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March 26th, 2012 at 9:50:28 AM permalink
Why are craps dealers more grumpy than the roullette or BJ dealers?

Also, why do the always tell me my betting sucks? (it probably does....but it seems strange they should always mention it)

I was at Encore Saturday night (about 3-4am), table was packed. I was laying the 10 on the comeout - taking it down once the point is established. I kept saying, "I'm working on the comeout" - (apparently, a Lay bet is always working...I previously didn't know that). Anyway, the boxman rudely expains this, then states pretty clearly - "plus, I don't know why would make that bet anyway" with a look of disgust on his face. (I didn't see him say anything to anyone who was making high risk sucker bets.......)

That kinda pissed me off - but just a little, since I walked away with $750 in just an hour or so of play.

But this isn't that unique. I get boxman and stickman say stuff like that all the time to me - like when I take no action on the DC line, or whatever - and it isn't like they are being friendly, and giving a nice explaination like "Hey, did you know that your odds are better on the don't come 5 once the point is established?" Its usually a rude and under-the-breath comment about how dumb I am.
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March 26th, 2012 at 9:54:12 AM permalink
Quote: slackyhacky

Why are craps dealers more grumpy than the roullette or BJ dealers?
(I didn't see him say anything to anyone who was making high risk sucker bets.......)
That kinda pissed me off - but just a little, since I walked away with $750 in just an hour or so of play.

i think you answered your own question.
they hate the bets that have no house edge.
they love suckers, it gives them job security.
keep doing what you're doing and walk away when you're ahead.
i envy you being reviled by the boxman...
In a bet, there is a fool and a thief. - Proverb.
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March 26th, 2012 at 10:31:58 AM permalink
Quote: WongBo

i think you answered your own question.
they hate the bets that have no house edge.
they love suckers, it gives them job security.
keep doing what you're doing and walk away when you're ahead.
i envy you being reviled by the boxman...

Also..if you were Laying10 for $60 and paid $1 vig everytime the 7 came up, then you actually had a decent bet. (Even if you were laying it for $50, still not too shabby)
Craps dealers are surly because if you kept making them move around (put your bet up, take it down, put it up, take it down) they get angry. They'd rather just bend down scoop your money up.
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March 26th, 2012 at 11:40:48 AM permalink
I have no experience with roulette, but I find craps dealers friendlier than blackjack dealers. Just playing perfect basic strategy in BJ makes me so different than the average players that, should the dealer ever offer an opinion, it's always against me (taking even money, when to hit 12, stuff like that).
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March 26th, 2012 at 12:23:51 PM permalink
yes, I think the pit boss was saying your bet sucks because it is a pain in the a** for him, nothing relating to HE
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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March 26th, 2012 at 1:00:29 PM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit

yes, I think the pit boss was saying your bet sucks because it is a pain in the a** for him, nothing relating to HE


I do move things around a lot. But.....the first thing I do when I get to the table is give a tip, and say - this is because I am going to have you move my stuff up and down a lot. The dealer almosts always says - no biggie, that's why I am here - but they do always get annoyed anyway.
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March 26th, 2012 at 1:04:40 PM permalink
A craps dealer will usually help you out as much as he can particularly if you are "doing the Lord's work", ie. making toke bets.
Its this constant: put it up, no take it down that angers them or the other forms of "stroking" real or imagined that annoys them.

A craps dealer usually loves experienced players because they have already learned to tip.

Many bar tenders come to work soused because its the only way to keep all the orders straight and make the drinks really quickly.
A craps dealer doesn't have that luxury, he has to come to work sober but go thru it all reacting to what is happening in real time. Its a job for at best HS graduates, often not even that. Yet the money can be very good once they are past the break-in joints with all the fleas and strokers. A guy making eighty grand at The Venetian probably started out with jerks at The Western.

If you get treated really bad, you are doing something wrong. The upper class joints will react with humor, the lower class joints will react with insults. Either way its a reaction to what is being done by the player... sometimes unknowingly, sometimes knowingly.
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March 26th, 2012 at 1:40:25 PM permalink
Don't ever take any shit from a dealer. When they
try and correct you, or put you down, just tell
them its your money and you bet it where you like.
Or ask them when they're going to get a real job,
like working at McDonalds. That always shuts them up.
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March 26th, 2012 at 2:01:42 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Don't ever take any shit from a dealer. When they
try and correct you, or put you down, just tell
them its your money and you bet it where you like.

