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April 18th, 2011 at 2:38:27 PM permalink
Quote: Altut

All they really do is promote addiction and make loners out of people who otherwise wouldn't be. Look at those who come on here and speak highly of them; do they seem like the life of the party to you? The only "proof" anyone has of these players winning anything is what they write on these forums as unknowns, and what some people tell other people. Hardly documented evidence, and the smart money says I'm right because it's gambling and it's online at totally unregulated entities. It's like me sending you a few thousand dollars after you promising to gamble it wisely for me and sending it all back to me. It may or may not happen. A true advantage player would never take such a chance.

LOL wow your intelligence is amazing. I'm actually not unknown, I've been known in this industry for years. And you can ask anyone who knows me if I'm the life of the party. You'll never know for sure since security will remove you far before you reach my dancefloor table at the Bank, Haze, XS, Tryst, Moon, Playboy or wherever I'm at on any given night. The smart money says you're right? I'd argue that the smart money wishes your mother had aborted. I doubt you've ever met an advantage player and you obviously have no clue what risks or chances and advantage player would take. Sit home with your tinfoil hat and pat yourself on the back for being smart enough to miss the latest gold rush.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 18th, 2011 at 2:59:14 PM permalink
Thanks for your critique. It was worthless as well.

I find those who know nothing and are found out as such tend to then move to avoiding the argument as rapidly as possible.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions that you are such a person.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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April 18th, 2011 at 3:05:01 PM permalink
Quote: Altut

I'm sure you're the end-all. You're also a close friend WOV, right....you mean the same one who SUSPENDED you for your meaningless rants? Hahahaha!!!
Psst.....methinks I just undressed the self-proclaimed stud of LV!

Methinks you're a waste of space. WOO is a good friend and has been for several years. I was suspended for 3 days for using language directed at MKL that violates WOO's rules. I run my own forum (invite only and no we'd never let you in) and I understand he has to be rules. Do you really think it upset me? I'm not the one who has created account after account to be able to post here. That is rather pathetic you know. And I never proclaimed I was the stud of LV, I just said when I go out I do tend to be the life of the party. You wouldn't know since you'd never make it into a Vegas club.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 18th, 2011 at 6:04:47 PM permalink
Quote: JimMorrison

The smart money says you're right? I'd argue that the smart money wishes your mother had aborted. .

Don't worry, dude, I doubt if very few people here want to be invited on your 'dance floor'. You come across as the very best of MKL, Jerry, and Singer, all rolled into one.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 18th, 2011 at 6:36:56 PM permalink
Quote: Altut

OK, I'm calling BS that you made money online. You can't prove it according to you. You just want others to believe you because....well, you're YOU! That is NOT BS.

You see when one person says they made money online playing poker, I'm skeptical. But when many people time after time report that they too have made money playing poker, the weight of that evidence rather contradicts the so-called experts and critics. But they'll keep on not believing and refusing to investigate further.

Why is that?

Because they are happier thinking it's all made up, and that some hard work and knowledge could actually earn other people money. Far easier to dismiss it. Far easier to live in their own happy self-fulfilled world's of theory rather than actuality.

Doesn't matter, people will keep making money player poker, outside of the US if they have to, and that's something I'm sure the critics just can't stand.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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April 18th, 2011 at 6:59:06 PM permalink
Oh man, the poker forum sites went nuts today. Story after story of people who cashed checks two weeks ago from the closed sites and today the checks bounced and the money was taken from their accounts. People taking the checks they got last week to the liquor store where they're known and sticking them with the bad paper. Whole threads on how to skirt American banking laws and get the checks they have in their hand cashed anywhere they can. Sticky threads about how every email you send to one on the closed sites is going right to the DOJ, who now own the sites. Stories of checks bouncing all over the UK. Stories of all the checks being received from PS, drawn on a bank in Singapore, and when a bank manager found the bank on the net, she called them to see if the check was good and got a phone porn site instead of the bank.. The number of people in total denial about whats happening is huge. They really think this will all be sorted out THIS WEEK and they don't see its getting worse by the hour.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 18th, 2011 at 9:01:07 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Oh man, the poker forum sites went nuts today. Story after story of people who cashed checks two weeks ago from the closed sites and today the checks bounced and the money was taken from their accounts. People taking the checks they got last week to the liquor store where they're known and sticking them with the bad paper. Whole threads on how to skirt American banking laws and get the checks they have in their hand cashed anywhere they can. Sticky threads about how every email you send to one on the closed sites is going right to the DOJ, who now own the sites. Stories of checks bouncing all over the UK. Stories of all the checks being received from PS, drawn on a bank in Singapore, and when a bank manager found the bank on the net, she called them to see if the check was good and got a phone porn site instead of the bank.. The number of people in total denial about whats happening is huge. They really think this will all be sorted out THIS WEEK and they don't see its getting worse by the hour.

