I don't get out to LV all that often. In fact, I've only been there twice in my life, but hope to go again this year.
I was looking for advice on which strip club(s) offer the best customer service, for a
fair market", honest price. I know that some of these places are tourist traps, and even hustle newbies in various ways (charging extra cover, setting rates on-the-fly for lapdances or private dances based on what they think the client is willing to pay, etc)
Anyway, does anyone have recommendations on which places on and off the strip are reasonable and less "scammy"?
Also, how does one find a "club host" and do you have to be the equivalent of a casino "high roller" to get them to accommodate specific requests (for example, want a lapdance from a natural ginger).
Someone actully used the word honest in a sentence that also had the word strip club.Quote: mainframe
I was looking for advice on which strip club(s) offer the best customer service, for a
fair market", honest price
I'm no strip club expert, but I have been to a few over the years. How classy do you want your strip club? LOL, I used classy and strip club in the same sentence.
Quote: mainframeHi All,
I don't get out to LV all that often. In fact, I've only been there twice in my life, but hope to go again this year.
I was looking for advice on which strip club(s) offer the best customer service, for a
fair market", honest price. I know that some of these places are tourist traps, and even hustle newbies in various ways (charging extra cover, setting rates on-the-fly for lapdances or private dances based on what they think the client is willing to pay, etc)
Anyway, does anyone have recommendations on which places on and off the strip are reasonable and less "scammy"?
Also, how does one find a "club host" and do you have to be the equivalent of a casino "high roller" to get them to accommodate specific requests (for example, want a lapdance from a natural ginger).
If you want to avoid being taken advantage of, pretend to be a pauper instead of a prince. Scammers are looking for rich people as targets not poor people. For example, Bob went to Vegas with $100,000. Patrick went to Vegas with $1,000. I guarantee you scammers will be trying to make a meal out of Bob since Bob actually has money worth a damn and they can scam Bob out of some serious money whereas Patrick's $1,000 is crap money to them so Patrick will be ignored whereas they will be culturing Bob like a hawk.. Be a Bob but let people think you are a Patrick. ;)
Everyone else: Thanks for the advise thus far.
Quote: AxelWolfSomeone actully used the word honest in a sentence that also had the word strip club.
I'm no strip club expert, but I have been to a few over the years. How classy do you want your strip club? LOL, I used classy and strip club in the same sentence.
Classy Strip Clubs are called Gentleman's Club. ;)
I'm told its best to go to the Nudie Bars that LOCALS go to, not tourists since all tourist clubs are ripoffs.
Spearment Rhino had a comedy night emceed by the author of Basterd Husband (NOT misspelled).
Tatoos and piercings abound. Little Darlings is juice, not booze and gets the fewest tattoos and piercings.
I knew a woman who worked at Little Darlings in San Francisco. She made great money but lost some family heirloom rings in the dressing room. Based on one dance some jerk there wanted to take her to Vegas but he had no money. The club makes the women bid for their stage rent early in the evening which limits their opportunities.
Its a deplorable world. I'd actually stay away completely and if you want the best strip club in the USA... go to Clearwater, FL. Recommended by the eighth employee Bill Gates hired.
Gentlemens clubs are going upscale nationwide but Vegas has nothing but rip offs. The locals clubs are the least rip offs but the quality is really low and you may feel like paying NOT to have a lap dance with some of them.
You have to pay to get inside a VIP room then you have to pay more to stay there then you realize you ain't gonna get anything there.
If you do go, go on amateur night. Sometimes some tourists do a good job.
One casino host knew the stage manager at a strip club when some classmates of hers were visiting her. She made the phone call and a good time was had by all with husbands none the wiser.
