Actually he has 2, me and tupp !
Quote: Zcore13It's more like we've all purchased tickets to a comedy show and the establishment is about to open the doors.
So true...LOL
Quote: thecesspitHe just doesn't get the math with statement like this and obsessions with the p-values (which he abuses), and his insistence on a certain standard of post (love me or get out). He doesn't want debate, so I don't understand why he doesn't just have a blog rather than a forum.
It was funny because he kept taunting Dicesitter on his forum and daring him to send in his data regarding his rolls. So DS finally gave in and set in his data. Then, after Ahigh ran his numbers, he found that DS' numbers were better than his. So he accused DS of being a
Sounds like Ahigh has a bad case of "p-value envy"!
Quote: EvenBobNobody is asking you for money, you
constantly say you're broke. Get real..
Quote: Zcore13One of the occasions that he is claiming someone asked him for money is when he was offered a $10,000 bet. He conveniently considered that as someone asking him for money.
Hey Ahigh, are you reading? Of course you are.
Everybody can see through your BS, brah.
(Edit: Ahigh didn't disclose the result of his craps session after saying he was going to "go for it", so we all know that means he must have lost big. lol)
mortgage paid up to Sept. No paymrnts due till Sept. He
was rolling in extra gambling money till Sept. Like he said
he has $30 exrra dollars a month for craps because he
doesn't have cable TV.
Well guess what, next week is Sept. And he tells us no more
gambling reports. Its just a coincidence this coincides with
the much hated and much talked about resumption of the
BR draining mortgage payment. Just a coincidence. Its a
bitch when your table and fork money interfere with your
need to gamble. I hate when that happens.
Quote: EvenBobIts abitch when your table and fork money interfere with your
need to gamble. I hate when that happens.
Sounds like someone could be skirting the Path of Degeneracy.
But hey, it's Vegas, Baby: what's lost in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Quote: Beethoven9thI found it interesting when Ahigh was recently chastising Scoblete for telling him to take a break from craps, and he basically said, "I will NEVER stop gambling!!" *facepalm*
Whats interesting is as recently as last week Ahigh bragged
he will always let the people on his site know whats going on
in his day to day playing, and this week he announces thats
over, no more updates.
talks about the casinos he plays in. He no longer lists
wins and losses. He reams people out every day for a
real or imagined insult to him or Vegas or craps or
whatever hair is up his butt that day. He's heading
for a forum where he's talking to himself, but maybe
thats his intent.
Quote: EvenBobAhighs forum is quickly becoming irrelevant. He no longer
talks about the casinos he plays in. He no longer lists
wins and losses. He reams people out every day for a
real or imagined insult to him or Vegas or craps or
whatever hair is up his butt that day. He's heading
for a forum where he's talking to himself, but maybe
thats his intent.
I know, Ahigh's forum may be the only one on the internet where people aren't allowed to talk! lol
Also, whenever I read something hilarious on his board, I always make sure to grab a screenshot since he always edits/deletes stuff. (Could come in handy if I'm ever able to get that $10,000 bet going) ;)

Nobody is allowed to talk about anything other than craps.
If you think dice control isn't possible your account will be deleted
If you do not submit roll data to him to review, you can not be taken seriously.
He's never met anyone, ever, that is better than him.
You can overcome the house edge over a lifetime of play with just random luck.
Players can make a living playing craps by not even shooting the dice. It just takes discipline betting.
Ahigh has had hundreds of thousands of dollars in accounts and they give him free financial advice.
He would never pay for advice on any subject. Only free advice or information he can find on Google is valuable to him.
DiceSitter makes too much noise and he is probably going to be deleted because he doesn't agree with Ahigh.
I could go on, but it's just too funny and my eyes are watering.
Quote: Zcore13I just went over to his site and caught up for the last 10 days or so. Even though he's not trying to make it happen, it's become quite a comedy.
I agree. He wants everybody to take him seriously and treat him like some sort of craps guru, yet the opposite is happening. lol
Quote: Zcore13You can overcome the house edge over a lifetime of play with just random luck.
The rest might be comedy, but this one is true.
Although we don't have craps at the Casino I work at, there are ZERO winners lifetime, in all the records I have on all the players that have ever played, that play regularly.
Quote: Zcore13Not very likely. He references that he averages 2 sessions a day. He's referring to people that make a living playing craps.
Although we don't have craps at the Casino I work at, there are ZERO winners lifetime, in all the records I have on all the players that have ever played, that play regularly.
Yes, I suppose it depends on what one means by "lifetime." I'm up lifetime at craps, but I probably have fewer than 100 sessions so far. I'm far from a regular player.
"I personally think that it's possible to overcome the house edge just with pure random luck for a lifetime of throws."
I believe the chances of that happening are slim and none, and slim just walked out the door. :)
Although we don't have craps at the Casino I work at, there are ZERO winners lifetime, in all the records I have on all the players that have ever played, that play regularly.
Zcore13 I have a question for you, that you may not want to answer, but where do you work, if you don’t want to give the name of the casino, what state do you work in, and what is it that you do while you are working?
Quote: Zcore13
Nobody is allowed to talk about anything other than craps.
If you think dice control isn't possible your account will be deleted
If you do not submit roll data to him to review, you can not be taken seriously.
He's never met anyone, ever, that is better than him.
You can overcome the house edge over a lifetime of play with just random luck.
Players can make a living playing craps by not even shooting the dice. It just takes discipline betting.
Ahigh has had hundreds of thousands of dollars in accounts and they give him free financial advice.
