So this got me thinking about my own support. I think I am that rare voter that opposes Mr Romney rather than supports President Obama. I did Vote for President Obama 4 years ago. I can't say that he has delivered on many of his promises, nor done a great job, nor even deserves a second term. But I don't care for Mr Romney or some of the republican positions. I am fortunate in the sense that I personally, am much better off than I was 4 years ago. My average income for the last 3 years 2009 thr 2011, is more than 3 times what it was from the 3 year period of 2006 thru 2008. My personal circumstances have nothing to do with the president's policies and I give him no credit for it, but being better off than I was 4 years ago, it leaves me free to focus on other secondary issues that might be important to me, like social issues. Many folks that aren't better off than 4 years ago don't have that luxury. They are and should be focused like a laser on whether they and/or their family are or aren't better off than they were 4 years ago.
So I would like to hear what drives your support. I see 6 possibilities:
1.) you support President Obama because you believe in his policies and think he has the best chance to lead the country where you wish to go.
2.) You support President Obama, but your support really isn't so much for President Obama as against Mr Romney.
3.) You support president Obama, because you are a die-hard democrat and would support any democrat, regardless.
4.) You support Mr Romney, because you believe in his vision and think he has the best chance to take the country where you would like to go.
5.) You support Mr Romney because you are against President Obama. Anybody but Obama. lol
6.) You support Mr Romney, because you are a die-hard Repub and would support any repub running regardless.
Quote: rdw4potus#2. Obama is a 3 out of 10, Romney is a 2 out of 10. I'd imagine this is what it must have felt like to vote in 1948.
My opinion might have those two numbers reversed, but that's why I'm voting 3rd party...wooo Gary Johnson.
Quote: Mission1467.) I support President Obama because I traded my vote and the person with whom I traded supports President Obama.
Are you serious? did you use one of those election efficiency websites that the national popular vote initiative supporters set up?
You have a highly successful businessman and family man (Romney) verses a community organizer that is anti-colonial (Obama). Which candidate do you think is the most qualified to run your small business?
Which would be the most qualified to step in and serve as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company?
Now, which candidate would you choose to run this nations economy and create jobs? Which candidate do think loves his country most?
Quote: KeyserWhich candidate do think loves his country most?
In your foolish and slanted example, the community organizer would seem to be the one who is more concerned with societal benefit as opposed to personal gain, so perhaps he loves his country more. Of course, he's also the sitting president. It's beyond stupid to suggest that the president of the United States doesn't love the United States.
Also, they're both highly successful and family men. Those aren't points that are confined to Romney alone.
Either you can win this argument (and election) based on the balance of ALL of the true and correct facts available, or you can't. That you're apparently unwilling to even attempt that feat is telling.
nor have I been made aware of, one single
reason to re elect Obama. And I've asked and
Quote: EvenBobI'm voting for Romney because I can't think of,
nor have I been made aware of, one single
reason to re elect Obama. And I've asked and
Why'd you vote for him the first time? John McCain's a good man, and Sarah Palin is hot:-)
Quote: KeyserIt's really this simple:
You have a highly successful businessman and family man (Romney) verses a community organizer that is anti-colonial (Obama). Which candidate do you think is the most qualified to run your small business?
Which would be the most qualified to step in and serve as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company?
Now, which candidate would you choose to run this nations economy and create jobs? Which candidate do think loves his country most?
I agree. Obama has not and ever been a businessman or family man. I do not have to provide evidence because it is simple. This country is not in the fortune 500; it should be. There has to be a better way. Every president and politician has loved their country most. However, not Obama. He loved it mildly and amusingly. It is that simple. All politics are simple except when it is not.
Quote: rdw4potusJohn McCain's a good man,
John McCain makes my sick, he's nothing but a RINO.
I can't even stand to see his fat old face on TV and hear
his whiney voice. He wouldn't have been any better
than Obama, he'd still be wringing his hands trying to
figure out which party not to piss off.
Quote: EvenBobJohn McCain makes my sick, he's nothing but a RINO.
I can't even stand to see his fat old face on TV and hear
his whiney voice. He wouldn't have been any better
than Obama, he'd still be wringing his hands trying to
figure out which party not to piss off.
OK. So why'd you vote for Obama?
Quote: rdw4potusOK. So why'd you vote for Obama?
Because he promised to lower unemployment to
a resonable number, and halve the deficit. I had
no reason to disbelieve him, he was an unknown
and he talked a good game. He got one chance
to fool me, he won't get another.
Quote: EvenBobBecause he promised to lower unemployment to
a resonable number, and halve the deficit. I had
no reason to disbelieve him, he was an unknown
and he talked a good game. He got one chance
to fool me, he won't get another.
Didn't McCain promise those same things? And he's a Republican just like you...
Quote: rdw4potusDidn't McCain promise those same things? And he's a Republican just like you...
