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February 22nd, 2018 at 2:53:34 PM permalink
Anyone tip players or get tipped by players while at casino tables?

Im a pretty generous tipper to the dealers as I know the toke rate is their bread and butter. As long as they are cool and friendly, I take care of them. But tipping a shooter is a different story. I will tip a shooter if they had a hell of a roll and they weren't asking for tips.... or saying that they were shooting for the table in the middle of the shoot, thus looking for tips. I don't run into this problem too often because Im a hit n run guy and I dont stay on the table long....nor do I stay on a shooter looking for a long roll. However, last week I stayed on a shooter because I was up on the day and the table was empty for once ...and there was serious flow with the dice. The guy shooting was a nice dude and was new to the game. I dropped my bets down to the minimum and just power pressed. He rolled for 20 minutes... and when the table is empty, 20 minutes is a lot of numbers rolled!

At the end of the shoot , I threw him a nice tip. He wasn't expecting it, which made it all the more gratifying. I cant tell you how many times people at inner city casinos beg for tips and say ' you man, Im shooting for you'. or ' how about something for the shooter'. Com'on Man!
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February 22nd, 2018 at 3:01:57 PM permalink
I have been tipped twice. 1 time for 100 and the other 25.

I have only tipped once. Some younger kid playing for 1st time had a nice roll. It was a 4 point fire with lots of numbers. He was betting $5 pass, no odds, and no other bets. I made about 600 on the roll and gave him $50. He was a nice kid and was having a ton of fun with a few friends. I hope by tipping him I gave him a story to tell.
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February 22nd, 2018 at 3:02:49 PM permalink
I had a guy throw me a black chip when I drew a queen on an A7. It would have made the dealers hand if I stayed. Guy started calling me Buddy, and tipping me red chips every so often while telling all the newcomers to join as I had the third base bag settled. Found out he was calling me Buddy Bell, the best third baseman from his youth.
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February 22nd, 2018 at 3:11:04 PM permalink
Haha a guy kept giving me chips playing 3CP because he liked my sister and wanted me to play 2CP and PP. I should take my sister to the casino more often.
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February 22nd, 2018 at 4:09:41 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

Haha a guy kept giving me chips playing 3CP because he liked my sister and wanted me to play 2CP and PP. I should take my sister to the casino more often.

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February 22nd, 2018 at 5:17:33 PM permalink
My best getting tipped story is from eons ago when Spanish 21 was just making it big.

I was at the MGM Grand, playing third base with my loverly $35 bet and the guy playing first base was alternating between 700 and 1000.

I forget the cards, but I could have hit or stood... must have involved an ace. I looked at him and asked what he wanted me to do. He said play your cards, he didn't care. I said, you have $800 on the hand, what do you want. He told me to take a hit.

The hit won him the hand, but I lose. He still threw me $50 and did so several more times during the night. Was a fun time.
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February 22nd, 2018 at 6:31:09 PM permalink
I've only been witness to it once. The shooter kept throwing one prop bet after the next (2's, 12's, hard ways) while the tipper- who was drunk as can be- kept upping his bets and raking it in. At one point he was tossing the shooter a green every other roll. In the end the shooter sevened out but the prop better make a ton of money.
Last edited by: Lucca3927 on Feb 22, 2018
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February 22nd, 2018 at 6:44:46 PM permalink
This has got to be 15-18 years ago on a Midwest ( Indiana) riverboat. Im shooting from the end of the table. Nothing remarkable seemed to be happening but I guess I was hitting alot of uptown numbers. As my usual I only had the 6/8 placed and was running my normal progression on them, so I was collecting on the 8s. After a bit my base dealer paid me 7$ on a hard ten. I'm say I don't have a hard 10. He says a player on the other end put it up for me. Actually had a 3way hard ten!
Now I have hit a few passes and starting to hit numbers all over the board. This is starting to be a bit of a long roll, as I got the dice just after a stick change and they are changing again. I have made good money and so have other players. Double odds was max odds and this was pre fire bet / sharpshooter bet. It seems each hard number i hit I am getting 7 or 9 bucks. I finally look at the hard way bets and there 200$ on each with 2$ piggyback.
I really have no idea how long I shot, I do know the boxman, who I knew, asked if I was still shooting. I replied, yea why? He commented that I got the dice long before he went on break and still had them when he came back.
That must have been the jinx, I 7out about 2 throws later. My total tip from the other player must have been around 100 bucks. He said thanks kid, he had made a great deal of money, as had most of the table if they were betting or pressing.
It was a good day, and a fun one.
I cannot remember being tipped again by somone