Quote:A clip joint or fleshpot is an establishment, usually a strip club or night club (often claiming to offer adult entertainment or bottle service) in which customers are tricked into paying excessive amounts of money, for surprisingly low-grade goods or services—or sometimes, nothing—in return. Typically, clip joints suggest the possibility of sex, charge inflated prices for watered-down alcoholic drinks, and then throw out customers when they become unwilling or unable to spend more money. The products and services offered may be illegal, allowing the establishment to maintain such activities with little fear of punishment from law enforcement, since its victims cannot report the venue without admitting that they broke the law. Even in situations where no law was broken, victims may be too embarrassed to seek legal recourse.[1]
This is a real scam in many countries. Saw it once on American Greed, Russians in Florida charged thousands for drinks, iirc, can also happen in foreign countries, with local police in on it. They usually just confuse customers about price, charging for room, etc.Quote: NathanRX, what you said reminded me of a Family Matters episode where Eddie and Waldo are tricked into spending time at a seedy bar, with beautiful women claiming that The Bulls basketball players were coming in a few minutes and are asked if they would like some "free" drinks while they wait for the basketball players. Eddie and Waldo accept and drink. Like an hour passes and Waldo who is usually the dumb one finally says something smart like,"I don't think the Bulls are coming and I don't think they were ever coming. We've been scammed." Eddie agrees and they try to leave but the owner tells them they need to pay like $200 for drinking the alcohol. They of course don't have $200, to pay for the drinks, they were told they were free. Waldo is allowed to leave to ask Carl for the money while Eddie is held hostage. Waldo robotically tells Carl that Eddie is stuck in a broken down car or something like that and needs Carl to give him $200 for a tow home or something like that. Carl confused says something like,"Eddie has a car phone. He could have just called me to pick him up for free." Waldo admits that Carl had a good point in what he was saying and Carl asked what was really going on and Waldo tells him the real truth and Carl gets Eddie out of that bar. I posted this from memory as I have not seen this episode in over 10 years and I don't know how much of it I got right. ;)
Edit: rxwine already mentioned this previously I'm the thread, but more precisely.
Quote: onenickelmiracleThis is a real scam in many countries. Saw it once on American Greed, Russians in Florida charged thousands for drinks, iirc, can also happen in foreign countries, with local police in on it. They usually just confuse customers about price, charging for room, etc.
So what can they do if you refuse to pay? They can't hold you there; they have to close the joint at some point. Even if the cops show up and are in on the scam, what crime has been committed? It would be a civil matter, wouldn't it? If they try to sue you in small claims court, it wouldn't even be worth their time if you're a tourist from another state, let alone country. Even if you're a local, and the court system gets involved, I would assume any lawyer, even fresh out of law school, would be able to handle a simple fraud/scam case like this.
But these are scumbag criminals, I guess, so would they just take you out in the back alley and beat you up?
Quote: billryanRefusing to pay a tab is theft. The police arrest thieves. The court you will appear in is criminal, not small claims.
And like I said, any lawyer worth his law degree (even a public defender) would be able to get you out of such an obvious scam, unless the DA and judges are all in on it, too.
Most of the promoters won't give you all that, but find the few that will and as I recall (some time ago for a buddy's bachelor party) the place was actually pretty great and not scammy at all. The one I remember had a downstairs and an upstairs (so 2 levels) for regular seating.
Some foreign restaurants have special prices for outside seating but don't present the special menus first. The places count on tourists not wanting trouble in a foreign land.
Some of these apps that phone you when your card gets used might be useful if the restaurant is running a scam on food and drink pries they will almost certainly be milking your credit card data.
Here is the relevant section of what I believe is by far the most comprehensive discussion board for customers of all aspects of the commercial sex industry, and it is one which is not dependent on getting paid by any particular locale or segment of any of them, whether they are a legit stripper venue or a clip-joint or anything else: USA Sex Guide > Forum > States and Cities > Nevada > Las Vegas > Strip Club Reports Start at the begining, with special attention to any posts with the term “clip-joint” in them. Yes, that specific topic/location is nearly 200 pages long. But that's a good thing, and it really is well worth skimming through it if you and your wallet are going to be potential fresh meat for this business in this town in the near future.
No! Of all things, do NOT do anything like that! “Free” is very expensive; you WILL be paying for that ride later. Even if it is a legit venue like Rhino and not a clip joint, it will NOT end up being “free.” You will do better getting to the door on your own power, under your own control. And if any Las Vegas taxi or limo driver or valet attendant weasel ever starts trying to “recommend” (steer you to) anywhere, immediately remove one of your shoes and place squarely in the hole in the center of his face, and then while holding his neck firmly with one hand use the other to punch it securely down the scumbag's throat with your fist until you are absolutely sure that no more noise can come out. He is trying to set you up to get robbed, or worse, so he can get paid his sucker bounty at the back door as you enter the front of whichever mobbed-up clip joint he's got a kickback connection with.Quote:...and get a free limo ride.
