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July 9th, 2013 at 3:17:05 PM permalink
Quote: Face

It's like you're killing yourself trying to singlehandedly sink the Titanic, when everyone knows with complete certainty that it's already going down, all on its own.

Its not us Larry cares about. There's a handful
of old farts on Patrick's board that he's been having
a war with for years. These old guys are Patrick
supporters and Larry can't stand that Patrick has
even one supporter, let alone 3-4. He loses sleep
over it. So he's here to gain support so he can rub
it in their faces. Its a really bad, sick soap opera
and has been going on for years.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 9th, 2013 at 3:20:53 PM permalink
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July 9th, 2013 at 3:29:58 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Its not us Larry cares about. There's a handful
of old farts on Patrick's board that he's been having
a war with for years. These old guys are Patrick
supporters and Larry can't stand that Patrick has
even one supporter, let alone 3-4. He loses sleep
over it. So he's here to gain support so he can rub
it in their faces. Its a really bad, sick soap opera
and has been going on for years.

Oh, I'm aware of the back story, but due to GG's ship-without-a-captain status, I couldn't ever ask my nagging question.

Outing a charlatan who preys on many is a noble cause, but saving "a handful of old farts" that are willfully ignorant... that's just insane to me. "Never wise up a chump" and all that. I want to hear from LarryS the reasons for his crusade.
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July 9th, 2013 at 6:16:47 PM permalink
LarryS, I gotta ask - What's your end game?>>>

there are thousands of threads here. You can ask the same question of all of them

everyone has a point they want to make or a comment they want to make.

they are not killing themselves.

15 minutes a day is not a big deal.

there are people in this world that are just wrong about things. poorly educated, lacking knowlege or logic.

and then there are brazen conmen who probably know what they are saying is total crap

I wouldnt find it fun to refute the unknowing poorly educate folks. Heck they are doing theb best they can with what education they have.

But if a person claims to be a conman,if a person gleefully tells of his con man conquests over the years, and then prides himself as a "dominant force"....and then is caught in lie after lie.....its kind of fun..i must admit....like a cat playing with a cornered mouse.....pawing it over and over.

there is no hidden agenda...its all out there. no more "end game" sought here than in any of the thousands of threads on this boad

I was banned on the board strictly for content..asking the wrong questions. I even subscribed to his sports service, and bought a few of his books....I was the worst nightmare because I didnt speak in generalities...I was well read on the topic of this author.

very well read.

I had alot of questions that he couldnt answer...he seemed to look foolish....so he comes up with a lame excuse to ban me,call me names once I was gone, and tell lies regarding some nonsence of how i supposedly bashed his family.

ok....fair enough

he has the right to ban and lie
and I have the right to never forget if I choose

no end game

just some good fun
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July 9th, 2013 at 6:22:47 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

no end game

Larry's end game is when JP finally kicks the
bucket and Larry loses all meaning in his life.
You think I'm joking?
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 9th, 2013 at 6:56:14 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

no end game

just some good fun

Fair enough. I can understand that.

I suppose I just wanted to be certain. I'm a curious man; I especially like to know why people do things.

Thanks for the answer. Carry on...
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July 9th, 2013 at 7:18:11 PM permalink
it was actually a good question that deserved more thought. Because it could be asked what has kept me going all this time. It cant be just that I dissagree with a sad old man about gambling. And that is right. Its not only about gambling

For one, patricks biggest supporter is an antisemite. If you are visiting GG, it pretty apparent. He is also a homophobe and a racist. I posted examples over there which I wont get into here. The words he uses on the GG board have been allowed on patricks board. And patrick takes full credit for being the sheriff on that board and having improper posts deleted. So if patrick allows it.....and has also been notified via email showing the vulgarities at gg.....and still allows it...then he is at best an antisemite supoorter.

Why does that rub me the wrong way? Because my father was a holocaust survivor,liberated from a camp. And until YOU know what its like to grow up in a household where 50 percent of your relatives are not just dead...but murdered.....please dont tell me not to let it rub me the wrong way.

So Patrick in his own words claims to be a "devoute follower of christ", yet he regales us with stories of cons galore with great relish. He shows no remorse. He allows his antisenite follower from GG to be housed on his board, and even defends him. and he has even gone as far as telling people in dec, if they use "happy holidays" they will be deleted....because only merry christmas is acceptable. Very christlike. Forget about new years, hannukkah, or Kwanza.