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February 22nd, 2018 at 7:29:53 PM permalink
I was at the Margaritaville casino in the flamingo about a year ago standing on the $5 side of the craps table. I was pretending to be a dice setter... I would put the 3s on top and make an arrow shape pointing in the throwing direction.

I kept throwing 5's... I don't know how many, but it was a lot of 5s. The whole table was betting 5s except for me. I was just playing pass and come bets with some small odds.

I got plenty of high fives and one hug... But no tips.
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February 22nd, 2018 at 9:20:58 PM permalink
Last October, I posted here about a strange craps session I had at the Rio a few nights earlier. I won't repeat the story now, but you can check out the link if you like. I don't think I mentioned it in that post, but the fellow player at the other end of the table -- the one who benefited most from my rolls -- did indeed tip me a black chip at the end of the hand.

Something similar has happened a couple of times before. On the other hand, I'm am never playing at a high enough level that I would win enough to warrant a significant tip to another player.
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February 22nd, 2018 at 10:54:17 PM permalink
I can only think of two instances where I’ve been tipped while playing. The first I sat down at a BJ table and there was a guy playing two hands at 25-50 a hand. I asked if he wanted me to jump in or wait, he asked me to wait. The last 3rd of the shoe was good to him and he won about $300. When it was time to shuffle he gave me a $25 chip and said thanks for waiting.

The other time I believe was at the Blue Chip Casino in Michigan City, Indiana. I sat at a BJ table where my plan was to play about 5 hands, get a chip and leave. I ended up staying for about 30-40 minutes because the other player asked to bet $5 on my side wager. I don’t remember what wager it was but it was one where the payout was only 4-1 I think so it came decently often. Every time it hit he would give me $5. He must have given me $50-$100. I was being paid to play especially since I was only betting $5 a hand.
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February 23rd, 2018 at 5:49:26 AM permalink
Quote: GWAE

I have only tipped once. Some younger kid playing for 1st time had a nice roll. It was a 4 point fire with lots of numbers. He was betting $5 pass, no odds, and no other bets. I made about 600 on the roll and gave him $50. He was a nice kid and was having a ton of fun with a few friends. I hope by tipping him I gave him a story to tell.

That sounds like my first craps experience. I was 19 or 20, and my buddy and I went out on a gambling boat out of Ft. Lauderdale.

Towards the end of the night, I got on a hot roll. I must have made 10 passes in a row. I didn't know about the odds bet, so I was just betting the pass line. I remember this one shot during this roll... the point was 10, and the guys at the other end of the table were betting the hardways. I threw the dice and one of them bounced up off the felt, hit the cushion that surrounds the top of the table, went about three feet straight up in the air, and landed back on the felt. Hard 10! Everyone got a kick out of that. I heard one of them say, "That certainly was 10 the hard way!"

Anyway, towards the end of the roll, other players were making hardways bets for me. One guy even gave me odds on my pass line bet. I really had no clue what was going on, but I had lots of fun and netted a couple of hundred by the end of the cruise.

Ironically, my luckiest moment of that evening wasn't at the tables. It was on the drive home. It was about 2 AM, and we're on I-95 going north. I saw a guy driving southbound in my lanes! Fortunately for me and my buddy, I spotted him well off and was able to get to the shoulder and stay out of his way. If we had met from opposite sides of one of the many overpasses on that stretch of road, well, let's just say WoV would have one less member.
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February 23rd, 2018 at 7:39:55 AM permalink
I have been tipped as a shooter several times. Sometimes by someone placing a center bet for me, sometimes by a chip thrown for a good hand.