Yes, the clip-joints are just “scumbag criminals” and “just take you out in the back alley and beat you up” is exactly what they do. And have done thousands of times, and will be doing again dozens of times more before tomorrow morning without fear of any very likely consequences to them.Quote: TigerWu...But these are scumbag criminals, I guess, so would they just take you out in the back alley and beat you up?
http://www.stevemiller4lasvegas.com/RickRizzolo.htmlQuote: Las Vegas Review-JournalHenry died this month at 58. The exact cause of his death is undisclosed. But his life expectancy was severed back in September 2001, when a Rizzolo henchman snapped his neck in the cabaret parking lot after Henry accused employees of padding his $88 bar tab.
Quote: Steve MillerClub owner Rick Rizzolo was convicted for beating a patron with a baseball bat in 1985. Police records also reveal nine assault and six robbery cases all involving Crazy Horse Too employees, along with 737 police responses in just 3 years -- many based on customers being beaten after refusing to sign falsified credit card bills -- but there have been no criminal prosecutions.
THIS is exactly right:
Read it and know it; or don't get it and be a chump, and then the best that will happen is only getting ripped off, if not beaten or killed.Quote: rxwinePeople read the following and are properly warned, but a good percentage still fall into the trap IMO.
Quote:A clip joint or fleshpot is an establishment, usually a strip club or night club (often claiming to offer adult entertainment or bottle service) in which customers are tricked into paying excessive amounts of money, for surprisingly low-grade goods or services—or sometimes, nothing—in return. Typically, clip joints suggest the possibility of sex, charge inflated prices for watered-down alcoholic drinks, and then throw out customers when they become unwilling or unable to spend more money. The products and services offered may be illegal, allowing the establishment to maintain such activities with little fear of punishment from law enforcement, since its victims cannot report the venue without admitting that they broke the law. Even in situations where no law was broken, victims may be too embarrassed to seek legal recourse.[1]
There is an excellent more detailed description of some of how the Las Vegas fake-stripper/clip-joint racket works in that USASexGuide topic discussion in the link above: http://www.usasexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?2225-2005-Archived-General-Reports&p=362864&viewfull=1#post362864
Quote: PsyberZombieOn LV Cab Drivers
*** Why you do NOT want to let a Cab Driver 'help' you find some Action in LV ***
Mainly, because most of them are on the take from at least one of the numerous Clip Joints in town and they get a kick-back from the club for every sucker they deliver.
Here's how it works=
After you ask the Cabbie for some advice, he tells you he'll take you "The hottest place in town... just what you're looking for!"
He then drops you at a Joint where the cover charge is at least .5
Once inside, sure enough, there's a bevy of beautiful and alluringly dressed or un-dressed young ladies.
You're so enchanted that you don't notice the small signs on the wall that state "Prostitution is Illegal in Las Vegas etc." and "No Alcohol is Sold on the premises"
Within minutes of your arrival you are 'hit on' by some sweet young thing who talks you into ordering a round of drinks which turn out to be the most expensive fruit punch you'll ever buy in your life.
After some small talk, with plenty of 'kino' [ i.e. her touching you ] , she hints broadly at the pleasures that await you in the 'Champagne Room'
After you agree to go, and pay the $ cover charge there, she orders a non-alcoholic 'split' bottle of 'champagne' which costs more than a Full bottle of Dom Perignon
Then she wants another, and then still another...
At some point you either run out of money or, more likely, begin to demand some the 'services' she promised you earlier
At this point she excuses herself to use the restroom. But within seconds of her leaving the room two or three burly bouncers appear and politely but menacingly escort you from the Club.
They are shocked, Shocked! that you attempted to solicit their fellow employee.
You, natch, are too smart to try to engage these gorillas in a fight, so you end up outside where there's a cab waiting, not with the driver who brought you, but with the driver who just delivered Some Other Sucker!
