As part of the "no politics rule", we have asked via PM, all those whose avatars are based in political themes, to change them. However, ams288 has his PM receipts turned off, so I don't know of any other way to notify him than to do it publicly.
ams288 has been on the board each of the last several days, including today, so I expect he will see this. I hope that he will acknowledge with a thank you or a post in return, but I'm starting the 48 hour clock for him (which the others are also under) at the time of this post.
The "no politics rule" includes signatures, avatars, headings, and posts. Thank you ams288, and all of you, for respecting and complying with the policy.
If I can't say it, I certainly should not be physically exposed to the images
I was wondering why Duffman finally dropped the confederate flag...
Quote: beachbumbabsfor ams288, and for general information :
As part of the "no politics rule", we have asked via PM, all those whose avatars are based in political themes, to change them. However, ams288 has his PM receipts turned off, so I don't know of any other way to notify him than to do it publicly.
ams288 has been on the board each of the last several days, including today, so I expect he will see this. I hope that he will acknowledge with a thank you or a post in return, but I'm starting the 48 hour clock for him (which the others are also under) at the time of this post.
The "no politics rule" includes signatures, avatars, headings, and posts. Thank you ams288, and all of you, for respecting and complying with the policy.
So I assume EB was one of those asked to remove political content from his Avatar.
When I was young (and this is after EB was young so he is aware I am sure) when authority asked you to do something you didn't want you did it while turning your ass to them and slapping it. A way of saying I did comply but I still don't respect you and you can kiss my ass.
EB has basically chosen to replace his Avatar with a naked image of an ass pointing at all the forum members. This can't be mistaken as anything other than an insult to the forum and the mods in particular
The change came directly after the request the mods have now been told to kiss his ass
If an image is worth a thousand words then this is basically a thousand insults
I think you can use the word ass because it's used in the Bible, that's per Mike's rules.Quote: darkozI think if this board also does not allow profanity in words like use of the word "@$$" then it should also be off limits for an Avatar to actually be a person's physical "@$$"
If I can't say it, I certainly should not be physically exposed to the images
Quote: beachbumbabsand all of you, for respecting and complying with the policy.
I like my new avatar, it expresses
my attitude perfectly.
Quote: EvenBobI like my new avatar, it expresses
my attitude perfectly.
It looks like a close-up of some kind of nut or piece of barley or something I cannot make out acting like it is something else.
Quote: EvenBobI like my new avatar, it expresses
my attitude perfectly.
Oh, man... you just set yourself up for SOOO many jokes...
Quote: ams288It’s creeping me out.
Heh. With your new Pennywise avatar staring at me, I have to wonder if you're being ironic.
Quote: ams288Can we rename this thread to “New avatar guidelines” or something? It’s creeping me out.
Quote: AZDuffmanIt looks like a close-up of some kind of nut or piece of barley or something I cannot make out acting like it is something else.
If that makes you think of food, I’m sure evenbob will be posting what he’s eating soon enough.
Quote: rxwineIf that makes you think of food, I’m sure evenbob will be posting what he’s eating soon enough.
...and how much better it was back in the day...
Quote: rxwineIf that makes you think of food, I’m sure evenbob will be posting what he’s eating soon enough.
I like your new avatar, rxwine. Unusual. Looks good.
I guess you can say that I post my drivel unadorned.
I understand that Wizard appreciates amusing, minor acts of defiance such as (I take) EB's gnome avatar (to be).Quote: darkozSo I assume EB was one of those asked to remove political content from his Avatar....
EB has basically chosen to replace his Avatar with a naked image of an ass pointing at all the forum members. This can't be mistaken as anything other than an insult to the forum and the mods in particular
It prompted me to figure out how avatars are updated.
So for a limited time only, my avatar has been changed.
Please send all complaints, handwritten on crisp dollar bills to Wizard for his chosen charity.

Quote: ChumpChangeI didn't know Tom Leykis is posting in this thread. Should I find some old shows to post or is that just political?
