1) No late Bets (I always politely tell the table this before I start shooting).
2) No talking to the shooter when the dice is in his/her hand, this includes clapping in a shooter's face and requesting specific dice rolls.
3) No money thrown on the table during the roll (I always politely tell the table this before I start shooting).
4) Avoid placing mountains of chips in the landing zone of a craps shooter. This includes stacking 20 Nickel Chips as odds, come bets, pass line bets. Use as few chips as possible...use a higher denomination...just use less chips.
5) Avoid extended arguments with dealers over mispayments...
6) Please do not join a table mid-entry while the "puck is on" *especially if the shooter politely requests this*
7) Hands over Rails...please keep your paws behind the rail
8) Most craps shooters, even those that pick up the dice and wing them have a ritual..akin to bowling...a disturbance in their ritual throws them off-kilter.
9) Please avoid excessive hop bets when the "puck is on". We don't need you reciting a thesis to the dealer during a hot roll. Throwing 8 white chips ($1) at the dealer and hopping the Soft 8's, Soft 10's, Soft 6's, Soft 4's for $1 each, Horn bet...."cooling" off the shooter is not cool.
10) Make your dealer bets while the puck is "off". I can't explain this one at all but almost everytime I hear a bet for the dealer...the next word I hear is "SEVEN"! It happened to me so much over the past weekend that I called my bets "off", everytime I heard Dealers Bet.
I am not guaranteeing an hour roll but if we (Pass Line Bettors) all follow these rules...I honestly believe we will do well based on what I see in EVERY craps session.
Disobey every Craps Etiquette rule that I posted and you will make a killing. I know a Don't pass Bettor who intentionally makes $1 Yo bets on every roll as soon as the shooter is about to roll the dice to try and distract the shooter. He always has his hands over the rails and drops chips in the path of the shooters' landing zone. He says he's been doing it for years and that it helps fatten his wallets.
11) Don't splash your bets. When you want $44 inside, I don't need to see EVERY chip individually as the dealer. Put it out in one neat stack right in front of you. It makes it easier and quicker.
12) Don't string bet. This is just an extension of 11. Figure out EVERY bet you want before putting money out. Here's the wrong way to do it: "Gimme a six. Gimme a five. Gimme a nine." Dropping each bet individually. Put one neat stack in front of you saying "Sixteen inside."
Quote: ewjones080Let me add a couple:
11) Don't splash your bets. When you want $44 inside, I don't need to see EVERY chip individually as the dealer. Put it out in one neat stack right in front of you. It makes it easier and quicker.
12) Don't string bet. This is just an extension of 11. Figure out EVERY bet you want before putting money out. Here's the wrong way to do it: "Gimme a six. Gimme a five. Gimme a nine." Dropping each bet individually. Put one neat stack in front of you saying "Sixteen inside."
Nice! It you don't mind....I'm going to add your next two to the list.
From a craps dealers perspective, what's the best way for me to tell the dealers to press my hard ways? Let's say I have $3 on every hard way and the Hard 8 hits paying $27. If I say I "want to press every hard way up by $5, high on 8" A lot of dealers press all the bets to $5 and try to toss me change when I really wanted an additional $5 pressed on all the hardways and the change pressed up on the Hard 8.
Should I say, "Press all hardways by $5, high on 8, no change?
Quote: CrapsForeverNice! It you don't mind....I'm going to add your next two to the list.
From a craps dealers perspective, what's the best way for me to tell the dealers to press my hard ways? Let's say I have $3 on every hard way and the Hard 8 hits paying $27. If I say I "want to press every hard way up by $5, high on 8" A lot of dealers press all the bets to $5 and try to toss me change when I really wanted an additional $5 pressed on all the hardways and the change pressed up on the Hard 8.
Should I say, "Press all hardways by $5, high on 8, no change?
I think the best way to handle that is to just Parlay the whole thing on the number that hit. If the hard 8 hits take it all the way to 30! No confusion & when it hits that's a nice payday!
If I am the shooter, I will just call "off" my bets, hop the 7's... 7-out and find a new table to play on.
Last session, when I was shooting, my bets were "off" on 5 out of my 6 7-outs so I never stress things too much. Same as people who don't listen when I call all my bets "off" and "hop 7's"; I laugh when they get mad at me for "7ing out intentionally"
Call it superstitious as you "marinate on that seven"
In reference to dealer bets; I prefer to give dealers a direct tip after every point made or make a $1 Horn Bet/$1 Big Red on the comeout roll (Puck Off) especially when I am the shooter. Horns are my gift/curse so I take care of the dealers that way.
Different strokes for different folks.....
Quote: ahiromuMy personal pet peeve is when people sit in chairs at the table. I'm not really sure if it's allowed anywhere else, the first time I saw it was at a local Indian place (Muckleshoot in Washington). Not only have I had the worst luck at these tables, but it also seems to slow the game down significantly. I understand that it's an absolute requirement for some people, but that doesn't change the fact that it affects the rest of us.
I live in Florida so riverboat casinos are my only option for Craps. Most of the craps players are older (60+) so they provide chairs for every player. I have to admit though I am a lot younger than 60...I have back issues so I sometimes sit down when I am not the shooter. Not sure if it effects the game where I play but the riverboat KILLS all players bankrolls almost every session so you never know....
I believe that I follow all of your Rules, except I may or may not follow #7. Does putting one hand on the rail count as a violation of Rule #7?
I always wait for a seven-out before I buy-in or make any of my bets. I'm a wrong-way bettor, so, I don't think there's anything superstitious about me waiting for that. I don't necessarily believe in a shooter being, "Hot," but there is an outside chance that the guy is an adept dice manipulator, or that he snuck in some gaffed dice. I know that's an incredibly unlikely long-shot, but it's possible.
I'm also aware that if there is nobody betting the wrong way, and someone comes in betting the wrong way against a shooter who has been making points, that the shooter might consider this bad luck or that the wrong way bettor has some sort of vendetta against him, so I don't want to do anything the shooter may perceive as hurting him or, "Breaking his streak."
