Quote: EvenBobThat's what grandpa said, look, it's still halfway up. Grandma was not impressed as to the prospects for the future
Your jokes are flaccid
"The bitcoin price fell to lows of $28,600 per bitcoin on the Luxembourg-based Bitstamp exchange this week before bouncing back over $30,000—yo-yoing a white-knuckle $6,000 in a matter of hours. After correctly calling the latest bitcoin and crypto sell-off, analysts at Wall Street giant JPMorgan have predicted the bitcoin price is likely to move lower over the medium term."
So JPMorgan agrees with me. Does that mean they don't know how Bitcoin works? LOL
Quote: EvenBobCrypto Price Alert: JPMorgan Issues Serious Bitcoin Warning
"The bitcoin price fell to lows of $28,600 per bitcoin on the Luxembourg-based Bitstamp exchange this week before bouncing back over $30,000—yo-yoing a white-knuckle $6,000 in a matter of hours. After correctly calling the latest bitcoin and crypto sell-off, analysts at Wall Street giant JPMorgan have predicted the bitcoin price is likely to move lower over the medium term."
So JPMorgan agrees with me. Does that mean they don't know how Bitcoin works? LOL
Well, if their prediction turns out wrong, then they probably don't.
BTC has never needed a bailout and never will.Quote: EvenBobCrypto Price Alert: JPMorgan Issues Serious Bitcoin Warning
"The bitcoin price fell to lows of $28,600 per bitcoin on the Luxembourg-based Bitstamp exchange this week before bouncing back over $30,000—yo-yoing a white-knuckle $6,000 in a matter of hours. After correctly calling the latest bitcoin and crypto sell-off, analysts at Wall Street giant JPMorgan have predicted the bitcoin price is likely to move lower over the medium term."
So JPMorgan agrees with me. Does that mean they don't know how Bitcoin works? LOL
why would we trust anything they have to say when they have flip-flopped so many times?
Didn't they, JPMorgan(whoever they are) claim BTC would go to 146k?
Quote: AxelWolfBTC has never needed a bailout and never will.
why would we trust anything they have to say when they have flip-flopped so many times?
Didn't they, JPMorgan(whoever they are) claim BTC would go to 146k?
Two months ago they said it would hit $140,000
The fair thing to do is simply ignore JP Morgan as experts
EB will most certainly keep quoting them only when it's in alignment with his schadenfreude
Ok enough with the pointless back and forth, block thread.
Quote: mcallister3200Even if they are financial experts, no one is correct all the time. We’re picking and choosing what to highlight here in order to support our pre-determined opinions. You are doing the exact same thing in only quoting things that support your opinion...
Ok enough with the pointless back and forth, block thread.
That is why I said JP Morgan opinion should just be if ignored
Quote: mcallister3200You are doing the exact same thing in only quoting things that support your opinion...
It's really tough to find things that don't support my opinion that are not paid snake oil salesman media lackeys.
Quote: darkozTwo months ago they said it would hit $140,000
Right there you betray what's your feelings really are. You don't want somebody to tell you the truth, you don't want somebody who truthfully comes to different conclusions over a period of time. You want rah rah rah cheerleaders who constantly defend your position no matter how bad things get. You want a guy on the Titanic with a megaphone telling everyone to be calm and things will be okay as the ship sinks into the Atlantic.
Quote: EvenBobRight there you betray what's your feelings really are. You don't want somebody to tell you the truth, you don't want somebody who truthfully comes to different conclusions over a period of time. You want rah rah rah cheerleaders who constantly defend your position no matter how bad things get. You want a guy on the Titanic with a megaphone telling everyone to be calm and things will be okay as the ship sinks into the Atlantic.
What I don't want is someone yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater or screaming the world will end due to Y2K.
Quote: darkozWhat I don't want is someone yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater or screaming the world will end
Send email to all these guys writing these articles, all they're seeing is Doom and Gloom. The only people seen a Rosy future are the ones being paid to see it, the shills and the hacks.
Quote: EvenBobSend email to all these guys writing these articles, all they're seeing is Doom and Gloom. The only people seen a Rosy future are the ones being paid to see it, the shills and the hacks.
Because your articles are written by guys who don't get paid.
Quote: darkozRight!
Because your articles are written by guys who don't get paid.
