Quote: darkozBut are you for reopening during this pandemic?
I think you said it doesn't seem important unless thirty million people die?
I'm trying to understand how someone who openly claims they don't care if people die would care if they live (,or die from economic distress)
I don't care if I live or die, but if I am living I want to fully enjoy it. If I die tomorrow, Que Sera Sera. So as long as I am alive I want everything to be open and to my liking. Obviously I am a very selfish person. In general I don't care what happens to almost everyone else. There are probably only ten people who would affect me much if they die and I am willing to gamble that they won't be one of the deaths in the U.S. If I am wrong, oh well. I still have 9 people left.
Quote: AZDuffmanIt is called "looking at the big picture." What use is saving lives in one way to lose them in another?
How many people have rebounded from being behind in their rent?
How many people have rebounded from being dead?

Quote: michael99000How many people have rebounded from being behind in their rent?
How many people have rebounded from being dead?
Would you rather a 0.00027% chance of dying or to live in a depression for years, unsure where your next meal was coming from?
Quote: AZDuffmanWould you rather a 0.00027% chance of dying or to live in a depression for years, unsure where your next meal was coming from?
NOT EVEN CLOSE. If we banned cigarettes and made it a REQUIREMENT that you licked COVID-19 laden countertops, death rates would plummet.
AZ, you will not be able to convince the 'every human life is precious' group that destroying the economy is not worth a single life. They believe that that single life is worth the millions unemployed.
The fact that they are not out picketing bars serving alcohol, speed limits being too high, swimming pools being allowed, just shows that they are hypocrites.
People just are not capable of doing a proper risk/benefit analysis, and you will not be able to convince those people of anything.
"If you open up more people will die" will ALWAYS be true. Whether it is today, next week, next month, or next year.
Quote: SOOPOONOT EVEN CLOSE. If we banned cigarettes and made it a REQUIREMENT that you licked COVID-19 laden countertops, death rates would plummet.
AZ, you will not be able to convince the 'every human life is precious' group that destroying the economy is not worth a single life. They believe that that single life is worth the millions unemployed.
The fact that they are not out picketing bars serving alcohol, speed limits being too high, swimming pools being allowed, just shows that they are hypocrites.
People just are not capable of doing a proper risk/benefit analysis, and you will not be able to convince those people of anything.
"If you open up more people will die" will ALWAYS be true. Whether it is today, next week, next month, or next year.
Why do you keep spinning the argument to death rates?
I say death by car accident isn't contagious, you say death rate. I say death by cancer isn't contagious, you say death rate.
This lockdown isn't because of death, it's because of contagion.
I'm not sure why you mentioned swimming pools but if 100,000 people died in swimming pools in three months there maybe something to look at.
Just imagine if this was leprosy Americans yelling they want the freedom to catch it cause it doesn't kill you. SMH
Quote: AZDuffmanWould you rather a 0.00027% chance of dying or to live in a depression for years, unsure where your next meal was coming from?
I would take the living homeless over a chance of dying
See after being homeless here I am still able to talk about it. Can't talk after I am dead.
BTW, you could try something called welfare. At least apply before going homeless. Food stamps, etc
Quote: darkozI would take the living homeless over a chance of dying
See after being homeless here I am still able to talk about it. Can't talk after I am dead.
BTW, you could try something called welfare. At least apply before going homeless. Food stamps, etc
You have talked about your homeless period before, IIRC much of it was crashing on friend's couches. What I am talking about is living on the street. Living in shelter made of boxes. Having nowhere to go. Plus you were homeless as you were surrounded by plenty. In a depression there is no plenty, you have to struggle to survive.
Welfare? Yeah, as a single male with no dependents go try to apply. See how that works out for you. In total you might get a few hundred bucks a month.
And all because you are afraid of a CHANCE of catching it.
Me, I will take my chances. Most people will.
Quote: SOOPOONOT EVEN CLOSE. If we banned cigarettes and made it a REQUIREMENT that you licked COVID-19 laden countertops, death rates would plummet.
AZ, you will not be able to convince the 'every human life is precious' group that destroying the economy is not worth a single life. They believe that that single life is worth the millions unemployed.
The fact that they are not out picketing bars serving alcohol, speed limits being too high, swimming pools being allowed, just shows that they are hypocrites.
People just are not capable of doing a proper risk/benefit analysis, and you will not be able to convince those people of anything.