He would never pay for advice on any subject. Only free advice or information he can find on Google is valuable to him.
DiceSitter makes too much noise and he is probably going to be deleted because he doesn't agree with Ahigh.
Perfect example of curve fitting. He realizes DI doesn't
work, so to justify what he's doing he's shoehorned
a mishmash of other concepts into the mix so he can
go on playing. Very typical of somebody with gambling
Quote: superrickQuote:
Although we don't have craps at the Casino I work at, there are ZERO winners lifetime, in all the records I have on all the players that have ever played, that play regularly.
Zcore13 I have a question for you, that you may not want to answer, but where do you work, if you don’t want to give the name of the casino, what state do you work in, and what is it that you do while you are working?
I am the Table Games Manager at a Tribal Casino in Prescott, Az.
On second thought: fuhgedaboudit.
We reap what we sow.
I am the Table Games Manager at a Tribal Casino in Prescott, Az.
Not to sidetrack this thread, but now I understand where you are coming from. I will be in Prescott for the Corvette show they have on September 28. I never played in your casino, because they don’t have craps. I won’t even walk into any casino that doesn’t have a craps table.
Quote: superrickQuote:
I am the Table Games Manager at a Tribal Casino in Prescott, Az.
Not to sidetrack this thread, but now I understand where you are coming from. I will be in Prescott for the Corvette show they have on September 28. I never played in your casino, because they don’t have craps. I won’t even walk into any casino that doesn’t have a craps table.
I see all the vettes every year. Break free from your restraints and come by for a visit. We'll shake hands and a drink or lunch for you (and wife or girlfriend) is on me.
Quote: Zcore13Quote: superrickQuote:
I am the Table Games Manager at a Tribal Casino in Prescott, Az.
Not to sidetrack this thread, but now I understand where you are coming from. I will be in Prescott for the Corvette show they have on September 28. I never played in your casino, because they don’t have craps. I won’t even walk into any casino that doesn’t have a craps table.
I see all the vettes every year. Break free from your restraints and come by for a visit. We'll shake hands and a drink or lunch for you (and wife or girlfriend) is on me.
I should recommend you take him up on his invitation. I'm not going to go into any specific discussion details pursuant to the PM Confidentiality Rule, other than to say that ZCore13 is about as classy as they come. It'd be a pleasure to get to meet him.
praising the forum members who are cooperating
with his rules. Of course this was followed by
a threat in the very next sentence to those that
don't walk the line, but that's how a good leader
"As for members who see things differently than I do, trust and know that I can and will delete your account..."
...yet he wants to be taken seriously? *facepalm*
Quote: Zcore13that might be the funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life from the owner of a public forum.
Remember, almost every post of Ahighs here had 'you're
wrong' in the first sentence. Now he bans people who he
thinks are wrong, which is most everybody eventually.
ZCore, do you still have the Vegas Star craps machine upstairs? Did anybody exploit the (now well-known) glitch on that machine?Quote: Zcore13Quote: superrickQuote:
I am the Table Games Manager at a Tribal Casino in Prescott, Az.
Not to sidetrack this thread, but now I understand where you are coming from. I will be in Prescott for the Corvette show they have on September 28. I never played in your casino, because they don’t have craps. I won’t even walk into any casino that doesn’t have a craps table.
I see all the vettes every year. Break free from your restraints and come by for a visit. We'll shake hands and a drink or lunch for you (and wife or girlfriend) is on me.
Ahigh's board has pretty much been reduced to activity by the same 5 members (who kiss his butt, of course). I don't know if he also kicked off guys like Scoblete and Superrick, but after he went off on them one day, I don't see any messages from them anymore.
Perhaps the Ahigh-ster can explain when he comes back in a couple days.
I looked at the total posts at his place. 2777 total posts as of me typing this. 1442 are Ahigh's. It's really more of a blog than a forum. 52% of every post (and I would guess 75% of every word since he likes to give an IE at least once per post) are his.
It's too bad he doesn't want reasonable open discussion about Dice Control. Nobody is allowed to say it doesn't exist, except for him which he does all the time when he says he's never seen proof of it and everything is luck. But if someone else says that, out they go. If he would allow open discussion about Craps on his craps forum it would do much better.
Quote: Zcore13If he would allow open discussion about Craps on his craps forum it would do much better.
Its not a craps forum, its a 'let Ahigh talk and you
shut up' forum. He tried to do that here and we
wouldn't cooperate.
Let it go man, Let it go. You can discredit gr8player for a while.Quote: Zcore13Funny. More not thinking before talking.
I looked at the total posts at his place. 2777 total posts as of me typing this. 1442 are Ahigh's. It's really more of a blog than a forum. 52% of every post (and I would guess 75% of every word since he likes to give an IE at least once per post) are his.
It's too bad he doesn't want reasonable open discussion about Dice Control. Nobody is allowed to say it doesn't exist, except for him which he does all the time when he says he's never seen proof of it and everything is luck. But if someone else says that, out they go. If he would allow open discussion about Craps on his craps forum it would do much better.
life on purpose, maybe. He hates people disagreeing
with him, and that's all that happens here.
stalk on my creepy brethrenQuote: IbeatyouracesI'm surprised nobody commented on the fact that he logged in here yesterday.
Aaron is spending thousands of dollars on a snipe hunt.
Not that there's anything wrong with snipe; hell, they taste like chicken.
Quote: IbeatyouracesWinning four figures on a craps table in a short period of time isn't that unusual.
True, but I just found it unusual coming from him since he had been talking about how much he prefers to bet small these days. No biggie though. *shrug*