Since you were trying to commit an illegal act, you can't exactly call the Police
As your cab pulls out of the club's parking lot, you see a cab with yet another schmuck pulling in
And as you head back to your Hotel, you realize that the 'Circle of Suckers' is now complete !!
But what needs to be added to the Wiki's description of the 'clip-joint' business model is that in Las Vegas the local Democratic Party political machine that controls southern Nevada government institutions is effectively owned by the mob outfits that run those clip joints, so no police will be coming to help you if you call, and there is zero chance of any local prosecution if you are robbed or beaten for refusing to be fleeced in one of them, and they know it before you are delivered to their door. The only possibility for any law enforcement response would be making a Federal case out of it later, if the US Dept. of Justice happens to already have a racketeering (mob) investigation brewing that your misfortune in that particular clip-joint might help them with. Which will be some comfort if you've been crippled or killed by the politically well-connected goons.
Quote: Associated Press...Herrera, Kincaid-Chauncey and two other former commissioners, Lance Malone and Erin Kenny, were indicted in May 2003 on charges they accepted cash and campaign contributions from Michael Galardi, the owner of three southern Nevada strip clubs.
Galardi, who also was indicted, pleaded guilty to bankrolling political corruption in Las Vegas and San Diego, where he also owned a club. He has been promised no more than five years in prison on both cases.
Herrera, 32, took the stand and admitted receiving lap dances at a Galardi club, having an affair with one Galardi employee and receiving oral sex from another...
Quote: mainframeAnyway, does anyone have recommendations on which places on and off the strip are reasonable and less "scammy"?
I don't have a lot of experience in this area, because I don't care for any of them. However, if forced to a rule of thumb, I think that value for your money will go up with the smaller clubs and the further you get from the Strip. A trade off is that the girls are less attractive.
Wherever you go, try to stick to a budget. In the big clubs, avoid the VIP room, or whatever they call it. You'll spend $10 a minute to be teased and despite any suggestions to get you in there, nothing will happen. Your dollar can go much further other ways, which I won't get into.
Quote: TigerWuAnd like I said, any lawyer worth his law degree (even a public defender) would be able to get you out of such an obvious scam, unless the DA and judges are all in on it, too.
So you can;
1)get arrested in a city far from home, spend the night in jail, get a lawyer, pay bail, return in a few weeks to go to trial, get the case dismissed and thank the lawyer for keeping his bill under $10,000. O
2) pay the $250 bar tab and feel like a sucker.
Pay cash for your drinks. Don't open a tab or give them a credit card. The girls in this club drink from a special menu so the $5 beer you buy cost $18 if you invite her to have one.
Quote: billryanThere is a hole in the wall bar on N. Las Vegas Blvd just before the split that featured some of the hottest Latin dancers I've come across.
You're probably talking about Chicas Bonitas. I was tempted to bring that place up as somewhere where your dollar lasts a long way for a Strip club. I've been there a few times, in part to practice my Spanish. The girls are friendly but, shall we say, average looking, at best. For some reason, the ones you don't want to look at were the only ones taking the stage.
A bit of a change in topic, but has anyone here been to the Brass Ass in Newport KY?
Quote: WizardYou're probably talking about Chicas Bonitas. I was tempted to bring that place up as somewhere where your dollar lasts a long way for a Strip club. I've been there a few times, in part to practice my Spanish. The girls are friendly but, shall we say, average looking, at best. For some reason, the ones you don't want to look at were the only ones taking the stage.
A bit of a change in topic, but has anyone here been to the Brass Ass in Newport KY?
To be fair, when you are drunk even average looking girls can look as stunning as Kerry Washington. ;)
Quote: billryanIts not like I'm a regular , having been there four times since 2001, but I have always been impressed with the looks of the dancers. If you are not partial to Mestizas and Indias, you may not like the place.
I've also been there maybe five times since then. It might be due to a small sample size, but my impression is the quality of the ladies had gown downhill. It is not due to any racial correlation but many are simply too old and heavy for that profession.
Quote: NathanTo be fair, when you are drunk even average looking girls can look as stunning as Kerry Washington. ;)
Hmmm. No comment, but I did want to quote it.
In case anyone is wondering, she played Django's wife in Django Unchained.