Actually, at that point, you need to immediately leave that table and MAYBE even that casino...because it's obvious that the dealer isn't happy and also maybe that CASINO hires unhappy people...
Personally I'd play at the Fiesta because they hire people who LOVE dealing (ala: Dan Lubin)
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March 26th, 2012 at 2:19:31 PM permalink

Personally I'd play at the Fiesta because they hire people who LOVE dealing (ala: Dan Lubin)

It's funny you mention that. Last trip I went to Joker's Wild with the intent to play there for a while, maybe two and a half hours. I bought in for $280 in the middle of a roll, and the guy next to me went on a little diatribe to his friend about how much he hates people who buy in in the middle of the roll, etc. (Yeah, I know I could wait, and maybe piss off less people, but I don't care. I hate superstitious players). I immediately colored up my chips (didn't make one bet), and left. "Nothing kills my luck like superstitious craps players who mutter about you behind your back." Then I went over to the Fiesta and lost my money there :)

Calling no action on the DC on a point of 5 is objectively a bad bet, and a good dealer would tell you so.
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March 26th, 2012 at 3:00:11 PM permalink
Quote: teddys

and the guy next to me went on a little diatribe to his friend

That is bad enough. Worse is a crew member trying to belittle your actions.

>Calling no action on the DC on a point of 5 is objectively a bad bet, and a good dealer would tell you so.
Yes, but very many dealers will incorrectly encourage the use of "No Action" on a DontCome bet that rolls anything other than SIX or EIGHT.

The important thing is that the dealer tries to the best of his ability to welcome you to the table and to assist you. The dealer may not be a math genius or have much experience, but he should be trying his damnest to help you by not making snide comments about mid-roll buy ins or allowing others to make such comments.

Jokers Wild is a nice place but I think the air conditioning is inadequate for even one person lighting up, much less everyone in the whole place smoking like a chimney.
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March 26th, 2012 at 3:32:34 PM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

Yes, but very many dealers will incorrectly encourage the use of "No Action" on a DontCome bet that rolls anything other than SIX or EIGHT.

I give the dealers the benefit of the doubt by saying that they are not necessarily encouraging bad decisions, but are simply recommending the bad bets that they see other, seemingly experienced bettors, making.

I.E. Dark siders are generally thought of as being more experienced, and therefore more knowledgeable. So if many dark siders often make the same bad decision, is it so terrible to suggest it to other dark siders?
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March 26th, 2012 at 4:12:26 PM permalink
I've found it to be the opposite. I can't think of a grumpy craps dealer, I'm sure I've run into them in the last 20 years, but none pops into my head. I can think of plenty of grumpy BJ dealers. Not all of course, but enough. I was once dealt a pair of 5's, put down the money to double, the dealer asked if I wanted to double or split. I said "What, do I look stupid enough to split 5's?" He just shook his head "yes." I guess I walked into that one, but for a person working for tips, he should know something about sucking up to the customer.
I've also found that a dealer has to know how to deal a game, not play it, they are two different things. I once asked what the difference was in a horn bet vs. a C and E. The box pointed out that the horn pays on 2,3,11, and 12. I asked "Isn't that C and E?" He was lost. I had to consult the Wiz when I got home. Same result when I asked (as a fairly new player) why the hard 6 and 8 pay more than the hard 4 and 10.
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March 26th, 2012 at 4:25:56 PM permalink
Quote: AlanRRT

I've found it to be the opposite. I can't think of a grumpy craps dealer, I'm sure I've run into them in the last 20 years, but none pops into my head. I can think of plenty of grumpy BJ dealers. Not all of course, but enough. I was once dealt a pair of 5's, put down the money to double, the dealer asked if I wanted to double or split. I said "What, do I look stupid enough to split 5's?" He just shook his head "yes." I guess I walked into that one, but for a person working for tips, he should know something about sucking up to the customer.
I've also found that a dealer has to know how to deal a game, not play it, they are two different things. I once asked what the difference was in a horn bet vs. a C and E. The box pointed out that the horn pays on 2,3,11, and 12. I asked "Isn't that C and E?" He was lost. I had to consult the Wiz when I got home. Same result when I asked (as a fairly new player) why the hard 6 and 8 pay more than the hard 4 and 10.

