You guys really need to learn exactly who you're dealing with here regarding EvenBob/Spike and Egalite/Johno.
Don't allow yourself to be deceived, for you're being hoodwinked, post by post and even word by word.
I ask you this: Do either one of the fellas come across as a winner to you? Do they speak and/or act as winners?
Or, alternatively, might they both speak and act as sore losers who bring nothing more than disruption and chaos to every forum they visit?
Choose wisely, my friends, for the correct choice will only serve to make this forum a better place to visit.
Quote: gr8playerThere's absolutely nothing to "verify", AxiomOfChoice, for there's no veracity to any of EvenBob's claims.
You guys really need to learn exactly who you're dealing with here regarding EvenBob/Spike and Egalite/Johno.
Don't allow yourself to be deceived, for you're being hoodwinked, post by post and even word by word.
I ask you this: Do either one of the fellas come across as a winner to you? Do they speak and/or act as winners?
Or, alternatively, might they both speak and act as sore losers who bring nothing more than disruption and chaos to every forum they visit?
Choose wisely, my friends.
Oh no, don't worry. I know full well that anyone who claims to beat roulette or baccarat or any other -EV game with a "betting system" or "money management", and not some +EV component, either within the game (eg, extra information) or or outside the game (eg, loss rebates), is full of it.
Quote: gr8playerThere's absolutely nothing to "verify", AxiomOfChoice, for there's no veracity to any of EvenBob's claims.
LOL, how would YOU know? You have zero
way of knowing anything, all you're doing is
hoping it's not true because eagalite has
always called you out for being a total fraud
and you hate his guts. So what you say
about any of this is meaningless. It was
proven to me irrefutably, that's all I care
about. Like him or don't, eagalite is the
real thing. Which NOBODY can say about
Quote: EvenBobLOL, how would YOU know? You have zero
way of knowing anything, all you're doing is
hoping it's not true because eagalite has
always called you out for being a total fraud
and you hate his guts. So what you say
about any of this is meaningless. It was
proven to me irrefutably, that's all I care
about. Like him or don't, eagalite is the
real thing. Which NOBODY can say about
Axiom said that there's no way to beat the game of baccarat without extra help, either inside the game like edge sorting or dealer mistakes, or outside the game like loss rebates or promotions.
How does he know? Well let's put it this way -- if he is wrong, then 400 years of math going back to Blaise Pascal are wrong, too. So that's how he knows.
+1 I rarely find anything I can agree with you on but you hit this nail right on the head.Quote: gr8playerPlease don't even attempt to insult our intelligence so blatantly. You "knew two men who knew him"???!!! Really now, Spike, give it up...
Again, just whom are you trying to hoodwink here? EVERYBODY disputed his every word! Heck, he had, what, 3 different usernames at the Glen that I knew of: Scambuster, Johno, Carlo. And that's only the one's that I knew of. The guy's a proven and yes, even admitted, liar.
Yet, EvenBob/Spike, you continue to vouch for him as though he's your long lost brother.
To me, that says a lot about your own character.....or lack thereof.
Quote: sodawaterAxiom said that there's no way to beat the game of baccarat without extra help, either inside the game like edge sorting or dealer mistakes, or outside the game like ross rebates or promotions.
How does he know? Well let's put it this way -- if he is wrong, then 400 years of math going back to Blaise Pascal are wrong, too. So that's how he knows.
To be more succinct:
I know because I'm not an idiot.
Quote: sodawaterAxiom said that there's no way to beat the game of baccarat without extra help.
And for Axiom I'm sure that's 100% true. What's
your point.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceTo be more succinct:
I know because I'm not an idiot.
I'm pretty sure you're not. Just under
educated. Not your fault, don't beat
yourself up over it.
Egalite is gone, so this subject is mind
bogglingly boring to me now. I'm blocking
the thread, carry on without me.
Quote: EvenBobAnd for Axiom I'm sure that's 100% true. What's
your point.
Did you miss the rest of my post? My point is that it's true not only for Axiom, but for everyone on earth, or else 400 years of probability theory is down the drain.
Quote: EvenBobI'm pretty sure you're not. Just under
educated. Not your fault, don't beat
yourself up over it.
Egalite is gone, so this subject is mind
bogglingly boring to me now. I'm blocking
the thread, carry on without me.
Doing what he did earlier in the thread... Throws out a chide at the opposition... Throws his arms up in the air and leave's because he knows he has been beat. I stayed out of this thread after trying to get him to defend his stand point and his only defense was pointing me to the wising up chumps thread. If I wasn't convinced he was a loser at the casino before... I am now. No one can act the way he does that is winning. Such a bitter person that has nothing to add to threads but hostility. Sad.
Quote: strictlyAPMy personal belief is bob adds nothing and we would be better off without him in the forum
Even though I am new and my opinion carries no value, since joining I haven't seen him even try to help anyone let alone stop himself from being rude and hostile towards everyone.... That is besides Egalite.
