
What could possibly go wrong ? And surely the dealers will prefer this to dealing a single table. Why, tips will be better for sure !
And the game will be so much easier to control. What a marvelous idea !
Quote: oscar33The table goes live on Wednesday. I can't imagine this not being a disaster. If it somehow works, awesome.
How the hell do they get games like this in a casino for trial? 100 out of 100 poker players will say this will not work.
I need to have the guy who pulled this off working for me to get my games/sidebets in.
till they came back ?? No thanks.
I can't imagine how this game is operated. I mean, two dealers? How can either dealer control the game and move it along? Keep pots right? Good luck with that.
What happens when someone goes into the tank? Do both games come to a halt?
Bottom line, this has "Cluster-Fuck" witten all over it.
And that green thing on the right hand side in front of the chip tray ? Looks like a device used to card-in players ???
Notice it has 16 lights, not 8. Does this mean a player can just play one hand ? I mean, why else 16 lights, not 8 !
No, it's got 16 buttons. It's a standard device. 10 seats (even though this table has only 8), plus buttons to control various functions.Quote: BuzzardAnd that green thing on the right hand side in front of the chip tray ? Looks like a device used to card-in players ???
Notice it has 16 lights, not 8. Does this mean a player can just play one hand ? I mean, why else 16 lights, not 8 !
The more I think about it, the more "Cluster-Fuck" is the perfect description.
With two dealers, it seems like the games are not running in sync.
That leads to a problem of bank-roll management. What if you have two good hands at the same time and want to go all-in on both?
And don't forget that the casinos need to pay the game designer for the honor of having this game in their poker room.
Yeah, that's cost effective.
My brain hurts just thinking about it.
Quote: DJTeddyBearHow can either dealer control the game and move it along?
True that, it lacks one thing: diamonds! Lower that central area, give it diamonds on the sides, and toss dice there each street. The player with the highest score acts last, the player with the lowest score first. If two players get the same score, they decide priority with a quick round of backgammon.
But it *may* just be genius.
amount please. Then when omaha play heats up due to 2 new players, , please give me a 3 to 1 split on chips please. LOL
Does anyone know how this works?
I really can't think of anyway to play Poker with 2 hands, 2 dealers, and 2 communities unless you're just playing 2 separate games of poker.
And then why put it on the same table?
Nope. I missed it. (Hmmm... I thought I hit the entire floor. I winder what else I missed...)Quote: mipletDJTB, Buzz, and everyone else at G2E: you mean you didn't try this out?
Well, that kinda makes sense. Except you already have at least two, and sometimes four, colors of chips in play on a normal poker game. Not to mention that cash plays....Quote: mipletYou had 2 different colored chips that matched the cards.
Now if we added a wheel and had Poker For Roulette, talk about a WINNER !!!!!!!
It would have to be a mini-wheel. Would not want to clutter up an otherwise clean layout.
This is gonna be a mess if it was what I'm now thinking....
Quote: DJTeddyBearWell, that kinda makes sense. Except you already have at least two, and sometimes four, colors of chips in play on a normal poker game.
The game just needs a "Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers" rule. Why separate when you can mix it up? Chips can be moved between Omaha, Hold'Em (and, for future versions, Stud and Draw) pots as seems fit. And all chips knocked off by cards on their way to the muck or by valid dice throws belong to the player closest to whom they land. Imagine the fun!
Quote: Boney526Wait a second?
Does anyone know how this works?
I really can't think of anyway to play Poker with 2 hands, 2 dealers, and 2 communities unless you're just playing 2 separate games of poker.
And then why put it on the same table?
I thought the idea was so that you could play multiple games at once, as most players do online.
Honestly, I don't see what everyone's whining about. When I thought it was some kind of grand experiment with each player getting six cards and five community cards being dealt out somehow (joker?), it seemed... insane. But it's just an Omaha game and a Hold 'em game at the same table? There are worse ideas. Like that first one.
Quote: AcesAndEightsI read the first page on the 2+2 forums and it seems evenly split between the members there hating it and some actually liking it as they can potentially get more hands/hour. However, most of them think it will fail, regardless of their personal feelings.
