It is suspension #1 for this thread--2.5 is the line established by Face...he took the under.
HB has been suspended at least three times previously...3 days once and 7 days twice. Two of those suspensions were in the original weight loss thread.
I seriously doubt she will care how long since she obviously knew it was coming and it didn't sound as if she was interested in making updates (not sure why she was not wanting to give updates since it sounded like she was losing the pounds)Quote: RonCThere has been a suspension for fairly obvious reasons, but no mention of it here or on the suspension list as to the length or anything.
It is suspension #1 for this thread--2.5 is the line established by Face...he took the under.
HB has been suspended at least three times previously...3 days once and 7 days twice. Two of those suspensions were in the original weight loss thread.
Sounds as if she was a bit contradictory from what this challenge was originally all about. New heather life kinda thing to it's about the bet. Either way a bet is a bet barring any shenanigans.
If you ask me It's kinda boring.
Now look what y'all been and gone and done.
I hope HB apologises ONLY for the use of expletives. It's her life and who are we degenerates to pass judgement ( Rhetorical question )
You're just upset because you're sweet on her. Perhaps she found her man.Quote: OnceDearGroan,
Now look what y'all been and gone and done.
I hope HB apologises ONLY for the use of expletives. It's her life and who are we degenerates to pass judgement ( Rhetorical question )
Whether or not she returns is moot, as it's just a dramatic event that I'm sure the board thrived on for a time.
Good riddance.
Quote: AxelWolfYou're just upset because you're sweet on her. Perhaps she found her man.
I'm just an MCP like many others here.... Bit of a soft touch too.
I can see why members were behaving as they were and I can see why HB blew up. It's almost like real life in here.
The start- doesn't matter to me whether she wins the bet or not- it's still different from
What she said- she also said she wanted more bets so she could rally everything and post a list- that never happened either
Other then that I wouldn't care if she has cheat days- loses 50 pounds in a week or what not
A bet is a bet and I believe everyone on the "no" end of this will live up to their promise and I think HB will live up to hers. too...but not wanting to post updates and generally not wanting people to talk about a position you put yourself in (betting on your weight loss on line) makes this whole thing so much less interesting.
Another forum member contacted me and wanted to bet the opposite so I did- guessing there was very little
Interest in the bet and thus there is not much interest in the thread which I'm sure led to her frustration with the situation in general.
Quote: RonCThere has been a suspension for fairly obvious reasons, but no mention of it here or on the suspension list as to the length or anything.
Sorry. No excuse, straight up shirked my duty. I HATE that #$%@ing list.
Quote: RonCHB has been suspended at least three times previously...3 days once and 7 days twice. Two of those suspensions were in the original weight loss thread.
And all were long ago. The precedence set states that they fall off after a year, so 3 it is.
At that point to me this thread is nothing more than soliciting and advertising... not something meaningful to anyone.
Given she's breaking her words saying she won't give updates, I feel anyone that bet should now have the option to leave the hand, so to say. 10-1 says she doesn't even lose the weight if no one bets against her (aka pays her to).
Quote: RomesI'm 110% convinced at this point she just made the thread because she wanted to get paid for losing a little bit of weight that she's clearly going to put right back on because this is a BET, not a LIFESTYLE change.
At that point to me this thread is nothing more than soliciting and advertising... not something meaningful to anyone.
Given she's breaking her words saying she won't give updates, I feel anyone that bet should now have the option to leave the hand, so to say. 10-1 says she doesn't even lose the weight if no one bets against her (aka pays her to).
Are you saying someone who shook hands on a bet with her, can now back out because she is not giving updates?????
Unless that was SPECIFICALLY stated as part of the bet at the time the bet was made, I would say anyone backing out is a welsher.
As far as HB's 'cheat day', that in and of itself does not mean she is not still committed to the lifestyle change needed to accomplish this feat. Many diets have such days built in. Saying 'lose a little bit of weight' when referring to over 100 pounds is minimizing the gargantuan nature of the task. I do agree with you that I think her lifestyle change will end upon the completion of this challenge, as it happened exactly that way last time. I am hoping we are wrong.
Many DIETS do... Many LIFESTYLE changes do not. Diet is such a terrible word for weight loss. You're not on a diet. You're choosing to eat healthier, smarter, etc, and choosing to work out to be healthier, have more energy, etc. Diet is inherently a "temporary" thing.Quote: SOOPOO...Many diets have such days built in...
Quote: SOOPOO. I am hoping we are wrong.
I agree a bet is a bet, win or lose and I see nothing here for anyone to be off the hook.
However I see no reason to root for her. I'm rooting for the good guys as I see them in this case. Adding emotion into a wager is huge -EV. But to each his own.