"If you open up more people will die" will ALWAYS be true. Whether it is today, next week, next month, or next year.
Utter nonsense. I'd ask you to cite a single example of your statements, but we know you can't. Why insult everyone who agrees with science by calling us hypocrites?
Quote: AZDuffmanYou have talked about your homeless period before, IIRC much of it was crashing on friend's couches. What I am talking about is living on the street. Living in shelter made of boxes. Having nowhere to go. Plus you were homeless as you were surrounded by plenty. In a depression there is no plenty, you have to struggle to survive.
Welfare? Yeah, as a single male with no dependents go try to apply. See how that works out for you. In total you might get a few hundred bucks a month.
And all because you are afraid of a CHANCE of catching it.
Me, I will take my chances. Most people will.
I was on the street sleeping for about two of the seven years homeless.
A few hundred bucks a month when homeless will last you really well even in NYC
Quote: billryanUtter nonsense. I'd ask you to cite a single example of your statements, but we know you can't. Why insult everyone who agrees with science by calling us hypocrites?
I agree with 'science' more than you ever will. My entire life was surrounded by 'science'. I understand the 'science' of opening things up WILL cause more deaths due to COVID-19 than if we NEVER open things up. You and I agree on that 'science', right? I just understand that there are so many ways to die that we just don't do much to prevent. The easiest being cigarette use. 400,000 US deaths a year are attributed to cigarettes, is that a single example for you? I believe it is better for society now to 'open things up' to a large degree, even though I know it will cause more deaths than would happen if we did not open things up now. We are not arguing over science. We are arguing over what to do with the information that the science yields.
I think it is laughable that people are so concerned about Trump wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, taking a useless medicine or not taking a useless medicine. He is President of The United States of America. BY FAR, the greatest risk to his life is via assassination. 4 of 45 have perished that way. No one suggests that our President just stay in a basement Biden style. It is a risk Trump, and before him Obama, and before him Bush, all chose to take. If you use the same science you want to close the USA, then our President would never be allowed in public.
I'll apologize for the hypocrite comment.
Quote: SOOPOOI agree with 'science' more than you ever will. My entire life was surrounded by 'science'. I understand the 'science' of opening things up WILL cause more deaths due to COVID-19 than if we NEVER open things up. You and I agree on that 'science', right? I just understand that there are so many ways to die that we just don't do much to prevent. The easiest being cigarette use. 400,000 US deaths a year are attributed to cigarettes, is that a single example for you? I believe it is better for society now to 'open things up' to a large degree, even though I know it will cause more deaths than would happen if we did not open things up now. We are not arguing over science. We are arguing over what to do with the information that the science yields.
I think it is laughable that people are so concerned about Trump wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, taking a useless medicine or not taking a useless medicine. He is President of The United States of America. BY FAR, the greatest risk to his life is via assassination. 4 of 45 have perished that way. No one suggests that our President just stay in a basement Biden style. It is a risk Trump, and before him Obama, and before him Bush, all chose to take. If you use the same science you want to close the USA, then our President would never be allowed in public.
I'll apologize for the hypocrite comment.
The difference between all your smoking and car accident examples vs this virus is , we already know how many people will die from those causes. So in weighing the risk vs reward, we know both values and can make a decision.
100k dead in three months (during a nationwide lockdown). How do you know how many will die in the next 3 months ? Will it be another 100,000.. will it be just 30,000... will the lack of preventative measure means it’s 200,000 more? You have no idea yet Somehow you’re able to say this is worth the risk and that’s worth the risk. Tell me what the risk is. How many people have to die from the virus between June 1 and August 31st for you to say you were wrong ? There has to be a number of deaths that would lead you to say “ok we should’nt have rushed .. Or what if a few of your family members and close friends catch it from a waiter or a barber and they die, would that change your mind ? Or would you say it was a worthy sacrifice to get this economy going sooner ?
What has "science" shown in the last four months, when we have not learned the basics of the coronavirus like its origins, its vulnerability and its transmission.Quote: michael99000100k dead in three months (during a nationwide lockdown). How do you know how many will die in the next 3 months ? Will it be another 100,000.. will it be just 30,000... will the lack of preventative measure means it’s 200,000 more? You have no idea yet
I have a trip booked for the MGM Grand for June 20th. Will definitely do a trip report if it happens.
