September 6th, 2013 at 2:01:41 PM
Recently I was asked to provide CFG services for a company that wanted to place electronic versions of casino games into Kiosks in some countries in Asia. It may interest some readers to read through the exchange of e-mails I had with the representative of this company who contacted me. The names/e-mail addresses are removed, obviously. I have nothing more to say about this, other than sharing this exchange of e-mails.
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 8:54 PM
Subject: hello inquiring about your CFG seals
We are making kiosks using our downloaded flash casino games. Our clients requested any kind of certificates/fair gaming seals from an established company. We kind of need it urgently.
Is it possible, we'd be granted, with about 100,000 Usd?
Subject: RE: hello inquiring about your CFG seals
Date: Tue, September 03, 2013 3:29 am
To: yyy
My name is Eliot Jacobson and I own CFG.
Please provide me with a login name and password so I can look at the casino.
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 8:24 AM
Please forward details of information you require.
We will need the letter of certification and the right to produce the seals and to stick on our kiosks. The games are a new project consist of mainly slots(downloaded version of exact games of a site still in development.). With 100,000 to spare, we would rather go for a fast solution, plus we would guaranteed, in writing, that your seals will be only on our kiosks and our kiosks will be running only in private clubs in xxx, and the slots' payout rate will be in normal rate(this we are willing to guaranteed), any complaint it will be only our own responsibility. And anyone from Asia that comes to us, for example due to seeing your seals on our kiosks, whom would like to be audited, we will pass them all to you.
From: "Eliot Jacobson" <>
Date: Wed, September 04, 2013 11:40 pm
I do not know who I am talking with. To begin with, can you please give me your full name, the location you are writing from, and the full business address of this company, together with a scan of the articles of incorporation of your business.
The next step after you provide full business details is to invoice you for $10,000. After that amount appears in the business account, we can begin. This amount is non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the audit.
After the audit begins, I will need details of the random number generator, including parts of the computer code where the RNG is instantiated, and how it is scaled to produce outcomes. I will also require log files of actual play to perform statistical tests. If additional log files are needed, they will be requested. Also, I will require a login/password to access the website xxx and if play is available through this website, I will require a test account to play the games.
This is a thorough audit. Additional information may be requested during the process.
If xxx passes the audit, then a letter will be issued and the remaining $10,000 will be due.
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 11:19 AM
Dr.Jacobson, I think you can figure out our proposal. There are certain reasons why we can not show you the games, and I have already said to you that the games are on another site that's under development now, but we need to put your seals on the kiosks with the downloaded version games that are exactly the same of the new site.
We have a partner in L.A., if you want you can meet him, presuming you are in Santa Babara, I am writing from Asia. I assure you that we are real. At this moment no detail is required. Please allow me to ask, why is your web-site made using a free template huh. Do you have the company license for auditing and what license does it require?
Again I will repeat, we are urgently seeking a company that will give the letter of certification and the right to produce the seals and to stick on our kiosks. The games are a new project consist of mainly slots(downloaded version of exact games of a site still in development with brand new incorporation.). With 100,000 to spare, we would rather go for a fast solution, plus the new incorporation would guaranteed, in writing, that your seals will be only on our kiosks and our kiosks will be running only in private clubs in xxx and xxx, and the slots' payout rate will be in normal rate(this we are willing to guaranteed), any complaint it will be only our own responsibility. And anyone from Asia that comes to us, for example due to seeing your seals on our kiosks, whom would like to be audited, we will pass them all to you. Again, we assure you the slots are at normal winning rate, there are reasons why we are doing it this way. We will do this transaction in Asia, we can fly you over here(xxx), you give us the letter to authorize our incorporation, we give you the money, as simple as that. Of course, if any of our players inquired about us, you will verify about us.
Are you able to accommodate us? A real easy 100,000, we can raise the offer a bit. Perhaps I can call you.
From: "Eliot Jacobson" <>
Date: Thu, September 05, 2013 2:26 am
I am passing on this work. If you wish to proceed at some future time, please follow the protocols I outlined.
I wish you best luck and much success going forward,
Kind regards,
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 8:07 PM
How are you? Can you please answer us these questions, 1.after you audit our games of the new developed site, we can put your seals on individual kiosks that have exactly the same downloaded games as the site's web-page games' version? 2. do you care about the copyright issues of the games? 3.We presume you have the incorporation and the license needed for auditing?
Our best offer works out to be 150,000 , we guaranteed only use your seals in the private clubs of xxx and xxx. But if you will need us to go through normal protocol, can you PLEASE answer the above questions, thanks in advance.
From: "Eliot Jacobson" <>
Date: Thu, September 05, 2013 11:43 am
I can’t discuss business with someone when I don’t know their name and title, or who they work for, or the proper business name, or the address of the company.
I suggest you seek an arrangement with another party. I am not interested in going forward with you, no matter the price you offer.