They get paid to tell the truth. That's why people rely on them. People who are constantly cheerleading Bitcoin get paid to do just that. Say positive things no matter what's happening, positive things that are based on nothing in reality. It's like those celebrity gold commercials that run on cable 24/7. Every day they say now is the best time to invest in gold. No matter what the price is, it could be plummeting to a record low and that would be the best time to buy gold. The truth is the best time to buy gold is not every minute of every day. Just like there are times to be optimistic about Bitcoin end times not to be optimistic. Unless of course you are in the Bitcoin business then just like gold every minute of every day is the best time to buy Bitcoin.
Quote: EvenBobSend email to all these guys writing these articles, all they're seeing is Doom and Gloom. The only people seen a Rosy future are the ones being paid to see it, the shills and the hacks.
When there’s blood on the streets, buy property.
Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.
Quote: unJonWhen there’s blood on the streets, buy property.
Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.
The first quote is from Baron Rothschild in the 17 hundreds. Second quote is Warren Buffett.
The thing is, as I see it, Evenbob is taking the line that because BTC is of no intrinsic, government supported value, that it has no place in an investment strategy. And contrary to that, I see others such as axelWolf and myself saying that it has. But hey - intrinsic value may still be nil.Quote: EvenBobAnybody watching it today? It shot to the basement, 30 grand at 7 a.m. and it's been on a roller coaster ever since. The rich guys immediately jammed it back up to $32,000 and it immediately fell back to $30,000. Up and down up and down it's at 30,000 again right now. People are selling like crazy and the rich guys are propping it up but they can only do it for so long, every time they buy and it goes down immediately they lose money. What they are terrified of is a major sell-off if it stays below 30,000.
BTC is a hellishly volatile asset class. Only a blind fool would argue that. It's dollar value is up and down like a roller coaster. Still few would argue. It's an asset class where some will lose their shirts and others will make obscene profits (Off the former group)
Are we still in agreement?
Evenbob prefers to not play that game, which no-one can argue with.He did not buy in at $500 and he did not sell out at $60,000 or $30,000
That was his choice.
But it seems to rankle with him that he did not buy in at $5,000 or $10,000 as some such as I did. He seeks his blessed schadenfreude everywhere. Is it any wonder that his own posts are derided?
Those who do choose to ride the roller coaster do not seek his approval!
And the daft thing seems to be that on the other side of the fence, posters such as AW and myself, are ready to accept that BTC is a rubbish investment or a rubbish currency, but we just don't care. We are in the game.
EB revels in the thought of others losing money. But goes a bit quiet when confronted by those who won big. I suggest that's not a good optic. Who benefits from EB's posts about BTC being rubbish? We already knew.
EB chooses to be a spectator in the crypto game. Good on him. May we others feel certain schadenfreude at the profits he never made? No.. that would be pathetic, like laughing at his decision not to get rich off his often mocked winning roulette method.
Quote: OnceDearThe thing is, as I see it, Evenbob is taking the line that because BTC is of no intrinsic, government supported value, that it has no place in an investment strategy. And contrary to that, I see others such as axelWolf and myself saying that it has. But hey - intrinsic value may still be nil.
BTC is a hellishly volatile asset class. Only a blind fool would argue that. It's dollar value is up and down like a roller coaster. Still few would argue. It's an asset class where some will lose their shirts and others will make obscene profits (Off the former group)
Are we still in agreement?
Evenbob prefers to not play that game, which no-one can argue with.He did not buy in at $500 and he did not sell out at $60,000 or $30,000
That was his choice.
But it seems to rankle with him that he did not buy in at $5,000 or $10,000 as some such as I did. He seeks his blessed schadenfreude everywhere. Is it any wonder that his own posts are derided?
Those who do choose to ride the roller coaster do not seek his approval!
And the daft thing seems to be that on the other side of the fence, posters such as AW and myself, are ready to accept that BTC is a rubbish investment or a rubbish currency, but we just don't care. We are in the game.
EB revels in the thought of others losing money. But goes a bit quiet when confronted by those who won big. I suggest that's not a good optic. Who benefits from EB's posts about BTC being rubbish? We already knew.
EB chooses to be a spectator in the crypto game. Good on him. May we others feel certain schadenfreude at the profits he never made? No.. that would be pathetic, like laughing at his decision not to get rich off his often mocked winning roulette method.
(Note the spelling)
Schadenfraud is when someone takes pleasure at another person's pain only it's really the person experiencing schadenfreude that is actually in pain.
Fraudulent schadenfreude. Schadenfraud!
Quote: OnceDear
But it seems to rankle with him that he did not buy in at $5,000 or $10,000 a
Nope, not at all, totally wrong. What rankles me is how I was make fun of and taunted to this day about my original position on Bitcoin. So I'm just throwing it back in your faces.
