When we look at valid IDs as opposed to all photo IDs the percentage increases substantially. Seniors and the disabled who have given up their driver's licenses and never gotten a non-driving ID card are one example. In small towns and rural areas not having ID is more expected, and they are more apt to allow someone from the community to vouch for them. Jobs may be more informal, and remember that the I-9 form includes voter registration documents, draft cards, and school ID cards.
Ultimately if there is to be photo ID rules, it needs to be implemented nationwide, on a consistent basis, and a national ID card needs to be created (I suggest the passport card as the basis) and allowed anywhere. In some states, like Arizona, because they like to enforce addresses too, a passport card is not valid ID for voting. I often use the passport card for non-driving situations, primarily because there is nothing on the card that betrays where I live.
What's a BJ's card? Sounds naughty!
casino players card
Medical card
credit card
library card
prescription card
So through the addled haze Duffster posts this.
Quote: AZDuffman
The ID thing is just the latest---liberals will not be satisfied unless "minorities" get a voting precinct in their own living rooms.
So I reply.
Quote: Wavy70No the rules have just been changed so they can't vote. Good job twisting the truth.
Regressives are scared sh1tless that they will be the "minorities" in the next few decades.
So Duff slams his Ensure bottle down and posts this in anger.
Quote: AZDuffmanAs to Wavy's racist-hate rant, please notice that it is liberals who are fascinated with grouping people by skin color, not conservatives. And in reality, nobody will be a "minority" at that time, just a pluarality. Can you lefties make a point without brining up race??
Meanwhile it was Good Ole' AZDuff who brought up the word "Minorities"
Duff do you even read what you blather? You brought up the term minorities that is why I used "quotes". So since you brought it up first that make you the primary racist?
Rather sad when they start slipping.
Quote: Wavy70No the rules have just been changed so they can't vote.
Where have they been changed so they can't vote?
Quote: EvenBobWhere have they been changed so they can't vote?
Rick Scott wanted to remove 162,000 people from the voter rolls in Florida. Then, when (I would say only) 100 names on the list were proven to be non-citizens - including 50 people who had previously voted - he announced that the debate was over and that this proved that the purge was necessary. That'd be like keeping the entire city of Grand Rapids, MI from voting because the residents of one block might be ineligible. Wow...What an idiot.
Quote: rdw4potusRick Scott wanted to remove 162,000 people from the voter rolls in Florida.
ABC News and CNN reported: "The state identified more than 100,000 names of non-eligible voters that could potentially be on the lists illegally."
Quote: SanchoPanzaABC News and CNN reported: "The state identified more than 100,000 names of non-eligible voters that could potentially be on the lists illegally."
Yes, the "more than 100,000 names...potentially...illegally" are the 162,000 people who they wanted to purge. Problem is, when counties gave up on waiting for DHS and checked the names themselves, they found thousands of legal voters and literally 100 illegal names (50 illegal voters).