What I've found is never take advice from ANYONE in the casino. Most players won't know what they're talking about, because they got their expertise from other bad players. And dealers don't know what they're talking about, because they got their expertise from other unknowledgable dealers or the same bad players.

I constantly see dealers offering up advice, but it's bad advice. It's not on purpose they just don't know any better. They do know the center bets are worse, but there's still confusion there. I've seen dealers suggest doing a three way crap instead of just $3 on the Any Crap bet. And one dealer said the hard 4/10 is better than hard 6/8. Caught me off guard because he seemed very smart and savvy with all the different bets of the game, but not knowing that really bothered me. I lose respect for people very quickly when they try to "educate" me on something when I know they're wrong.
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March 26th, 2012 at 4:27:28 PM permalink
Well with the splitting 5's thing I dealt to a player who got a pair of 5's put more $ so I threw 1 card for a double, which was an ace and he said I wanted to split. I said you have 21, he said ok.
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March 26th, 2012 at 4:32:36 PM permalink

There seems to be more to the story than you are telling here. I would really like to know exactly how your entire betting pattern was during your time playing. Were you only laying the 10? Were you doing place bets? come bets? don't come bets? prop bets?

Since you were laying the 10 on the comeout roll, this means that either a point was made or there was a seven out. When do you tell the dealers that you want to lay the 10? Do you wait until the dealers have either finished paying the line (after a point was made) or done their clean up (after a seven out)? Or do you keep saying "lay the 10" "lay the 10" "lay the 10" while the dealers are still working on the previous roll results? Do you have your chips ready and know exactly what you want? Such as, "lay the 10 for $100" and you have $102 ready for the dealer ($102 if the vig is paid while placing the bet). Or do you just say "i want to lay the 10" without knowing for how much or having your chips ready.

There are a couple things that you said in your story that are interesting (1) the table was packed and (2) I kept saying, "I'm working on the comeout".

So while the table was packed, the dealer who is servicing many other players hears you saying "I'm working on the comeout", "I'm working on the comeout", "I'm working on the comeout", "I'm working on the comeout", "I'm working on the comeout" because you do not know enough about the game (until now) to realize that a lay bet always works.

If somehow the scenario I painted is correct, I can understand why the craps dealers might be grumpy.
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March 26th, 2012 at 4:51:15 PM permalink
Quote: ewjones080

I constantly see dealers offering up advice, but it's bad advice. It's not on purpose they just don't know any better.

Often that is the case. They may or may not have been trained. Some were "thrown into the deep end of the pool" and survived, some had extensive training but it may have been long ago. Most craps training is on techniques and procedures anyway, not on math and common sense. Which hands to use and how to not block the camera or the boxman's view is important in training. Which bets to make and which not to make take lesser priority. Dealers pride themselves and are often tested on weird prop bets payouts, but what a dealer really has to do is often unrelated to some idiots weird prop bet.
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March 26th, 2012 at 5:18:14 PM permalink
Quote: NicksGamingStuff

Well with the splitting 5's thing I dealt to a player who got a pair of 5's put more $ so I threw 1 card for a double, which was an ace and he said I wanted to split. I said you have 21, he said ok.

You really do need to ask. If that card was a 6, there would have been real problems.

Sure, the right thing to do is to double. But you gotta ask. And if you get the "Do I look stupid?" reply, just say that you've seen people split them, so management demands that the action is verified if there wasn't a hand signal.

Pop quiz:

Does everyone know the hand signals for splitting, doubling and surrendering?

Does everyone know the proper chip placement for splitting and doubling?
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March 26th, 2012 at 6:21:48 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

You really do need to ask. If that card was a 6, there would have been real problems.

Sure, the right thing to do is to double. But you gotta ask. And if you get the "Do I look stupid?" reply, just say that you've seen people split them, so management demands that the action is verified if there wasn't a hand signal.

Pop quiz:

Does everyone know the hand signals for splitting, doubling and surrendering?

Does everyone know the proper chip placement for splitting and doubling?