No new information in this post whatsoever. Obviously any check written is no longer any good. Not sure how you can "skirt American banking laws and get the checks they have in their hand cashed anywhere they can" when the account the check is drawn on is frozen. Of course it won't get sorted out this week but in no way at all is it getting worse. It's the same situation as it was on Friday. Nothing will change in the next week or two unless DOJ gets Interpol arrests on the named people who are overseas and that's probably doubtful. Settle in for the long haul, nothing is changing here in the near future.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 18th, 2011 at 9:07:51 PM permalink
Quote: Altut

Quote: thecesspit

Thanks for your critique. It was worthless as well.

I find those who know nothing and are found out as such tend to then move to avoiding the argument as rapidly as possible.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions that you are such a person.

OK, I'm calling BS that you made money online. You can't prove it according to you. You just want others to believe you because....well, you're YOU! That is NOT BS.

Yeah, nobody makes money online. They're all losers like you.


Play your cards right and work a three-day week for $2.6m ... tax free and legal
Asher Moses
April 19, 2011 - 12:55PM

Starting with just $3, Jonathan Karamalikis has raked in $2.6 million from online poker since 2007 and a further $1.1 million from live tournaments, but has never filed a tax return in his life.

Karamalikis, 22, is one of a growing legion of Australians who earn their primary income from playing poker online yet, according to the Australian Taxation Office, aren't required to pay tax. The players certainly aren't hiding their income - tournament placings and even a real-time breakdown of online winnings are all catalogued on poker websites.

The website PocketFives.com contains a record of the top players' winnings on the major poker sites and narrowing the search down to Australia reveals the top 100 Australian players.

The top ranked, Brendon Rubie, of Sydney, has earned almost $1.7 million playing poker online since June 2009. Even at the 100th ranking, James Squires has pulled in $215,000 since 2008, and in between there are scores of players who have made millions of dollars each in just a few years.

Karamalikis, ranked seventh out of the Australians, said he started playing for fun when he was about 15 and soon graduated to real money. However, he says he hasn't deposited one cent into his online poker account and has turned $3 he won in a "freeroll" tournament into millions of dollars.

Karamalikis is sponsored by Full Tilt Poker and says he plays online about 2-3 days a week.

In addition to his PocketFives.com online winnings catalogue, all of his live tournament winnings are shown on his profile at TheHendonMob.com. In December last year he finished first at the APPT event in Sydney, taking home over $450,000.

"Say a typical Monday for me ... I'll probably lay out $10,000 worth of buy-ins and from about 3am until say 11am I've knocked through about 30-35 tournaments and at any one time I can probably play up to about 15 [tournaments]," he said in a phone interview.

Karamalikis, who finds studying "boring", has never had a full-time job and deferred his university studies when his poker playing became more serious. He said he lives in Adelaide with his parents, who own the Shades sunglasses brand, because he travels about 5-6 months of the year to play tournaments in places like Las Vegas and Macau.

It's not all winning and grinning

Although his "job" would be the envy of most Australians who are stuck in an office for 40+ hours a week, Karamalikis says it's far from easy money and even the best players go through long, stressful losing streaks.

"In any one game luck is a huge factor but when you play thousands and thousands of games, the true skill level starts to come through," he said.