Also forgot I went to McDonald's and got some mcnuggets
Quote: djatcDamn I just made popcorn with extra butter. Also got some pop that GWAE gave me. Was going to finish it off with some krispy kreme for the show and HB gets suspended....
Also forgot I went to McDonald's and got some mcnuggets
The Krispy Kreme are so overrated unless you get them directly off the line. Just saying.
Quote: BozThe Krispy Kreme are so overrated unless you get them directly off the line. Just saying.
No such thing as an overrated donut. All donuts are awesome.
Your not even that fat from what I can see. You make it sound way worst than it is. Big guy big bones case closed.Quote: GWAENo such thing as an overrated donut. All donuts are awesome.
Quote: AxelWolfYour not even that fat from what I can see. You make it sound way worst than it is. Big guy big bones case closed.
Hear, hear! Although, I clearly haven't missed very many meals since two years ago...
I read the beginning and the last bunch of entertaining pages
My take
It seemed to me HB started this as a life improvement
If her view is now evolving to just a bet rather then life improvement, I think its meaningless. Probably in her mind going back and forth on keeping it off permanently to accepting reality that the weight may go back on. I'm sure that if she achieves her goal, she would entertain the idea keeping it off as a life change.
She took bets
Regular weight updates is a fair request since bets are being made. No brainer.
She told everyone she was taking an off day is too much info. Just weight updates
If you take an off day, don't post it and don't take offense for criticism of that too much info post
Hope to see HB back :-)
Quote: rudeboyoiMaybe telling everyone to eff off was her strategy to not have to post updates?
Her updates were an important part of keeping the last thread alive. If she posts nothing, folks won't have much to chime in about.
Quote: GWAENo such thing as an overrated donut. All donuts are awesome.
Just like pizza.
Was the video ever posted of her weigh in?
She was adamant in earlier pages she would not share weight updates with those who didn't bet against her directly.Quote: WizardofnothingWho knows but I tend to agree that she wNted to get suspended so she didn't have to post updates.
Was the video ever posted of her weigh in?
Not much to talk about...
This is always a risk making a bet the other party feels their success is close to 100%. It is going to just depend on her character, because being here is probably not more important than a decent amount of money. Cross that bridge when you come to it.Quote: WizardofnothingPretty much feeling we got played at this point and it's a no win situation- she won't surface if losing - so basically we are getting freerolled
Read an article about Ted Forrest making a bet losing 50 pounds for two million and he was paid something like $80,000 by Matasow. It happens.
Quote: WizardofnothingBut myself and wizArd did and she still isn't sharing
So, in the interest of keeping this thread alive and well.
Can we recap on who has active wagers in this challenge?
I'm in for $175 with no major conditions except that HB won't have tissue removal surgery. No back-out clause if she falls ill or Pregnant.
I understand that Mike is in for $300 with no special conditions except maybe that acceptable video evidence is provided ( whatever that is deemed to be )
I'm not sure if WON's wager of $500 was actually placed, or on what terms. Care to confirm WON/ HB?
There was early mention of another wager with Mission. Did that come to anything?
Any others?
I reach out to you here to invite you to give some sort of report. I acknowledge that you are not obliged to give regular updates, but if you could maybe pop by from time to time with a general 'Hi guys, I'm still on the case'.
Maybe wind us up a bit by boasting how well you are doing or maybe request a bit of cheering, jeering or leering ( I put that last one in 'cos it rhymed ) so that we can help and encourage you.
Ignore those who don't (yet) have action in the game. Some of their comments help nobody.
Ever hopeful.
I don't think she will (but who knows), but she should be nuked if she fails to honor the bet.
I've explicitly stated that I would accept that she might use stomach banding, medication and laxatives.Quote: RonCSo she can't have tissue reduction but she can get her stomach banded for some of these bets?
What constraints were aggreed or implied with others is between them and HB.
I don't think she will welche. I'm hopeful of seeing her pop back onto the forum soon to boast about how well she is doing.Quote:I don't think she will (but who knows), but she should be nuked if she fails to honor the bet.
Interest in the forum- she clearly understood everyone would want updates- the people that made the nets jm
Sure want update-...... if you want to suspend me for speaking what other people already clearly think then I'll take the suspension. No need to bait her into complaining like you did. Just let me know if that is what you want to do so I can sign off.
So I obviously was suspended and couldn't post.
About what caused me to be suspended:
I worked diligently for 6 weeks on my weight loss program and decided to take a day off my diet. For some reason I decided to announce it on this forum. I was given a hard time by a few people and while reading the responses I became furious. I had had a couple beers by then and overreacted and swore which got me suspended. In regards to being given a hard time, I think taking a "day off" here or there is fine and I see nothing wrong with it. I shouldn't have been given a hard time. When it comes down to it this is a weight loss challenge and not a lifestyle challenge as I previously stated, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to make a permanent lifestyle change. Me taking a day off my diet does not equal proof that I don't want to maintain a healthy body weight.
