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September 11th, 2020 at 5:04:54 AM permalink

I had been piggy-backing the PA Skill Games Thread in linking to my articles, but I decided to create a separate thread for this one.


The main reason why is because this interview was actually really cool with some straight shooting reps from Banilla Games...who said things that Pace-O-Matic might find less than flattering. A secondary reason is because we get into brief discussion of, "Games of Skill," operations in other states, so as a result, this article does not relate exclusively to Pennsylvania---though it largely focuses on that.

I do want to disclaim that on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being verbatim and 10 being heavily paraphrased---this article is about a 4...but a few things in there are verbatim quotes. The reason for that is because the phone call caught me by surprise, (was not scheduled ahead) but the Banilla Games representatives called basically ready to talk for a half hour before a meeting they had to get to. I asked variations of the same question on a few occasions just because I wanted to get the answers as close as possible to exact quotes. In any case, I wasn't in a position to easily set up recording.

But, yeah, I think you'll find the interview very entertaining and informative whether you follow the Games of Skill or not. Shots fired at Pace-O-Matic, that's for sure!
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September 11th, 2020 at 9:58:05 AM permalink
Brandon James: What about refilling the spin pool? Do they operate on EPROM chips with a random number generator?

There’s no spin pool to refill because we have nothing to do with the operators. The machines will continue to play forever once you’ve bought them. You don’t need to do anything.

Brandon James: Are they random then? Is there a pool of spins that repeats itself, or does it randomly generate a result by RNG exactly like a slot machine would?

There’s a fixed pool of spins that repeats itself. It doesn’t, “Reseed,” anything because it will just go on forever. The only reason Pace-O-Matics do that is so that they can sell more spins to the operator when the spins run out. Our machines are designed so that they’ll play forever.


these statements line up directly with the Pace o matic patents so they really were telling the truth

when the pace o matic machines run out of spins the operator is forced to pay for more
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September 11th, 2020 at 10:05:40 AM permalink
wowowow this is probably the best thing ive seen since ive started this
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September 11th, 2020 at 4:55:43 PM permalink
Quote: heatmap

Brandon James: What about refilling the spin pool? Do they operate on EPROM chips with a random number generator?

There’s no spin pool to refill because we have nothing to do with the operators. The machines will continue to play forever once you’ve bought them. You don’t need to do anything.

Brandon James: Are they random then? Is there a pool of spins that repeats itself, or does it randomly generate a result by RNG exactly like a slot machine would?

There’s a fixed pool of spins that repeats itself. It doesn’t, “Reseed,” anything because it will just go on forever. The only reason Pace-O-Matics do that is so that they can sell more spins to the operator when the spins run out. Our machines are designed so that they’ll play forever.


these statements line up directly with the Pace o matic patents so they really were telling the truth

when the pace o matic machines run out of spins the operator is forced to pay for more

Yes, I think the other difference with Pace (if I understand the patent correctly) is that those will randomly select a result from the remaining spin pool. The Banilla ones go in the same order, just repeat.

Theoretically useful from an AP standpoint, but most likely not. You’d need all patterns for Banilla to be the same for that machine/game compared to others and you’d have to know where you were in the pattern. I’m sure it’s tens of thousands of spins, minimum.
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September 11th, 2020 at 4:56:58 PM permalink
Quote: heatmap

wowowow this is probably the best thing ive seen since ive started this

Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
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September 11th, 2020 at 7:39:20 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Yes, I think the other difference with Pace (if I understand the patent correctly) is that those will randomly select a result from the remaining spin pool. The Banilla ones go in the same order, just repeat.

Theoretically useful from an AP standpoint, but most likely not. You’d need all patterns for Banilla to be the same for that machine/game compared to others and you’d have to know where you were in the pattern. I’m sure it’s tens of thousands of spins, minimum.

ok i missed that part and was wondering why you were speaking about cheating and his response was confusing too but thats CRAZY that its the same sequence....

these things are in places that really probably wont have someone looking over your shoulder if you have a phone pointing toward the screen....

this is wtf to me tbh
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September 12th, 2020 at 7:28:37 AM permalink
Quote: heatmap

ok i missed that part and was wondering why you were speaking about cheating and his response was confusing too but thats CRAZY that its the same sequence....

these things are in places that really probably wont have someone looking over your shoulder if you have a phone pointing toward the screen....

this is wtf to me tbh

The cheating that I was referring to is in the first Pace-O-Matic article, basically there's a game that enables you to win 105% of your bet every single time, even after a loss. It's not worth very much per hour, though, but you could do it pretty easily by writing down the results sequence as it goes.
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September 23rd, 2020 at 10:45:33 PM permalink
pace-o-matic approved machines are best in its type like prominentt games
Stephan M.
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September 23rd, 2020 at 10:50:10 PM permalink
Quote: stephencmarvin

pace-o-matic approved machines are best in its type like prominentt games

lol bye felicia
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September 24th, 2020 at 7:08:54 AM permalink
Here's the one about me getting kicked out of two Skill Games locations!

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