Quote: EvenBobNope, not at all, totally wrong. What rankles me is how I was make fun of and taunted to this day about my original position on Bitcoin. So I'm just throwing it back in your faces.
To be clear:
At $200 you said Bitcoin would be worthless.
You claim victory at $30,000!
Got it!
Having to make up and explain your own word seems a weak way of arguing your point.Quote: darkozSchadenfraud!
(Note the spelling)
Schadenfraud is when someone takes pleasure at another person's pain only it's really the person experiencing schadenfreude that is actually in pain.
Fraudulent schadenfreude. Schadenfraud!
wikipedia expresses some of the subtlety of the definition.
You were so wrong then and so wrong now. Hard to argue that you were not. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, while some of us play the game and even profit by taking short positions...Quote: EvenBobNope, not at all, totally wrong. What rankles me is how I was make fun of and taunted to this day about my original position on Bitcoin. So I'm just throwing it back in your faces.
We can all fundamentally agree that BTC is rubbish, junk, fraud, pretend asset. But so many profit making 'investments' are.
Don't tell me. Shorting a falling asset is foolish too. Because you don't do it.
Quote: OnceDearYou were so wrong then and so wrong now.
No I'm not. Speculation games are for people with tons of money and nothing to lose. For the average person they are pure foolishness. People making money think of themselves as the smartest people in the world in speculation, and those losing their shirts think they are the biggest fools. Just two sides of the same coin.
You mean our faces that have big fat smiles on them because we got in despite your significant wrongness over the past 7 years?(I can see why you choose the word rankled, it fits perfectly) I can't speak about everyone, but I know myself and others have already bought and sold enough BTC and other cryptos to have made some serious money.Quote: EvenBobNope, not at all, totally wrong. What rankles me is how I was make fun of and taunted to this day about my original position on Bitcoin. So I'm just throwing it back in your faces.
I'm certain it will always remain much higher than the $150-$200 range when you declared it to be nothing but the next beanie baby. You will forever be wrong.
If you were to understand more about how it worked and what you could do to avoid the rollercoaster ride while still benefitting from the BTC technology as a TOOL.
I don't know if it was your stubbornness, lack of understanding, resistants to change, failure to change course after being wrong that made you refuse to use it at a TOOL in order to rape the online casinos while using your super-duper roulette system( IIRC I even offered to help send you some BTC to save you a step of having to acquire it via an exchange to whatever). And don't think for a second they would have spotted your system and refused to pay you, since I know for a fact people were raping one of the casinos you were interested in for 100's of thousands(and that's just one casino).
Even people Like The Wizard and MichaleBluejay, guys who don't seem to have faith in BTC, if I understand correctly, they also use it as a TOOL. I can only assume they are profiting because of BTC.
You had plenty of time to change your tune/mindset and think... "Hey, there might be more to this BTC than I realized, I might not have long-term faith in it, but it sure seems like it can be used as a nifty tool and profit stream in the meantime.
You could have avoided the taunting etc. by simply saying that you may have been a little hasty with your comparison of BTC and beanie babies, there may be some benefits of using it. However, you still don't think it a good investment long-term. Instead, you tried to double and triple down with silly comparisons that showed you didn't really understand how bitcoin worked.
Quote: AxelWolfYou mean our faces that have big fat
You really didn't think I was going to read more than the first couple of sentences did you? I don't have time to read Encyclopedia Britannica entries..

You read every word of it, and we all know it. You claim you didn't because it was spot on and you had nothing to counter it. No doubt, after this post and time to think you might come up with some BS.Quote: EvenBobYou really didn't think I was going to read more than the first couple of sentences did you? I don't have time to read Encyclopedia Britannica entries..
Quote: AxelWolfYou read every word of it, and we all know it.
In all seriousness, honest-to-god, hand on the Bible and I'm an atheist, I did not read any more than the first two sentences. I very seldom read long posts, if somebody can't make the point right away I don't want to know what the point is.
Quote: AxelWolfYou mean our faces that have big fat
Quote: EvenBobYou really didn't think I was going to read more than the first couple of sentences did you? I don't have time to read Encyclopedia Britannica entries..
The first quote, by Axel, was quoted by EB. Here is the full post he quoted from.
In the future, please don't cut off a post in mid-sentence with indicating there is more, probably with some dots. The way you post it looks insulting. Consider this a warning to properly quote people.
Quote: EvenBobIn all seriousness, honest-to-god, hand on the Bible and I'm an atheist, I did not read any more than the first two sentences. I very seldom read long posts, if somebody can't make the point right away I don't want to know what the point is.
Does swearing on a Bible when you are an atheist mean anything?
