The second game I analyzed is called Super Spot. It is similar to Power Keno, except in addition to catching a number of the 20th ball, the player can also earn multiplier for catching the last number chosen. This multiplier will depend on whether it is caught on the first, last, or any other ball.
I already wrote a page on it. See my Super Spot link. As always, I welcome all comments, questions, and corrections from my loyal guinea pigs.
The analysis was quite tricky. My trash basket is full of discarded incorrect equations, and hopefully some correct ones. My respect in advance to anybody else who can analyze this one without simulation.
I verified the combinations only for 2, 3, and 10 spot. If we match on those, I'm sure we match on everything else.
If you continue with this, I'm personally interested in Firepower, Circus, Thunder, and Redneck kenos because they are among the most popular games in Montana.
Quote: CrystalMathI verified the combinations only for 2, 3, and 10 spot. If we match on those, I'm sure we match on everything else.
Quote: CrystalMathIf you continue with this, I'm personally interested in Firepower, Circus, Thunder, and Redneck kenos because they are among the most popular games in Montana.
I plan to keep going through these games as long as I have nothing better to do, which is the case now. I just finished an analysis of Critter Country, which I'll write about next. After that, I'll do the ones you list above, one at a time.
Quote: WizardThanks!
I plan to keep going through these games as long as I have nothing better to do, which is the case now.
Winning Streak Poker? :P
The Super Spot pictures make me think the game looks more fun than I would expect normal keno to be.
But I have a question on this picture:

On the right hand side are they explicitly telling you the payback percentage? But based on your data and the new payouts in the picture, I got 89.55% for this nickel game while the picture has 90.05% written underneath "Payback".
Quote: tringlomaneWinning Streak Poker? :P
The Super Spot pictures make me think the game looks more fun than I would expect normal keno to be.
But I have a question on this picture:
On the right hand side are they explicitly telling you the payback percentage? But based on your data and the new payouts in the picture, I got 89.55% for this nickel game while the picture has 90.05% written underneath "Payback".
U1 awards a mystery pay where every game on the machine is elegible for a common bonus. Maybe the Wizard has a shot of that help screen.
Quote: CrystalMathU1 awards a mystery pay where every game on the machine is elegible for a common bonus. Maybe the Wizard has a shot of that help screen.
That is correct. In every instance I have seen the mystery game is worth 0.5%, except for the pick-10 of the Balloon Game, where I think U1 may have made a mistake.
I have since mentioned this 0.5% disparity in my pages on the U1 games.
By the way, here is an instance where I don't follow my usual advice about seeking out the best possible odds. Although the larger bets have a higher return, the expected loss is still higher. Since I was playing for research purposes, my goal was to minimize the expected loss as much as possible, thus the minimum 5-cent bet.
Quote: Wizard
By the way, here is an instance where I don't follow my usual advice about seeking out the best possible odds. Although the larger bets have a higher return, the expected loss is still higher. Since I was playing for research purposes, my goal was to minimize the expected loss as much as possible, thus the minimum 5-cent bet.
I don't blame you as this is the way I typically play (minimizing loss for a given play) since I don't have the means to push a positive edge on casino gaming. The game plays in a similar matter regardless of the paytable anyway. I haven't done it yet, partly out of fear of getting caught slash I would need to borrow my g/f's phone to do it, but I have always been tempted to deconstruct "Twin Win" at my local casino playing one penny at a time since there actually is no bonus round, so playing a penny at a time easily collects the data. I did it for the PC game and got 96.58%. If only the casino had that good of payback. :( I guess I could immediately record the data by hand instead. Which method would they yell at me more for? lol I wouldn't want to actually get booted from the place.