I also try not to be a hypocrite, in gambling or anything else, so I will always bet against myself (even at a packed table) when I am the shooter, and I encourage all of the other players to do the same. My theory is that, if most people want to bet with a guy that wants the point to be made, then they should bet with the guy that does not want the point to be made. It's up to them, obviously.
I also think that the things people say about other players' opinion of wrong-way bettors is overblown and exaggerated. It is true that some people like to give me a little bit of jive when the point is made, but it usually seems like good-natured jive. The players also seem to be put into a good mood by my betting, to a certain extent, as I have seen downtrodden people who have been getting killed suddenly take great joy in me making my own point.
Quote: CrapsForever10) Make your dealer bets while the puck is "off". I can't explain this one at all but almost everytime I hear a bet for the dealer...the next word I hear is "SEVEN"! It happened to me so much over the past weekend that I called my bets "off", everytime I heard Dealers Bet
Thinking this action has anything to do with the outcome of the roll just makes you look like a superstitious moron. Should I pump my fist three times and turn my body three times counter clockwise when stepping up to the table too?
I agree with all of your rules...and i think what you're trying to say on the hopping bets, is that you don't want a stupid "stroker" at your table jamming it up...
My BIGGEST pet peeve is paper hitting the felt mid-roll...i always give a good retort when that happens "Get your money in QUICK, a winner is coming!" (as I turn my bets off) ooops, i meant a winner on the don't...
Quote: QuadDeucesThinking this action has anything to do with the outcome of the roll just makes you look like a superstitious moron. Should I pump my fist three times and turn my body three times counter clockwise when stepping up to the table too?
hahaha. There's a couple regulars where I work. One is pretty logical, but one seems to be very superstitious. They're friends, and when someone does something they're not supposed to, or when a few horn numbers have come up in a row, they'll turn one revolution to the left. This only happened once, but it was still hilarious.
Quote: CrapsForeverNice! It you don't mind....I'm going to add your next two to the list.
From a craps dealers perspective, what's the best way for me to tell the dealers to press my hard ways? Let's say I have $3 on every hard way and the Hard 8 hits paying $27. If I say I "want to press every hard way up by $5, high on 8" A lot of dealers press all the bets to $5 and try to toss me change when I really wanted an additional $5 pressed on all the hardways and the change pressed up on the Hard 8.
Should I say, "Press all hardways by $5, high on 8, no change?
Yes. For any "strange" press you should know what money is being put on the hardways and how much change you're getting back. You need to think like a dealer. So you might say, "Press all hards by 5, heavy 8, no change". The "no change" part should really clarify things.
Depending on the property, I think "parlay all hardways" could also work. But since I've never experienced it, I'm not sure. The best thing might be to ask the dealers what makes sense to them.
I think about it like gunfighting. Loading and unloading your pistol is like buying in and coloring up to leave. You don't do it when the fight is on. Unless you run out of ammo, then you have no choice and you buy more chips/get a new mag in the gun. With that said, it is better to do a tactical reload when you know you are getting low and the puck is black than try to get a buy during an active roll.
Puck black is at your nightstand where you can tend to administrative things like checking your gun. Puck white is an active fight.
Quote: TIMSPEEDi think what you're trying to say on the hopping bets, is that you don't want a stupid "stroker" at your table jamming it up...
In regards to bets for the dealers while the puck was felt like every time somebody had a good roll and started to feel good about themselves; they would pause before throwing the dice, kill their "momentum", make a bet for the dealers and the next roll was SEVEN at Bethlehem Sands this past weekend. Rule #10 was one of those anomalies this past weekend that I noticed @ Bethlehem Sands and a couple of other casinos in the past couple of weeks. I told new forum member "Parlay" about my experience on Friday at the Casino. He is a contrarian and always tries to prove my "theories" wrong; that's why I hate playing Craps on the same table with him. He tested out all my "theories" when he came on saturday & destroyed a lot of good rolls.
I will NEVER tell a player not to make a dealers' bet...If I notice a crazy anomaly like "Dealers Bet, Seven out" during a craps session..I take advantage of it by calling my bets "off" and make a come bet. Personally, I do not make dealers bets anymore because I 7-out a lot right after making dealers bets so I prefer to do a hand-in and drop the money directly to the dealer or make a dealers bet when the anomaly of the "Dealer Bet, Seven Out" will not affect my game...when the puck is off.
Similar to when I lost 11 Double Downs in a row when I had 11 and caught an Ace in Blackjack last summer in 2 days at the Hard Rock Casino in Fort Lauderdale, FL....I am now like "Pavlov's Dogs" and will never double down on 11 in Blackjack again! The experience scarred me for life!
Rule # 10 is optional but Rules #1 - #9 ALWAYS messes up my good rolls in craps. It sounds loony; I agree 100% but if you ever play craps with me on a table...I always ask politely to keep the "flow" going in those rare occasions when I am "hot". I am a horrible shooter most of the time (Don't Pass Line Bettors Dream) but the amazing thing is I always announce when I "feel" like I am about to "seven" out. A ridiculous amount of my 7outs occur right after the point is established (PSO) so I always say "Let me throw a regular # (Non-Horn) before you start betting crazy.
People call it "Selective Memory" however if it happens in EVERY single craps session that I partake's not "selective memory"; it's a pattern. People get mad at me because I am usually "off" on my bets and "hop the 7's" when I 7out; they think "I "Seven out intentionally". Craps is "random" but everybody has a unique roll about them. If you play with the same people multiple times; you will start to notice a pattern to their throws regardless of "setting" or just winging the dice. I don't know how to "set the dice"; no matter how I throw the dice...I have similar results in every single craps session. I throw lots of horns especially 2's and 12's but once I throw consecutive horns; I "know" I am most likely going to 7out.