Quote: michael99000The difference between all your smoking and car accident examples vs this virus is , we already know how many people will die from those causes. So in weighing the risk vs reward, we know both values and can make a decision.
100k dead in three months (during a nationwide lockdown). How do you know how many will die in the next 3 months ? Will it be another 100,000.. will it be just 30,000... will the lack of preventative measure means it’s 200,000 more? You have no idea yet Somehow you’re able to say this is worth the risk and that’s worth the risk. Tell me what the risk is. How many people have to die from the virus between June 1 and August 31st for you to say you were wrong ? There has to be a number of deaths that would lead you to say “ok we should’nt have rushed .. Or what if a few of your family members and close friends catch it from a waiter or a barber and they die, would that change your mind ? Or would you say it was a worthy sacrifice to get this economy going sooner ?
Good questions. I'll remind everyone that the politicians started out by closing things down to 'flatten the curve'. I wholeheartedly agreed with the tactic then. We needed to have enough PPE to protect first responders, doctors, etc... We needed to have enough ventilators, ICU beds, hospital beds to handle the sick and dying. We have done that successfully. Unless I am mis-informed, there is no locale within the USA that lacks for PPE or hospital resources now.
I can not give an exact number of how many deaths between July 1 and August 31 would be acceptable. First of all, you should have asked the question as how many 'additional' deaths would be acceptable. With the full lockdown there were no shortage of deaths. None of my relatives or friends are being required to go to a barber. I have a very good friend who almost died from COVID-19. My sister and her entire family had COVID-19 (mild). Yes, I will be sad if a loved one dies, but I truly believe that each individual will be able to decide on their own level of risk. I may be that loved one who dies.
You say "would you say it was a worthy sacrifice to get this economy going sooner?" You do realize, that WHATEVER date we open up, there will be more deaths than if we waited another week? So I'll reverse the question and ask you, how many additional deaths are acceptable to you? If i told you that 10 extra people will die if we open it up on June 1 instead of June 2, what do you decide?
Quote: SOOPOOIf i told you that 10 extra people will die if we open it up on June 1 instead of June 2, what do you decide?
I guess it depends from what standpoint we look at these questions..
If Im totally neutral and I don’t know any of the additional 10 people who died, and I also don’t personally know anyone whose business benefited from the extra open day, then I’d prefer to save those 10 people and open a day later.
The point I was making in my original reply was it’s very easy to say let’s open up!!.. and play fast and loose with the tens of thousands of lives it may cost , when it’s a bunch of strangers who your stance puts in jeopardy. Yet if you knew opening up now would cause just One of your immediate family members to die (who otherwise would’ve survived), I bet your stance would change quickly.
Quote: michael99000Yet if you knew opening up now would cause just One of your immediate family members to die (who otherwise would’ve survived), I bet your stance would change quickly.
If I knew it for certainty of course I would do whatever I could to change that outcome.
But I will never KNOW that. All I will know is that instead of having a 1 in 5000 chance of dying from it I may have a 1 in 4500 chance instead. Or something like that.
I like to think I was a great parent. My younger son was at a sleep away camp, and was on a zip line, it malfunctioned, he could have easily died. Should I not have allowed him to go to that camp? We took both boys on a trip to the Ecuadorian jungle. Right after the "Proof of Life" incident. (Google it if you don't know the story). We actually had to go to a different jungle lodge because the first one was too close to the incident. We decided the risks, though not zero, were outweighed by the benefit of my kids experiencing the jungle. People take risks all the time. Let each person decide on their own risk tolerance. I might be waiting a while before I go to a restaurant. Casino? Not anytime soon. What will be hard for me will be my decision on basketball.
Quote: ChumpChangeOne person can infect hundreds of people in one night then those hundreds can infect thousands the next day, then those thousands can infect tens of thousands the next day, and so on, until 2 weeks later all of Las Vegas calls in sick to death and everything shuts down on a dime, including the hospitals.
Thank you for emphasizing what I agree to be the real issue. It might be difficult for one person to personally infect thousands, as you suggest. But, the virus can still spread quickly, infecting thousands.
However, a major purpose of the "shut-down" was to provide time for states to staff up the large number of contact-tracer employees they need to manage the virus as the shut-down ends. The whole idea when a state reopens is rapid identification of positive cases and equally fast follow-up with others with whom the positive case interacted. Then, and only then, states can handle new cases as fast as they appear. But, until a state is ready to do that -- identify early and follow-up fast -- then it is not yet safe to end the "shut-down."