Quote: EvenBobI'm blocking
the thread, carry on without me.
Didn't you say something similar back on page 15? Hmm, let me think.
Quote: EvenBobBecause you have no idea what
I'm talking about. And I'm about done talking...
Yes, you did. 17 pages later, still here, shocker.
You guys really need to learn exactly who you're dealing with here regarding EvenBob/Spike, Egalite/Johno, GR8PLAYER.
Don't allow yourself to be deceived, for you're being hoodwinked, post by post and even word by word.
I ask you this: Do either one of the three fellas come across as a winner to you? Do they speak and/or act as winners?
Or, alternatively, might ALL OF THEM speak and act as sore losers who bring nothing more than disruption and chaos to every forum they visit?
Choose wisely, my friends, for the correct choice will only serve to make this forum a better place to visit.
Quote: strictlyAPMy personal belief is bob adds nothing and we would be better off without him in the forum
Having Bob here is an advantage play for the Wizard.
Quote: BuzzardHaving Bob here is an advantage play for the Wizard.
Bob probably paid for Wizard's last car with all the page views he generates ... Even "CPM" Bob
Quote: rudeboyoiTommy Angelo's Elements of Poker is the best book to get yourself in the right mindset.
That makes 3!
PS: I've heard from a reliable source that the presently defunked baccarat fourm will be back up and running, soon, under new management, hey hey!
Quote: soxfan
PS: I've heard from a reliable source that the presently defunked baccarat fourm will be back up and running, soon, under new management, hey hey!
So someone actually paid Mike $397 for the website. It would be quite funny if Peter Keating aka Egalite bought it. LOL. Then that would make him the Ellsworth Toohey/James Taggart of Baccarat.
I wouldn't sign up though since that means he has your IP address. Don't know what on earth he is capable of and willing to do with it. Given what he did to the Emerald Archer!
Quote: EvenBobLOL, how would YOU know? You have zero
way of knowing anything, all you're doing is
hoping it's not true because eagalite has
always called you out for being a total fraud
and you hate his guts. So what you say
about any of this is meaningless. It was
proven to me irrefutably, that's all I care
about. Like him or don't, eagalite is the
real thing. Which NOBODY can say about
This is why everyone thinks you add nothing of value to the forum and this is why I agree.
Quote: BizzyBThis is why everyone thinks you add nothing of value to the forum and this is why I agree.
+10 I'm starting to realize a lot about bob
OMG- Mr. Hey Hey is back. I don't know why, but that is the most annoying thing on this entire message board, and that's saying something.Quote: soxfanI sure do hope that the johno-egalite comes back. He is one entertaining cat, I must say, hey hey.
I'm sure this has been asked, but i will ask again. What is with the Hey Hey. When I see you post it, I think of some not to smart character from some mob movie or something.Quote: soxfanWell, Odin knows I'm doin something right if I manage to annoy some of the ap wiseguys around here, hey hey!
is it an east coast thing?
Is it like a white boy saying, Yo Yo?
Or is it like a fat Albert thing?
I'm not trying to be sarcastic anymore, I really am interested in knowing.
Quote: AxelWolfI'm sure this has been asked, but i will ask again. What is with the Hey Hey. When I see you post it, I think of some not to smart character from some mob movie or something.
is it an east coast thing?
Is it like a white boy saying, Yo Yo?
Or is it like a fat Albert thing?
I'm not trying to be sarcastic anymore, I really am interested in knowing.
I think Fat Albert was hey hey hey! If he's trying to be Fat Albert he's short a hey.
Man, I am old.
Ya I know, I was just wondering in what tone and tempo he would be saying it. And what kind of expression on his face would accompany it. Would he shoot you a gun and a wink, raise his eyebrows with each hey? Would he sound like Justin B. or like a blues singerQuote: AxiomOfChoiceI think Fat Albert was hey hey hey! If he's trying to be Fat Albert he's short a hey.
Man, I am old. hey hey.
Quote: AxelWolfOMG- Mr. Hey Hey is back. I don't know why, but that is the most annoying thing on this entire message board, and that's saying something.
It is super annoying! hey hey...
Isn't it strange how 2 small written words on a message board. can annoy people so much about someone they have never met? Its almost like I want to punch him, and I don't even know anything about him.Quote: AcesAndEightsIt is super annoying! hey hey...
Quote: AxelWolfIsn't it strange how 2 small written words on a message board. can annoy people so much about someone they have never met? Its almost like I want to punch him, and I don't even know anything about him.
He does it on every forum he's on. He knows
it annoys the crap out of people, it's a form
of trolling. Just block him, he has nothing to
say of any importance.
LOL. Someone is ticked off at soxfan. Oh this board is too funny at times.
Quote: AxelWolfI want to punch him, and I don't even know anything about him.