The rules I posted are specific to me (CrapsForever) and what I noticed through playing craps for years. Everybody is different; some people play very well when people cheer for them. I play horribly...when people start cheering me at a craps table...I always say "Please don't let me get overconfident"; I don't like to shake people's hands until I 7out. It's not superstition if it happens in every craps session. If you ever see me scream/get hyped when I am on a great craps roll/ throw consecutive horns; switch to the Don'ts immediately.....I am going to 7out on the next roll most of the time. I will announce "off" on my bets loud enough for everybody on the table to hear before throwing the dice so I feel no guilt when I 7out.
Craps is "random" but when I stay calm, focused, even kiltered, not excited, not throw consecutive horns when the puck is on..and my craps "buddies" follow my etiquette rules....all our chips racks will fill up!
Quote: CrapsForeverIt sounds loony
Yes, you definitely do.
Quote: CalderPerhaps it would help if you printed your rules on cards and passed them around to the other players when it's your turn to shoot
Excellent Idea, Calder!
My ideal goal is to have a one hour session where I can have all players on the table follow these "rules". I feel like we would make a "Killing" especially if we pass the dice right back to the "hot shooter" if there is one in that particular session. I always ask politely to "Please get your bets in early when the dice is in the middle of the table". "Please keep your hands off the rails".....but there is usually someone who goes against the grain. It incenses me when you have a "hot shooter" in "rhythm" making the entire table money...then you have the same IDIOTS making late bets constantly. It really makes me upset! The bad thing is accepted late bets by casinos inspire other players to make late bets. It starts a vicious cycle which destroys the "flow" of a good craps roll.
I am not blaming the late bettors for my 7outs directly but it affects my rhythm and makes me uncomfortable. That's one of the reasons why I don't shoot the dice too much. If there are late bettors on the table...we are all going to lose on my roll so I'd rather pass the dice and hope someone can shoot well despite the distractions.
I was having a good roll early Sunday morning...right before I threw the dice...there was this drunk couple who were making late bets all night/morning with their hands over the rails...the lady put her hands on the rail in the path of my dice throw. I had to pause the throw and ask her to "please move her hands" for the 100th time. The "shooter" should not have to request this. It's up to the other craps player making money to make sure the shooter's rhythm is not affected. Of course...I threw a 7 right back. Did they cause the 7-out?....maybe not...but they definitely did not help me by making me recoil my throw. This was not an isolated event...players were complaining about the couple making late bets all night, I asked them several times but they kept on doing it. It was the only craps table open so I did not have another option. Most casinos that I have played only allow late bets that lose consistently. If late bets start winning consistently, the casinos will stop it.
Let's try something different for one hour and see what happens....
I'll go through this point by point. Most I agree with. Some... I have problems with.
Quote: CrapsForever
1) No late Bets (I always politely tell the table this before I start shooting).
2) No talking to the shooter when the dice is in his/her hand, this includes clapping in a shooter's face and requesting specific dice rolls.
3) No money thrown on the table during the roll (I always politely tell the table this before I start shooting).
4) Avoid placing mountains of chips in the landing zone of a craps shooter. This includes stacking 20 Nickel Chips as odds, come bets, pass line bets. Use as few chips as possible...use a higher denomination...just use less chips.
5) Avoid extended arguments with dealers over mispayments...
6) Please do not join a table mid-entry while the "puck is on" *especially if the shooter politely requests this*
7) Hands over Rails...please keep your paws behind the rail
8) Most craps shooters, even those that pick up the dice and wing them have a ritual..akin to bowling...a disturbance in their ritual throws them off-kilter.
9) Please avoid excessive hop bets when the "puck is on". We don't need you reciting a thesis to the dealer during a hot roll. Throwing 8 white chips ($1) at the dealer and hopping the Soft 8's, Soft 10's, Soft 6's, Soft 4's for $1 each, Horn bet...."cooling" off the shooter is not cool.
10) Make your dealer bets while the puck is "off". I can't explain this one at all but almost everytime I hear a bet for the dealer...the next word I hear is "SEVEN"! It happened to me so much over the past weekend that I called my bets "off", everytime I heard Dealers Bet.
I am not guaranteeing an hour roll but if we (Pass Line Bettors) all follow these rules...I honestly believe we will do well based on what I see in EVERY craps session.
1) If by late you mean "between the time the stick pushes the dice to the shooter and the dice are called" then I'm in total agreement.
2) I'm very quiet when I'm playing. I'll do the occasional clap when the shooter hits a point. I never, ever request specific numbers (out loud).
3) I'll come back to this one.
4) I have been known to use singles on the pass and, rarely, the come. It seems easier to do that than to disrupt the dealer by getting change for my overwhelming number of white chips. I don't do a lot of this.
5) I'll stop arguing with dealers when they stop screwing up. Actually, they haven't screwed up on one of my bets in awhile. It helps to make it easy for them.
6) I'll come back to this one too.
7) Fair enough.
8) True enough, as far as it goes.
9) I don't do hop bets, I don't do middle bets at all. I wish they weren't there; those things can REALLY slow up the game and throw the shooter off-rhythm. But if they weren't there, they'd have to make up for it somewhere else - either by cutting the odds on the other bets or by replacing craps with games that really suck.
10) I don't make dealer bets, and I don't care when others make theirs, except see my response to #9.
As for #3 and #6, I'll consider them together. Throwing bills down while the dice are in the air or even when the dice are in the shooter's hand is an obvious breach of etiquette. But you don't stop there - you consider "the roll" as anytime that the puck is "on". I vehemently disagree. I think if you wait for the dealer to take the losers and pay the winners, you can buy in anytime the dice are still in the middle. Consider it from the everyone else's perspective:
* I want to buy chips ASAP so I can bet when I'm ready to bet
* The casino wants me to buy chips ASAP so I can bet (and lose) ASAP
* The dealers want me to buy chips ASAP so I can win and tip them
Sometimes you've gotta step on someone's toes, and I'm sorry that this is it.
As for joining mid-roll, I see this more often than not (including me). A hot shooter will attract people to the table, as you well know. Why should they wait for you to make your point or 7-out for them to bet on (or against) you? I say they should not.