LOL. Can I use that excuse when my wife catches me with a grin that's just too wide?Quote: Wizard.... I've been there a few times, in part to practice my Spanish.
Nowdays I guess Larry's Villa would be cheap enough, since it doesn't exist, and hasn't in a few years now. But since 2016 the vacant lot seems reasonably peaceful, as vacant lots go.
Quote: LVRJ...The council unanimously suspended and permanently revoked the recently shuttered establishment’s restricted gaming, tavern liquor, tobacco dealer and coin amusement machine licenses.
There was a “continual and repetitive pattern of illegal activity” occurring at Larry’s Villa, including stabbings, murder by firearm, battery, robberies and domestic disturbances, the city’s Business Licensing Manager Mary McElhone said...
Earlier there's a link posted to a discussion site that will have some actual information on the topic of the original question. IMO it really would be best for someone planning to actually use the information during a visit to go there for info. Not here at all.
You had a lot of good advice, but I'm curious why the free limo ride there/back isn't okay? The few times I've been to Vegas Strip Clubs we've done this, and it's been pretty on par with what you'd expect each time, but no complaints. Driver got us there in the time we wanted, and got us back all drunk and safe. No issues. Beats a cabby trying to hustle you.Quote: DrawingDeadNo! Of all things, do NOT do anything like that! “Free” is very expensive; you WILL be paying for that ride later...
Seriously, I've been to a strip club maybe 3 times in vegas... every time it was free rides there/back, no cover, and 2 free drinks... no bells and whistles (and the girls were definitely attractive, so no C squad places). Maybe my definition of a good deal is different from others, but that seems like a good deal to me.
The problem is that there are many clip-joints with fancy fronts and attractive advertising that use free rides and bounties to drivers as their primary marketing tool to scoop up pigeons among visitors who aren't familiar with the business. Maybe my earlier statement about rides should be changed to something not quite so simple, because it can make sense for someone already going to one of the relatively trustworthy legitimately high-end stripper venues. But for relative newbies, if they don't already know exactly what they want how to go about it and have a definite plan of where, it is also one of the very most common ways for visitors not familiar with the business to get screwed in a really bad way. Sometimes among the worst of them even to the extent of being physically hurt, not just a big pain in the wallet with no fun to show for it.
But I don't want to claim to be an expert on that business, and things in all parts of the huge Las Vegas sex trade are always changing, so for newer folks please take some time to get informed by people into that a lot more in a place set up to accomplish that better:
Quote: DrawingDeadWell fine, if you know what you're doing and where you're doing it and from prior experience or reliable recommendations know for sure that the place sponsoring your ride is legit. If you arranged your own transportation you'd be able to get credit for it in cover and drink, but okay if you prefer to cash in some of your own valuable per-head bounty that way. Or if you're just damn lucky, and the horseshoe hasn't fallen out of your britches.
The problem is that there are many clip-joints with fancy fronts and attractive advertising that use free rides and bounties to drivers as their primary marketing tool to scoop up pigeons among visitors who aren't familiar with the business. Maybe my earlier statement about rides should be changed to something not quite so simple, because it can make sense for someone already going to one of the relatively trustworthy legitimately high-end stripper venues. But for relative newbies, if they don't already know exactly what they want how to go about it and have a definite plan of where, it is also one of the very most common ways for visitors not familiar with the business to get screwed in a really bad way. Sometimes among the worst of them even to the extent of being physically hurt, not just a big pain in the wallet with no fun to show for it.
But I don't want to claim to be an expert on that business, and things in all parts of the huge Las Vegas sex trade are always changing, so for newer folks please take some time to get informed by people into that a lot more in a place set up to accomplish that better:
I'm really not interested in following your links, though I appreciate you posting them.
Can you give me a read on Crazy Horse Two, though? (Or Too, I'm not sure). I hear that name a lot, but not sure if they're a clip joint? Seems like maybe they are, but somehow famous anyway. Maybe notorious or infamous....
Quote: beachbumbabsI'm really not interested in following your links, though I appreciate you posting them.
Can you give me a read on Crazy Horse Two, though? (Or Too, I'm not sure). I hear that name a lot, but not sure if they're a clip joint? Seems like maybe they are, but somehow famous anyway. Maybe notorious or infamous....