"The worst run [I've had] was when I lost probably about 5-6 months straight - I lost like $200,000 and just couldn't win, nothing was really on my side."

Karamalikis points out that for every big winner, there are lots of losers. However, he said he knows "heaps" of Australians who make their main income from playing poker - and none has ever paid tax.

"I just like the freedom of being able to do whatever I want when I want - the majority of what I spend my money on would be dinners and alcohol, if I had to put it down to two things," he said.

"If poker was banned I'd be pretty screwed; I don't like studying, I don't like working, I struggle to do things I don't wanna do."

Another major Australian poker player who is based in Sydney and earns his main income from poker said that he had earned about $US2.6 million since he started in 2007.

The player, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said playing online poker professionally allowed for a great lifestyle but you really have to love the game to be successful and you have to be prepared to deal with crushing losing streaks.

"It can be pretty horrible and soul crushing at times, for example this year I've played quite a lot and I'm up nothing. Have lost $40,000 over the last four days, it doesn't feel good and isn't good on the stress," he said.

Poker winnings are tax free, for now

Both players interviewed for this article said they have sought professional advice from tax experts and lawyers who have said they are not required to pay tax.

A spokeswoman for the ATO said proceeds from gambling "do not usually form part of a person's assessable income for tax purposes, unless the person is a professional gambler and/or their gambling activities are a business or part of a business".

The ATO could not provide any further clarification about what constitutes a "professional gambler". The spokeswoman pointed to an ATO ruling from 1991 which found that, in horse racing, punters would need to have a business connection with the racing industry (such as a trainer or breeder of horses), before they are required to pay tax.

How this applies to poker is still a grey area and the ATO refused to provide further clarification or an example of a case where a professional poker player would be required to pay tax.

The 1991 ruling says "gambling which involves a significant element of skill is more likely to have tax consequences than gambling on merely random events", indicating that poker players may be required to pay tax. However, the same document notes that "the intrusion of chance into the activity as a predominant ingredient" suggests "it will be a rare case where a court will conclude that the activity is a business".

Aussie pros scared by FBI sting

The world of online poker has been turned on its head following a crackdown by the FBI in the US. The three biggest poker sites PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker have had their .com websites seized and their founders have been arrested and charged with serious money laundering and bribery offences.

The sites are still accepting bets from non-US users but many Australian players have pulled their money from the big three sites out of fear that their accounts will be frozen.

Karamalikis said the crackdown in the US was a double-edged sword for players like him because although it greatly reduced the pool of top competitors - 60 per cent of online poker players are in the US - it also meant there were fewer amateurs to fleece.
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April 18th, 2011 at 9:10:56 PM permalink
Quote: Altut

Your answer smacks of a jealousy of not being able to go to LV to play what you obviously are relegated to do online. I wouldn't think it's that unusual though. I'd expect most people to say they win playing online because the majority have to talk themselves into it so they can justify continued play. It's kust odd that someone would believe other unknowns just because other unknowns proclaim something. That lacks science of some kind.

You are really not keeping up are you. I have stated I don't play online anymore. The bloom went of that rose. Nothing to do with jealousy or with lack of access to play in LV (I can play locally if I wanted to as well as online, legally). Or losing. I won, not much, but enough to withdraw money and over a long enough period to be sure it wasn't all luck.

In the hey day of bonus advantage play I also made money on online casino's.

I know/knew PERSONALLY enough people who won and lost to know that when someone states "I made money online", it's certainly possible. Both from talking to people and my own experience.

It's amazing how wrong you continue to show yourself to be. Keep at it, it's amusing to us all. We needed a new clown around here.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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April 18th, 2011 at 9:19:29 PM permalink
Quote: Altut

Yup, 2 people with unverified stories, no documentation of any kind, and who admit living horrible lives because of it.

Sounds like a winner to me!

I told you, I have the documentation.

Some of it's in English legal terms, and I'm not sure you'd be able to understand it. If you want it, you'd have to pay to fly up here to see it, as I'm not about to put it all up on the web. Besides, if you had problems understanding it, would you'd need someone nearby to explain it.

