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Was there a reason for the particular choice of colors?
Edit: I see from the Champion website, that blue, white, and green are colors in the logo.
So that led me to breaking down your screen name, and I decided you are for legalizing weed......
rdw (your initials?) + 4 (for) + pot (grass) + us (USA) = rdw4potus
Quote: DocAnd I thought he was running for President Of The United States. Now if someone running for potus was, as in your interpretation, 4 pot us ....
Their name would be Rosanne Barr
She then sought the presidential nomination of the Peace and Freedom Party, which she won on August 4, 2012.
Barr received 61,971 votes in the general election, placing sixth overall.
Hell, the only CASINO I've seen do something cool like that...was Chumash in Santa Ynez...which gave out chip lighters as logo'd items (made to look like 3 black chips put together)
I think they're cool but I live in a non-casino state. They'd raise eyebrows around here. But they won't get wrinkled or lost in a crowd, that's for sure!
Quote: AyecarumbaThese look great Ross. They certainly make you stand out. I would be concerned about the cost though. A box of 250 traditional cards runs what, $12? Depending on how many you give away, these may get quite pricey.
Was there a reason for the particular choice of colors?
Edit: I see from the Champion website, that blue, white, and green are colors in the logo.
I wanted the chips to be bright. I probably could have gone brighter, with the yellow being dominant and the green as an accent. My company's reaction to my decision was interesting. No qualms about letting me use their logo, but no interest in paying either. And, yes, the cost is significant - about $0.80/chip.
Quote: RaleighCrapsAwesome Idea !
So that led me to breaking down your screen name, and I decided you are for legalizing weed......
rdw (your initials?) + 4 (for) + pot (grass) + us (USA) = rdw4potus
I don't partake, but I do think that a taxed and regulated market for marijuana makes sense. So I accept your interpretation of my handle:-)
But, really, it's as Doc said: I'm running for President of the United States of America. Originally, my one and only campaign plank was the annexation of Canada. I suppose we could add marijuana legailzation.
Quote: zippyboyCool thing is I scanned your QR code, even on my laptop screen, and it took me to your info. Very nice.
I messed around a lot with that code. a LOT. The codes get very complex very quickly. I kept trying to embed my info directly, and then even my 8mp cellphone camera couldn't read the QR code. So I was happy to find a free online QR generator that would also host the simple webpage with my contact info.
Quote: FarFromVegasHow many people are comfortable associating energy with gambling after Enron?
I think they're cool but I live in a non-casino state. They'd raise eyebrows around here. But they won't get wrinkled or lost in a crowd, that's for sure!
I did think about that. But then I figured that the gaming industry itself spends about $1B/year on electricity, about $300MM of which is spent in states with the ability to chose an electric supplier. If these help me stand out even just with the buyers for the gaming companies, I've succeeded.
As I may be in the market for chips for Poker For Roulette soon, I'm curious about what you would do differently, as well as who you used, and why you picked the company that you used.Quote: rdw4potusThere are a couple things I'd do differently next time, but these are great for now.
I'd be curious to see what the edge printing looks like. (Just put a stack in a chip rack, or wrapped in a rubber band, and shoot that.)
Quote: DJTeddyBearNice looking chip!
As I may be in the market for chips for Poker For Roulette soon, I'm curious about what you would do differently, as well as who you used, and why you picked the company that you used.
I'd be curious to see what the edge printing looks like. (Just put a stack in a chip rack, or wrapped in a rubber band, and shoot that.)
I went through They work with Sidepot. The process was very smooth and easy. As I said, I'm very happy with the end product.
There are basically three things I'd change (and they're all my own fault):
1. make the chips brighter. They look great, but the colors were lighter/brighter on the computer screen than they are in print. I should have known to anticipate that, but I didn't make any adjustment.
2. the edge printing faces the "wrong" way. When the face with the QR code is up, the phone number is right-side-up. I'd have prefered to have the phone number correlated to the face bearing my name & logo.
3. there's more than enough room around the edge to alternate my phone # and email address. I wish I'd put both on there, instead of the phone number only.

I wouldn't have thought of using a QR code. But the cost per item makes a valuable point. You don't just give these away to anyone, and you expect that it won't just get tossed in the trash.
I would want to use a black chip with bright orange on it (like the Paulson 007 black chip).
and just put the graphics as inlay to that chip in a way that looks as much like a real $100 casino chip as possible.
