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March 28th, 2015 at 1:32:07 PM permalink
At our charitable fundraising event our wager limits on roulette are as follows:

Outside: Any/all bets placed here requires a $3 minimum up to a maximum of $5. So, a player could have a $3 bet on odd and a $5 bet on red and a $4 bet on First 12.

Inside: Any/all bets here requires a $3 minimum bet in any combination, just so long as $3 is in play on the inside. Also, the maximum amount anyone can make on any single bet is $5.

I want to increase the maximums on the outside as someone here suggested earlier because the house edge is indeed 5.6% and I want to leverage it as much as possible. However, I do not want to change the wager limits on the inside whatsoever.

Trying to convey that template on a sign so players can understand it without having to ask for an explanation. I'm not opposed to answering questions. We're happy to oblige. However, the sign acts as our backup in case there are disputes. This is what I have come up with so far based on the new platform I just described. Is there a better word(s) to use for this sign. Al always, thanks for your input.

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March 28th, 2015 at 1:37:46 PM permalink
With your 25% HE you should be willing to up limits to at least $10 on any roulette bet. Especially with the rediculous $500 max win.
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March 28th, 2015 at 8:49:46 PM permalink
Quote: GWAE

With your 25% HE you should be willing to up limits to at least $10 on any roulette bet. Especially with the rediculous $500 max win.

I would tend to agree that $10 per bet maximum is reasonable and in line with what I remember about the blackjack tables.

If you are worried about a huge swing, you can limit inside payouts to a maximum of $250 per player per round. (Otherwise... a player could theoretically overload a number with straight, split, and corner bets. 25*5 + 12*5*4 + 8*5*4 = 125 +240 + 160 = 525.)
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March 28th, 2015 at 9:35:36 PM permalink
Since it's a charity event, why not make it no limit, and make a rule saying if anyone wins they have to donate everything they won to your chairty (so you end up even).
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March 28th, 2015 at 9:54:42 PM permalink
I would interpret your sign to mean that you could make as many inside bets as you wanted at $5 each. This means that you could have $5 straight up, $5 on each corner and $5 on each of the 4 spits on a single number. If this is what your limit is no problem with the wording.
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March 29th, 2015 at 7:58:13 AM permalink
Quote: sc15

Since it's a charity event, why not make it no limit, and make a rule saying if anyone wins they have to donate everything they won to your charity (so you end up even).

I have attended events like you describe where it is actually more a social gathering than gaming. Also, those type of events bring in "friends and family". Our event brings in people from far and wide and they have no real affinity to the organization. And, believe me, they want to win just as if they were in a real casino.

And, as far as $5 max bets on the inside, you are correct. A player could bet $5 on any bet he/she desires, straight -up, split, corners, etc. It just that the bet can't be greater than $5. It's not unusual for a player to have $50 or so in action on a spin.

There is a slight anomaly with our roulette games that affects play. Our tables are 20' long with a layout on each side and the wheel in the middle. We built them that way in order to accommodate more players. Because they are so big, players actually have to walk over to one end of the table in order to place a bet located there. However, many do and simply bet numbers located immediately in front of them. Still, dealers often place bets upon request but, it really doesn't happen that much.

PIC: http://tinypic.com/r/qye6ns/8
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March 29th, 2015 at 11:43:16 AM permalink
Quote: Riva

I have attended events like you describe where it is actually more a social gathering than gaming. Also, those type of events bring in "friends and family". Our event brings in people from far and wide and they have no real affinity to the organization. And, believe me, they want to win just as if they were in a real casino.

And, as far as $5 max bets on the inside, you are correct. A player could bet $5 on any bet he/she desires, straight -up, split, corners, etc. It just that the bet can't be greater than $5. It's not unusual for a player to have $50 or so in action on a spin.

There is a slight anomaly with our roulette games that affects play. Our tables are 20' long with a layout on each side and the wheel in the middle. We built them that way in order to accommodate more players. Because they are so big, players actually have to walk over to one end of the table in order to place a bet located there. However, many do and simply bet numbers located immediately in front of them. Still, dealers often place bets upon request but, it really doesn't happen that much.

PIC: http://tinypic.com/r/qye6ns/8

Is there only 1 dealer in the middle? Sounds like a liability, it'd be super easy to past post with that format.
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March 29th, 2015 at 12:02:06 PM permalink
Quote: sc15

Is there only 1 dealer in the middle? Sounds like a liability, it'd be super easy to past post with that format.

There is a dealer over each layout (right and left) and a dealer in the middle spinning the wheel, calling numbers and mucking chips.

here's a pic: http://tinypic.com/r/2q0ouf7/8
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March 29th, 2015 at 2:19:35 PM permalink
The way I usually see it on printed placards is something like "MINIMUM: $3, OUTSIDE MAXIMUM: $10, INSIDE MAXIMUM: $5 ANY WAY TO THE NUMBER". I don't usually see additional explanatory text about how each outside bet needs to be at table minimum or how inside bets can be a minimum of $1 as long as the player have the table minimum in inside action, but if you deem it necessary, I'd put it in smaller text below the main, clearly visible numbers.
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