Keep clowning and ducking the question, it quite entertaining to see you splutter out another fake insult.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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April 18th, 2011 at 9:28:16 PM permalink
Quote: JimMorrison

Obviously any check written is no longer any good.

I had a check from an employer that bounced when I was a kid in my 20's. It drove me nuts, I finally went to his house and his elderly rich parents were there and I went off on my boss in front of them and his dad actually wrote me a personal check, he was so embarrassed for his son. Hey, you do what you have to do when you're desperate.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 19th, 2011 at 11:30:24 AM permalink
I once had a professional soccer team bounce a check to me (Referee payment). They made good on it the next time I was there.
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April 19th, 2011 at 1:50:00 PM permalink
Very interesting story from a financial guru I respect. He says getting your funds back from the Pokersites is less then 50%

Karl Denninger is the the author.

There goes the programming on channels that have marketed themselves as "wholesome family" outlets....

“We are aware of the indictment only through what has been announced publicly,” Bristol, Connecticut-based ESPN said yesterday in an e-mailed statement. “For the immediate future, we are making efforts to remove related advertising and programming pending further review.”


The US Attorney also commented on the freeze placed on player funds, saying:

“We are looking at the funds and accounts to determine if they are the profits of an illegal enterprise,” Langmesser said. “The funds won’t be available until a determination has been made,” she said.

For those who are involved as principals there's some rough sledding ahead. Despite the many who claim there's no way this stands up I have to disagree - the most-serious charges are not running the gambling operations, they're the schemes related to intentionally mis-coding money flows to get them through the banking system.

Those charges might well stand as "bank fraud" even if the gambling charges fail.

In the general sense lying to a financial institution or tampering with authentication and coding on transactions is likely to get you in trouble even if the underlying thing you're doing turns out not to be against the law. I would not want to be on the wrong end of those indictments.

As I noted in my previous Ticker the primary risks to individual players are likely to be a bit more sublime. Any funds you have on deposit have high odds of being simply gone - permanently. I rate the chance of that at well north of 50% irrespective of the final outcome of the cases in question.

The more-serious problem that potentially faces players applies to those who have a profit on some sort of substantial basis playing poker online for money. There are a fair number of people who literally make a living doing this. If you've been less-than-honest with the IRS about that income and haven't paid taxes on it you've potentially got a big problem.

How big, of course, depends on how much money is involved. If it's a few thousand bucks in total it's probably not going to come back and bite you. But if this is your primary (or only) means of support then things get very interesting indeed if you've been yukking it up for a few years and haven't declared and paid taxes on any of it.

You have to assume at this point that all records are going to end up in the government's hands. What they do with it from there is anyone's guess, but if you've been involved in tax evasion on a substantial amount of income you might want to talk to someone with experience in handling this sort of thing and decide whether you'd prefer to 'fess up and possibly just pay the taxes and penalties (assuming you have it) or whether you want to bluff with a 4-flush and hope you don't get called.

Do remember that Treasury does have a $1,700 billion deficit they'd like to close....
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April 19th, 2011 at 2:07:02 PM permalink
"I thought such tactics would be part of an socialist country's actions. Like Canada, the UK or parts of Europe. Except it's not. And nore are citizens of those countries taxed on their gambling winnings."

Amen to that!
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April 19th, 2011 at 4:13:30 PM permalink
If you've been less-than-honest with the IRS about that income>>>

The IRS can easily track somebody who had an account. But unless you got checks amounting to more the 10K a year, I wouldn't worry about it.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 19th, 2011 at 4:40:11 PM permalink
Do any of the US members of the forum have a Doyles Room account? I just got an e-mail from them saying "business as usual". I am Canadian so am not effected by the US government moves but I have received e-mails from other sites and they all start with 'we can no longer accomadate US players'. Is Doyles Room open to US players?????
Be careful when you follow the masses, the M is sometimes silent.
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April 19th, 2011 at 4:44:41 PM permalink
People keep talking about the 1.7 trillion or whatever deficit, frankly the amount of money at stake here wouldn't make a dent in it. Secondly, US Attorney's don't work for Treasury and I can guarantee no directive has ever come from the executive branch to go find us money to seize cuz we need it.