Spliting you spread your two fingers apart, indicating two seperate bets. Doubling you raise one finger for one card. Surrender you touch the table with your finger behind your bet and run your finger across in a line.

For a split place the chips to the left of your original bet with a gap inbetween the two bets. For a double place the chips to the left of the original bet with no space inbetween.
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March 26th, 2012 at 6:39:26 PM permalink
Quote: winmonkeyspit3

Surrender you touch the table with your finger behind your bet and run your finger across in a line.

While this is GENERALLY considered the universal symbol for surrender, this is the one least known, even in casinos that offer surrender. I played one day at Rising Sun in Indiana. I kept doing the "correct" move for surrender, only to have the dealer keep giving me a card for a hit. I would say "Surrender" FIRST, THEN draw the line for the camera. I had a pit supervisor actually come close to kicking me off the boat because I refused to use the universal symbol for "Rescue" (waving your hand back, like give it to me).

I know this is the wrong thread, but that guy (supervisor) was probably the rudest casino employee I have ever encountered. I told him that's not the universal symbol, that in Vegas, that is the required symbol at most casinos. He told me "Well, we're not in Vegas, now are we?"

Other than that, Rising Sun is a surprisingly good casino... wait, I'm jumping threads...
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March 26th, 2012 at 8:25:45 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

Does everyone know the proper chip placement for splitting and doubling?

Dealers are more apt to tell you the proper chip placement for tips.
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March 26th, 2012 at 8:56:26 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

Does everyone know the proper chip placement for splitting and doubling?

Quote: winmonkeyspit3

For a split place the chips to the left of your original bet with a gap inbetween the two bets. For a double place the chips to the left of the original bet with no space inbetween.

Are these universal? I can never seem to remember the left/right thing and to be honest I just put the money out there and let the dealer take care of it. Probably enough dealers at sawdust joints have never corrected my incorrectly-placed chips (on the right side, or touching for a split) that I've never learned the right way.
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March 27th, 2012 at 12:15:00 AM permalink
Quote: AlanRRT

I had to consult the Wiz when I got home. Same result when I asked (as a fairly new player) why the hard 6 and 8 pay more than the hard 4 and 10.

I probably shouldn't admit this, but you caused me to puzzle over this for a minute. Then I remembered all the ways in which the bets lose, which is not just by rolling a 7.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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March 27th, 2012 at 4:53:12 AM permalink
Quote: winmonkeyspit3

Surrender you touch the table with your finger behind your bet and run your finger across in a line.

While that is what the Wiz indicated on his video, it's too easy for a fast dealer to see the finger come down and give a Hit.

Quote: Tiltpoul

I had a pit supervisor actually come close to kicking me off the boat because I refused to use the universal symbol for "Rescue" (waving your hand back, like give it to me).

It seems to me that "give it to me" could be "give me a card."

The "correct" sign for surrender, as I learned it, is waving your hand or thumb in front of your neck. I.E. The "cut" sign people will use when watching a train-wreck of a performance.


For splits, I will put a stack of chips to the left and touching the original bet (as if to verify the sizes match), and then move it a little to the left, "splitting" the stacks. It's placed on the left, because that where the top card is moved to, to make two hands.

I also use a distinctine hand motion. I do a two-fingered point to the hand, and then split my fingers to a V, indicating tha tthe two cards should be separated.


For doubles, I put a matching stack behind and touching the original bet. By placing it behind, the two stacks look like the two cards - remaining together, one in front of the other. I then use the number 1 hand sign to indicate 1 card.


Apparently, there are no clear answers to my pop quiz questions.

But that is also rather interesting.

If this group of intelligent experienced gamblers can't come up with consistant answers, how do you expect dealers to do any better?
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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March 27th, 2012 at 6:30:51 AM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

If this group of intelligent experienced gamblers can't come up with consistant answers, how do you expect dealers to do any better?

there is no consistency in the industry, that's why.

this was supposed to be a craps thread...
now hijacked by blackjackers.
In a bet, there is a fool and a thief. - Proverb.
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March 27th, 2012 at 6:54:02 AM permalink
No, this was supposed to be about mean dealers.

And inconsistancy, on both sides of the table, is common.
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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March 27th, 2012 at 7:02:28 AM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

I know this is the wrong thread, but that guy (supervisor) was probably the rudest casino employee I have ever encountered.