"Superstition ain't the way" - Stevie Wonder, "Superstition"
Quote: fremont4everI think if you wait for the dealer to take the losers and pay the winners, you can buy in anytime the dice are still in the middle.
When the house is in hurry-up mode, they can make it darned difficult even to get down chips on bets, especially when the puck is on and the bet is not a place or come. Good crews can keep the game moving apace, even with a wide variety of bets. Those are the ones that really deserve appreciation.
Quote: fremont4ever
As for #3 and #6, I'll consider them together. Throwing bills down while the dice are in the air or even when the dice are in the shooter's hand is an obvious breach of etiquette. But you don't stop there - you consider "the roll" as anytime that the puck is "on". I vehemently disagree. I think if you wait for the dealer to take the losers and pay the winners, you can buy in anytime the dice are still in the middle. Consider it from the everyone else's perspective:
* I want to buy chips ASAP so I can bet when I'm ready to bet
* The casino wants me to buy chips ASAP so I can bet (and lose) ASAP
* The dealers want me to buy chips ASAP so I can win and tip them
Sometimes you've gotta step on someone's toes, and I'm sorry that this is it.
As for joining mid-roll, I see this more often than not (including me). A hot shooter will attract people to the table, as you well know. Why should they wait for you to make your point or 7-out for them to bet on (or against) you? I say they should not.
"Superstition ain't the way" - Stevie Wonder, "Superstition"
fremont4ever, I respect your well though-out response. My feeling is .....if you HAVE to buy in whille the puck is ON, Would it kill the player to buy in on a nearby table and then come in with chips? Below is a BIG problem for me:
My BIGGEST pet peeve is paper hitting the felt mid-roll...i always give a good retort when that happens "Get your money in QUICK, a winner is coming!" (as I turn my bets off) ooops, i meant a winner on the don't...
I will admit it..I have seen great craps rolls and "intentionally" ended it by throwing money on the table and making one small bet because I was jealous everyone was making money but me. There is a huge correlation! Too many times.....I would come up to a "hot" table, join in and the shooter would immediately 7-out. I can not explain it but it happens way too often to be coincidental. If you HAVE to join a table in the "middle" of a roll, please get chips from another table and step up to the table as quietly as possible...not to attract the shooters attention. I have had 30 minute rolls where I did not make a single point so there would never be a chance for a new player to buy-in when the puck is "off", try to buy-in when I step away from the table while the dice are in the middle after a roll and please request they get the cash off the table ASAP! I would also suggest making a Come Bet first...don't jump in and buy every number are only inviting a 7-out.
When I am rolling the dice...I focus on a craps felt and nothing else. All of a sudden I see a stack of 10 $100 Bills thrown in the path of my dice throw; It's very distracting and very my opinion. If you will wait until the dice are in the middle, that's a little better. I think a solution for this is for me to just pass the dice to the next shooter whenever bills are thrown on the felt during my roll.
The forum member, "Doc" is a player that I would love all Craps players on my table to act like....
Quote: DocWhen arriving at a crap table, I always wait for the puck to be turned OFF before buying in. If it's a hot roll, I'll just enjoy watching; either the point or the 7 will come soon enough.
Now when I'm shooting, I don't really mind someone else buying in between rolls with the puck ON. I just wait for the transaction to be completed before shooting, even if the stick man has shoved the dice to me. I've had sticks push me to shoot while they are selling chips at the other end, but I decline to do that. My standard comment is, "I'm never in such a hurry to lose my money that I can't wait for someone else to put theirs at risk." This applies to buy-in and to getting a bunch of wagers placed and positioned. I'll wait for both.
What does irk me is when the dice have been pushed to me and I have picked them up to throw, then someone starts tossing cash or chips on the table, yelling what he wants and probably reaching hands well out onto the table pointing at everything as if there is no one playing a game on that table. That's the situation in which I have considered throwing the dice (or even just one of them) very hard directly at the hands of the offending player. A bruised knuckle that got in the way of the game could be a useful lesson.
There was almost a Riot at the Craps table at the Rivers Casino in Chicago a couple of weeks ago when three different men walked up to the table during "hot" rolls dropped money on the table, asked for change...*did not make a single bet", next roll 7-out...then walked away. If you have to get chips during a roll, please make a bet. If you are going to end a hot roll, you should suffer with us by risking some money too. Not trying to be a "conspiracy theorist" but why would anyone use a craps table as a place to change cash for chips, then walk away without making a single bet?
The "craps shooter" while we are playing the PASS LINE is our soldier, he/she is trying to make us money. Let's do whatever we can to make him/her comfortable. I agree my "rules" are excessive but I am very anal when playing craps. Most shooters will not make these requests...however I am willing to put up with any request that a shooter long as my chips rack is filling up quickly!
When people try to buy-in during my roll; I always respectfully ask them if they can wait until the puck is off. Most don't listen...It's their money so I can not argue with whatever decision they make. What gets me angry is when the dice crew tries to force me to throw the dice with all the money spread out. I step away from the table and will not touch the dice until the money is put away. Then I call "off" my bets before the next toss...7out!
I have no issues with clapping AFTER the dice is thrown, or while the dice is in the middle but clapping in a shooter's face and talking to him while he/she is trying to concentrate is wrong! When a golfer is on the greens, does he/she want people screaming at him/her as they prepare to tee off? It's the same principle...I know Craps is random but different people have different rituals...let's respect everyone.
Forum member "FleaStiff" mentioned Venetian (Las Vegas) as a place where craps players are very respectful to each other and have "proper" etiquette. I played Craps in Vegas every year from 2001 - 2008 but never visited Venetian; I will make sure to visit there on my next trip to Vegas, probably later this year.
Quote: FleaStiff
Buying in and then immediately leaving is rude and nonsensical... what do think the cage is for.