I. Nelson Rose pointed out in his article that the bank fraud charges can get flimsy depending on the legality of online poker which is disputed. Not sure if I really agree with that but he is a guy who knows more about gaming law than any of us. It's a complicated case with some political ramifications so it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Anyone who says the odds are 50% or less, well I've got a bridge I could probably sell them... I read what he wrote and he may be a financial guru in other areas but I think he's clueless when it comes to this.

As far as taxes, I think any deal will see records of US players turned over to the government. However Party turned over records back in 2006 when they were the largest site in the US and the world. To this day I have never heard of anyone who had any audit or complications because of this. And trust me, a lot of people were worried at the time. Of course if you pay taxes on money earned whether it's offshore, cash in the form of tips, or whatever then you don't have to worry!
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 19th, 2011 at 4:45:38 PM permalink
Quote: kenarman

Do any of the US members of the forum have a Doyles Room account? I just got an e-mail from them saying "business as usual". I am Canadian so am not effected by the US government moves but I have received e-mails from other sites and they all start with 'we can no longer accomadate US players'. Is Doyles Room open to US players?????

Doyles Room is open. So is Cake which is very popular. Bodog is business as usual also and I heard they picked up a lot of players. Probably some other smaller rooms also. True Poker, etc.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 19th, 2011 at 5:06:47 PM permalink
Quote: JimMorrison

Anyone who says the odds are 50% or less, well I've got a bridge I could probably sell them...

Anybody who says they know, doesn't know. This thing is so big and involves so many banks and so much money, its going to take them months just to figure out whats what. The Fed's never do anything fast, and this will be no different. What amazes me on the poker forums, is people who deposited checks on Ap 1st, are having them returned and taken out of their accounts. ESPN cancelled all their poker shows and I expect High Stakes Poker is next, their sponsor was PS.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 19th, 2011 at 5:46:00 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Anybody who says they know, doesn't know. This thing is so big and involves so many banks and so much money, its going to take them months just to figure out whats what. The Fed's never do anything fast, and this will be no different. What amazes me on the poker forums, is people who deposited checks on Ap 1st, are having them returned and taken out of their accounts. ESPN cancelled all their poker shows and I expect High Stakes Poker is next, their sponsor was PS.

Yeah I can't imagine High Stake Poker surviving. ESPN will be back with the WSOP minus the poker advertising, I guess it'll be beer ads instead again. Poker After Dark is sponsored by Full Tilt but I haven't heard anything about them killing that yet.

Interesting stat I saw today, only 30% of Stars' business in US. I think when Party pulled out close to 60% of their business was US and they survived pretty well. Stars is also paying non-US when cashouts are requested. FTP I haven't heard anything about and my cashout has been "processing" since Friday.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 19th, 2011 at 7:26:48 PM permalink
Is anyone else wondering why the percentage bands in this poll are so uneven?

Shouldn't 5 voting bands covering 100% be set out as 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-100?

If my vote is <30% I have 3 bands to vote in, but if it's >70% I have only one band!
If nothing will change then I am nothing.
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April 19th, 2011 at 7:40:16 PM permalink
I read on 2+2 that FTP is bouncing checks that were deposited 2 weeks ago too. The banking people are saying wait 30 days till you touch the money if a check does go thru, 45 days is even better.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 19th, 2011 at 9:41:00 PM permalink
For what it's worth, I've dealt with checks of dubious and foreign origin before (with clients, not with online poker cashouts). If you coordinate with your bank first, they'll usually put it through a special handling process where the funds don't get credited to your account until the check has fully cleared. That can save headaches and fees.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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April 19th, 2011 at 10:11:05 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I read on 2+2 that FTP is bouncing checks that were deposited 2 weeks ago too. The banking people are saying wait 30 days till you touch the money if a check does go thru, 45 days is even better.