BJ and Craps suffer from the same lack of any official rule making body. Buffalo Bets in Buffalo and Vegas can mean different things. Techniques are learned under the gun rather than in craps classes. Even my name, Fleastiff, would get a different reception at Terribles than at The Venetian. A craps dealer saying Fleastiff at the Venetian would get written up for it. A craps dealer at Terribles would think nothing of it.
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March 27th, 2012 at 12:36:20 PM permalink
Quote: Fleaswatter


There seems to be more to the story than you are telling here. I would really like to know exactly how your entire betting pattern was during your time playing. Were you only laying the 10? Were you doing place bets? come bets? don't come bets? prop bets?

Since you were laying the 10 on the comeout roll, this means that either a point was made or there was a seven out. When do you tell the dealers that you want to lay the 10? Do you wait until the dealers have either finished paying the line (after a point was made) or done their clean up (after a seven out)? Or do you keep saying "lay the 10" "lay the 10" "lay the 10" while the dealers are still working on the previous roll results? Do you have your chips ready and know exactly what you want? Such as, "lay the 10 for $100" and you have $102 ready for the dealer ($102 if the vig is paid while placing the bet). Or do you just say "i want to lay the 10" without knowing for how much or having your chips ready.

There are a couple things that you said in your story that are interesting (1) the table was packed and (2) I kept saying, "I'm working on the comeout".

So while the table was packed, the dealer who is servicing many other players hears you saying "I'm working on the comeout", "I'm working on the comeout", "I'm working on the comeout", "I'm working on the comeout", "I'm working on the comeout" because you do not know enough about the game (until now) to realize that a lay bet always works.

If somehow the scenario I painted is correct, I can understand why the craps dealers might be grumpy.

I had a money management system that was working okay - using place/lay/come bets, sometimes DC bets - and some prop bets ...i guess a little bit of everything.

I would tell the dealer after he cleared the chips, layed the correct amount ($105 - 102 would have been nice), and as am placing the money down, say, working..

The dealer didn't seem bothered. It was the boxman. The dealer had my way down quickly - he returned my lay after the point was established without me saying anything - if the lay hit, he didn't need to ask if I was staying up 'cuz he knew I was - and just asked for the vig.

but yes, my voice is whinney and I try - in all cases - to be as annoying as possible.
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March 27th, 2012 at 1:09:04 PM permalink
Quote: slackyhacky

I had a money management system that was working okay - using place/lay/come bets, sometimes DC bets - and some prop bets ...i guess a little bit of everything.

I would tell the dealer after he cleared the chips, layed the correct amount ($105 - 102 would have been nice), and as am placing the money down, say, working..

The dealer didn't seem bothered. It was the boxman. The dealer had my way down quickly - he returned my lay after the point was established without me saying anything - if the lay hit, he didn't need to ask if I was staying up 'cuz he knew I was - and just asked for the vig.

but yes, my voice is whinney and I try - in all cases - to be as annoying as possible.

From what you said here, the title of your first post is misleading, I guess you should had titled it "Encore boxmen are meanies" since you just said the dealer didn't seem bothered.

From what you have posted, I can see how you could perceive craps dealers and boxmen as meanies, here are examples of what you do:
(1) I kept saying, "I'm working on the comeout
(2) yes, my voice is whinney and I try - in all cases - TO BE AS ANNOYING AS POSSIBLE
(3) I had a money management system that was working okay - using place/lay/come bets, sometimes DC bets - and some prop bets ...i guess a little bit of everything
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March 27th, 2012 at 1:53:27 PM permalink
Quote: AlanRRT

I can think of plenty of grumpy BJ dealers. Not all of course, but enough.

Me and my lady were playing at the dollar tables at Sahara's before they sadly closed - and I swear we had the groutchiest person dealing for use. If we had been smart, we would have left - but we did not. Instead we kept asking her why she was so mean, and openly laughing and talking about how we couldn't believe how rude she was, and of course making comments like - "now come on, why did you make such a sour face?", or "have you not learned that being nice is a much better way to get through this life?" It turned out to be a lot of fun trying to make HER absolutely miserable - although she obviously was already - and the funny thing is, she couldn't go anywhere.