I have also tipped the table (cards) several times, in very specific circumstances.

1. If a game dealing procedure depends on an exact amount of people playing to get the cards I've gotten, especially if my hand would otherwise be the dealer's if they weren't.

2. If I have placed a side bet that pays big hands.

3. If that sidebet wins big.

4. If it's been a friendly and enjoyable table otherwise.

5. I'm in the mood to do it because the cards are running well.

I will share the wealth. As well as tip the dealer.

Did it once two weeks ago in Vegas. Playing UTH, 3am, one other player at the table, pleasant dealer, up over 400 flat-betting $10 ante, $5 Trips. Other guy is down a couple hundred, but continuing to play, enjoyable company, nice conversation, looking a little light in the br . $1 progressive also in play, only pays first 5 cards.

I have Kx, and 4-bet it, so maximum exposure. Dealer flops the other 3 kings. Sah-weet!

Can't recall the exact progressive paytable, but the whole payoff to 5 spots was worth $800+. I don't get the 4th king if the other player isn't there (procedure on this table is, all 5 community cards, dealer, then 1st base around to 3rd base, where I'm sitting).

Tipped the dealer $50. Tipped the player $50. Way overgenerous, sure. But entertaining, and he totally wasn't expecting it, so fun. Dealer might have thought he should have gotten the whole hundred if I was going to be tipping that much, but who cares.
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February 23rd, 2018 at 8:02:12 AM permalink
Oh I’ve had people place bets for me at a craps table before, I was thinking of a tip as money directly given to me.
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February 24th, 2018 at 9:13:13 AM permalink
Last year I completed a small, tall, and all bet for a fellow at the Wynn. All I got was a fist bump.

Two years ago, I managed a 40 minute roll on the pass line at Casino Royale. I only made 4 points during that 40 minutes, but I hit all the numbers. There were two sets of parents at the other end of the table each with a child who looked just over 21. They placed all the numbers during my roll and the six of them coloured up between $400-500 each after I had my 7-out. One of the moms came to me at the end of the roll and thanked me and shook my hand. I didn't want to tell her that it was all random so I just said, "Your welcome". After they left the stickman asked me if they tipped me and I said no.

I've never tipped another player. I've never really considered it, but this thread has me thinking that I might in the future if I run into a situation where I've had good fortune and fun.

Remembering back to my good roll at Casino Royale the son of the one couple, who was on the other side of the stickman from me, had a decent run too. It was 20 minutes without a 7-out, but he managed to make more points than me. I probably should have tossed him $5 for his roll.

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March 26th, 2018 at 12:00:42 AM permalink
Quote: WatchMeWin

Anyone tip players or get tipped by players while at casino tables?

Im a pretty generous tipper to the dealers as I know the toke rate is their bread and butter. As long as they are cool and friendly, I take care of them. But tipping a shooter is a different story. I will tip a shooter if they had a hell of a roll and they weren't asking for tips.... or saying that they were shooting for the table in the middle of the shoot, thus looking for tips. I don't run into this problem too often because Im a hit n run guy and I dont stay on the table r do I stay on a shooter looking for a long roll. However, last week I stayed on a shooter because I was up on the day and the table was empty for once ...and there was serious flow with the dice. The guy shooting was a nice dude and was new to the game. I dropped my bets down to the minimum and just power pressed. He rolled for 20 minutes... and when the table is empty, 20 minutes is a lot of numbers rolled!

At the end of the shoot , I threw him a nice tip. He wasn't expecting it, which made it all the more gratifying. I cant tell you how many times people at inner city casinos beg for tips and say ' you man, Im shooting for you'. or ' how about something for the shooter'. Com'on Man!