Many states are opening up, but it remains to be seen whether or not they are ready. I doubt Nevada is ready. Opening casinos in early June could result in a C-virus explosion as the Independence Day holiday approaches.
Last night a woman called into a Tucson radio show to explain how Elon Musk was about to launch 7,000 satellites whose main purpose will be to track people via a chemical in the vaccine. Rather than talk her down off the ledge, the host kept saying she may be on to something and people should think long and hard about giving up their freedom for a vaccine to a disease that for most people will be no worse than a cold.
Quote: ChumpChangeOne person can infect hundreds of people in one night then those hundreds can infect thousands the next day, then those thousands can infect tens of thousands the next day, and so on, until 2 weeks later all of Las Vegas calls in sick to death and everything shuts down on a dime, including the hospitals.
And you can sign up for Amway and sign up hundreds of people and those hundred can sign up thousands and those thousands can sign up tens of thousands and so on until you can buy the casino! But will that happen? Your scenario absolutely has not, anywhere.
Time to open up, we cannot live in fear forever.
Quote: billryanRadio hosts are already comparing the infection tracers to the Gestapo. How long until the first tracer is shot or threatened?
Last night a woman called into a Tucson radio show to explain how Elon Musk was about to launch 7,000 satellites whose main purpose will be to track people via a chemical in the vaccine. Rather than talk her down off the ledge, the host kept saying she may be on to something and people should think long and hard about giving up their freedom for a vaccine to a disease that for most people will be no worse than a cold.
Yet meanwhile other outlets get otherwise rational people think that they must stay locked down for a virus that only 1 in 200 will die from. Same people want to be forced to wear masks everywhere, with some even wearing them alone in their own car, maybe they think the radio DJ will infect them via the airwaves?
Quote: AZDuffmanYet meanwhile other outlets get otherwise rational people think that they must stay locked down for a virus that only 1 in 200 will die from. Same people want to be forced to wear masks everywhere, with some even wearing them alone in their own car, maybe they think the radio DJ will infect them via the airwaves?
They still haven't tested very many here in Az.. The only way they can assume a fatality rate is using models that are using hypothetical numbers to plug in for variables. The fatality rate will continue being adjusted, probably downward for months. I think the public deserves some honest answers about the determination to quarantine.
The damage from lockdowns are escalating for suicides and abuse rates.
Quote: LuckyPhowHowever, a major purpose of the "shut-down" was to provide time for states to staff up the large number of contact-tracer employees they need to manage the virus as the shut-down ends.
I don't think that's true. Not trying to pick a fight, but my impression is that the purpose of the shutdown, initially, was to try and limit the expected overwhelming of hospitals, ICU beds and respirators. No fault of those that did the locking down, giving them the benefit of the doubt that they thought an apocalypse was coming. They built field hospitals and competed for respirators because they were planning for triage that involved deciding who would have to die because there were not enough beds to go around. In general, that flood of patients never arrived. Field hospitals (see USNS Comfort and Javits in NYC) were never utilized. The Comfort has sailed away.
Now, perhaps picking a fight...
The initial premise for the lockdowns can be justified, understood, and forgiven because that premise was truly frightening. I don't think anyone can be faulted for the extent of the shutdowns, however draconian. The end of the world was coming.
That is no longer the case. I don't follow all the numbers in all the states, but it looks to me, from the ACTUAL NUMBERS that I have been able to look at, that ICU and ventilator use is WAY DOWN from what it was. At the height - the "top of the curve" - it was nowhere near what was predicted.
Justification for continued restrictions, whether you agree with them or not, cannot be justified like they were.
Quote: racquet....The initial premise for the lockdowns can be justified, understood, and forgiven because that premise was truly frightening. I don't think anyone can be faulted for the extent of the shutdowns, however draconian. The end of the world was coming.
That is no longer the case. I don't follow all the numbers in all the states, but it looks to me, from the ACTUAL NUMBERS that I have been able to look at, that ICU and ventilator use is WAY DOWN from what it was. At the height - the "top of the curve" - it was nowhere near what was predicted.
Justification for continued restrictions, whether you agree with them or not, cannot be justified like they were.
The lockdowns weren't data driven. But it's never safe to be old and feeble in a rest home.
