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December 18th, 2013 at 1:46:41 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

So somehow now you claim the video where Don Lemon is accused of being a leftist and replies, "None of that is true," is your evidence to an argument that came after you posted your "evidence" to begin with.


More intellectual dishonesty. Watch the rest of the video, Einstein. And see what he did to Klayman towards the end of the video.

Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously after saying: "...because I wouldn't be caught dead watching Fox News. Ain't nobody got time fo dat! And any liberal guest knows what they're in for when they agree to an interview on that station."

Yeah, you're really objective and open-minded. I also noticed that you gave NO arguments to support your assertion about Fox. Wonder why?
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December 18th, 2013 at 2:38:25 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


More intellectual dishonesty. Watch the rest of the video, Einstein. And see what he did to Klayman towards the end of the video.

Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously after saying: "...because I wouldn't be caught dead watching Fox News. Ain't nobody got time fo dat! And any liberal guest knows what they're in for when they agree to an interview on that station."

Yeah, you're really objective and open-minded. I also noticed that you gave NO arguments to support your assertion about Fox. Wonder why?

How much MORE evidence is needed to prove Faux News is not objective? People prove it daily, even hourly, and make a living off of it, blogging or broadcasting or mocking their mis-information. Watch or listen if you want, but don't insult the rest of us (or kid yourself) by suggesting there's any objectivity in their reporting or editing.
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December 18th, 2013 at 3:09:07 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

How much MORE evidence is needed to prove Faux News is not objective? People prove it daily, even hourly, and make a living off of it, blogging or broadcasting or mocking their mis-information. Watch or listen if you want, but don't insult the rest of us (or kid yourself) by suggesting there's any objectivity in their reporting or editing.

You missed my point. He didn't provide any examples of Fox's bias, and this came AFTER the fact that he criticized me for not giving examples of CNN's bias. If he's not willing to provide any examples, then why should I? That was my point.

Regarding Fox's bias, most people point to the opinion shows (e.g., Hannity, O'Reilly, etc). Yes, they are incredibly biased, but those aren't the hard news shows.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 5 being completely neutral), I'd say that the bias of Fox's hard news shows is about a 6. Maybe even a 6.5. CNN's bias is about 7.5 to 8. (Their bias is in the other direction, of course) MSNBC—a joke of a network—is at 9.5.
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December 18th, 2013 at 3:50:36 PM permalink
Fox News is the only fair and balanced network. They also have the best talent and most qualified journalists.

If the low information voters (aka democrats) were to watch more Fox News, then perhaps we would have more civil rights still in place.

Unfortunately, the democrats don't seem to care as much about civil rights.
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December 18th, 2013 at 4:05:32 PM permalink
Quote: Keyser

Fox News is the only fair and balanced network. They also have the best talent and most qualified journalists.

If the low information voters (aka democrats) were to watch more Fox News, then perhaps we would have more civil rights still in place.

Unfortunately, the democrats don't seem to care as much about civil rights.

Lol, watch foxnews. Are you kidding me, they are just as crappy as Msnbc. Fair and balanced, are you serious?
I see foxnews did some fantastic stories of the UK phone hacking scandal. Hmm, now I remember, the owner forbid foxnews to report those stories.
what kind of news network practices cansorship, foxnews, its allabout the owners bottom line. If a story might effect that bottom line, it simply gets censored.
Foxnews is a wimp, refuses to take on scientology because of greta.
Hmm, alot happening on the scientolgy front, many interesting lawsuits that fox will not cover. Cant offend greta.
If I need info on the races of fictional characters, then I might tune in.
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December 18th, 2013 at 4:35:38 PM permalink
Quote: Keyser

Fox News is the only fair and balanced network. They also have the best talent and most qualified journalists.


Fox's hard news shows are terrific. Sure, I concede that there's a little bias, but it's nowhere near the bias of CNN, CBS, and especially MSNBC.
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December 18th, 2013 at 5:45:35 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


Fox's hard news shows are terrific. Sure, I concede that there's a little bias, but it's nowhere near the bias of CNN, CBS, and especially MSNBC.

Why watch a cable news network?
Its like eating babyfood. They spoon feed you what sells.
In my world, I am the news director. I determine what stories are important and read them on the internet.
Now for live news events, yea I will watch cable news, otherwise, not interested in the babyfood video news stories.
Take the phone hacking scandal in the UK, facinating story, got it all on the internet.
Oh yea, you foxnews viewers dont have any idea what I am talking about. Lol
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December 18th, 2013 at 5:58:48 PM permalink
Quote: Bhappy

Most likely Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Amazon, and MSFT have more data on you than NSA. Your e-mails are 'read' to feed you the 'correct' ads.