Any checks are gonna bounce in the US, accounts are frozen. The cashout I'm waiting for from FTP is Neteller and they haven't done shit with it.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 20th, 2011 at 12:19:58 AM permalink
"I believe this all but dooms any attempts to legalize Internet poker this year," said Lloyd Levine, a former state legislator in California and expert on attempts to legalize intrastate online poker. "This gives already reluctant and risk-averse legislators another reason to wait."
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 20th, 2011 at 4:30:47 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

"I believe this all but dooms any attempts to legalize Internet poker this year," said Lloyd Levine, a former state legislator in California and expert on attempts to legalize intrastate online poker. "This gives already reluctant and risk-averse legislators another reason to wait."

I agree there plus there are other issues to take care of this year. Beginning of 2013 is the time to pass it, less than 2 years from now and right after an election. As the election gets closer it gets really tough to pass since Bible beaters can't be seen as soft on gambling. That's why Reid tried to get it legalized right after the 2010 elections, timing means a lot in politics.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 20th, 2011 at 4:45:11 AM permalink
Quote: JimMorrison

I agree there plus there are other issues to take care of this year. Beginning of 2013 is the time to pass it

Thats about the time players will start getting partial payments of whats tied up in limbo..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 20th, 2011 at 4:46:07 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Thats about the time players will start getting partial payments of whats tied up in limbo..

I'd be willing to bet otherwise. I'd take under one year from now.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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April 20th, 2011 at 5:39:05 AM permalink
Quote: JimMorrison

I'd be willing to bet otherwise. I'd take under one year from now.

All the checks people are getting from PS now, are from a bank in Singapore, which isn't on the FBI list of banks they hit. And so far, all those checks are bouncing. Why is that? Because PS took all the money out, thats why. What does this tell us about their intent to pay? So it''ll be up to the gov't to dole out the money, and we all know how that will go..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 20th, 2011 at 5:51:00 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

All the checks people are getting from PS now, are from a bank in Singapore, which isn't on the FBI list of banks they hit. And so far, all those checks are bouncing. Why is that? Because PS took all the money out, thats why. What does this tell us about their intent to pay? So it''ll be up to the gov't to dole out the money, and we all know how that will go..

If it's up to the government to pay then nobody will see any money. You do realize that PokerStars is still a viable business right? I don't know what is going on with their operations regarding the US right now. BUT if it was my company I would have taken money out of every single existing bank account that wasn't targeted and put it in new accounts that couldn't be touched. Only makes sense. Any check people are getting was issued before Black Friday so it doesn't surprise me. They're naive to be thinking that the checks will clear. I do know for a fact that non-US is getting paid. I know several people who withdrew six figures and were paid in Stars normal fast fashion. If they're going to fuck everyone over then they'll do it to everyone not just the US. Even without US customers Stars will profit a few hundred million a year, they aren't going to give that up.
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April 20th, 2011 at 5:56:06 AM permalink
Bob- I am not saying that the online poker sites will ever be allowed to pay back the Americans who have money with them, but it would certainly be in the sites' best interests if they were allowed to. If the end result is that the money is seized by the US government and the players don't get their money back then that will reverberate through the internet poker world, more so than this initial volley. I don't remember where I read this, and others here can correct me, but isn't about half of all the money bet on internet poker from America? That is a large market share that will dry up.
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April 20th, 2011 at 5:57:42 AM permalink

Bob- I am not saying that the online poker sites will ever be allowed to pay back the Americans who have money with them, but it would certainly be in the sites' best interests if they were allowed to. If the end result is that the money is seized by the US government and the players don't get their money back then that will reverberate through the internet poker world, more so than this initial volley. I don't remember where I read this, and others here can correct me, but isn't about half of all the money bet on internet poker from America? That is a large market share that will dry up.

According to figures I saw yesterday only a third of Stars business was US. Full Tilt was much higher though. But when Party pulled out 60% of their business was US so Stars is in better shape than they were and Party is still pretty successful.
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April 20th, 2011 at 7:51:40 AM permalink
Quote: JimMorrison

Yeah I can't imagine High Stake Poker surviving. ESPN will be back with the WSOP minus the poker advertising, I guess it'll be beer ads instead again. Poker After Dark is sponsored by Full Tilt but I haven't heard anything about them killing that yet.

