February 11th, 2015 at 6:43:53 PM
So I visited River City a week or two ago in St. Louis and talked to the guy in the poker room because I heard they had 7 stud. He said only Friday nights. So then when I get home I saw on their site that you can have them set up a game of any approved poker game in the state of Missouri if you book a waiting list in advance. What I want to know is if anybody has ever done this and if so, how did it go? When's the best day/time to do it? If anybody plays poker up there a lot I'd really love some info!
February 11th, 2015 at 8:15:27 PM
Quote: Zer0So I visited River City a week or two ago in St. Louis and talked to the guy in the poker room because I heard they had 7 stud. He said only Friday nights. So then when I get home I saw on their site that you can have them set up a game of any approved poker game in the state of Missouri if you book a waiting list in advance. What I want to know is if anybody has ever done this and if so, how did it go? When's the best day/time to do it? If anybody plays poker up there a lot I'd really love some info!
I haven't tried, but if you could get a low limit mix game going, I'd be in. Especially if they consider 2-7 or A-5 Triple Draw approved. Looking at the list, lowball is vaguely defined as "approved". To get a specific game going, you likely would need to get various regs in the room to want to play. Or recruit on 2+2 poker, they have a thread devoted to St. Louis poker rooms. River City doesn't have a lot of traffic. It's tough to get anything but omaha or holdem going anywhere in St. Louis though. First time stud has really run in STL in years.
February 11th, 2015 at 8:16:47 PM
I wonder what that means.Quote: Zer0... if you book a waiting list in advance.
Most poker rooms will start an "Interest List" for any game or limits, upon request. You'll often see interest list games on Bravo wait list displays.
In fact, some rooms will even work with you regarding rakes if you're going to work on promoting the game to get the players in.
I invented a few casino games. Info:
http://www.DaveMillerGaming.com/ —————————————————————————————————————
Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
February 11th, 2015 at 8:22:41 PM
Quote: DJTeddyBear
In fact, some rooms will even work with you regarding rakes if you're going to work on promoting the game to get the players in.
I assume he means they'll run the game with enough players. And yeah, mix games in Vegas are often $3 max. I dunno how flexible STL is on things like that though.