Kind regards,
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 8:55 PM
My name is xxx, is a partner of xxx Ltd, registered in yyy [note. these details were a first name (no last name given) and the name of a business that, when I searched, was located with a hotel address]. We will seek you again after our new project is incorporated. Sorry, if I have offended your integrity. Can you please answer question 1. and 2. We have decided to go with your normal protocol!! We were merely kind of testing :_), but we are 100% for real, you have earned our respects, and we promise any Asian casinos we know of that ask about international fair gaming org. we will refer to you(we know a few).
From: "Eliot Jacobson" <>
Date: Thu, September 05, 2013 12:24 pm
Greetings xxx,
CFG is not able to certify xxx. Please seek certification elsewhere.
Kind regards,
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 9:38 PM
Greetings Eliot,
Ok, CFG with steve's free web-site template. We do not know your company address either with only a post box, you could be somewhere in Arkansas for all we know. I don't know why it is so hard for you to understand our questions and the fact that WE WILL HAVE NEW incorporation for the games to be audited. xxx is quite reputable over here BUT we will not USE that incorporation for AUDITING. Thanks, I know you are being nice replying and all that, but business is business don't get personal my friend. Let's start over in a professional mannerism, please reply back with answers to question 1 and 2, NOW you know our TRUE identity. Otherwise, just quit replying, thanks.
Obviously, at this point, I just quit replying.
I should note that the time/dates are apparently out of order because of the very different time zones and the international date line.
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 8:54 PM
Subject: hello inquiring about your CFG seals
We are making kiosks using our downloaded flash casino games. Our clients requested any kind of certificates/fair gaming seals from an established company. We kind of need it urgently.
Is it possible, we'd be granted, with about 100,000 Usd?
Subject: RE: hello inquiring about your CFG seals
Date: Tue, September 03, 2013 3:29 am
To: yyy
My name is Eliot Jacobson and I own CFG.
Please provide me with a login name and password so I can look at the casino.
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 8:24 AM
Please forward details of information you require.
We will need the letter of certification and the right to produce the seals and to stick on our kiosks. The games are a new project consist of mainly slots(downloaded version of exact games of a site still in development.). With 100,000 to spare, we would rather go for a fast solution, plus we would guaranteed, in writing, that your seals will be only on our kiosks and our kiosks will be running only in private clubs in xxx, and the slots' payout rate will be in normal rate(this we are willing to guaranteed), any complaint it will be only our own responsibility. And anyone from Asia that comes to us, for example due to seeing your seals on our kiosks, whom would like to be audited, we will pass them all to you.
From: "Eliot Jacobson" <>
Date: Wed, September 04, 2013 11:40 pm
I do not know who I am talking with. To begin with, can you please give me your full name, the location you are writing from, and the full business address of this company, together with a scan of the articles of incorporation of your business.
The next step after you provide full business details is to invoice you for $10,000. After that amount appears in the business account, we can begin. This amount is non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the audit.
After the audit begins, I will need details of the random number generator, including parts of the computer code where the RNG is instantiated, and how it is scaled to produce outcomes. I will also require log files of actual play to perform statistical tests. If additional log files are needed, they will be requested. Also, I will require a login/password to access the website xxx and if play is available through this website, I will require a test account to play the games.
This is a thorough audit. Additional information may be requested during the process.
If xxx passes the audit, then a letter will be issued and the remaining $10,000 will be due.
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 11:19 AM
Dr.Jacobson, I think you can figure out our proposal. There are certain reasons why we can not show you the games, and I have already said to you that the games are on another site that's under development now, but we need to put your seals on the kiosks with the downloaded version games that are exactly the same of the new site.
We have a partner in L.A., if you want you can meet him, presuming you are in Santa Babara, I am writing from Asia. I assure you that we are real. At this moment no detail is required. Please allow me to ask, why is your web-site made using a free template huh. Do you have the company license for auditing and what license does it require?
Again I will repeat, we are urgently seeking a company that will give the letter of certification and the right to produce the seals and to stick on our kiosks. The games are a new project consist of mainly slots(downloaded version of exact games of a site still in development with brand new incorporation.). With 100,000 to spare, we would rather go for a fast solution, plus the new incorporation would guaranteed, in writing, that your seals will be only on our kiosks and our kiosks will be running only in private clubs in xxx and xxx, and the slots' payout rate will be in normal rate(this we are willing to guaranteed), any complaint it will be only our own responsibility. And anyone from Asia that comes to us, for example due to seeing your seals on our kiosks, whom would like to be audited, we will pass them all to you. Again, we assure you the slots are at normal winning rate, there are reasons why we are doing it this way. We will do this transaction in Asia, we can fly you over here(xxx), you give us the letter to authorize our incorporation, we give you the money, as simple as that. Of course, if any of our players inquired about us, you will verify about us.
Are you able to accommodate us? A real easy 100,000, we can raise the offer a bit. Perhaps I can call you.
From: "Eliot Jacobson" <>
Date: Thu, September 05, 2013 2:26 am
I am passing on this work. If you wish to proceed at some future time, please follow the protocols I outlined.