I've found the lower tier casinos are most apt to tolerate drunks, loud conversations, distractions, splashing of chips, etc. Terribles is my least favorite for tolerating such things. The Venetian is the polar opposite. Everyone is expected to behave there even the usually rowdy UCLA "Frat Rats" tend to tone down their behavior at the Venetian. The volume level is lowest at the Venetian.
What I want everyone on the forum to do is to keep track of my "Craps Etiquette Rules" in your next craps session and see if you notice any correlation. If there's no correlation to my "rules" and 7-outs, please let me know because that's the casino where I will start playing.
Are you starting to contradict yourself? Wouldn't this be a situation where a person buys in while the puck is "On" ?Quote: CrapsForeverIf you will wait until the dice are in the middle, that's a little better. I think a solution for this is for me to just pass the dice to the next shooter whenever bills are thrown on the felt during my roll.
No, but now you're asking the player to disrupt the flow of the game at whatever table they got chips from. I.E. To buy in but not make a bet. Isn't that one of your peeves at the craps table?Quote: CrapsForeverWould it kill the player to buy in on a nearby table and then come in with chips?
Wait till you hear this:
The one time I went to Mount Airy in PA, I wanted to play poker. After I was assigned a seat, I was told to get chips at the craps table, since the cage was closed at the time.
Quote: DJTeddyBearAre you starting to contradict yourself? Wouldn't this be a situation where a person buys in while the puck is "On" ?
No, but now you're asking the player to disrupt the flow of the game at whatever table they got chips from. I.E. To buy in but not make a bet. Isn't that one of your peeves at the craps table?.
This was in response to fremont4ever about HAVING to buy in during a game when the puck is ON. I don't think a player should EVER buy-in during the craps game. If you MUST, do it as quietly as possible! I have no problems with people buying in for chips when I play Blackjack, Roulette, etc. I always ask permission before joining a Blackjack's just common courtesy.
Quote: DJTeddyBear
Wait till you hear this:
The one time I went to Mount Airy in PA, I wanted to play poker. After I was assigned a seat, I was told to get chips at the craps table, since the cage was closed at the time.
Are you freaking kidding me? Do you know if there was a "hot" roll going on at that time? Why didn't they suggest a blackjack table or Roulette? Everybody knows Craps players are the most "superstitious" of all casino players...why would they want you to possibly kill the Craps player mojo?
So how did you handle that situation? When did you buy in?
Quote: SanchoPanzaWhen the house is in hurry-up mode, they can make it darned difficult even to get down chips on bets, especially when the puck is on and the bet is not a place or come. Good crews can keep the game moving apace, even with a wide variety of bets. Those are the ones that really deserve appreciation.
Yeah, I do appreciate a good, fast, efficient crew. Most of the time. A few times I've been at tables where they're in such a hurry to zip it back to the shooter that they miss people putting down bets - and not particularly late ones either. Then you know what happens - "WATCH YOUR HANDS!" Doink, doink, dink - 7-out, line away...
Quote: CrapsForeverfremont4ever, I respect your well though-out response. My feeling is .....if you HAVE to buy in whille the puck is ON, Would it kill the player to buy in on a nearby table and then come in with chips?
And thank you for your kind response to me. I think we might be able to get along at the table - even if I do buy in at the wrong times.
There's a couple of problems with buying in at another table. First, with the times and places I play, there may not be another craps table open. So I'd have to go to a blackjack table or some other table game to buy in. Or there's one craps table going and one that's staffed but no one is playing. I consider it a much worse breach of etiquette to buy in at a table where I don't intend to play.
Quote: CrapsForeverWhen people try to buy-in during my roll; I always respectfully ask them if they can wait until the puck is off. Most don't listen...It's their money so I can not argue with whatever decision they make. What gets me angry is when the dice crew tries to force me to throw the dice with all the money spread out. I step away from the table and will not touch the dice until the money is put away.
If the crew is doing that, then they're probably rushing things more than they ought. The shooter has a right to shoot when he's good and ready, as long as he doesn't unduly slow up the game.
Quote: CrapsForeverI have no issues with clapping AFTER the dice is thrown, or while the dice is in the middle but clapping in a shooter's face and talking to him while he/she is trying to concentrate is wrong! When a golfer is on the greens, does he/she want people screaming at him/her as they prepare to tee off? It's the same principle...I know Craps is random but different people have different rituals...let's respect everyone.
I should note that I always wait until after the roll is called to clap; there's no reason to clap otherwise. And I wouldn't ever think of clapping in anyone's face, ever, for anything.
I agree about respect, so let's close on that note.
I kid you not.Quote: CrapsForeverAre you freaking kidding me? Do you know if there was a "hot" roll going on at that time? Why didn't they suggest a blackjack table or Roulette? Everybody knows Craps players are the most "superstitious" of all casino players...why would they want you to possibly kill the Craps player mojo?
So how did you handle that situation? When did you buy in?
For what it's worth, this was just a couple months after they got table games. This was just one of several bad mojo reasons that I haven't been back. On the other hand, the poker room has since been moved away from the regular casino floor.
When I was sent to the craps table to get chips, I didn't even question it. It made the most sense to me only because the craps table generally has the most chips.
The funny thing is, I had just left the craps table (down) when I went back 5 minutes later for the chips. There were only 3 players. I went back to the spot where I had been playing, on the side with one player who was not the shooter. I told the dealer that the poker room sent me for chips, and put three hundreds on the rail. He nodded like it's happened before. He asked me what I needed and I told him, 3 greens, 2 stacks of red, and 25 whites. He pulled it out of the bank, cut/counted it, then waited till after the next roll (I do not recall if it was a come out, mid-roll or what the roll was). Then after handling the bets on the table he slid me my chips and THEN asked me to drop the cash. It was a very quick transaction that I do not think disrupted the craps game.
But, yeah, it was weird.
Quote: DJTeddyBearWait till you hear this:
The one time I went to Mount Airy in PA, I wanted to play poker. After I was assigned a seat, I was told to get chips at the craps table, since the cage was closed at the time.
I'm aghast, but for a different reason - the cage was closed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??! Why would the cage EVER close, except when the whole casino was closed? How are you supposed to cash out? Are you supposed to wait until morning or whenever they decide to open up again?
