Quote: deedubbsiIf I had known about this trip, I would have gladly invited myself to join in the fun at Wheeling. I live in Pittsburgh and I have fond memories of Wheeling, when they used to have a beer with your choice of a hot dog, chips, or popcorn for $1 at the dog track. Terrible EV gambling, but great fun getting wasted at the matinee on Saturdays.
Just let me know, I also need to get together with AZDuffman sometime soon, but that will likely be in Pittsburgh or Meadows.
I lasted about five months. I'm in Ohio now.Quote: hook3670At one point I thought Teddy's moved to Vegas. I guess he did not stay there very long?
Wheeling Island is pretty much the worst casino I've ever been to. I realized why I had never been back there since the first time I went. The Ohio and Pennsylvania casinos blow it out of the water.
Quote: teddys
Wheeling Island is pretty much the worst casino I've ever been to. I realized why I had never been back there since the first time I went. The Ohio and Pennsylvania casinos blow it out of the water.
It is trash-tastic, but if you didn't like it, then you should never go to Mountaineer!
Quote: deedubbsIt is trash-tastic, but if you didn't like it, then you should never go to Mountaineer!
Corrected. I've been to Mountaineer.Quote: teddysWheeling Island is pretty much the worst second-worst casino I've ever been to. I realized why I had never been back there since the first time I went. The Ohio and Pennsylvania casinos blow it out of the water.
If anyone does come to Pittsburgh, I strongly recommend:
Prestogeorge's coffee in the Strip
Union Grill for burgers near Pitt/CMU
Spice Island Tea House in Oakland for Asian food
Nancy B's in Homestead for chocolate chip cookies, maybe the best in the world
Quote: AZDuffmanI have been thinking the same thing. Someday we may need to do WOV-East II.
I'm on board with that.
I manage to get to Pittsburgh often. I was at Heinz Field for the Steelers v Lions game a few days ago. Drunk (my wife was driving) and soaking wet. Had a blast.
I am curious if you thought you and Mission were treated differently by the craps dealers? What generates better customer service, a large buy-in, (and hopefully large tips), or an average buy-in from a regular player who tips generously?
Quote: WizardThanks, teddy, for a great report. I feel like I know the real Mission a lot better after that.
I didn't Place the Six, I swear it!