Quote: PaboDoubleorNothing: What is the purpose of life? Why are we here?
Our purpose is the same as that of all other life forms, be they animal or vegetable.
To reproduce.
Bonus points if you stick around and try to influence the development of your progeny, but that is optional.
Quote: DoubleOrNothingFell off the wagon a bit back. Unable to sleep while fighting 'em off in the real world. That I did. Back to normal now, and in a working frame of mind and body again.
Believe it, or not, the above post was to be my, I guess second, last in these parts.
Good feel, sir. See you in maybe another year and a half!
Aw, C'mon, Double. I thought you were pretty interesting. Why not stick around and play a while?
BTW, congrats on a hard fight won.
Quote: PaboDoubleorNothing: What is the purpose of life? Why are we here?
To buy things and pay taxes. It's the will of god..
Quote: IbeatyouracesP.S. I haven't gambled once since getting here.

Pretty confident aren't we? Are you not considering driving on the roads out here a gamble? Casino life is a grind for you maybe, but gambles are everywhere in this town.
Quote: Mission146Geez!
Where it this sudden hostility coming from, did you wake up on the wrong side of the Player bet this morning?
The majority of the people who post here gamble, and others are professionals who choose to get compensated for doing the Math behind Table Games and Slot Machines rather than try to beat negative expectation games via use of a betting system. Some of the world's foremost game designers are Members of this website. For example, PacMan is Roger Snow, inventor of games such as Let it Ride, CEO of Shufflemaster. You have PaiGowDan who is the inventor of quite a few games, most notably EZ Pai Gow. Blackjack Switch and Free Bet Blackjack are both invented by Geoff Hall, who goes by the moniker Switch, here.
MrSuit31 invented Money$uit31, and there are other inventors here, as well.
You have Teliot, who is Eliot Jacobson, PH.D. and one of the foremost gambling mathematicians who focuses mainly on game protection for casinos. He makes more money from one of his Advanced Advantage Play Seminars than some people earn in a year. He also owns Certified Fair Gaming, which tests and audits on-line casinos for fairness in their games, Wizard himself used to own that company until he sold it to Teliot.
Binary128 is the owner of Galewind Software, a software provider to Internet casinos, including Pinnacle Sportsbook.
There are also professional Advantage Players here such as IBeatYourAces, AxelWolf, KewlJ, MickeyCrimm and others. They got that way by betting into positive expectation situations.
The Wizard is also here, of course.
Other than that, there are also any number of math geniuses and programmers who post here.
I would imagine that the other Members on here all gamble, to varying degrees, but that's immaterial to their membership here. I would say that I gamble less, and certainly for lower amounts, than most of the Members here. The main reason for that is that most of my gambling takes place on negative expectation games, so I don't really feel the need to bet high dollar amounts on those.
Mathematical fact is mathematical fact, though, it would be mathematical fact from someone who doesn't gamble at all, so what's the difference?
If you feel that participating here is wasting your time, don't let the Logout button hit you in the ass on your way out. I'd hate to lose a semi-professional Baccarat system player, because I only have one other one, but what can you do?
This is good to hear. Maybe I can get on the bandwagon to share and partake in conversation with them. but the hand full that i seam to be running into in every thread i post in got me wanting to bang my head off the wall.
Quote: IbeatyouracesI have two seperate "two free buffet" coupons for Silver Sevens, get there last night at about 9:15pm only to find out they close at 9:00pm on a Friday! WTF??
P.S. I haven't gambled once since getting here.
Youre not missing much. Terribles buffet is pretty terrible. I passed on a free buffet there. First place i ever did that here in vegas.
This is true, given that the people in question live in Cambodia.Quote: MissionYou have Teliot, who is Eliot Jacobson, PH.D. and one of the foremost gambling mathematicians who focuses mainly on game protection for casinos. He makes more money from one of his Advanced Advantage Play Seminars than some people earn in a year
I make it a point to never get engaged in threads about system play, life is too short to be engaged in such folly. If you understand that one of the things I do professionally is advise casino management on various methods of beating their table games, this should give context to what I think about such systems.Quote: varmentiMaybe I can get on the bandwagon to share and partake in conversation with them.