Ding, Ding, Ding... we have a winner. They just HATE the competition. BTW do a scan on yoour entire computer for *.sol
Gamers beware, these files are needed to remember important settings/performance, and details of the game. But else where, they are most likely Flash cookies a.k.a. track-crackers.
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December 18th, 2013 at 6:09:37 PM permalink
Quote: P90

Know pretty closely some people such things happened to. Probably not related to PRISM, just general data-mining, but it matters.
It doesn't.

"If you're not a criminal, why worry about laws, justice, police, rules and shit? You're not going to be on their receiving end, unless you're a criminal, are you one?"

It is and was clearly stated in the Bill of Rights that we shall be secure in our person. We have a right not to have indiscriminate voyeurism against our daily lives. Criminal or not. Get a warrant with a specific name and purpose, else cease and desist.

IMHO its like GOOGLE Glasses, that can indiscrimiately record people in a restaurant, mall, casino, Town Hall, Police Station, Company meeting, etc. Do you think for one second that any of these entities has the right to ban the use of GOOGLE glasses? Yes they can, TO PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS. Such game-play must exist at the personal level, as the government as already ruled that an entity has the right to influence law-making, even though such entity is non-corporeal.
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December 18th, 2013 at 7:22:52 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

In my world, I am the news director. I determine what stories are important and read them on the internet.

Well if you think that the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, etc. are objective, then you're not doing a very good job of staying informed. lol
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December 18th, 2013 at 8:03:36 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Well if you think that the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, etc. are objective, then you're not doing a very good job of staying informed. lol

???? What does it matter if they are objective? There are gazillion news sources on the internet. Why go with biased fox or the above??????
Sometimes I like to go for the locals.
Take Egypt, the uprising several years ago. Go to NY Times???? Fox?????
Of course not, Al Jazeera baby. The reporting was fantastic. Check out the website.
Scientology?, well, have to be honest. CNN has done some good stuff in that area but my go to news source is Tony Ortega's underground bunker.
Check it out, but don't let Greta know you've been there lol
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December 18th, 2013 at 8:15:30 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

???? What does it matter if they are objective? There are gazillion news sources on the internet.

You need to tell that to all of the Fox News haters.
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December 18th, 2013 at 8:18:10 PM permalink
Help me out. There is a news story I am interested in. Turn to Fox?, turn to CNN?, of course not, I turn to the locals, B9.
I was in Vegas a year ago and a Wynn or Vevetian BJ dealer slashed another dealer. She was also accused of killing her boyfriends daughter.
Bizarre case. Whatever happened? Trial?

edit I think a Bellagio dealer
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December 18th, 2013 at 8:41:14 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

You need to tell that to all of the Fox News haters.

LOL. I'm one of them. Unfortunately its because Foxnews viewers are just as uninformed as the MSNBC viewers. sad.
****************Major League facepalm************ lol
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December 18th, 2013 at 8:51:17 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

Unfortunately its because Foxnews viewers are just as uninformed as the MSNBC viewers.

Someone who thinks that the New York Times is objective is actually calling Fox News viewers uninformed?!?!

LOL, that's a good one, bro.
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December 19th, 2013 at 4:39:14 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Someone who thinks that the New York Times is objective is actually calling Fox News viewers uninformed?!?!

LOL, that's a good one, bro.

NY Times tries to be objective. Fox tries to be objective.
The operative word is "try"
I actually cant remember the last time I checked the NY Times, there is nothing in New York I am currently following so why check the site?
There is a fantastic local NBC affiliate in NJ or NYC that did some fabulous reporting on the gay waitress Dayna Morales, exposing her.
Why go to Fox or NY Times, the local NBC affiliate totally out scooped both.
If an important story develops in NYC, I'm going straight to that NBC affiliate.

Yes, foxnews is part of the lamestream media. Their viewers are just as uninformed and misinformed as viewers of MSNBC.
Foxnews is biased news that spoon feeds its viewers babyfood video news stories.
Why any intelligent person would watch foxnews or msnbc for news is beyond me. very strange.

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December 19th, 2013 at 5:11:32 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


More intellectual dishonesty. Watch the rest of the video, Einstein. And see what he did to Klayman towards the end of the video.

Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously after saying: "...because I wouldn't be caught dead watching Fox News. Ain't nobody got time fo dat! And any liberal guest knows what they're in for when they agree to an interview on that station."

Yeah, you're really objective and open-minded. I also noticed that you gave NO arguments to support your assertion about Fox. Wonder why?

You STILL haven't posted any proof of Don Lemon being leftist. Quit trying to muddy the waters with extraneous arguments about my views on Fox News, that's irrelevant. That video doesn't count as evidence seeing as this argument started AFTER you posted it and got defensive when I called that guy insane for calling Don a leftist 34 seconds into an interview. I don't see cutting an insane person's mic and kicking them off screen as bias when that person is hurling personal attacks at you.
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December 19th, 2013 at 6:23:14 AM permalink
Breaking news on the UK phone hacking scandal.
Rupert Murdoch's defunct News of the World hacked Kate Middleton's phone.
How come conservatives are not outraged by this invasion of privacy.
Because they watch censored foxnews. Conservatives have no idea what I am talking about. lol
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December 19th, 2013 at 6:27:20 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

You STILL haven't posted any proof of Don Lemon being leftist.

Has Lemon ever espoused any views other than left wing?
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December 19th, 2013 at 8:14:28 AM permalink
Quote: terapined

NY Times tries to be objective. Fox tries to be objective.
The operative word is "try"

Wait a sec. In the past, you claimed that the New York Times is objective. Are you now admitting that it's biased?
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December 19th, 2013 at 8:20:17 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

Has Lemon ever espoused any views other than left wing?


Quote: ams288

You STILL haven't posted any proof of Don Lemon being leftist...

[snip - msg basically a copy & paste job repeating your last post]

You seem to like repeating yourself and ignoring what others say in response, so I'll just go ahead & repeat my response again and hope for the best. (Maybe the logic will seep in this time?)

Oh yeah, go ahead and ignore SanchoPanza's comment while you're at it. lol

Quote: Beethoven9th's post, which was ignored by ams288:

Watch the rest of the video, Einstein. And see what Lemon did to Klayman towards the end of the video.

Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously after saying: "...because I wouldn't be caught dead watching Fox News. Ain't nobody got time fo dat! And any liberal guest knows what they're in for when they agree to an interview on that station."

Yeah, you're really objective and open-minded. I also noticed that you gave NO arguments to support your assertion about Fox. Wonder why?

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December 19th, 2013 at 8:47:36 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Wait a sec. In the past, you claimed that the New York Times is objective. Are you now admitting that it's biased?

I believe they try to report unslanted news. In fact I just checked the web page, a negative obamacare article. They try.
Unfortunately foxnews doesn't really try as hard as the NYT.
You would never see a positive obamacare article on fox. Thats the problem.
The world is not black and white, its shades of grey on every issue. I think the NYT tries to show that. On Fox, its a black and white world and that simply is not good news reporting
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December 19th, 2013 at 8:58:33 AM permalink
Quote: terapined

The world is not black and white, its shades of grey on every issue. I think the NYT tries to show that.

Hate to burst your bubble about the "objective" mainstream media, but here's a study by Pew:


"Then, in the final week (October 29 to November 5), a noticeable change occurred: Obama’s coverage improved dramatically while Romney’s coverage stayed about the same but shrank in volume.

That week, fully 29% of the Obama stories were positive compared to 19% which were negative, a net plus of 10 points. That was the best week Obama had seen since the week of the Democratic National Convention in early September; the final week also marked only the second week of the general election when Obama was the subject of more positive stories than negative.

Romney’s coverage in that final week slipped slightly, but not by a significant amount. That week, 16% of his stories were positive compared to 33% that were negative, a difference of 17 points."

Nah, the media isn't biased at all! *facepalm*
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:08:11 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Hate to burst your bubble about the "objective" mainstream media, but here's a study by Pew:


"Then, in the final week (October 29 to November 5), a noticeable change occurred: Obama’s coverage improved dramatically while Romney’s coverage stayed about the same but shrank in volume.

That week, fully 29% of the Obama stories were positive compared to 19% which were negative, a net plus of 10 points. That was the best week Obama had seen since the week of the Democratic National Convention in early September; the final week also marked only the second week of the general election when Obama was the subject of more positive stories than negative.

Romney’s coverage in that final week slipped slightly, but not by a significant amount. That week, 16% of his stories were positive compared to 33% that were negative, a difference of 17 points."