Most of the ones who are liking it are probably Black Friday casualties and are itching to multi-table again. Since majority of the posters on 2+2 are/were online poker players, it's a biased sample size.
Quote: 24BingoI thought the idea was so that you could play multiple games at once, as most players do online.
Honestly, I don't see what everyone's whining about. When I thought it was some kind of grand experiment with each player getting six cards and five community cards being dealt out somehow (joker?), it seemed... insane. But it's just an Omaha game and a Hold 'em game at the same table? There are worse ideas. Like that first one.
There are worse ideas, but I don't think this will work well.
I guess we'll see.
Quote: mipletDJTB, Buzz, and everyone else at G2E: you mean you didn't try this out? They had a booth. Lucky, Paradigm, and I sat down and played a few hands. I liked it but commented that I didn't think it would work well at a brick and mortar casino, but maybe online. I'm not a poker player, but it wasn't too confusing. You had 2 different colored chips that matched the cards.
Mips, this may be a different game as we played two hands of Hold'em at the same time.
There were chips that had green and blue inserts as I recall corresponding to each deck. They were the normal white/red/green/black around the edges for $1/$5/$25/$100 so despite being multi denominational colors, they had a common center. You could only use your green center chips to bet on the green hand and the blue centered chips on the blue hand.
Each player acted in order on both hands, so if a player goes in the tank, they are holding up both games at the same point. You made your decision on the green hand first/then the blue hand and the dealer then moved to the next player for their decision.
I think the two handed Hold'em game was confusing enough and I didn't think it had a chance and we were playing two hands of Hold'em. Playing Hold'em with the green deck and Omaha with the blue deck, if that is what this is, would be a nightmare in my opinion.
How big can the potential player pool be for this game? There really are a huge number of Hold'em players that are itching to play Omaha? And vice versa? And at the same time? I must be getting old because I think that pool of players is very small and potentially limited to professional players only.
blue to green. Surely each dealers chip tray is unique. Will I give $100 in blue to that dealer, who will give me $100 cash to buy
green chips ?
Plus with those wooden dividers, will guys play snake in grass and hide cars from me at opposite end of table ? LOL
That seems like another sticking point with this one. Perhaps you give the $100 blue to the green dealer and he drops is like he would if you gave him $100 in cash. What does that do to the guys in the count room!
Quote: ParadigmBuzz, good question!
That seems like another sticking point with this one. Perhaps you give the $100 blue to the green dealer and he drops is like he would if you gave him $100 in cash. What does that do to the guys in the count room!
Maybe you don't get to take cash from one game and apply it to another. You wouldn't be able to do it online.. I think.
Any thought of speeding up the hands dealt are ridiculous. With 8 players MAX, figuring pot odds is less automatic, Then I make my decision on hand A on the turn, now I have to see who is in hand B before making that decision.
Hand A is simple if hold'em. Hand Bin Omaha is not so simple. Now I need to see how many chips a player has available for each hand, before deciding what he might do.
And try and remember who won the last 2 hands. Or did somebody win hand A twice in a row and might be on a rush. LOL
And of course some players are calling stations in hold'em, but fold a lot more in Omaha. Something else to think about before I fold or bet.
With 2 separate but not equal chip stacks, the # of side pot will double or triple. Not like you are tapped out. Lots of green chips, why re-buy blues now?
And how about when I bet at a regular table and three guys insta-muck ? I can not see anybody mucking both hands at once?
Unless he uses both hands.
1. It seems like a terrible idea.
2. I really want to try it.
"Smile- you're on Candid Camera!"
Based on the FAQ posted, this is not the same game as what I played at G2E. There was never a discussion of Hold'em & Omaha being played at once and players acted on each hand at the same time. So flops occurred at the same time, turns and rivers.
It was not two dealers acting independently, I recall only one dealer in the game I played. One dealer had to handle both decks by picking one up and setting the other down. I think two dealers is a much better answer, but I would limit it to two hands of one game and just have each dealer track their hands pot and action.