Then when her break came, we called the pit boss - or whatever is the correct term - and said - "holy cow that dealer is mean. Is she always like that? We never have seen someone so rude."

I wonder what happened to her after that.
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March 27th, 2012 at 2:06:20 PM permalink
i love that you mocked her for your own entertainment and then still tried to get her fired...
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March 27th, 2012 at 2:13:59 PM permalink
Quote: slackyhacky

Then when her break came, we called the pit boss - or whatever is the correct term - and said - "holy cow that dealer is mean. Is she always like that? We never have seen someone so rude."

So you mocked her and made fun of her and
then tried to get her fired? And this is entertainment
to you? Whats with this sickening bully attitude
that seems to be so pervasive now. I saw a kid
on TV the other night who was bullied in Jr High
and they taped him on the school bus. Kids were
constantly slapping him and hitting him and if
he tried to fight back, it got even worse. Bullying
is a sad commentary on the society we live in,
young people feel so powerless they take it out
on those weaker than them.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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March 27th, 2012 at 2:19:58 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

So you mocked her and made fun of her and
then tried to get her fired? And this is entertainment
to you? Whats with this sickening bully attitude
that seems to be so pervasive now. I saw a kid
on TV the other night who was bullied in Jr High
and they taped him on the school bus. Kids were
constantly slapping him and hitting him and if
he tried to fight back, it got even worse. Bullying
is a sad commentary on the society we live in,
young people feel so powerless they take it out
on those weaker than them.


You think that if someone is being a bully to me (rude, inappropriate, etc), and I call her out on it, make comments about how she is being inappropriate, and keep smiling and happy and physically show - by laughing and such - that her bullying and her inappropriate behavior isn't working (for whatever reason she wants to be that way) is somehow being a bully back?

And did I say I tried to get her fired? What is wrong with giving feedback to someone's boss about their performance? What world do you live in where that is wrong?
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March 27th, 2012 at 2:22:25 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

So you mocked her and made fun of her and
then tried to get her fired? And this is entertainment
to you? Whats with this sickening bully attitude
that seems to be so pervasive now. I saw a kid
on TV the other night who was bullied in Jr High
and they taped him on the school bus. Kids were
constantly slapping him and hitting him and if
he tried to fight back, it got even worse. Bullying
is a sad commentary on the society we live in,
young people feel so powerless they take it out
on those weaker than them.


So if someone is extremely rude to me...and I say "Holy Crap that was rude! You are mean! Why are you so mean?" - this is being a bully?

I never thought of myself as a bully before. cool i guess.
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March 27th, 2012 at 2:24:17 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

i love that you mocked her for your own entertainment and then still tried to get her fired...

It was fun...

They were all fired anyway. At least I tried to prevent that from happening by giving them my money. Too little, to late I guess.
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March 27th, 2012 at 2:34:05 PM permalink
Quote: slackyhacky

make comments about how she is being inappropriate, and keep smiling and happy and physically show - by laughing and such -

Now you're changing your story. You originally said you
had fun making her totally miserable and she couldn't
go anywhere to get away from you. Thats the very
essence of bullying and because you enjoyed it so much,
that makes you a bully. And of course you told her
boss because you wanted to get her disciplined or fired.
Thats the only reason anybody ever complains to a
supervisor about an employee.
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March 27th, 2012 at 2:37:09 PM permalink
Quote: slackyhacky

(About laying the 10 and how it works) The boxman rudely expains this, then states pretty clearly - "plus, I don't know why would make that bet anyway" with a look of disgust on his face. (I didn't see him say anything to anyone who was making high risk sucker bets.......) That kinda pissed me off - but just a little, since I walked away with $750 in just an hour or so of play.
But this isn't that unique. I get boxman and stickman say stuff like that all the time to me - like when I take no action on the DC line, or whatever - and it isn't like they are being friendly, and giving a nice explaination like "Hey, did you know that your odds are better on the don't come 5 once the point is established?" Its usually a rude and under-the-breath comment about how dumb I am.

As someone who bets a sort of similar pattern, I would say that they are either truly ignorant about the bets and the strategy, which in my experience isn't that likely, or they were trying to get under your skin for whatever reason. Either they didn't like your winning, what you were wearing, the work your play entailed or whatever.