I wonder how EB's debate judges would have scored his answer.
"Well, Axel, in response to what you debated, I really didn't listen after the first sentence. If you can't win the point in the first sentence, I refuse to listen
How did I do judges?"
Hi Tanko, I concur that there is currently no reason to improve, and plenty of bearish reasons for the price to decline. An uneasy equilibrium.Quote: TankoI lost faith and sold it at around 35K. I will buy again somewhere below 25K. Hopefully well below. It is trending down with no reason to improve. Two reasons it is falling is because China, which will introduce its own state-backed digital yuan next year, has shut down 90% of their crypto mines, and urged major banks and retailers to curtail crypto trading. Crypto mining is energy intensive and requires burning large amounts of fossil fuel to generate the needed electricity. Air polluting coal in China's case. Their crypto miners are likely headed to Texas and Florida, where they will drive up the price of electricity and everything else. The BTC discussion begins at 5:30 in the video.
From glancing over dozens of traders charts and opinions from vocal chartists (None of whom I'd trust) and dozens more news articles(All parroting each-other), I conclude that the bears see $25k, $15k or even $10k as almost inevitable in the next few weeks. Like you, many expect to have that as a buying point, but with no rational explanation as to why.
On the bullish side there's a similar number of traders and chartists who see maybe $40k in the next few weeks before a slower rise to the stratosphere. $100k in the next 12 months? I'm not seeing any SERIOUS bullishness from anywhere I'd consider an authority.
I can imagine a lot of hodlers like myself selling into any such 35k - 40k rally thus stifling any such uptrend.
I can also imagine a lot of hodlers like myself selling into any 25k or 20k drop thus exacerbating any such downtrend. Neither is a very hopeful scenario.
Frankly I'm amazed that the price has mostly managed to hold at 30k - 32k. I cannot perceive of what's supporting it, but something is. Maybe reluctance to sell or topping up by those who bought in at >40k, Maybe the actions of a few whales or funds. Something has to give. Good news or bad news, it's going to come.
My guess... Some major government declaration of intent, such as Europe clamping down on miners, or some rich Arab nation 'buying in' to crypto in some way. When everyone is bearish, and MSM are making front page news rehashing the bad news we already heard a week ago, That's probably the time to buy. When bulls get their victory and MSM says not to worry, then run for the hills.
So much data, so many opinions. All worthless! ( A bit like crypto $:o) )
This is where I'm watching the trend
(currently 32695.57 USD +426.19 (+1.32%) MARKET OPEN (JUN 27 10:03 UTC))
The list of 'chartists' widely differing opinion pieces change frequently. the Swing-o-meter has been stuck in 'Strong sell' or 'sell' since the 60k peak.
One footnote thought.... All those Chinese mining farms being temp decommissioned, containerised and shipped to be installed elsewhere (where?) That very process would take months. Wouldn't want to own those rigs which might as well just be abandoned or broken up and sold as graphics cards. Short Nvidia?
My sentences can be very long sometimes so that's like 20% of it.Quote: EvenBobYou really didn't think I was going to read more than the first couple of sentences did you? I don't have time to read Encyclopedia Britannica entries..
You will forever be wrong.
If you were to understand more about how it worked and what you could do to avoid the rollercoaster ride while still benefitting from the BTC technology as a TOOL........
Quote: AxelWolfMy sentences can be very long sometimes so that's like 20% of it.
You will forever be wrong.
If you were to understand more about how it worked and what you could do to avoid the rollercoaster ride while still benefitting from the BTC technology as a TOOL........
Axel, just a few pages ago, EB bragged he won his argument because people resorted to belittling his roulette claims.
According to EB when one side starts to belittle the other, they have already conceded the argument.
Ironically I would say most all the world will agree when you refuse to read the argument being made with the excuse you can't be bothered, that you have indeed conceded the argument.
EB has lost.
His only recourse is to now claim he doesn't have time to read the argument.
Quote: AxelWolf
You will forever be wrong.
Yet everything I read says I'll be forever right. I wonder who's wrong, you or them. Let's see, they do it for a living. What do you do for a living? Let's not go there..
Quote: EvenBobYet everything I read says I'll be forever right. I wonder who's wrong, you or them. Let's see, they do it for a living. What do you do for a living? Let's not go there..
Casinos are classified as financial institutions.
For a living, Axel regularly outsmarts financial institutions.
Yeah, you shouldn't go there.
Quote: darkoz
For a living, Axel regularly outsmarts financial institutions.