So besides his poor gambling advice, his poor treatment of me personally.....thinking about your great question....maybe I am fueled by more than just the ignorant theories he has. Maybe I just think he is a horrible man who supports and houses an openly racist and antisemitic man on his board.. Its my opinion. And its not up for discussion. I am keeping this as a gambling thread. But since you asked...you got me thinking and thats the best I can come up with.

I think you are right...if it was just an old confused man selling old confused gambling advice....what fun would it be

But when you get a man like him that brings his religion into play. and claims to be pious and takes the high road.....in words only.

why not see a guy like that twist in the wind.

some people shoot at defenseless geese for sport.....and I do this.

its a guilty pleasure

But I sincerely would love to hear from his supporters.....about gambling
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July 9th, 2013 at 7:23:05 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

if it was just an old confused man selling old confused gambling advice....what fun would it be

Yeah, when my grandpa was 80 he had weird views too
and we harassed and belittled him ever day. It was great
fun, like you have with JP..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 9th, 2013 at 7:29:40 PM permalink
if your grandpa was an antisemite suppoorter...no matter what age....i would love to see him twist in the wind...

patrick has not lost his senses

he can still feel embarrassment, he can still be uncomfortabel for being a coward..He can still be held accountable for housing an antisemite. for accepting only "merry chrsitmas"......while at the same time crowing about being a devoute follower of chrsit.

you are an ageist porrly educated man

just bercause someone is old doesnt give them amnesty for things they did in the past and continue to do in the future

If your grandfather had your intellect...I agree...it would be no fun for me.
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July 9th, 2013 at 7:36:01 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

if your grandpa was an antisemite suppoorter...

you are an ageist moron


Is being antisemite against the law? Its not, so
you can dislike it but you can't prevent it.

As far as the other comment, this isn't GG as
you will find out.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 9th, 2013 at 7:39:40 PM permalink
Larry; I have taken the opportunity to invite others on the JP board to come here and politely discuss the issues.
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:06:20 PM permalink
its no fun wiping the floor with a person of inferior intellect

I never said anyone was breaking the law

I never asked anyone to call the police

when did "the law" come into the conversation

are you having some sort of mini stroke?

I mean, really what does the law have anything to do with anything said on this thread

talk about a person who lacks the ability to use logic

you are way below the intellectual level that I am used to conversing with

again I can see you and your grandpa having difficulty debating your way out of a wet paper bag.

it must run in the family

its no fun using you or your 80year old grandpa as a punching bag

but like a mindless punching bag...you keep coming back for more
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:09:23 PM permalink

it beats talking to a uneducated person who tries to educate me with "its not against the law to be antisemetic"

thats the best he can do

I actually think the people on that board can do better....on the subject of gambling
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:18:31 PM permalink
remember laces out Dan.....I mean Larry
Each day is better than the next
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:20:08 PM permalink
What is GG a reference to?
I am a robot.
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:35:44 PM permalink
As far as the other comment, this isn't GG as
you will find out. >>>

yes I agree...I am hoping that once someone sees you flaming that its not against the law to be an antisemite.....you will be removed.
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:38:57 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

As far as the other comment, this isn't GG as
you will find out. >>>

yes I agree...I am hoping that once someone sees you flaming that its not against the law to be an antisemite.....you will be removed.

So where you live you have to love everybody? You
aren't allowed your own views? In the US we can
have views on religion without being prosecuted
for it. When Skinheads march and spew their opinions,
we may not like it but they have the right to do it.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:47:30 PM permalink
you are too easy.

if skin heads march..i have the perfect right to enjoy myself and mock them.....without ignorant people ike you telling me that what they are doing is legal.

you probably dont realize it...but its not illegal to pick your nose in public, or to pass gas in a crowded elevator.

so as long as you and your skinhead friends are marching....I will be happy to mock you and them..with great glee.

and people like you will not deter me...because just as they have the "right".....so do I have the right to humiliate them and you.

even if you and they dont realize its happening ...right in front of their own eyes

even if they dont understand they are being belittled

even if they and you dont have a clue

I still have the right to enjoy myself at your expense and at the expense of your legally skinheadded friends

no law against it

you are right

wow...11k posts......you are really a well rounded person

you need to get out....maybe find a girl

who said patrick didnt have the right to support his antisemite friend.....you cant find that assertion anywhere.

but I DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMMENT ON IT........and belittle him for it..as i belittle you for lackof debating skills.
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:51:30 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

so as long as you and your skinhead friends are marching....

Control yourself Larry, this isn't GG. They aren't
my friends, I don't even know any. My point was
they have the right to be antisemitic, its not against
the law as you seem to think.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:52:55 PM permalink
So I guess no one else has anything more to say about JP.