I remember first listening to his show over ten years ago and thinking it was a joke, because it was a 50-something year old man talking like a 15 year old. My friend told me he was serious.
Why is almost every radio talk show so awful? I guess if you don't have the talent for TV, you go into radio.
Quote: ChumpChangeHe's been hard talk radio since the '80's.
I saw some YT footage when he was young and did "The Morton Downey Jr. Show." That is an example of how he always said he did whatever it took to make himself a success.
Quote: TigerWuI remember first listening to his show over ten years ago and thinking it was a joke, because it was a 50-something year old man talking like a 15 year old. My friend told me he was serious.
Why is almost every radio talk show so awful? I guess if you don't have the talent for TV, you go into radio.
He wasn't really talking like a 15 year old. He gave advice to younger guys about how women act and how to use that to your advantage. He got attention because so few radio shows were or are geared to men. The number of women doing shows and taking the side of women is huge. You cannot begin to count them. Leykis took the side of men, and men tuned in.
His shows were realistic. He gave advice on personal finance to people. He gave general life advice. He took on politics from time to time, though he phased that out over the years. He had his show dialed in great in the mid 2000s.
Yes, most of it had to be an act. But so what? You watch actors acting in TV and movies all the time.
His advice was spot on and delivered in a way that entertained and informed. He would tell guys to avoid dating single moms because you will have no end of trouble and he backed that up. People would call in on a finance advice day and ask advice and he would call them out on bad decisions they made. He called out women who were golddiggers.
Like the Limbaugh show you had to listen for a few weeks to understand the whole concept.
I disagree that radio is for "if you do not have the talent for TV." Radio is just different. Regular DJs have to make it happen. Rush stated it right when he said anyone can play the same songs as you, as a DJ you have to get them to tune in to YOU! In TV you an put any picture up for people to see. In radio you have to use your words and personality to paint the picture. And on radio tune-in time is shorter than TV tune in time, so you have to do it faster.
Quote: AZDuffman
Like the Limbaugh show you had to listen for a few weeks to understand the whole concept.
Makes sense... after all, it takes a little time to get brainwashed.
Quote: TigerWuMakes sense... after all, it takes a little time to get brainwashed.
And we have what amounts to another political comment for no good reason.
Quote: AZDuffmanAnd we have what amounts to another political comment for no good reason.
You’re the one who brought up R*sh...
What’s that saying about glass houses?
Quote: ams288You’re the one who brought up R*sh...
What’s that saying about glass houses?
I brought up the Rush show and how he says you need to listen for a few weeks to understand how it works. NOTHING political about that. HE equated listening to brainwashing, that is taking a political stand.
Nice try.
I don't think I've ever heard of that movie, is it any good by today's standards?Quote: ChumpChangeTalk Radio - Barry Champlain has had enough - YouTube - 1988
For example, at one time, long ago, all the political talk in the western world must have centered around Julius Caesar (the good, the bad and the bloody). And yet, with 2000 years of water under the bridge, no one cares if you're sporting a Caesar avatar. Indeed, an entire casino operation proudly showcases his name.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to probe for this mysterious dividing line without inevitably talking politics so we can't do so here. It is, however, fun to think about.
Anyway, #FireChrisMatthews is trending this hour.
Quote: OnceDear
So for a limited time only, my avatar has been changed.
I actually like your new avatar. Very distinctive.
There is a rule of comic art - the less detail that a character is drawn with, the more likely that the reader will identify with the character. That's one of the reasons why many comic strips and comic books do not have characters whose faces are drawn with realistic detail.
So, I claim that other people are more likely to see themselves in your avatar and identify with you.
LOL. I take it you didn't see it before I changed it to what it is now.Quote: gordonm888I actually like your new avatar. Very distinctive.
Quote: AxelWolfI don't think I've ever heard of that movie, is it any good by today's standards?
IMO it's a very good movie. Saw it back then, though, so can't give more than a general impression.
Quote: onenickelmiracleIs all this part of a vast conspiracy just so Trump isn't re-elected?
If you would quit missing the meetings you would know. 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Meadows Casino. The center bar near the sports book.
Quote: onenickelmiracleIs all this part of a vast conspiracy just so Trump isn't re-elected?
Non mod warning
Mike's been very tough lately on political posts.
I would not even joke about it
Quote: onenickelmiracleIs all this part of a vast conspiracy just so Trump isn't re-elected?
Quote: AZDuffmanIf you would quit missing the meetings you would know. 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Meadows Casino. The center bar near the sports book.
3 Days for political content for both.
I changed mine before this rules because I grew weary of hearing about it. I changed it to a geographical location that I enjoy.
But, the reason I changed it instead of just deleting it, is because once you add an avatar, you cannot have none (there is no option to remove it), the only option is to upload a different photo.
This on a related technical complaint also applies to profiles, once you add information to a profile text block you cannot delete it (it does not allow black space to be saved).
Even if there never comes to be a rule for deleting/banning all avatars, there should at least be be an option to not have one or restore to default (the generic blank pic).
Quote: GandlerIt would probably be best just to go back to no avatar at all. It seems like there are endless controversies about avatars.
I changed mine before this rules because I grew weary of hearing about it. I changed it to a geographical location that I enjoy.
But, the reason I changed it instead of just deleting it, is because once you add an avatar, you cannot have none (there is no option to remove it), the only option is to upload a different photo.
This on a related technical complaint also applies to profiles, once you add information to a profile text block you cannot delete it (it does not allow black space to be saved).
Even if there never comes to be a rule for deleting/banning all avatars, there should at least be be an option to not have one or restore to default (the generic blank pic).
In an odd coincidence, another member is asking to change to no stored avatar, and I've already made the inquiry. I'll update the forum on what I find out.
Quote: beachbumbabs3 Days for political content for both.
I saw THAT one coming. A mile away. lol
Quote: GialmereWhenever I see this sort of thing I start wondering how far back in time you need to go before a political person transforms into a more mundane historical person. Would it be within living memory? A few centuries perhaps? There must be an event horizon covering all individuals regardless of how history has judged them.
I am wondering the same thing.
Quote: GialmereWOV certainly isn't the first site to ban political avatars. Whenever I see this sort of thing I start wondering how far back in time you need to go before a political person transforms into a more mundane historical person. Would it be within living memory? A few centuries perhaps? There must be an event horizon covering all individuals regardless of how history has judged them.
For example, at one time, long ago, all the political talk in the western world must have centered around Julius Caesar (the good, the bad and the bloody). And yet, with 2000 years of water under the bridge, no one cares if you're sporting a Caesar avatar. Indeed, an entire casino operation proudly showcases his name.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to probe for this mysterious dividing line without inevitably talking politics so we can't do so here. It is, however, fun to think about.
Tibi adsentior
Quote: GialmereWOV certainly isn't the first site to ban political avatars. Whenever I see this sort of thing I start wondering how far back in time you need to go before a political person transforms into a more mundane historical person. Would it be within living memory? A few centuries perhaps? There must be an event horizon covering all individuals regardless of how history has judged them.
For example, at one time, long ago, all the political talk in the western world must have centered around Julius Caesar (the good, the bad and the bloody). And yet, with 2000 years of water under the bridge, no one cares if you're sporting a Caesar avatar. Indeed, an entire casino operation proudly showcases his name.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to probe for this mysterious dividing line without inevitably talking politics so we can't do so here. It is, however, fun to think about.
At the very minimum, there should not be a standing order to seal the FBI files for 50 years.
I'm guessing that if your avatar has a US federal holiday in his honor, you're in the clear. Could be wrong, tho.Quote: gamerfreakI am wondering the same thing.
Quote: JoemanI'm guessing that if your avatar has a US federal holiday in his honor, you're in the clear. Could be wrong, tho.
We'll know at the end of the 50 year period, which should be about 10 more years by my recollection.