the public only allowed it in 2 places: vegas (aka Sin City) and atlantic city.
Now casinos on non-Indian reservations are more common place. (ie: nyc and Maryland)
So how long do u think till States legalize Prostitution?
Actually, it used by be all of Nevada. Even Atlantic City is a relative newcomer to the gambling world.Quote: 100xOddsit used to be gambling was viewed as a sin.
the public only allowed it in 2 places: vegas (aka Sin City) and atlantic city.
To answer the original question: When they figure out how to make money taxing it.
But I think they'll get pot legalized and taxed first. Oh, wait.... They're already doing that....
Quote: 100xOddsit used to be gambling was viewed as a sin.
the public only allowed it in 2 places: vegas (aka Sin City) and atlantic city.
Now casinos on non-Indian reservations are more common place. (ie: nyc and Maryland)
So how long do u think till States legalize Prostitution?
Also, "i.e." stands for id est, or, in English, "that is." The common textbook example for proper usage of "i.e." is that phrase, "The quarterback injured his right arm i.e. his throwing arm." The quarterback's right arm is exclusively his throwing arm.
"E.g." or exempli gratia is Latin for, "for the sake of example." A classic textbook example is, "Female marsupials (e.g. opossums) have a pouch." Opossums are not the only marsupials with a pouch, just one example.
As for prostitution, cutting back on criminalizing the actions of the women themselves while continuing to penalize larger operators might be the future. As for now there seems to be little movement. Rhode Island may have the most progressive view, they go after the Johns and brothel owners but have no penalties for the prostitutes themselves, IIRC.
Prostitution is however a profitable activity for the police to become involved in and to prosecute.
Streetwalkers are prosecuted as are those who arrange to be at a particular hotel via cyberspace.
There is a tremendous range of escort services and arrangements that are clearly commercialized sex but are not particularly susceptible to prosecution such as a girl with one or more "Dutch Uncles" who pay her rent, tuition, etc. Look perhaps at the former Craigslist ads now the Backpage ads. Consider the Boston Medical student and the very upscale hotels that were used in an attempt to pay off his gambling debts. "Streetwalking" is no longer confined to a seedy part of town and prostitution is no longer confined to seedy hotels, its just more open in seedy hotels.
Casinos by their very nature tend to concentrate prostitution. "That's where the money is" plus that is where young women who have gotten into some financial trouble can easily find men willing to help them get out of financial trouble.
Legalization is a different matter. Most states prefer it to be "out of sight". After all, how many of those Oriental Massage parlors are really attuned to massages? Prostitution raids are often motivated by who owns the various parlors and which departments are getting payoffs from the hookers or from the government via legal grants or asset seizures.
Some places it is just disgusting like in Macau where a gang of women just circle the hotel lobby probably dominated by some pimp and loaded with disease. I would rather it would be a legal profession rather to make all these women pay for it with all the downsides of the current system.
prostitution will be legal in Kentucky when hell freezes over.Quote: 100xOddsit used to be gambling was viewed as a sin.
the public only allowed it in 2 places: vegas (aka Sin City) and atlantic city.
Now casinos on non-Indian reservations are more common place. (ie: nyc and Maryland)
So how long do u think till States legalize Prostitution?
Quote: 100xOddsSo how long do u think till States legalize Prostitution?
Actually prostitution is being made illegal in more countries where it used to be tolerated. In some liberal countries it was seen as a victimless crime, and the idea was the legalizing it would prevent the spread of STD's, some of the robberies associated with prostitution, and violence inflicted on women.
Today prostitution is becoming the stock in trade of human international traffickers. The move in Europe is to increase criminal penalties.
So I don't think that the increasing tolerance towards gambling and softer drugs like marijuana will affect legalization of prostitution.
Canada's Supreme court is considering the Federal Government's appeal by an Ontario ruling that legalized brothels.
FleaStiff has nailed it.... nothing else needs to be said on this thread....I declare the thread.....dead.Quote: FleaStiffDUI arrests bring in a fortune as a revenue stream. Drug arrests, asset forfeitures, ... all these things have potential. A lousy prostitution arrest brings in very little. Most cops use prostitution arrests as a means of forcing a woman in an economically marginal situation into becoming a police informant for more profitable arrests such as drug stings.