Of course nobody thanked you, but if it had been a seven, here comes the pain train!Quote: NareedDuring WoVCon 1.5 at the MSS, for some reason I can't recall I wound up having the dice hit my hands. They made the point and the hardway. I think I was trying to buy-in, or colelcting the chips. it's a bit fuzzy. But I vividly recall the hard eight.
CF, you sound like a very demanding craps player. I've heard John McCain is the same way. He had a notable blow-up at Mohegan Sun when somebody sidled up next to him and he sevened out. It was reported in the newspapers. Perhaps you can get on a private game with him.
Quote: teddysOf course nobody thanked you, but if it had been a seven, here comes the pain train!
Oh, I didn't mention it, but Doc did thank me :)
Still, I was careful to keep track of the dice for the rest of the evening.
I don't recall the details of the room layout.Quote: fremont4everI'm aghast, but for a different reason - the cage was closed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??! Why would the cage EVER close, except when the whole casino was closed? How are you supposed to cash out? Are you supposed to wait until morning or whenever they decide to open up again?
It could be that there were two cages, and the one closest to the poker room was closed, and the other one was on the other side of the planet, so, in an effort to get me seated quicker, it might have been easier/faster to get chips at the craps table. The open craps table WAS close to the poker room.
Then again, since this was early in the day (around 9 or 10 am), maybe the cage gets so little activity, that it's closed. If you want to cash out, maybe you have to wait, or ring a bell or something....
Mind you that although Mt Airy calls itself a resort, and received the AAA Four Diamond Award, it's not a resort by any means. And its not near any decent airport. I.E. Nobody is looking to go home at 9 or 10 in the morning. The exception would be a local person who played all night, and might just be the type that would color up, and leave without cashing in - in anticipation of a return soon.
Quote: teddysI've heard John McCain is the same way. He had a notable blow-up at Mohegan Sun when somebody sidled up next to him and he sevened out. It was reported in the newspapers. Perhaps you can get on a private game with him.
He has played before at JANugget...and they said he was a real dick...
The bottom line to this thread is...
I understand a LOT of people are just at the crap table to "have a good time" and don't care win/lose...but there are those of us that are their to give us a chance to do so..
Having superstitions is fine, and even my super mathematical self have some. But I think the proper attitude to take on these things is a very libertarian attitude. People are free to have whatever superstitions they want their superstitions do not give them the right to demand another player act a certain way. You can ask, but if they don't want to, you can always just walk away.
Quote: TIMSPEEDHe has played before at JANugget...and they said he was a real dick...
The bottom line to this thread is...
I understand a LOT of people are just at the crap table to "have a good time" and don't care win/lose...but there are those of us that are their to give us a chance to do so..
TIMSPEED hit the nail on the coffin right there. I completely understand that Craps is a negative expectation game but I also know the circumstances under which I have had GREAT rolls. Some people call it "luck", I call it by "design". There are lots of people making loads of money in the Casino everyday. I know a few people through my travels who make their living in the casino....not playing Blackjack or Poker.
I play craps for fun but to also try and win $$$. If I lived in Vegas; I would not need to be so anal about "Craps Etiquette" because there are enough people who know that there's a lot of money that can be made in Craps in a very short period of time. Anyone that knows Casinos where people are respectful of other players on Craps tables and like to win $$$, and not just looking for entertainment, hit me up and let's get this done!
If any of my bets hits, I now have chips to make more bets with. At the seven out, I will then buy in with the rest of my session bankroll.
Quote: niczoneBut I think the proper attitude to take on these things is a very libertarian attitude. People are free to have whatever superstitions they want their superstitions do not give them the right to demand another player act a certain way. You can ask, but if they don't want to, you can always just walk away.
Why should I have to leave the table because some "drunk" player wants to throw chips on the table just at the moment I am about to throw the dice even though I politely ask "please make your bets before I touch the dice"?
Is it fair to players that are already at a Craps table playing for new players to just walk up whenever they want and do whatever they want?
How would you feel (Blackjack Counters) if other players on the table berate you with silly questions while you are trying to keep count?
Is it fair for people walking by to come up and start talking to a Craps shooter as he's about to throw the dice?
Is it fair that a new player will invade a "craps shooter's space" when there are other spots available on the table?
The Casino is always the "enemy", I don't want other craps players to be my enemy especially after I just put $$$ on your chips rack after everybody's been losing all day.
Why do the casinos put the "chips fill" on the craps table and tell players to go ahead and roll the dice. You are blocking a big part of the felt, that's not fair. They don't put "chip fills" on roulette wheels and spin the ball? Am I the only one that hates this?
OK. Now you're just looking for things to be mad about.Quote: CrapsForeverWhy do the casinos put the "chips fill" on the craps table and tell players to go ahead and roll the dice. You are blocking a big part of the felt, that's not fair. They don't put "chip fills" on roulette wheels and spin the ball? Am I the only one that hates this?
Would you really rather they stop the game in order to fill the rack?
Blocking part of the felt? Seriously? Are you really saying that stacks of chips near the rack is going to impede your ability to hit the back wall?
I get the OP's point but it seems that folks are getting way too upset too easily at the dice table. It is very likely that my friends and I will 'violate' several things mentioned here when we are in town next week. But don't worry, we throw dice with the fleas so you probably won't see us.
Quote: DJTeddyBearOK. Now you're just looking for things to be mad about.
Would you really rather they stop the game in order to fill the rack?
Blocking part of the felt? Seriously? Are you really saying that stacks of chips near the rack is going to impede your ability to hit the back wall?
I refuse to throw the dice with the chip fill there. I'll pick up my bets and pass the dice to the next shooter if there is one there. Everybody has things they tolerate. Casinos are supposed to be about customer service. I am paying a hefty price (House Edge) to play there. The least you can do is respect a simple request to remove the chip fill before I throw the dice again especially when I am the only one at the table!
If he is actually a drunk player, just ask the boxman if he thinks it is fair he allows a drunk to make late, messy bets.Quote: CrapsForeverWhy should I have to leave the table because some "drunk" player wants to throw chips on the table just at the moment I am about to throw the dice even though I politely ask "please make your bets before I touch the dice"?
It is better to get the boxman on your side as well as the other players.
It is his table.
Sure it is fair. The Dealers and boxman should only be making sure there are no late bets being made.Quote: CrapsForeverIs it fair to players that are already at a Craps table playing for new players to just walk up whenever they want and do whatever they want?
Because you would not be be consistent in who can play when a point is established.
Angelina Jolie walks up next to you and throws some cash on the table while the dice are in the middle of the table and a point is established.
She is not drunk.
She smells good.
And you now allow her to buy in during your hand, but not Bill Gates or Stacy Friedman?
Sorry about ME's website.
yes and yes.Quote: CrapsForeverIs it fair for people walking by to come up and start talking to a Craps shooter as he's about to throw the dice?
Is it fair that a new player will invade a "craps shooter's space" when there are other spots available on the table?
Angelina Jolie
They are not an enemy.Quote: CrapsForeverThe Casino is always the "enemy",
Look at it this way.
But it is obvious you want to be "King" everywhere.
The casinos make lots of money from losing wagers. The losers.
They use most of the $$$ to pay the winners and they profit from the leftovers.
All you want, or should want, is some of that money from the losers.
Love the casinos and want more losers.
Craps, you can play both sides. Do not try to force a 6 inch round peg into a 5 inch square hole.
Take advantage of it.
Angelina Jolie
I know how to limit my losses when I am the shooter. I can always call "off" my bets and hop the 7's when I feel "not right"
What bothers more more than anything is when other players don't give their fellow craps shooters the respect they deserve. In Atlantic City last week, I saw a really good "Dice Setter" get distracted by another player TWICE! Both long rolls ended when he was distracted at the last the same player screaming and clapping in his face right before he threw the dice.
The Dice thrower was so upset; he left the Casino. I spoke to him before he left and he gave me some awesome tips and advised me to only play in the early mornings during the week, avoid weekends, holidays, evenings.....too packed! The only time Craps players are looking to make $$$, not to play as early as possible.
I'll stop my "rants". I apologize If I got anyone on the forum upset. Last week was a great money making opportunity for me while I was visiting the Northeast but actions by a few including myself (Betting Passively on Great Rolls) & (Betting on too many Chicken-feeders) caused a huge dent in my wallet.
Quote: CrapsForeverCraps is "random" but everybody has a unique roll about them. If you play with the same people multiple times; you will start to notice a pattern to their throws regardless of "setting" or just winging the dice.
Craps is "random" but when I stay calm, focused, even kiltered, not excited, not throw consecutive horns when the puck is on..and my craps "buddies" follow my etiquette rules....all our chips racks will fill up!
Are we gonna let this guy get away with this? Rolling the dice is random dude. Once you say that, thats it. It's either random or it's not random. You clearly don't believe that it is random, you believe that the dice respect positive energy and that the dice punish the table when anyone at the table acts rudely or breaks craps etiquette. You are entitled to believe this, and I am entitled to think that it is silly.
That said, there are some universal pieces of gambling etiquette that ought to be respected. try to make your bets quickly. Try not to throw the dice off the table. Don't buy in with 50 $1 bills, etc. Beyond that, you really have no right to tell people how to act. I, for one, think it is rude to be calling bets on and off in the middle of a roll unless it is done very occassionally, like no more than twice an hour. Other people do this all the time, oh well. You want everyone to follow a bunch of new rules based on your superstition and you are missing the whole point of the game. The point of craps is to get excited, high five some strangers, get a little loose, maybe have a couple of beers....TO HAVE FUN! If you are stressing over everyone's last little movement the whole time I believe that you are turning what is meant to be a fun diversion into a major stressor for yourself, but it is certainly not what everyone wants to have to deal with while they are playing. If you were at my table and started talking about how I was jinxing the table by saying "come on shooter, give us that 9!" or because someone made a couple of two way hard bets, I would think that you were nuts. If you chastised someone for doing something like this at the table I would think that you were a jerk. Just cool down, and enjoy the game.
If you can't enjoy playing craps unless you change the behavior of the craps universe to the point that all your rules are respected, I suggest you find a new hobby.
The ONE time I shot for just a hair under two hours (104 rolls)..the table neither gained nor lost people for probably the entire time (It started out crowded and no one left/joined; or WAS let in I guess, lol) The ebb & flow of the game stayed the same and a lot of the payouts were the same (people only pressed the bets they already had, rather than make completely different new ones)
If you think about it, a roll a minute almost (I'd say it lasted 104 minutes would be a pretty precise estimate) is a FAST pace, ESPECIALLY at that deep of a that shows you about the flow...
Yes.Quote: CrapsForever(Betting Passively on Great Rolls)
What is wrong to slowly increase your winning wagers as they win and do not increase your wagers as they lose? Is say nothing.
Not mine. I make great $$$ from the feeders.Quote: CrapsForever& (Betting on too many Chicken-feeders) caused a huge dent in my wallet.
Must be better CFs in Vegas than back east. Yuk
Chicken-feeders, on average, have the longest rolls at the craps tables.
the 154 roll hand WORLD DOCUMENTED RECORD was by a CF, Grandma to boot!
I tracked that stat a few years ago. Type of shooter and length of their hand (how many total rolls they had before the 7out roll)
The DIs had the shortest rolls per hand. They were also the loudest with every possible excuse that could be thought of.
The ones right below the CFs in longest rolls are the "hot dice' shooters.
The ones that as soon as the dice are sent to them they pick up the dice and toss them to the other side as quickly as possible as though the dice are too hot to touch.
There are a few old timers at El Cortez that do this.
Even tho I have actual dice rolls and notes to prove this, people will never believe it unless they see it themselves.
Kind of like electrons and stuff.
