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September 19th, 2015 at 7:49:53 AM permalink
Does anyone know of any statistics or articles about 100 Play Super Times Pay? Specifically about the actual average number of times the multiplier appears, not the denomination of the multipliers. In other words, the Cromwell has a 100 Play Super Times Pay machine and we played max bet on over 50 deals and never received the super times feature. We know it is random, however the game states an average of 1 in 15 deals will receive the feature. We have played other super times pay (not 100 play) and the feature seems to be more consistent with the average. Is the claim inaccurate for the 100 play? We do not know of any other VP machine that makes a claim like this?
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September 19th, 2015 at 8:31:24 AM permalink
Quote: jackmajors

we played max bet on over 50 deals and never received the super times feature. We know it is random, however the game states an average of 1 in 15 deals will receive the feature.

Too small a sample size. It's almost certain that as soon as you got disgusted and left the machine, someone else sat down and got 4 or 5 multipliers in a row.

Play about 2000 rounds in a row and you should get around 130 multipliers. There are cold stretches with no multipliers for 75 rounds, and then there are hot stretches where it's every (or every other) round is a multiplier.

My experience is based on 3, 5, 10, and 25 line. I don't think I've encountered a 50 or 100 line yet. As for multiplier frequency, subjectively, they all ran about the same.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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September 19th, 2015 at 9:06:40 AM permalink
If they are claiming it is once every 15 hands or so, then by law it has to be set for that. It's unfortunate you hit a cold streak, but it happens.
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September 19th, 2015 at 10:43:19 AM permalink
Thank you to Dieter and rsactuary for the information. Very helpful.
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September 21st, 2015 at 3:24:58 AM permalink
If the chance of getting a multiplier is 1 in 15, then you have only a 6.66% chance of hitting it, and a 93.33% chance of not hitting it, for a specific hand.

For multiple hands, you gotta multiply the 93.33% against itself for however many hands you play -- or in other words, raise it to that power. For 50 hands, you do 0.9333 ^ 50. This gives the chance of missing the bonus thing for 50 hands straight. This works out to about 3.17%.

So yeah, definitely "weird" and isn't normal, but it'll happen from time to time.

Damn, Rachel Ray got fat as f***.
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