However, I haven't seen any offers in over a year now. Plus, their website is not showing any trips to Biloxi or Tunica, and is only showing AC & Laughlin through the end of the month.
Does anyone know if the TotalRewardsAir program is going away? Or are they just being less generous to the likes of little ol' me?
Quote: JoemanMaybe it's just me, then! Is the offer for a date beyond August?
My offers have suddenly been reduced, the mailers and email.
The valid ones are still valid, but not much new showing up.
I prolly shouldn't have dissed them here.... My bad.
Quote: JoemanFor the past several years, I have gotten offers for free or deeply discounted travel to various CET properties -- AC, Tunica, Reno, Biloxi, etc. -- from TotalRewardsAir. These offers always included airfare, hotel, and airport transfers. My wife & I took them up on one such offer for 5 nights in Reno last year. Note that I am pretty much a red-chipper, and these offers have always seemed quite generous for my level of play.
However, I haven't seen any offers in over a year now. Plus, their website is not showing any trips to Biloxi or Tunica, and is only showing AC & Laughlin through the end of the month.
Does anyone know if the TotalRewardsAir program is going away? Or are they just being less generous to the likes of little ol' me?
I'm still getting 2-4 offers/month from TotalRewardsAir, and haven't noticed any diminishment on them. Took one last October to Biloxi and was very happy with their services, FWIW. Brought 4 other people with me, including one super-high-roller; I don't think the association hurt me. :)
They tend to quote me a price per person, but then when I actually call, they comp it instead, so I wouldn't necessarily believe their flyer pricing. I would, if I were you and were interested in going on one, call them, now and every so often. I would strongly suggest, if you can be flexible, that you ask them to wait-list you; they often have people drop out, and even if you didn't make their initial ADT cutoff for a particular offer, they'd rather fill the seat with you than let it fly vacant. Then give them enough action to improve your ADT, even forego a local trip or two and save up your BR so you can raise your profile on a trip.
Between the fact of your going and a higher ADT, I think you'll see an increase in offers, even if they quote you a price above what you're willing to pay. JMHO on how to proceed with them; I could be wrong.
Quote: JoemanMaybe it's just me, then! Is the offer for a date beyond August?
don't recall...and I tossed it.... sorry
I also have free flights to AC thru Oct., but on VMB there was a recent thread about how the Pittsburgh to AC flights are chartered thru Republic Air and the return flight was canceled because of a lack of a pilot and was reschedule for the next day. There are news stories about how Republic Airlines are having a severe pilot shortage that is causing them problems in meeting their commitments. When short a pilot who do you think Republic is going to stiff? A CET charter or a regularly scheduled passage flight they have contracted thru the major airlines.
Enjoy a Flight and Room Package at Harrah's Laughlin.
*Must Book Air Separately
the only cet property I have gambed in this decade is at Horseshoe in Baltimore, md.
have no clue why I got this. I have never visited LAUGHLIN.
anyone have info about this offer?
Quote: 100xOddsi have this offer from CET:
Enjoy a Flight and Room Package at Harrah's Laughlin.
*Must Book Air Separately
the only cet property I have gambed in this decade is at Horseshoe in Baltimore, md.
have no clue why I got this. I have never visited LAUGHLIN.
anyone have info about this offer?
I have multiple offers to come play, free airfare on their 'private' fleet, usually with some free play, always with Accomodations.. I have never taken advantage of these offers, yet. I'm on a short leash.
Chime in...
Quote: AvincowHow do I get total rewards air offers?
Click on a destination, find a scheduled flight you want, call the number. Have your TR card available. Even if they're not showing an available flight on the website, I'd call the number associated with the destination and talk to the booker. You can get on their list that way.
Quote: beachbumbabs
Click on a destination, find a scheduled flight you want, call the number. Have your TR card available. Even if they're not showing an available flight on the website, I'd call the number associated with the destination and talk to the booker. You can get on their list that way.
I have to agree with what she said. I have no better advise,
Can you report back? I'm trying to figure this stuff out it is not easy, all info appreciated.
I still find it interesting that this trip, which is in September, is not listed on their website, as it only is showing trips through August.
Quote: JoemanSo, just one day after I started this thread, I get an offer to AC in my email! Thanks for all your responses, everyone, and your tips, Babs! I don't think I'll be able to make this trip, but it's nice to know I'm still on CET's radar.
I still find it interesting that this trip, which is in September, is not listed on their website, as it only is showing trips through August.
I am tempted to elaborate, but I do not know where to start. Where are the experts? Me thinks they may be hiding. No doubt, good cause. Careful 'bout your questions here. IMO.