I have noticed the last couple nights that poker advertising is conspicuously absent on Poker After Dark for a change. It's all allergy medicine, gold coins, Ginsu knives.
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April 20th, 2011 at 8:32:40 AM permalink
Quote: zippyboy

I have noticed the last couple nights that poker advertising is conspicuously absent on Poker After Dark for a change. It's all allergy medicine, gold coins, Ginsu knives.

And ESPN2 and ESPNClassic replaced poker with football combines and boxing the last few nights. I hope they can get enough sponsors for the WSOP.
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April 20th, 2011 at 9:17:57 AM permalink
Received a cheque from P Stars this morning for $500. Nothing yet from Full Tilt (requested $200 4 days ago). I pysically deposited the cheque this morning and I'll let you know when (if) it clears. Been playing on both sites and no issues to speak of. Traffic is down on both sites but other than that nothing unusual.
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April 20th, 2011 at 10:55:14 AM permalink
Thanks for the update, nightfly. Are the transactions in US dollars? Or do you have a choice of currency? Also, what bank issues the check from P stars? Also, just interested, do they charge you a 'redemption fee' or 'mailing fee' or something like that?
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April 20th, 2011 at 11:10:22 AM permalink
Online poker players get their cash back


The U.S. government agreed Wednesday to allow PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker, two of the three largest Internet poker companies, to resume use of domain names that had been shut down last week.

Under the "domain name use agreements" the companies will be able to reactivate pokerstars.com and fulltiltpoker.com to "facilitate the withdrawal of U.S. players' funds held in account with the companies."

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April 20th, 2011 at 11:15:16 AM permalink
Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said no player accounts were ever frozen or restrained, and each poker company has been free to reimburse any player's deposited funds.

And the checks have been bouncing ???? Certainly not anything the sites were doing, I am sure,
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April 20th, 2011 at 2:14:38 PM permalink
Quote: buzzpaff

Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said no player accounts were ever frozen or restrained, and each poker company has been free to reimburse any player's deposited funds.

And the checks have been bouncing ???? Certainly not anything the sites were doing, I am sure,

Are you actually being serious?
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April 20th, 2011 at 2:16:43 PM permalink
Quote: kp

Online poker players get their cash back

Interesting that Absolute isn't included, this indicates Stars and Tilt are in talks which will eventually lead to a settlement. Players are going to get paid a lot faster than anyone predicted. I'm sure that is going to greatly upset the tin-foil hat brigade that seems to want to find a conspiracy everywhere.
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April 20th, 2011 at 3:35:16 PM permalink
Quote: JimMorrison

Are you actually being serious?

Check out two plus two and other poker forums!
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April 20th, 2011 at 3:57:10 PM permalink
Quote: buzzpaff

Check out two plus two and other poker forums!

I read their forums but there are thousands of threads and the big ones are thousands of posts long so can you be more specific?
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April 20th, 2011 at 3:58:15 PM permalink
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April 20th, 2011 at 4:02:07 PM permalink
Quote: buzzpaff


Well okay then.
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April 20th, 2011 at 6:09:44 PM permalink
Players are going to get paid a lot faster >>>

What makes you think that? Now the poker companies are saying to themselves, 'oh crap, we won't be able to blame the gov't for our non payment'. They have no incentive to pay quickly after the domain names are restored (months?), the market here is gone and they'll never get it back. Ever try and pour molasses in Jan? Wait and see... These things never go like they say they'll go. Its like all the foreign aid to Haiti after the quake, lots of promises were made and the Haitians never saw a dime of it. And what about the 75+ bank accounts that are closed? Thats where your money is, and there was no mention of that whatever.
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April 20th, 2011 at 6:15:10 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Players are going to get paid a lot faster >>>

What makes you think that? Now the poker companies are saying to themselves, 'oh crap, we won't be able to blame the gov't for our non payment'. They have no incentive to pay quickly after the domain names are restored (months?), the market here is gone and they'll never get it back. Ever try and pour molasses in Jan? Wait and see... These things never go like they say they'll go. Its like all the foreign aid to Haiti after the quake, lots of promises were made and the Haitians never saw a dime of it.