I would want the person who is holding that chip if they are familiar with black chips in Las Vegas to feel like it was worth $100!
Then it would be worth me paying $1.30 or whatever it costs each to make it and they would not want to let go of it (like a raccoon with a Shiny object!)
Quote: FarFromVegasI think they're cool but I live in a non-casino state. They'd raise eyebrows around here.
I too live in a non-casino state in the middle of the Bible Belt and I know a lot of people who would not accept this type of "business card" from you. But if you're in the right place and give them out to the right people I think it's a very innovative idea.
Quote: AhighAs a chip snob, my only recommendation would be to look at the more expensive Paulson chips. But this is still very awesome and better than what I would have done if I had done it.
I wouldn't have thought of using a QR code. But the cost per item makes a valuable point. You don't just give these away to anyone, and you expect that it won't just get tossed in the trash.
I would want to use a black chip with bright orange on it (like the Paulson 007 black chip).
and just put the graphics as inlay to that chip in a way that looks as much like a real $100 casino chip as possible.
I would want the person who is holding that chip if they are familiar with black chips in Las Vegas to feel like it was worth $100!
Then it would be worth me paying $1.30 or whatever it costs each to make it and they would not want to let go of it (like a raccoon with a Shiny object!)
I may see if I can do a small batch through Paulson or another truly casino-quality vendor. Or maybe I'll do some for my team. The minimum order through buypokerchips was 500 units, which is much more than I really wanted. In retrospect, I should have done like 100 of these and 400 chips for a home poker set. Going to Paulson means dealing with a much smaller usable surface area, which presents a challenge. But, clarity and print quality increase because of the production process. So maybe I could just shrink the current info onto the smaller available area on the chip face. Also, I think I'd want to go with Purple or Yellow. Not only because of the higher denomination equivalent, but because it'd be easier to read whatever (probably Champion Energy) was pressed into the rim of the chip.
Quote: AhighI would want [it] that looks as much like a real $100 casino chip as possible.
Don't you think you might get in trouble if someone tried to pass it off as a real chip in a casino and they traced it back to you? Might you not get accused of trying to make counterfeit chips?
Quote: tsmithQuote: AhighI would want [it] that looks as much like a real $100 casino chip as possible.
Don't you think you might get in trouble if someone tried to pass it off as a real chip in a casino and they traced it back to you? Might you not get accused of trying to make counterfeit chips?
Wouldn't be much different than taking a Bellagio chip and trying to cash it in at Harrah's Reno...
Casinos are kinda fussy about having their "currency" copied.
Quote: tsmithYeah, but Harrah's could get their money back from Bellagio eventually; they'd be out a hundred bucks if someone used one of your chips at a table, sandwiched between two real black chips.
Casinos are kinda fussy about having their "currency" copied.
I may be wrong, but I think the edge patterns are unique to each casino. That is their signature, which you cannot copy. But having a Black chip with your info on it, would not constitute a counterfeit chip any more than monopoly money does for US currency.
Now, should you take his chip and try to pass it off as a $100 chip, you would get nailed for it.
Quote: JohnzimboI borrowed Doc's UV light and ....
Please return it when you're finished.
Quote: tsmithQuote: AhighI would want [it] that looks as much like a real $100 casino chip as possible.
Don't you think you might get in trouble if someone tried to pass it off as a real chip in a casino and they traced it back to you? Might you not get accused of trying to make counterfeit chips?
Nope. You can already buy these Paulson chips that look more like real casino chips than some real casino chips do (like the piece of crap chips they use at the D, and Golden Gate, and the chipco chips at Rampart, the Cannery, and other places).
They also change the colors on the side to allow dealers to quickly notice which chips are not the right chips.
But absolutely not you would not be in any harm of counterfeiting. If Paulson makes the chip for you, and it does not have the same colors as a real casino chip, you're fine.
There are lots of real paulson chips that are not part of any casino.
Check out apache poker chips (do a google search) and you can see at least three different Paulson chips that are sold to the general public. Hat and Cane, Private Card Collection, and Casino de Isthmus. They all have the same quality as real casino chips, and they all generally cost a little over a buck a chip.
The best way to do this, though, is probably just to buy the Casino de Isthmus chip "blanks" and then put your own inlay graphics on them.
I think Paulson only does single color designs for home use.
I did a little digging for you and found this URL: