Today I had kidney stone surgery. Been 3 months since first pain, but not about to wait until it got infected.
Piece of cake. Blasted away.
When they knocked me out in pre-op room, Josie and BELLE STARR 15 ( guess who named her ) said I started babbling.
Josie asked the nurse to take notes. LOL
Anyway, here I am again proving only the good die young.
Thanks to AHIGH, I got passes for me and Josie for G2E This year.
Quote: NareedI think you're healthier than a horse. From what I've gathered, horses are really high maintenance and just about any little thing can render them lame or sick.
Yes, horses are extremely fragile.
They are for the most part intestines
on four legs.
Josie is mad because her badge says finance instead of CFO. Instead of CEO I am going as DAI. Either Director Asian Investments or Dumb Ass Inventor, depends on who is asking. To ensure I get comps I will use a big name company. No Dan it's not Galaxy.
So I know exactly what you were going through. Kidney stone pain is the worst pain I've ever felt, my whole life.
Quote: EdCollinsI've had kidney stone surgery twice. A couple of other times I've gotten a kidney stone, I was able to pass it on my own, with no surgery required. (Kidney stones run in my family. There's just not a lot I can do to prevent them, other than drink a lot of fluids all the time, which I try to do.)
So I know exactly what you were going through. Kidney stone pain is the worst pain I've ever felt, my whole life.
Apart from being hereditary, what causes kidney stones? I have heard drinking excessive amounts of milk due to is being a calcium build up. Is that correct?
Can Kidney stones just show up willy nilly?
They often form when your urine contains more calcium and uric acid (and other stuff) than the fluid in your urine is able to dilute. Also, your urine may lack the substances than keep them from sticking together, creating an environment that is ideal for the stones to form.
No, I think drinking a lot of milk is sort of an old wife's tale. To put it another way, you can drink no milk at all and till get them, or drink all the milk you want and not get them. I personally think a lot of it is hereditary, since several make members in my family have gotten them. I also have many friends my age (early 50s) who have never had them.
The stones themselves can be very, very tiny. Often no bigger than a grain of sand, believe it or not. But even something that small, as it travels through your urinary tract, can cause a lot of pain.
Consequently, the stones can slowly over time get much bigger than that, up to the size of a small baby pea or a small kernel of corn, or even larger, I suppose. If they get too large and are unable to pass through the urinary tract, that's usually when you have to have surgery of some kind to remove them.
Both the two second times I got them, my doctor recommended not having surgery and waiting to see if I could pass them on my own. He was right... eventually I did. But the first two times they were so large I had to have surgery to have them removed.
They can be VERY VERY PAINFUL! I wouldn't wish kidney stones on my worst enemy. And yet, a friend of mine said he had them and he said it wasn't painful at all.
Knock on wood.... I haven't had one in a few years. I hope I'm not "due."
Its not just fluids but fluids in relation to oxalic acid. If you ingest a great deal of spinach your oxalic acid will be high and if you therefore increase your tea intake, that increases fluids but it also increases oxalic acid.Quote: EdCollinsThere are different types of kidney stones and thus they originate for different reasons. Often the is no single cause, but several different factors can increase your chances of getting one.
They often form when your urine contains more calcium and uric acid (and other stuff) than the fluid in your urine is able to dilute. Also, your urine may lack the substances than keep them from sticking together, creating an environment that is ideal for the stones to form.
Uric acid. Yeah important but its also an on/off switch for the immune system and so sometimes high uric acid levels are an advantage because your "fuse" is primed. Don't overlook pathogens too. Hitting them with sonic waves beats surgery.