You mean they let him win. You surely must realize the casinos are totally aware of what people like Axel do and they don't spend a lot of effort correcting the problem because it amounts to a bothersome fly on a camels rump. 'Outsmarting' is not the word I would use for what he does. It's definitely the word I would use for myself, though. Casinos have no idea I even exist.
Quote: EvenBobYou mean they let him win. You surely must realize the casinos are totally aware of what people like Axel do and they don't spend a lot of effort correcting the problem because it amounts to a bothersome fly on a camels rump. 'Outsmarting' is not the word I would use for what he does. It's definitely the word I would use for myself, though. Casinos have no idea I even exist.
Now it's safe to say you not only don't understand how Bitcoin works, you don't understand how Casinos work either
Quote: darkozNow it's safe to say you not only don't understand how Bitcoin works, you don't understand how Casinos work either
So you think people like Axel are operating and the casinos are unaware of them? And you think I'm the one that doesn't understand? LOL
You are correct, casinos dont care to know who might get lucky and win treefiddy, especially when they are using a -EV betting system.Quote: EvenBobYou mean they let him win. You surely must realize the casinos are totally aware of what people like Axel do and they don't spend a lot of effort correcting the problem because it amounts to a bothersome fly on a camels rump. 'Outsmarting' is not the word I would use for what he does. It's definitely the word I would use for myself, though. Casinos have no idea I even exist.
As for the rest of the stuff you have little to no clue what you are talking about. I have a long history showing that they do care. They do correct the problems all the time, as to why I'm always having to change, adapt, move on to other locations, travel, find new things and be willing to play many different games and situations where I have an advantage.
Quote: AxelWolf
I have a long history showing that they do care. They do correct the problems all the time,
Yet they do not correct the problem entirely, which we both know they could do. Easily. They do not correct the problem entirely because even with people like you monkeying with the system they still make money, they still make lots of money. They are fully aware of people like you and will correct things within the framework of still keeping the program's going. To them you are flies buzzing around and they tolerate you, up to a point. If they were aware of what I do they would go berserk like they did when Thorpe's book came out. But they have no idea I even exist.
Quote: EvenBobYet they do not correct the problem entirely, which we both know they could do. Easily. They do not correct the problem entirely because even with people like you monkeying with the system they still make money, they still make lots of money. They are fully aware of people like you and will correct things within the framework of still keeping the program's going. To them you are flies buzzing around and they tolerate you, up to a point. If they were aware of what I do they would go berserk like they did when Thorpe's book came out. But they have no idea I even exist.
Quote:Edward Oakley Thorp (born August 14, 1932) is an American mathematics professor, author, hedge fund manager, and blackjack researcher. He pioneered the modern applications of probability theory, including the harnessing of very small correlations for reliable financial gain.
Thorp is the author of Beat the Dealer, which mathematically proved that the house advantage in blackjack could be overcome by card counting.[1] He also developed and applied effective hedge fund techniques in the financial markets, and collaborated with Claude Shannon in creating the first wearable computer.[2]
Thorp received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1958, and worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1959 to 1961. He was a professor of mathematics from 1961 to 1965 at New Mexico State University, and then joined the University of California, Irvine where he was a professor of mathematics from 1965 to 1977 and a professor of mathematics and finance from 1977 to 1982.[3]
Yup, first thing I thought of is Evenbob.
Quote: EvenBobYet they do not correct the problem entirely, which we both know they could do. Easily. They do not correct the problem entirely because even with people like you monkeying with the system they still make money, they still make lots of money. They are fully aware of people like you and will correct things within the framework of still keeping the program's going. To them you are flies buzzing around and they tolerate you, up to a point. If they were aware of what I do they would go berserk like they did when Thorpe's book came out. But they have no idea I even exist.
EB's roulette strategy.
He Hi-Lo counts at Roulette
Hmmmm. That was a surprise. AML and KYC kick in the nuts. Could so easily have affected me.
"The City (London) watchdog has banned one of the world’s largest Bitcoin exchanges from operating in Britain amid mounting fears over the rise of cryptocurrency crime."
Quote: OnceDearBinance Banned in the UK
Why is this always such a shock. The only real use for Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies is crime or hiding assets. My understanding is Bitcoin, if you own it, is almost impossible to trace. Of course I do not understand anything so what do I know. LOL
Quote: rxwine
Yup, first thing I thought of is Evenbob.
There were blackjack card counters long long before Thorpe. Thorpe did not invent card counting, far from it. All he did was proved that the math worked. The card counters who knew what he was doing begged him not to write the book because it would ruin them. And it did, they were almost put out of business by Thorpe's book.