McCain is a RINO, he loves the Left as much as he
likes his own party. McCain is not trustworthy, he's
demonstrated it again and again. Getting tortured in
Viet Nam really screwed up his brain, he wants to
please everybody and ends up pleasing nobody. I
figured he was saying whatever he had to say to
get elected. Plus he whines all the time, whines and
whines. Who wants to listen to that for 4 years.
Quote: KeyserLooking back, I believe that most of us would agree that even Sara Palin would have been more qualified to become president.
Has Keyser lost his credibility? You betcha...
Quote: EvenBobMcCain is a RINO, he loves the Left as much as he
likes his own party.
So basically, he would have been willing to compromise, and you prefer stalemates.
Quote: WongBoHas Keyser lost his credibility? You betcha...
I have to admit, whats Obama done that Palin
couldn't have done. Play twice as much golf
in 3 1/2 years than Bush did in 8 years?
Now, Bob, your McCain comments are particularly harsh and offensive. Whether you agree with Mr McCains politics or not, he is a war hero. A man who sacrificed and gave a great deal for this country and deserves our respect regardless of politic views. Shame on you sir.
Isn't it possible to have mature, respectful political discussions without sinking to these levels.
Quote: EvenBobI have to admit, whats Obama done that Palin
couldn't have done. Play twice as much golf
in 3 1/2 years than Bush did in 8 years?
Yep, different people really do have different hobbies. At least Obama's can be done in the DC area with no need to run away to Texas for weeks on end.
As for the Palin comments: lead a charge to radically transform health care, regain respect internationally, stave off economic depression, reform financial regulation. You don't have to like everything he's done, but you can't seriously claim that Palin is capable of that. You just can't. Have you heard her speak? She's an idiot.
Quote: kewljBoy you guys just have mean streaks in ya. Digitaltim says Obama is not a family man.
That was mean for sure, but I think it was sarcasm aimed at Keyser:-)
Quote: kewljWhether you agree with Mr McCains politics or not, he is a war hero. A man who sacrificed and gave a great deal for this country.
Some guy I probably wouldn't like, gets captured
against his will, gets tortured against his will, and
lives thru it, is a war hero. Doesn't mean I have to
agree with everything he says and does after that,
how ridiculous. Getting tortured 40 years ago gets
him a pass? I don't think so.
Quote: rdw4potusYou don't have to like everything he's done, but you can't seriously claim that Palin is capable of that. You just can't. Have you heard her speak? She's an idiot.
I heard her speak many times and still see her
on Fox sometimes. I don't see the idiot thing,
she's always well spoken and knowledgable.
Maybe I'm just not smart enough to see thru
that to the idiot parts. Like you guys have yet
to give me one reason to re elect Obama. Its
supposed to be obvious, I guess, and there
doesn't need to be a reason.
Quote: rdw4potusbut you can't seriously claim that Palin is capable of that. You just can't. Have you heard her speak? She's an idiot.
The other night, I certainly heard Obama speak without a teleprompter. It was pretty bad.
Quote: KeyserThe other night, I certainly heard Obama speak without a teleprompter. It was pretty bad.
Maybe I am seeing the debate through rose colored glasses, but I didn't think that president Obama was horrible during the debate. Clearly he lost. His performance was flat. Mr Romney's performance was very strong which made Obama's very average performance seem worse. But I didn't see the President make any major mistake resulting in a negative sound bite that has been played over and over. His biggest mistake to me, was to let Romney off the hook, without bringing up the 47% comment and challenging other statements that Mr Romney made.
I always vote Libertarian whenever possible.
Sure, they have no chance of winning, but I like a lot of what they stand for.
Quote: kewljMaybe I am seeing the debate through rose colored glasses, but I didn't think that president Obama was horrible during the debate. Clearly he lost. His performance was flat. Mr Romney's performance was very strong which made Obama's very average performance seem worse. But I didn't see the President make any major mistake resulting in a negative sound bite that has been played over and over. His biggest mistake to me, was to let Romney off the hook, without bringing up the 47% comment and challenging other statements that Mr Romney made.
I've heard several replays of the numerous zingers that Romney dealt to Obama, even on the liberal news channels.
Quote: kewljMaybe I am seeing the debate through rose colored glasses, but I didn't think that president Obama was horrible during the debate.
Andrew Sullivan, Obama KoolAid drinker supreme, disagree's.
"Look: I'm trying to rally some morale, but I've never seen a candidate
this late in the game, so far ahead, just throw in the towel in the way
Obama did last week - throw away almost every single advantage he had with voters.."
Quote: KeyserBill Maher's comments are still the best. One of my favorites is, "Looked Like He Took My Million And Spent It All On Weed".
Obama grew up smoking that wicked Hawaiian
weed. One toke and you're gone for hours. They
call it pakalolo on the beach and Obama hung
with those guys for years.