When has PokerStars ever exhibited anti-player behavior? You are so suspicious of everything. We're talking about a company that has been an industry leader for years. The number one poker site for over four years. Amazing customer service (emails answered within a hour and not bullshit form letters) that other "reputable" businesses can't come close to. So why are you suspicious that they all of a sudden want to fuck their players over? Over 70% of their customers are still allowed to play, they still have the capability to make hundreds of millions. So why would they intentionally screw themselves? I'm not saying be naive but you see conspiracies every time you turn around.
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April 20th, 2011 at 6:23:52 PM permalink
JimMorrison I agree with you 100%. Ive been playing for over 2 years and never had a problem.
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April 20th, 2011 at 6:40:06 PM permalink
Quote: JimMorrison

When has PokerStars ever exhibited anti-player behavior? You are so suspicious of everything. .

How come nobody is talking about this:

"Bharara said the firms had already been free to return money."

"No individual player accounts were ever frozen or restrained, and each implicated poker company has at all times been free to reimburse any player's deposited funds," Bharara said in a press release.'

HAS AT ALL TIMES BEEN FREE TO REIMBURSE, and yet the checks keep on bouncing. Todays announcement means nothing, they could have given you your money back at any time. And didn't.

This is a little puzzling to me. How does having access to the seized domain names facilitate payments being made? There was nothing in the way since Friday from them making payments. Its not like they're allowing access to the seized bank accounts. Thats why the gov't said, a mere 5 days later, sure you can access to the domains, what do we care, it means nothing.
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April 20th, 2011 at 7:17:26 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

How come nobody is talking about this:

"Bharara said the firms had already been free to return money."

"No individual player accounts were ever frozen or restrained, and each implicated poker company has at all times been free to reimburse any player's deposited funds," Bharara said in a press release.'

HAS AT ALL TIMES BEEN FREE TO REIMBURSE, and yet the checks keep on bouncing. Todays announcement means nothing, they could have given you your money back at any time. And didn't.

This is a little puzzling to me. How does having access to the seized domain names facilitate payments being made? There was nothing in the way since Friday from them making payments. Its not like they're allowing access to the seized bank accounts. Thats why the gov't said, a mere 5 days later, sure you can access to the domains, what do we care, it means nothing.

Come on, get a clue. First off whatever the US Attorney says is propaganda for her side. Same as a statement from Stars is slanted to their side.

Fact, DOJ attempted to freeze 75 bank accounts including accounts in Isle of Man, UK and Ireland.

Fact, it's easy to say no individual player accounts were frozen since that would mean either their personal bank account or their Stars account. Since it's impossible for DOJ to freeze an individuals Stars account I have no clue what she is talking about.

Fact, although technically I guess they have been free to reimburse a players funds how would Ms. US Attorney recommend going about doing this when 75 bank accounts were targeted for freezing.

Common sense says that any other bank account was closed by the company and funds moved to new, safe accounts to prevent anymore freezing. Thus any check issued would bounce. It doesn't take a leap of logic to figure this out, it's just common sense.

Non-US players who can receive Neteller or Moneybookers have received millions of dollars in cashouts since Friday. I personally have no doubt that when Stars can send checks from a safe, uneffected bank account that they will do so and players will get paid. Hopefully within the month.

If you're going to slam Stars at least give some motive for why they would want to bounce checks and alarm players world wide.
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April 20th, 2011 at 7:19:13 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

This is a little puzzling to me. How does having access to the seized domain names facilitate payments being made? There was nothing in the way since Friday from them making payments. Its not like they're allowing access to the seized bank accounts. Thats why the gov't said, a mere 5 days later, sure you can access to the domains, what do we care, it means nothing.

I assume because the backend of the sites work thru the domains? Not really sure there. I do know if you were downloading the update (required for the software to start) it wouldn't download since the .com was blocked. I can only guess that the backend used the .com for other things too.
EvenBob: "Look America, I have a tiny wee-wee, can anybody help me?"
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