Either way, it was nothing less than rank unprofessionalism, completely unworthy of an especially high-end operation on the Strip. Unless the customer was completely out of bounds in some fashion, there is no reason to be abusive in the customer-service industries. That's the nature of that industry, and people who can't abide the vagaries of thousands of customers maybe should not even be working in that field if they are unable to grit their teeth and bear it. Nobody is demanding that they smile and chat along like good ole buddies.
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March 27th, 2012 at 4:50:26 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

i love that you mocked her for your own entertainment and then still tried to get her fired...

We didn't mock her. Not sure why you think that.....

In your head, how do you see her being? What does she look like? Act like? How does she interact and respond to people?

However you do picture her, she was seriously unpleasant with her attitude - I mean unbelievably horrible.

Quote: EvenBob

Now you're changing your story. You originally said you
had fun making her totally miserable and she couldn't
go anywhere to get away from you. Thats the very
essence of bullying and because you enjoyed it so much,
that makes you a bully. And of course you told her
boss because you wanted to get her disciplined or fired.
Thats the only reason anybody ever complains to a
supervisor about an employee.

Perhaps I saw it differently - like if you catch someone doing something they shouldn't - and call them out, they certainly want to leave and hide their face - but in this case she couldn't. I tell you one thing she could have done though - she could have said - "you know what guys? I'm dog just died, my daughter just told me she is pregnant, and it has been a ruff week." But did she do this? Nope - she continued her scowl and anger and continued to spew piss and venom with every mouth opening.

However, I do get your point. We should all strive to be kind, generous, caring, understanding, and empathetic - and I was probably out of line. I appreciate you pointing it out and I will strive to do better in my life and interactions with others.

In addition, I look forward to your future posts guiding us all in the right direction.
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March 27th, 2012 at 7:31:15 PM permalink
Quote: slackyhacky

Me and my lady were playing at the dollar tables at Sahara's before they sadly closed - and I swear we had the groutchiest person dealing for use. If we had been smart, we would have left - but we did not. Instead we kept asking her why she was so mean, and openly laughing and talking about how we couldn't believe how rude she was, and of course making comments like - "now come on, why did you make such a sour face?", or "have you not learned that being nice is a much better way to get through this life?" It turned out to be a lot of fun trying to make HER absolutely miserable - although she obviously was already - and the funny thing is, she couldn't go anywhere.

Then when her break came, we called the pit boss - or whatever is the correct term - and said - "holy cow that dealer is mean. Is she always like that? We never have seen someone so rude."

I wonder what happened to her after that.

You have answered your own initial question with this post. And some pretty intelligent gamblers have just explained why.
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March 27th, 2012 at 7:36:04 PM permalink
Quote: slackyhacky

I appreciate you pointing it out and I will strive to do better in my life and interactions with others.

You make my point gloriously. You're a dealers worst
nightmare, you know everything and aren't afraid to
drag everybody down to your level. Congrats.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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March 27th, 2012 at 7:36:38 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

You told her boss because you wanted to get her disciplined or fired.
Thats the only reason anybody ever complains to a supervisor about an employee.

Actually I have seen and have delivered constructive suggestions that some people might construe as complaints, not to get an employee in trouble, but rather to help the staff improve as well as to try to make the business more attractive to customers.
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March 27th, 2012 at 7:39:28 PM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

Actually I have seen and have delivered constructive suggestions that some people might construe as complaints, not to get an employee in trouble, but rather to help the staff improve as well as to try to make the business more attractive to customers.

I'm sure that was SlackieJackies intent after
he got done torturing the dealer he punished.
Nothing but good intentions.
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March 27th, 2012 at 8:09:30 PM permalink
Have to agree with Bob on this. Maybe she was having a bad day. Maybe she was just a miserable dealer. Belittling a dealer is wrong in my opinion, if you don't like her move along. You have every right to complain if you weren't happy with her, i see no problem there. Don't give her a hard time though. Probably a part of the reason that she was so grumpy was the frequency that she deals with unpleasant players. If you aren't having fun gambling, then you probably shouldn't (unless you are an AP, which I doubt you were at 1 dollar stakes). Complain and find another table or casino, but don't make her day more miserable than it already is by constantly calling her out and picking fun at her for your entertainment and at her expense.
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March 27th, 2012 at 8:10:32 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

You make my point gloriously. You're a dealers worst
nightmare, you know everything and aren't afraid to
drag everybody down to your level. Congrats.