I am a mixture of 1, 2, and 3. If I had to pick one, I would go with #2 as the strongest choice though. Romney hasn't laid out anything that will actually fix this country, neither has Obama. No politician could possibly lay out a plan to fix all our problems that the voting public could actually agree with.
I'm ~libertarian at heart. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. If Romney bucked the Republican party line and acted more like he did when he was Mass. governor, I would be more apt to vote for him. And if the Republicans were as socially liberal as the Dems, I'd probably switch parties (or "ticket split" more often). But then again, Republicans of today are quite far from being fiscally conservative as well, imo.
And EvenBob, the "reason" to re-elect Obama is that he is more likely to improve the country than Romney will, imo. Will either of them actually improve the country as a whole? Probably not. But if you vote for Romney, the richest Americans will almost certainly improve when compared to Obama, and screw that. If I had a net worth of $1M+, maybe I would disagree, but I currently do not have such luxury. :(
Quote: tringlomane
And EvenBob, the "reason" to re-elect Obama is that he is more likely to improve the country than Romney will,
Based on what? His past performance? Are you joking?
He fooled us in 2008, and you want to be fooled again,
apparently. Some of us aren't quite that naive.
Quote:He fooled us in 2008, and you want to be fooled again,
apparently. Some of us aren't quite that naive.
Of course you aren't, Evenbob
Romney quotes:
“I’m a strong believer in stating your position and not wavering.”
“I changed my position.”
“I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.”
“I did not see it with my own eyes.”
“I think the minimum wage ought to keep pace with inflation.”
“There’s no question raising the minimum wage excessively causes a loss of jobs.”
“I believe the tax on capital gains should be zero.”
“It’s a tax cut for fat cats.”
“Those… paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process toward application for citizenship.”
"Amnesty only led to more people coming into the country.”
“The all-Democrat stimulus that was passed in early 2009 will accelerate the timing of the start of the recovery…”
“The all-Democrat stimulus passed in early 2009 has been a failure.”
“I like mandates. The mandates work.”
“I think it’s unconstitutional on the 10th Amendment front.”
“It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.”
“I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.”
“It’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”
“He’s going to pay, and he will die.”
“I’m not in favor of privatizing Social Security or making cuts.”
“Social Security’s the easiest and that’s because you can give people a personal account.”
“I would like to have campaign spending limits.”
“The American people should be free to advocate for their candidates and their positions without burdensome limitations.”
“These carbon emission limits will provide real and immediate progress.”
“Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore.”
“I don’t line up with the NRA.”
“I’m a member of the [NRA].”
Quote: rxwineQuote:He fooled us in 2008, and you want to be fooled again,
apparently. Some of us aren't quite that naive.
Of course you aren't, Evenbob
Romney quotes:
“I’m a strong believer in stating your position and not wavering.”
“I changed my position.”
“I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.”
“I did not see it with my own eyes.”
“I think the minimum wage ought to keep pace with inflation.”
“There’s no question raising the minimum wage excessively causes a loss of jobs.”
“I believe the tax on capital gains should be zero.”
“It’s a tax cut for fat cats.”
“Those… paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process toward application for citizenship.”
"Amnesty only led to more people coming into the country.”
“The all-Democrat stimulus that was passed in early 2009 will accelerate the timing of the start of the recovery…”
“The all-Democrat stimulus passed in early 2009 has been a failure.”
“I like mandates. The mandates work.”
“I think it’s unconstitutional on the 10th Amendment front.”
“It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.”
“I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.”
“It’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”
“He’s going to pay, and he will die.”
“I’m not in favor of privatizing Social Security or making cuts.”
“Social Security’s the easiest and that’s because you can give people a personal account.”
“I would like to have campaign spending limits.”
“The American people should be free to advocate for their candidates and their positions without burdensome limitations.”
“These carbon emission limits will provide real and immediate progress.”
“Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore.”
“I don’t line up with the NRA.”
“I’m a member of the [NRA].”
Dude, seriously! If Fox News doesn't mention it daily, it doesn't exist. Don't you know how this works?!? :-)
If there is a candidate who would make me better off, my vote will only help if the election is decided by one vote. If I sell my vote, no matter what it will make me better off by $1.75
Quote: s2dbakerI like Mitt Romney because he's pro gay, pro abortion and will raise taxes to eliminate the deficit. Or not. That's the beauty of Mitt Romney, he's everything to everyone.
It's like John Lennon wrote Nowhere Man about Romney. All he had to was take a position - literally any position - on each issue, NOT change it, and win the election. He hasn't done it. He may still win, but he's making John Kerry look like a competent candidate and that's scary to me as an American.
There should be a contest to discover an issue that Mitt Romney hasn't taken both sides of.Quote: rdw4potusIt's like John Lennon wrote Nowhere Man about Romney. All he had to was take a position - literally any position - on each issue, NOT change it, and win the election. He hasn't done it. He may still win, but he's making John Kerry look like a competent candidate and that's scary to me as an American.