Always tip the shooter or put him back in the game.
Just the other day, there was a shooter that lost his money but stayed at the table. He is a known regular and had a very nice rolling technique with a vertical dice set (Stacking the dice and tossing them to back wall.

He did roll POS a few times but on the other hand he would roll tons of numbers.

The problem with him was his betting. He placed all the numbers and pressed his wins. This is not the way to play craps. guy would seven out before he reached a profit.

I had just 2 numbers and the guy made me more than $200 practically every time he got the dice.

I surprised him when I had his PASS LINE, FIRE BET, C&E covered when he got the dice he made me a quick 100.00 back in no time at all. he made some points and managed to bankroll just under 100 also in his shooting.

Moral of the story, Take care of the regulars that you know will make you money. The best shooters are those regulars that are broke 50% of the time.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:27:59 AM permalink
I’m assuming the good shooter was well hydrated and well rested? That’s the key isn’t it?
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:45:08 AM permalink
One of the funniest things I remember seeing was at Caesar’s Palace craps table. I hear some hooting and hollering, so I walk on over and I see the dice in the middle of the table set to 3-3, this guy’s fisting the air (idk what you call it), and I see there’s an incredible amount on the hard 6. I don’t remember the exact amount, but it was something like $4,368. It took the dealers several minutes to pay it because they couldn’t figure out how to do “4000*9 + 300*9 + 60*9 + 8*9”. The dealers weren’t in a great mood because s*** was confusing and everyone was loud n stuff. The player yelled out, “You guys (dealers) are on there too, I just made you guys some good money. Nice!” Then the dealers drop “$50 & down”, that player throws up another $5 for the dealers hard 6 to return. Then he throws a yellow chip ($1k) to the shooter. LOLOL
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:47:33 AM permalink
Quote: RS

I don’t remember the exact amount, but it was something like $4,368. It took the dealers several minutes to pay it because they couldn’t figure out how to do “4000*9 + 300*9 + 60*9 + 8*9”.

$43,680 - $4,368 = $39,312.

Or send $43,680 and convert the original bet, but for that much money, that's probably not allowed.
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March 26th, 2018 at 5:52:26 AM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

He did roll POS a few times

That's disgusting! Although rolling PSO's is not that much better. ;)
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March 26th, 2018 at 6:46:01 AM permalink
I don't play a great deal of craps but have never seen a player get tipped. Seems to me like the kind of thing that is more likely to happen to women. There was a scene in Sex and the City where Carrie was tipped $1,000, if I remember correctly, at the table.
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March 26th, 2018 at 7:01:46 AM permalink
Gambling is gambling in general with any game but tipping is also just as important. When approaching a craps table, don't just jump in. Look at the players and recognize your regulars first and let the table go a round of shooters and visually capture what their trends are, what they are rolling with the dice, if they are DI shooters, Repeat shooters, or random rollers.

Tend to focus more on repeat shooters and tip them or putting them in the game is a good way to get to know them as they recognize and respect those who tip.
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March 26th, 2018 at 7:08:44 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I don't play a great deal of craps but have never seen a player get tipped. Seems to me like the kind of thing that is more likely to happen to women. There was a scene in Sex and the City where Carrie was tipped $1,000, if I remember correctly, at the table.

I have seen it a couple of times. I don't *think* I have ever been personally tipped. But it easily could have happened and I forgot.
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March 26th, 2018 at 7:18:55 AM permalink
Tipping is hard to recognize due to most of them are called out to the stick man.
"for the shooter" is used most often at the tables when a gambler throws in a chip to the stick man and requests a number to be placed for the shooter as a recognizable tip.
"2 way" (Mostly refers to the placing an extra chip on a number for the dealers)

It's true though, very seldom you would see a dealer getting a tip as your just about to leave the table or a player personally tipping a shooter.
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March 26th, 2018 at 7:50:42 AM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

Gambling is gambling in general with any game but tipping is also just as important. When approaching a craps table, don't just jump in. Look at the players and recognize your regulars first and let the table go a round of shooters and visually capture what their trends are, what they are rolling with the dice, if they are DI shooters, Repeat shooters, or random rollers.