I can still see it being a complete mess, but it is an attempt to provide more action for the players in a live format.
It does require twice the labor as a regular game, so the house's motivation to put this in is saving real estate space by getting more hands dealt per table with two hands in theory running at the same time. Seems like you are asking a lot of the dealers and players to gain that efficiency.
Let's use 2 different color chips. The move can only be done when the player is no longer in the hand. Since he went all-in, this will mean after the main pot & side pot have been decided. Now he has to get the chips changed somehow. Easy if he has enough to
meet both minimums, once he decides how much he wants on each LOL
Then of course he is a loser, so often he will not have enough for both minimums. Easy enough, dip into his wallet. LOL Or he might
buy the minimum and hope the dealer will not notice he is now $5 short of the $100 minimum on hand A. Well, the dealer can stack those loose chips up and count them LOL
Quote: BuzzardWell, it's Wednesday. Wonder how smooth things are going !
I think we should start a pool to estimate if it will be sucessful, and if not, how long before they pull it. I don't think it will be successful. I will give it six weeks.
By what standards is, "Pulling it?" Not being used, or completely out of the poker room? That may have an impact on my pick...
I'll say "Not offered". They may still use the table for regular games.Quote: Mission146I don't know how much I would bet, and it will fail, but I'll take the OVER on that line. People are hesitant to give up on those things that cost money up-front.
By what standards is, "Pulling it?" Not being used, or completely out of the poker room? That may have an impact on my pick...
person's ego is !
Quote: AyecarumbaI'll say "Not offered". They may still use the table for regular games.
Hmmm...difficult to call. If you have a small group of players that likes it and all goes at some semi-pre-appointed time...
In order to make it worthwhile, the multi game has to make at least twice as much as a single, otherwise Aria would be better off running two single game tables with more players. Given the slow period with the holidays, and the dealer intensive nature of the design, I can't see this lasting past Superbowl weekend.Quote: Mission146Hmmm...difficult to call. If you have a small group of players that likes it and all goes at some semi-pre-appointed time...
Quote: AyecarumbaIn order to make it worthwhile, the multi game has to make at least twice as much as a single, otherwise Aria would be better off running two single game tables with more players. Given the slow period with the holidays, and the dealer intensive nature of the design, I can't see this lasting past Superbowl weekend.
I agree with you, I just kind of meant in terms of carving out a small niche to the extent that maybe you draw just enough players that would otherwise be at other casinos to justify the table.
...oh, dear God, that's exactly what they're doing.
Quote: 24BingoHmm... what's going to be the structure here? NL/PL? Online players tend to execrate limit play, but having two different betting structures seems like a headache on top of a headache.
...oh, dear God, that's exactly what they're doing.
Yes indeed they are. 2 different color chips, 2 different betting structures. Game was invented by Tim Frazin. He won over $300,000 in 2007. But last few years his tournament winning are around $20,000. Hope he still has some of the 300K left !
Quote: BuzzardYes indeed they are. 2 different color chips, 2 different betting structures. Game was invented by Tim Frazin. He won over $300,000 in 2007. But last few years his tournament winning are around $20,000. Hope he still has some of the 300K left !
I'm struggling with the revenue model. The average poker table in NV earns about 12k/month. Compare to 30k for blackjack and over 80k for craps. So what's the lease rate on this new game going to be?
Quote: MathExtremistI'm struggling with the revenue model. The average poker table in NV earns about 12k/month. Compare to 30k for blackjack and over 80k for craps. So what's the lease rate on this new game going to be?
Too much for Aria to want to keep it I guess, since virtually all other poker games have no royalty. And yesterday they ran it with a $3 rake per pot cap and $3/hr comps. So unless it really doubled the hand rate (unlikely), I don't see this going far.
potty, etc ) to no more than 2 so there are 8 players still there. At this table there are 8 players MAX. That's if all play both spots. Playing one spot is an option. So when 2 are away you have 6 players max. If 2 of them are only playing one hand, then one of the games is 4 handed . WTF