How does me saying you helped me indicate to you that I know everything? Help me again.
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March 27th, 2012 at 8:26:37 PM permalink
So if the dealers rude to me I may just move on, or take it like all the other rube's. If the dealer is rude to my wife I am going to give them more shit than than they are going to be able to handle. Unless I am really winning big.
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March 28th, 2012 at 10:15:06 AM permalink
Quote: slackyhacky

I had a money management system that was working okay - using place/lay/come bets, sometimes DC bets - and some prop bets ...i guess a little bit of everything.

I would tell the dealer after he cleared the chips, layed the correct amount ($105 - 102 would have been nice), and as am placing the money down, say, working..

but yes, my voice is whinney and I try - in all cases - to be as annoying as possible.

The boxman probably felt that you were what craps crews refer to as a "stroker". Dealers get into a kind of "zone" where they can just handle their table's bets on autopilot. This isn't like the lazy BJ dealer autopilot; it's a necessary skill for a craps dealer to have on a busy table with a lot of action. Players who frequently change up their betting patterns and/or ask for their bets handled in unusual ways really mess up the dealer's rhythm. Many dealer's take this (too) personally and feel that the stroker is trying pull shots on them with his unusual bets. That's probably because it's often true.

I'm not saying your bets make you one but your general attitude, like trying to be annoying as possible, definitely makes you a stroker. I also don't mean to imply that people shouldn't be free to place whatever bets they'd like. It just comes down to attitude. If you're making unusual bets but you make them properly and on time then that's fine. You will need to be understanding when the dealer makes mistakes so long as it's handled fairly by the boxman.

Side note: Boxmen are a strange breed. There's many aspects of that job that favor a miserable hard ass. The worst are from Atlantic City. If the box alone was treating you poorly I'd lay 2 to 1 that he was from AC.
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March 28th, 2012 at 12:16:53 PM permalink
Quote: cono

If the dealer is rude to my wife I am going to give them more shit than than they are going to be able to handle.

I would love to be there when this happens to see your butt thrown out the door by security.
new motto for the left: “I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” (John Brennan Mar 25, 2019)
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March 28th, 2012 at 12:19:03 PM permalink
Quote: PopCan

The boxman probably felt that you were what craps crews refer to as a "stroker". Dealers get into a kind of "zone" where they can just handle their table's bets on autopilot. This isn't like the lazy BJ dealer autopilot; it's a necessary skill for a craps dealer to have on a busy table with a lot of action. Players who frequently change up their betting patterns and/or ask for their bets handled in unusual ways really mess up the dealer's rhythm. Many dealer's take this (too) personally and feel that the stroker is trying pull shots on them with his unusual bets. That's probably because it's often true.

I'm not saying your bets make you one but your general attitude, like trying to be annoying as possible, definitely makes you a stroker. I also don't mean to imply that people shouldn't be free to place whatever bets they'd like. It just comes down to attitude. If you're making unusual bets but you make them properly and on time then that's fine. You will need to be understanding when the dealer makes mistakes so long as it's handled fairly by the boxman.

Side note: Boxmen are a strange breed. There's many aspects of that job that favor a miserable hard ass. The worst are from Atlantic City. If the box alone was treating you poorly I'd lay 2 to 1 that he was from AC.

Great reply
new motto for the left: “I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” (John Brennan Mar 25, 2019)
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March 28th, 2012 at 1:21:41 PM permalink
Quote: Fleaswatter

I would love to be there when this happens to see your butt thrown out the door by security.

Seen it happen more than once when I used to play
BJ. Its usually two men who gang up on a woman
dealer and they get asked to leave by the floor
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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March 28th, 2012 at 3:40:56 PM permalink
Quote: Fleaswatter

I would love to be there when this happens to see your butt thrown out the door by security.

Yea I am sure it would not go well for me, but I always stand up for my wife. She is way to nice , even when people are being rude to her. I am sure there are many who would let their spouse get treated badly and never say a word. Not me.
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