He is a Red Sox fan, that's all you need to know.
Hint # 8 [I think]
Us Casino Wiper-Outers have Secret Formulas, learn them!

Quote: EvenBobHe does it on every forum he's on. He knows
it annoys the crap out of people, it's a form
of trolling. Just block him, he has nothing to
say of any importance.
Pot... kettle...
Quote: DMSCRHope you are doing well gr8.
I was never around in those active days of Gamblers Glen so I don't know what went on through there. Yet we both been around those days of BF and we saw all that compulsive Peter Principle nonsense from Egalite. You know when he posts wildly with all these big posts one after another you know he got hit big time. He may win big but he never gets to keep what he made and most likely give his bankroll away as well. I have seen his type all the time at the tables. Doesn't have to be baccarat. Could be any other game of chance. They don't play for money. They play for excitement and to show off. *face palm* *turning head* *can't stop laughing* (well it is Egalite so you have to laugh)
sleeping problems, sleep medication, smoking, too fat around the middle, volatile, unpredictable and sometimes violent personality = Train Wreck
If I wanted to last for more than 5 mins, I wouldn't keep on exposing the grub
DMSCR, but hey it keeps the mods busy, hope they are getting paid???
DMSCR really enjoys me getting nuked; as he sends his congratulations each time.
To: evoque
Date Sent: April 18, 2014 10:00 pm
LOL. Enjoy that ban. Yet I am sure you will be back in no time
To: GodofBACC
Date Sent: April 19, 2014 2:05 am
You better not get yourself banned this time GodofBACC!
Whoops I mean egalite.
What is hillarious, is somebody claiming can beat the game via spotting patterns within patterns long term, only took them 5 minutes to achieve this higher level of intelligence, yet still only bets between $50 ~ $100 flat betting per hand. Amazing claim this, if I was so smart I would be all over these patterns within patterns balony /\!/\ betting thousands per hand and not riding a bus to some casino to avoid some red eyed drive home, rather getting comp'd by the venue.
You will be pleased to note DMSCR these bans are playing havoc with my sleep patterns, grub.

Hint # 9
Learn the shortcuts and grab the Glory!
Quote: AxelWolfI'm sure this has been asked, but i will ask again. What is with the Hey Hey. When I see you post it, I think of some not to smart character from some mob movie or something.
It makes me think of a gentleman rapist. That was consensual, hey hey. But it doesn't annoy me.
They would have to be since they are full of the most Lies, BS and delusional people on this earth. I have a feeling Bac attracts the crazy people because this is the easiest game in the world to play. Nothing to learn, nothing to count or add, nothing to understand just bet Banker or player and let the dealer tell you if you won or lost. Then you have guys trying to turn an easy game into a complex game.Quote: treetopbuddyThe Bac threads are by far the most entertaining.......
Quote: EvenBobI've had egalite's play verified again and again
by people I trust. It's indisputable as far as
I'm concerned.
I'm wish Egalite still here at this forum and share some of his strategy playing bac game. I'm am very new at this game but enjoy playing it very much. I'm just don't want to lose my BR. IMHO we all should be nice to each other and respect each other opinions .
Where you been hiding?
Nuttin like some good Bac discussions to get things a rolling in a New Year!
Well 'cept some good craps rolling threads.
Happy 2016 to ya!
We're friends now, you can call me 2F. I would call you LBG, but that would confuse people ;-)Quote: lovebacgameThank you TwoFeathersATL. Happy new year to you too. Hope we all have a prosperous year and keep on having fun.
And imageshack sucks monkey balls. It has become a greedy website. Was such an awesome hosting site.
Quote: DMSCRTotally forgot about this thread. Thanks for bringing this back to life.
And imageshack sucks monkey balls. It has become a greedy website. Was such an awesome hosting site.
Well now. DMSCR, 'twas a while back when you started in on something, something that caught my attention. I said I'd have to go back and figure out who/what you were. I did that.
"Sucks Monkey Balls ", at one time was perfectly allowable here but I'm not sure it still is. I did notice a large number of posts by you that were what I would consider to be wayyyyy over the line that has been drawn. Do not misunderstand, I enjoyed them all. Sharp, witty, with a vast trove of info on other member's posts, both here and on other Forums. But I marveled at how you were in the middle of, and often not particularly nice in, heated discussions that wound up with others being suspended and/or banned.
You do not have to respond of course, but I got a simple question for you from me. What are you trying to accomplish by jumping in and out of the daily discussion here? There is no right or wrong answer, I'm just wondering.
Cheers maybe, 2F
Quote: TwoFeathersATLWe're friends now, you can call me 2F. I would call you LBG, but that would confuse people ;-)
Of course we are all friends here. I like that you can call me LBG.
Speechless, in/near AtlantaQuote: lovebacgameOf course we are all friends here. I like that you can call me LBG.