Here is a good site for up to date numbers: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
Quote: racquetI don't think that's true. Not trying to pick a fight, but my impression is that the purpose of the shutdown, initially, was to try and limit the expected overwhelming of hospitals, ICU beds and respirators. No fault of those that did the locking down, giving them the benefit of the doubt that they thought an apocalypse was coming. They built field hospitals and competed for respirators because they were planning for triage that involved deciding who would have to die because there were not enough beds to go around. In general, that flood of patients never arrived. Field hospitals (see USNS Comfort and Javits in NYC) were never utilized. The Comfort has sailed away.
Now, perhaps picking a fight...
The initial premise for the lockdowns can be justified, understood, and forgiven because that premise was truly frightening. I don't think anyone can be faulted for the extent of the shutdowns, however draconian. The end of the world was coming.
That is no longer the case. I don't follow all the numbers in all the states, but it looks to me, from the ACTUAL NUMBERS that I have been able to look at, that ICU and ventilator use is WAY DOWN from what it was. At the height - the "top of the curve" - it was nowhere near what was predicted.
Justification for continued restrictions, whether you agree with them or not, cannot be justified like they were.
How about some facts? The Comfort WAS used for patients, just not as many as were available. The Javits Center WAS used for patients, just not as many as were available. There was a nearly full tent hospital in Central Park. NYC hospitals had 4-5 times as many ICU beds used as they normally would, meaning regular floor beds were used as ICU beds. NOT GOOD! There were hospitals in NYC that RAN OUT of storage space for the dead! Anesthesia machines were used as substitutes for regular ICU ventilators.
So at least in NYC, it WAS the overwhelming disaster they predicted.
But I do agree with your conclusion. The lockdown was sold to us, and rightly so, that we needed to flatten the curve, and that has been done. I do not believe there is a single state that will not have enough beds/ventilators/PPE if they re-open as planned. The lockdown was NOT done to save every possible life. It was (initially) done to allow our medical infrastructure to be able to handle the dead and dying.
Apparently Buffalo is now listed as the third worst city in the US as far as unemployment. After Detroit and Grand Rapids. I'm stunned that we are worse than Vegas, Orlando, NYC,
A friend gave us some dusks masks from Asia someplace, I hope they were sanitary when hand placed in the plastic bag wherever they were made.
There was nothing wrong with storing body's in freezer vans for overflow. How many vans were filled out of necessity? I thought perhaps they might want to autopsy some of them later was why they wanted to store body's.
I didn't see any portable cremation machines like we all saw in China, running 24/7. Where are the body's now?
The optics were terrible, the panic steering of the herd was shameful. Little in comparison made the news of Seattle, or New Orleans, it was all about the big apple. Out west we are still waiting for test kits. They had a big push for testing 2 weeks ago, the results still haven't gotten back, according to a friend who was waiting in line, pre 0600. Seems half the deaths were in rest homes. Probably created some vacancy's in your REITS?
Quote: petroglyph
The damage from lockdowns are escalating for suicides and abuse rates.
I heard in some places we have a years worth of suicides in the last month.
But hey hey, can't open because a person might die from the virus. Not asking you, asking those on here who keep demanding we stay closed.
"Said a girl with two black eyes". About whether or not to stop the quarantine.Quote: AZDuffmanI heard in some places we have a years worth of suicides in the last month.
But hey hey, can't open because a person might die from the virus. Not asking you, asking those on here who keep demanding we stay closed.
I think my wife and I may be seeing two friends break apart, two months of solitary may be to much closeness?
Very very few couples can endure the 24/7 company of each other, I don't believe. People really do need their alone time, or personal time.
We've seen quite a few coast guard couples divorce when the guy retires. They had no idea what each other was going to be like, until the one working no longer had a purpose.
" A job provides a lot more than just a paycheck" petro
Quote: AZDuffmanI heard in some places we have a years worth of suicides in the last month.
But hey hey, can't open because a person might die from the virus. Not asking you, asking those on here who keep demanding we stay closed.
What the hell. When you make outlandish claims like that, have the decency to post a link! Or at least something that could be possibly verified.
Here's a professionally written article that suggests that you're probably WAY off.