In regards to those who are saying that I don't want to post updates that is not true. I have said in this thread and the 2012 thread that I am not required to post updates and because of that I can post when I want and if I want. But I don't have any problems posting here and there to keep you guys updated as long as you're not breathing down my neck.
I just got out of the hospital a couple days ago. Because of that and related events I was not able to stick to my weight loss program for 5 days. I gained a little bit of weight back and weighed in yesterday at 262.0 pounds. Although I was scared that I was going to lose this bet because of it, I was relieved to find out (after literally crunching numbers for hours) that not only will I hit my goal of weighing 164.6 pounds or less by May 13th, I will actually hit my ultimate goal of weighing 148 pounds by May 12th, just one day before my birthday. I'm very excited about this. I'm even tempted to post part of my spreadsheet calculations on the forum. Even though I was doing cardio at home I decided to really boost my weight loss success by unfreezing my gym membership and today was my first day back. My plan is to workout 5 days a week, doing cardio each of those days and weight training 3 out of 5 of those days.
I want to thank Mike for being a dear friend of mine who I already know I will be friends with for the rest of my life. I want to thank OnceDear for remaining on my side. And I want to point out that there is and has always been people on this forum who have decided to not like me and negate me no matter what I say or do. And that is frustrating. I think it's sad that Wizardofnothing has decided to be one of those people who always seems against me, whether it's through doubting my honesty by suggesting I'm cheating to being hard on me or even suggesting that I would back out of my bets with everyone. I can be friends with anyone on here but it's hard when there are people who just seem to be always against me.
Although forums can be rough, I hope you'll return often.
Yayyy welcome back.Quote: HotBlondeWell hello, hello. How is everyone doing?
Quote:In regards to those who are saying that I don't want to post updates that is not true. I have said in this thread and the 2012 thread that I am not required to post updates and because of that I can post when I want and if I want. But I don't have any problems posting here and there to keep you guys updated as long as you're not breathing down my neck.
Fairy Nuff.
Occasional updates would be great, but no pressure.... Actually a bit of pressure, but in a nice way: If I see you 'slacking, I might remind you to get back on target, for your own sake $:o)
But guys, lay off of 'personal' observations, especially from the many of you who didn't put their money where their mouths are. HB is not some newbie system seller for us to gang up on.
Sincerest wishes that you get well soon and stay well.Quote:I just got out of the hospital a couple days ago.
Quote:. . .after literally crunching numbers for hours) that not only will I hit my goal of weighing 164.6 pounds or less by May 13th, I will actually hit my ultimate goal
Would you be insulted if I maintain and post my graph of your progress?
Quote:I think it's sad that Wizardofnothing has decided to be one of those people who always seems against me
I reckon that your return to this thread will put his mind at rest.
Welcome back.
Quote: WizardofnothingYou don't have to answer this but we're you in the hospital for the band surgery?
Quote: OnceDear
Sincerest wishes that you get well soon and stay well.
Thank you.
Quote: OnceDear
Would you be insulted if I maintain and post my graph of your progress?
No, but it's not really neccessary. I can post a graphic of my weight loss/gain here on my own. And I'll probably do that now in fact.

As of yesterday I have lost 25.07% of the weight I want to lose to get to my goal weight of 148 pounds. This means I've lost 28.37% of the weight needed to hit my goal weight of 164.6 pounds. And yesterday was 25.16% of the way through this challenge time-wise since I started my weight loss program on July 11 (77 days in out of 306 days). So as far as the bet goes I am ahead of schedule.
Quote: HotBlondeHere's another one for ya:
As of yesterday I have lost 25.07% of the weight I want to lose to get to my goal weight of 148 pounds. This means I've lost 28.37% of the weight needed to hit my goal weight of 164.6 pounds. And yesterday was 25.16% of the way through this challenge time-wise since I started my weight loss program on July 11 (77 days in out of 306 days). So as far as the bet goes I am ahead of schedule.
Great work. Well done and thanks for the update.
Quote: WizardofnothingAre you ever going to post a list of the open bets like you stated you were going to
Wizard bet $300 to win $300
Wizardofnothing bet $500 to win $500
Mission146 bet $120 to win $100
OnceDear bet $175 to win $175

Thanks HB. I hope you are keeping up the good work.
For one terrible moment, I thought you'd already smashed through your target.
Conspiracy theorists would say that you were suspended by a hot air balloon or something for that second photo. I trust you and I'm impressed. During the current challenge I managed to gain 3lb and stayed off the alcohol for just 3 days.
Is it just me or is there something really rather unsettling about looking at a POV image of someone elses's dainty feet?