Quote: guido111Yes.
What is wrong to slowly increase your winning wagers as they win and do not increase your wagers as they lose? Is say nothing.!
Not sure what this means but I need some help learning how to press bets when I am way behind.
Example 1... I am down $800 on a $15 table and the shooter is hitting Pass Line After Pass should I increase my bets to maximize this "hot" streak?
Example #2...I am down $800 on a $15 table...the "hot"' shooter can't make a point to save his/her life but he's hitting the same number 5-6 times everytime he touches the dice. how should I increase my bets to maximize this "hot" streak?
Quote: guido111
Chicken-feeders, on average, have the longest rolls at the craps tables.
the 154 roll hand WORLD DOCUMENTED RECORD was by a CF, Grandma to boot!
I tracked that stat a few years ago. Type of shooter and length of their hand (how many total rolls they had before the 7out roll)
I agree about some Chicken-feeders having great rolls. I didn't run into any during my 4 day soirée playing Craps in the Northeast.
Quote: guido111
The DIs had the shortest rolls per hand. They were also the loudest with every possible excuse that could be thought of..!
That's interesting. Real "Dice Setters" that I have met through the years (Less than 5) are very quiet and are in Casinos for less than an hour a day.
Quote: guido111
The ones right below the CFs in longest rolls are the "hot dice' shooters.
The ones that as soon as the dice are sent to them they pick up the dice and toss them to the other side as quickly as possible as though the dice are too hot to touch. There are a few old timers at El Cortez that do this...!
I LOVE "hot dice" shooters the most, the pace is gets made in a real short period and there is absolutely no scrutiny by the Pit-Boss because they are picking it up and just throwing.
Quote: guido111
Even tho I have actual dice rolls and notes to prove this, people will never believe it unless they see it themselves.
Kind of like electrons and stuff....!
No need to convince me...I have seen enough in my years of playing. I just want to be on a table full of Real DI's, "Lucky" Chicken Feeders and "Hot Dice" shooters! I know how to not get in their way and to pass the dice right back to them and keep the chip racks flowing...I just need to learn how to maximize my chips rack potential.
Press Strategy Help. Should I:
1) Press up a Unit After every hit.
2) Full Press, Take, Full Press, Take
3) Press 50%.
I need to have an "automated" press strategy; I waste too much time thinking on the Craps table and end up not pressing that much. It's embarrassing to always be on the short end of the chips rack after "hot" rolls.
Quote: CrapsForeverNot sure what this means but I need some help learning how to press bets when I am way behind.
Example 1... I am down $800 on a $15 table and the shooter is hitting Pass Line After Pass should I increase my bets to maximize this "hot" streak?
Example #2...I am down $800 on a $15 table...the "hot"' shooter can't make a point to save his/her life but he's hitting the same number 5-6 times everytime he touches the dice. how should I increase my bets to maximize this "hot" streak?
#1: Double your bet with each pass line ($15 -> $30 -> $60 -> $120; four passes in a row and if you're not back in the ball game after that 4th pass, you're fucked)
#2: Progressively Press those same 5-6 numbers ($10/12 - >$15/18 -> $30 -> $60)
Quote: QuadDeucesThinking this action has anything to do with the outcome of the roll just makes you look like a superstitious moron. Should I pump my fist three times and turn my body three times counter clockwise when stepping up to the table too?
Have you read any of CrapsForever's posts? He is obviously very superstitious, and I wouldn't bother arguing with him, you're just going to waste your time and not change his mind.
Quote: TIMSPEED#1: Double your bet with each pass line ($15 -> $30 -> $60 -> $120; four passes in a row and if you're not back in the ball game after that 4th pass, you're fucked)
#2: Progressively Press those same 5-6 numbers ($10/12 - >$15/18 -> $30 -> $60)
Interesting....The guy who made $6,500 profit off a $300 buy-in in Bethlehem Sands on Sunday morning was doing the exact same thing; Doubling every Pass Line Bet. He was killing it! He was also making crazy Hardways & Field Bets. I will honestly try this (Doubling Pass Line Bet) next time....I need all the help I can get. Do you always use Max Odds? I usually use Double/Triple Odds. I feel uncomfortable having too much of my bankroll on just one number.
If a guy hits Seven 9's in a row and you started wirth $15 on the 9...what would your progression be in betting? $15>$30>$60>$120>$240>$480>$960?
At what point would you stop progressing the bet?
No clear max way. Just increase the winning bets.Quote: CrapsForeverNot sure what this means but I need some help learning how to press bets when I am way behind.
Example 1... I am down $800 on a $15 table and the shooter is hitting Pass Line After Pass should I increase my bets to maximize this "hot" streak?
You have to control your bets and bankroll.
No one else can.
If you practice playing in WinCraps, it can help you.
Just increase the winning bets. Some use the Fibonacci sequence. (1,1,2,3,5,8,etc add the last 2 bets to get the new one.)I know ME has mentioned that.Quote: CrapsForeverExample #2...I am down $800 on a $15 table...the "hot"' shooter can't make a point to save his/her life but he's hitting the same number 5-6 times everytime he touches the dice. how should I increase my bets to maximize this "hot" streak?
Just make sure the next bet is higher than the last.
from my "post your dice roll file thread"
The dealers said this was a cold table. I said I just drove over 200 miles to play.
After the big 26 roll hand, look how fast the shooters went out. Then it became choppy.
Made money then gave it back.
The table emptied except me and another.
It took a while to come back, but it does and did.
The other guy had the 27 roller, I had the 19.

I suggest.
Find WinCraps software.
Here it is
WinCraps software
It is free shareware to have on your computer. Windows only.
Practice playing your style on it. You can save the dice rolls and replay with a different strategy.
That is why I chart a table.
I place the rolls into WinCraps and replay. Sometimes sessions from 10 years ago!
Just to see if I stay consistent in the way I like to play.
I still cuss myself out replaying old sessions when I do not make the bets I say I should be making.
It will not hurt to see what you like to do and how you can do it.