I read his book years ago. I remember it had at least one mistake in it. I remember JP explaining away that mistake on his board sometime in the last 3 years, probably 20 years after that book was published. I thought that was odd.

GG is Gamblers Glen message board/forum, onm.
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July 9th, 2013 at 8:56:37 PM permalink
My point was
they have the right to be antisemitic, its not against
the law as you seem to think. >>>

are you dull or just pretend ot be

you cannot point out to anything i have referenced as per the legality of the antisemites I mentioned.

But just as they are what they want to be...I have the exact same right to be what I want to be......

they can be antisemites...and I can be the guy that makes antisemites and you look silly.

Just as Mel Brooks makes nazis and hitler look idiotic in the producers.....I can do the same for my favorite antisemites....I do it not because I feel they are breaking the law....I do it because I like to do it.....

meanwhile please do post the quote where I mentioned the "law"

you cant
because you are intellectually bankrupt
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July 9th, 2013 at 9:02:00 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

they can be antisemites....

Congrats Larry. You finally got to what your
real problem is. Its not JP at all. Thanks for
bringing your special brand of hatred to yet
another forum. You really know how to spread
the joy..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 9th, 2013 at 9:37:31 PM permalink
good going...it took a while but you eventually got off the "against the law" nonsense.

no wonder you have 11k posts....it takes you a while to comprehend

but thats ok....I welcome you and your skinhead friends to discuss the gambling topic.

I am all for inclusion
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July 9th, 2013 at 9:42:37 PM permalink
Congrats Larry. You finally got to what your
real problem is. Its not JP at all. >>>>

wow I just spent 5 paragraphs earlier saying all the things about JP that I find abhorant.

from his crowing about being a conman
his lies
his cowardice
his housing of an antisemite
his alowing bigoted comments on his board
his lousey gambling theories

and after all that..after laying it all out....you come to the conclusion that "its not JP at all"

funny stuff

as dense a lead

its not illegal to be dense...i anticipate your next comment

and I agree.

by being yourself and being the best that you are capable of.....you are not breaking any laws.// good boy
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July 9th, 2013 at 9:44:45 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

.I welcome you and your skinhead friends

Sadly for you, Larry, this type of trolling and instigation
doesn't work here. You can't suck anybody into your
hate tactics. Stay at GG where there are no mod's and
your hatred has free reign. Stop trolling here.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 9th, 2013 at 10:01:30 PM permalink
after 11k practice posts..this is the best you can do.

I am actually starting to get a sick feeling that I am wiping the floor with someone who has a real mental deficiency. I am thinking something like downs syndrome.
For that reason. I will cease responding to your mentally deficient posts, as they are void of anything of substnace. They are all over the place, from skinheads, to faux legal issues,....i feel uneasy that I may be pummeling someone who has real cognitive and mental issues. If this is the case I APOLOGIZE.
I am more into fair fights and I cant pretend to be your equal. Even if I cheated and took a load of sedatives....I dont think I could attain your level. So please accept my apologies...I really should have surmised earlier the level of mental acuity I am dealing with. Tomorrow if you could...please make sure the paper is on my steps.
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July 9th, 2013 at 10:54:55 PM permalink
Larry; Just block EB and don't get carried away. The "censor" finally posted my invite. Hate to see you "on vacation", before the invitees show up!
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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July 9th, 2013 at 11:09:15 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

after 11k practice posts..this is the best you can do.

I am actually starting to get a sick feeling that I am wiping the floor with someone who has a real mental deficiency. I am thinking something like downs syndrome.
For that reason. I will cease responding to your mentally deficient posts, as they are void of anything of substnace. They are all over the place, from skinheads, to faux legal issues,....i feel uneasy that I may be pummeling someone who has real cognitive and mental issues. If this is the case I APOLOGIZE.
I am more into fair fights and I cant pretend to be your equal. Even if I cheated and took a load of sedatives....I dont think I could attain your level. So please accept my apologies...I really should have surmised earlier the level of mental acuity I am dealing with. Tomorrow if you could...please make sure the paper is on my steps.

"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 10th, 2013 at 3:25:48 AM permalink
Quote: DeMango

Larry; Just block EB and don't get carried away. The "censor" finally posted my invite. Hate to see you "on vacation", before the invitees show up!

Edit: It is moot to comment further
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July 10th, 2013 at 4:22:45 AM permalink
Quote: LarryS

I am actually starting to get a sick feeling that I am wiping the floor with someone who has a real mental deficiency. I am thinking something like downs syndrome.

I am thinking something like a Seven Day Ban.
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July 10th, 2013 at 8:14:41 AM permalink
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