I wish you best luck and much success going forward,
Kind regards,
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 8:07 PM
How are you? Can you please answer us these questions, 1.after you audit our games of the new developed site, we can put your seals on individual kiosks that have exactly the same downloaded games as the site's web-page games' version? 2. do you care about the copyright issues of the games? 3.We presume you have the incorporation and the license needed for auditing?
Our best offer works out to be 150,000 , we guaranteed only use your seals in the private clubs of xxx and xxx. But if you will need us to go through normal protocol, can you PLEASE answer the above questions, thanks in advance.
From: "Eliot Jacobson" <>
Date: Thu, September 05, 2013 11:43 am
I can’t discuss business with someone when I don’t know their name and title, or who they work for, or the proper business name, or the address of the company.
I suggest you seek an arrangement with another party. I am not interested in going forward with you, no matter the price you offer.
Kind regards,
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 8:55 PM
My name is xxx, is a partner of xxx Ltd, registered in yyy [note. these details were a first name (no last name given) and the name of a business that, when I searched, was located with a hotel address]. We will seek you again after our new project is incorporated. Sorry, if I have offended your integrity. Can you please answer question 1. and 2. We have decided to go with your normal protocol!! We were merely kind of testing :_), but we are 100% for real, you have earned our respects, and we promise any Asian casinos we know of that ask about international fair gaming org. we will refer to you(we know a few).
From: "Eliot Jacobson" <>
Date: Thu, September 05, 2013 12:24 pm
Greetings xxx,
CFG is not able to certify xxx. Please seek certification elsewhere.
Kind regards,
From: yyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 9:38 PM
Greetings Eliot,
Ok, CFG with steve's free web-site template. We do not know your company address either with only a post box, you could be somewhere in Arkansas for all we know. I don't know why it is so hard for you to understand our questions and the fact that WE WILL HAVE NEW incorporation for the games to be audited. xxx is quite reputable over here BUT we will not USE that incorporation for AUDITING. Thanks, I know you are being nice replying and all that, but business is business don't get personal my friend. Let's start over in a professional mannerism, please reply back with answers to question 1 and 2, NOW you know our TRUE identity. Otherwise, just quit replying, thanks.
Obviously, at this point, I just quit replying.
I should note that the time/dates are apparently out of order because of the very different time zones and the international date line.
Climate Casino:
September 6th, 2013 at 2:33:09 PM
Nothing surprises me when it comes to the wild west of online gaming. So much for regulation in Asia.
Can see how another broken down shoe company would find it hard to turn down 150k.
Always knew you were a man of integrity and honesty. Nice job Eliot.
Can see how another broken down shoe company would find it hard to turn down 150k.
Always knew you were a man of integrity and honesty. Nice job Eliot.
September 6th, 2013 at 2:35:24 PM
That's simply astounding. I wonder how much the obvious language impediment is affecting their responses, but the intent seems quite clear regardless. Thanks for sharing that; it's almost movie dialogue. Asia sure works differently than the U.S.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
September 6th, 2013 at 3:14:14 PM
If the offer is $150k to fully audit their software and RNG and give them a letter with my accurate findings, I'd be happy to step in. I often work for clients who wish to remain anonymous.
But if the offer is $150k to put a bogus seal of approval on a game regardless of how it behaves, no thanks.
But if the offer is $150k to put a bogus seal of approval on a game regardless of how it behaves, no thanks.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice."
-- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
September 6th, 2013 at 3:16:52 PM
I'll put you in touch, if you like. I have no idea what they actually want, I am just sure that I don't want to work with them, no matter their offer.Quote: MathExtremistIf the offer is $150k to fully audit their software and RNG and give them a letter with my accurate findings, I'd be happy to step in. I often work for clients who wish to remain anonymous.
But if the offer is $150k to put a bogus seal of approval on a game regardless of how it behaves, no thanks.
Climate Casino:
September 6th, 2013 at 3:31:30 PM
Sure -- maybe I can figure out what they actually want.Quote: teliotI'll put you in touch, if you like. I have no idea what they actually want, I am just sure that I don't want to work with them, no matter their offer.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice."
-- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
September 6th, 2013 at 3:47:37 PM
Done.Quote: MathExtremistSure -- maybe I can figure out what they actually want.
Climate Casino:
September 6th, 2013 at 3:48:10 PM
Quote: MathExtremistSure -- maybe I can figure out what they actually want.
I think they want you to print some stickers.
I heart Crystal Math.
September 6th, 2013 at 3:49:33 PM
heeheeheeheehee....still laughing....
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
September 6th, 2013 at 3:52:52 PM
Simple solution is form a certification company themselves. It is Asia !
Shed not for her
the bitter tear
Nor give the heart
to vain regret
Tis but the casket
that lies here,
The gem that filled it
Sparkles yet
September 6th, 2013 at 4:09:29 PM
Quote: CrystalMathI think they want you to print some stickers.
I could make that happen...

"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice."
-- Girolamo Cardano, 1563