Nah, the media isn't biased at all! *facepalm*

All pretty meaningless to me. Gibberish. Context please???????
How is positive and negative determined?????
% of what??????????
cmon B9, pretty weak. 1 site, 5 publications, everything on the planet reported.
I will concede this. Media is biased, especially fox, but I am also including all media.
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:15:23 AM permalink
Can we limit the partisan bickering to one or two threads and leave the rest to the topic, PLEASE?

This thread is supposed to be about the NSA blatantly violating civil liberties. Now, if you agree/disagree with that statement, feel free to discuss. But if you want to bitch and moan about biased media, do it somewhere else.

Normally I don't care about thread drift because it's just a fact of life on internet forums. But it's getting out of hand.
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:22:34 AM permalink
Actually, he's quite right. So I decided to respond here instead:
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:23:29 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


Quote: ams288

You STILL haven't posted any proof of Don Lemon being leftist...

[snip - msg basically a copy & paste job repeating your last post]

You seem to like repeating yourself and ignoring what others say in response, so I'll just go ahead & repeat my response again and hope for the best. (Maybe the logic will seep in this time?)

Oh yeah, go ahead and ignore SanchoPanza's comment while you're at it. lol

Quote: Beethoven9th's post, which was ignored by ams288:

Watch the rest of the video, Einstein. And see what Lemon did to Klayman towards the end of the video.

Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously after saying: "...because I wouldn't be caught dead watching Fox News. Ain't nobody got time fo dat! And any liberal guest knows what they're in for when they agree to an interview on that station."

Yeah, you're really objective and open-minded. I also noticed that you gave NO arguments to support your assertion about Fox. Wonder why?

This is why I grew bored with the argument earlier. What "assertion" did I make about Fox? I said I wouldn't be caught dead watching that shit. Maybe I just don't like pretty blonde ladies...

You refuse to refute your positions, but offer stupid side arguments about FOX News and demand I respond to that before you provide evidence to the original argument which you clearly cannot find.
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:26:38 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

Has Lemon ever espoused any views other than left wing?

Please provide evidence of him espousing left wing views.
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:30:22 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

What "assertion" did I make about Fox?

*facepalm #1*

Quote: ams288

You refuse to refute your positions

Why the heck would anyone refute their own position? *facepalm #2*

Quote: ams288

Quote: SanchoPanza

Has Lemon ever espoused any views other than left wing?

Please provide evidence of him espousing left wing views.

Oh brother. *facepalm #3*

Hat trick!
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:32:40 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

*facepalm #1*

Why the heck would anyone refute their own position? *facepalm #2*

Oh brother. *facepalm #3*

Hat trick!

To borrow your post: You seem to like repeating yourself and ignoring what others say in response, so I'll just go ahead & repeat my response again and hope for the best. (Maybe the logic will seep in this time?)

You STILL haven't posted any proof of Don Lemon being leftist.
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:33:46 AM permalink
Yup, you've got that right.....responding to idbeatyouraces post.....whatever
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:34:07 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

To borrow your post: You seem to like repeating yourself and ignoring what others say in response, so I'll just go ahead & repeat my response again and hope for the best. (Maybe the logic will seep in this time?)

You STILL haven't posted any proof of Don Lemon being leftist.

You've said that 3 times now. And I've replied 3 times. And you've ignored it 3 times. Guess it didn't seep in.
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:35:30 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

You've said that 3 times now. And I've replied 3 times now. Guess it didn't seep in.

It did not.

The original video where he says "none of that is true" to being called a leftist isn't good proof that he's a leftist. lol
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:43:12 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

It did not.


Quote: ams288

The original video where he says "none of that is true" to being called a leftist isn't good proof that he's a leftist. lol

That didn't occur towards the end of the video. Another *facepalm*
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December 19th, 2013 at 9:53:58 AM permalink
I believe that's a flurry of four facepalms from Beethoven9th.....
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December 19th, 2013 at 10:09:21 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


That didn't occur towards the end of the video. Another *facepalm*

Ok. If Don Lemon is such a big leftist, there's gotta be more than ONE video out there you can point to. I mean, he's on TV every day.

Until you can get over this one segment and provide EVIDENCE where he doesn't deny being a leftist, I'm claiming victory in this argument and ignoring this thread. :p
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December 19th, 2013 at 10:14:05 AM permalink
You still haven't bothered to watch the end of the video, huh? SMH
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