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April 12th, 2010 at 10:44:15 AM permalink
I saw this written once. Most "problem gamblers" might more correctly be called "problem losers," and as such will seek out self-destructive behavior in some other way.

Lets use an example of horse racing. Two guys go to the OTB (before it closes in NY!) all afternoon, several times a week. The first guy wants to win so he spends some time handicapping the races and bets the favorite to show. Payout is low, but a small number of people are steady winners this way. He also tracks his win/loss rates.

The seconf guy plays only to "win." In addition, he picks more long-shots than favorites since "they pay more" when they do hit. He doesn't track his wins and losses. He usually goes home with empty pockets.

My thought is gambling is only the setting. The first guy will also have the steady job and stable life. The second guy has will be working in a commissioned-sales envrionment, probably something with a low conversion rate but high payoff when it does sell. (RV's, time-shares, home-improvements, etc. No offense to anyone out there who sells this type of stuff.) Off his paycheck he might be supporting a wife, ex-wife, bookie/OTB, and payday loan store.

What does everyone out there think? Will "problem gamblers" simply find any road to self-destruction?
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
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April 12th, 2010 at 1:08:44 PM permalink
In my opinion,

Define self-destruction. Self-destruction to me means bankruptcy and perhaps fraud charges, theft, embezzlement, loss of loved ones, or any combination of the above.

Problem gambling on the other hand to me happens when gambling is no longer entertainment nor a source of steady income (this excuses the Wizard but not really any one else) AND becomes unaffordable to the gambler (he is borrowing on a credit card to gamble, bouncing checks, avoiding creditors) or becomes irresponsible (typing on this forum in the middle of his working day (joke), leaving work early/calling in sick to gamble, lies to significant others on whereabouts, etc).

Anyway, I think a betting pattern reflects a fantasy, not a reality. A person who takes the long shots on the horse rate is the same as someone who bets $20/week in the state lottery. S/he probably has a steady job and a routine life and may just wish for a long shot as an escape. Conservative betters who are problem gamblers tend to bet more than can afford even on low variance bets but they justify their play by quoting odds and expected values. So, I don't think there is a linkage between one's lifestyle/work life and their gambling life. Problem Gambling, after all, is an escape from whatever they are not confronting.

But I think problem gamblers, if they didn't discover gambling, would take out their frustrations and stresses in other ways, such as drinking, drugs, abuse, etcetera. It's because problem gamblers are missing an element from their personal toolkits to enable them to handle stress in a socially acceptable and normal fashion (talking to friends, exercise, religion). They may also have self-esteem issues that lead to this behaviour. So yes, I think problem gamblers may find a way to self-destruction.
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April 12th, 2010 at 1:16:22 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

or becomes irresponsible (typing on this forum in the middle of his working day (joke)

Uh, what are you saying?

Actually I start a new job this week *and* start dealer training. As my day will be running from about 8AM-11PM I will be scarce during the week but peeking in on weekends and hopefully bloging about the dealer training. My guess is my new employer will not have as near a liberal attitude on internet use as this one, where there are really no rules whatsoever.
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
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