LasVegasWeekly - Mon, May 14, 2007:
Quote: Joshua Longobardy @LasVegasWeekly...<SNIP>...
...“A mark comes in, a guy who looks like he has money,...<SNIP>...If he contests the bill, he gets taken out, and those big goons Rizzolo employs beat his head in.
“That’s what happened with Kirk Henry,” Buffalo says. “I was there, I saw him. And if I hadn’t taken those photos, they would’ve pretended like nothing happened that day.”
Buffalo tells how, on the morning of September 20, 2001, arriving to work, he saw a body lying on the ground just outside the Crazy Horse Too’s golden front doors, and how he heard an indiscernible voice saying, “You killed him ... You killed him.”...
Quote: billryanWe can agree that if you have Barely Legal Syndrome, Las Chicas isn't where you want to be. It's funny but my friend started dating a hostess from there back in 2001. She was a really young looking grandmother. She had her son at 18 and he got a girl pregnant when he was 15. In the end, the baggage she had proved too much. She wanted him to get a big house where the four of them and the girlfriends grandmother could live.
We can certainly agree on that. If you do have that syndrome, I would recommend Little Darlings. It isn't my cup of tea, as I would have absolutely nothing in common with an 18-year-old tattoo-covered girl who can't name a single member of the Beatles.
Your story there sounds like the typical Vegas stripper story. When I was 15, the only members of the opposite sex who would listen to me were my mother and trigonometry teacher.
Quote: DrawingDeadLasVegasWeekly - Mon, May 14, 2007:
Well. I've been reading for hours. Holy MoG.
I've heard bits and pieces of this story before, but just...wow. I genuinely had no idea.
One of the main guys covering this over the years has links to what must be most or all of the major articles published. It's crazy reading;d I highly recommend so far.
I'm very familiar with Steve Miller, and his work is greatly appreciated by many. Some other scum of the Earth dirtbags that Steve has been relentless at exposing include the public guardianship racket in Nevada through which the estates of many elderly and disabled people are routinely plundered. And maybe his most significant target, the widespread corruption of City of Las Vegas & Clark County government that has facilitated the looting of enormous amounts of public funds to create former car salesman Billy Walters' fortune, which some childish imbeciles seem to forever remain determined to believe somehow magically came from being the world's most brilliant sports gambler, even after he finally got his very well deserved federal prison inmate number.Quote: beachbumbabsWell. I've been reading for hours. Holy MoG.
I've heard bits and pieces of this story before, but just...wow. I genuinely had no idea.
One of the main guys covering this over the years has links to what must be most or all of the major articles published. It's crazy reading;d I highly recommend so far.
But if Rizzolo is rather interesting, then for bare naked HolySheet! prurient interest in your bedtime reading material, the (former) bigger fish in the same racket named Mike Galardi should be too. That tale will include mob bagmen in suits delivering sacks of cash to grovelling "public servants" along with festive stuff like FBI pictures and recordings of mob/politician agreements being sealed by outfit-owned junkie sex slaves providing sloppy oral services on command to some eloquent public defenders of the downtrodden and champions of the oppressed on a mob-goombah golf course, and suchlike.
For a start, here's a summary piece by the CBS TV News affiliate early in the unfolding of public airing of the Galardi matter: Operation G-Sting Update: Strip Club Owner Target Of FBI Probe
Then eventually: Galardi Sentenced to 30 Months in Federal Prison
Nothing to be learned about his sleazy racket from the text of this piece in the real estate section of the daily paper last year, but this linked LVRJ article includes a pimped-out house-porn slide show of the ultimate in epic ostentatious bad taste built by Galardi: Former home of Las Vegas strip club owner sells for $6.2M

Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: DrawingDeadLasVegasWeekly - Mon, May 14, 2007:
Well. I've been reading for hours. Holy MoG.
I've heard bits and pieces of this story before, but just...wow. I genuinely had no idea.
One of the main guys covering this over the years has links to what must be most or all of the major articles published. It's crazy reading;d I highly recommend so far.
A frightening and sobering reminder of what money can drive some to.
I thought it was probably exaggerated at least, but it was all true and happened to tons of other people. Judges and DAs were in on it.