This article suggests it may take up to YEARS to note a clear spike in suicides due to this. But if it was already up by a factor of TEN, people and media would notice already. The $600/wk pandemic unemployment payment hasn't even expired yet! People that had jobs that were just lost should mostly be fine for NOW thanks to the $600 a week bonus. Heck, my mom, a retail worker for the last 34 years is making more in unemployment now than she ever has! I keep praying her work doesn't officially call her back until the last possible minute. The store can legally reopen in Missouri right now, but has CHOSEN not to yet. So therefore, she still gets $97 a week from Missouri and $600 extra from the Feds.
Quote: tringlomaneWhat the hell. When you make outlandish claims like that, have the decency to post a link! Or at least something that could be possibly verified.
Around the start of this pandemic in February, Duffman basically said it was no big deal and that everyone will have forgotten about it by May 4.
So it's probably best just to ignore his thoughts on the topic.
Quote: ChumpChangeI don't think more than a third of 30 million are getting paid.
That would surprise me. My assumption is that at least 90% of the people are getting unemployment that deserve it. In Nevada they were running way behind for a while, it took me over 5 weeks to get mine, but now everybody that Iknow is getting it.
Quote: DRichThat would surprise me. My assumption is that at least 90% of the people are getting unemployment that deserves it. In Nevada they were running way behind for a while, it took me over 5 weeks to get mine, but now everybody that Iknow is getting it.
I don't know anyone who was entitled to normal unemployment that isn't getting it now, but of those that were supposed to get it under the enhanced support- contractors and freelancers, most are still waiting. I'm not sure it is accurate, but the Commander of the VFW is saying his part-time bartenders are collecting $68 a week from the state and $600 from the Federal.
Quote: ams288Around the start of this pandemic in February, Duffman basically said it was no big deal and that everyone will have forgotten about it by May 4.
So it's probably best just to ignore his thoughts on the topic.
Enough already! He was WRONG! We get that! I don't want to waste the time to point out all the times you've been wrong in the past. But I don't ignore you going forward.
Let the merits of each post stand on, well, its merits.
I think I underestimated the death count early on. I don't think it is reason to ignore me from here on.
Quote: SOOPOOEnough already! He was WRONG! We get that! I don't want to waste the time to point out all the times you've been wrong in the past. But I don't ignore you going forward.
Let the merits of each post stand on, well, its merits.
I think I underestimated the death count early on. I don't think it is reason to ignore me from here on.
Sorry SOOPOO, I won’t be letting that one go anytime soon. It’s too funny how wrong he was and yet so confident and smug in his wrongness.
There’s a big difference between what he said and you underestimating a potential death toll...
The Orleans
Gold Coast
Sam's Town
Joker's Wild
Source: Fox 5 Las Vegas.
Quote: WizardForgive me if this has been stated, but here are the casinos reopening on June 4:
The Orleans
Gold Coast
Sam's Town
Joker's Wild
Source: Fox 5 Las Vegas.
I think those are the Boyd Casinos only.
Quote: rsactuaryQuote: WizardForgive me if this has been stated, but here are the casinos reopening on June 4:
The Orleans
Gold Coast
Sam's Town
Joker's Wild
Source: Fox 5 Las Vegas.
I think those are the Boyd Casinos only.
Yes, many more opening than that overall for sure. Several stations properties will open 6/4 as well and some of the Strip properties.
I don't think this list in the link includes Venetian, which plans to open 6/4.
Quote: WizardForgive me if this has been stated, but here are the casinos reopening on June 4:
The Orleans
Gold Coast
Sam's Town
Joker's Wild
Source: Fox 5 Las Vegas.
I think you are missing some. I heard Flamingo would be among the first wave.
Quote: AZDuffmanI think you are missing some. I heard Flamingo would be among the first wave.
You guys are right. I should have caught that.
And fist to start a second wave.Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: WizardForgive me if this has been stated, but here are the casinos reopening on June 4:
The Orleans
Gold Coast
Sam's Town
Joker's Wild
Source: Fox 5 Las Vegas.
I think you are missing some. I heard Flamingo would be among the first wave.
I assume that was a minor typo and was supposed to say "first" to start a second wave.Quote: AxelWolfAnd fist to start a second wave.Quote: AZDuffmanI heard Flamingo would be among the first wave.
In one more attempt to sprinkle a little levity on this topic, I offer this:
another comic strip
Let's be honest. Old folks smell funny and are probably just as glad they are going to heaven anyway. In fact, the virus is doing them a favor by getting out of the house arrest their sons and daughters have imposed on them.