Tend to focus more on repeat shooters and tip them or putting them in the game is a good way to get to know them as they recognize and respect those who tip.

Hahahahahahahahaha... “clears throat” hahahahahahahaha... my stomach hurts from laughing so hard!

Stay hydrated my friend!
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March 26th, 2018 at 8:42:19 AM permalink
What's so funny?
Are you too cheap to tip?
You finding it funny that tipping is part of the game?
Do you think i'm funny?
Do I amuse you?
Am I a comedian is that what you're trying to say?
Please explain when you clear your throat.

Keep in mind:
I just approach gambling differently by betting on shooters probabilities more than house stuff.
Kinda like in poker, many will utilize their skills from player history and player styles, and not necessarily the cards dealt.

Yes I said it. Craps is similar to poker. You play the player and not the cards.

Even craps is big for tipping due to the fact that the dealer who spins the wheel may have some potential to roll your numbers.

I honestly would never ever tip the roulette dealer but I would put him/her in the game by simply asking "What is your favorite number?" then place a chip on that number for the dealer and bet all the numbers next to that one.
Last edited by: Laymedown on Mar 26, 2018
Sorry for my many daily posts. I am a retired professional and I love to chat about gambling. I also enjoy reading and can't help but to reply to some fantastic articles.
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March 26th, 2018 at 9:23:20 AM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

What's so funny?
Are you too cheap to tip?
You finding it funny that tipping is part of the game?
Do you think i'm funny?
Do I amuse you?
Am I a comedian is that what you're trying to say?
Please explain when you clear your throat.

Keep in mind:
I just approach gambling differently by betting on shooters probabilities more than house stuff.
Kinda like in poker, many will utilize their skills from player history and player styles, and not necessarily the cards dealt.

Yes I said it. Craps is similar to poker. You play the player and not the cards.

Even craps is big for tipping due to the fact that the dealer who spins the wheel may have some potential to roll your numbers.

I honestly would never ever tip the roulette dealer but I would put him/her in the game by simply asking "What is your favorite number?" then place a chip on that number for the dealer and bet all the numbers next to that one.

Tipping is not the funny thing at all. You thinking that you can beat craps is hilarious. Bet the shooter? You dice guys are all just laughable. You can’t beat craps, not possible. Enjoy the game and realize that the house always wins. Or keep pretending you can know which shooter is good. You should message Watchmewin, you two would get along well.
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March 26th, 2018 at 9:25:22 AM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

Yes I said it. Craps is similar to poker. You play the player and not the cards.

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March 26th, 2018 at 9:31:58 AM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

Gambling is gambling in general with any game but tipping is also just as important. When approaching a craps table, don't just jump in. Look at the players and recognize your regulars first and let the table go a round of shooters and visually capture what their trends are, what they are rolling with the dice, if they are DI shooters, Repeat shooters, or random rollers.

Tend to focus more on repeat shooters and tip them or putting them in the game is a good way to get to know them as they recognize and respect those who tip.

Let me guess, a Frank Scoblete fan?

Like Frank, I'm sure you're a very nice person. Your tips are not going to go over well with most members, including me, so brace yourself for some resistance.
Last edited by: Wizard on Mar 26, 2018
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March 26th, 2018 at 9:48:52 AM permalink
I have not, nor will I ever tip another player for any reason.
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:22:14 AM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

I have not, nor will I ever tip another player for any reason.

I tip for well-endowed women in low-cut dresses, but make them reach over as far as possible to pick it up.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:31:04 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Let me guess, a Frank Scoblete fan?

Like Frank, I'm sure you're a very nice person. Your tips are not going to go over well with most members, including me, so brace yourself for some resistance.

I'm not much of a Frank Scoblete fan, however I do appreciate him and his partners dice techniques.

I may throw some weird methods to my madness out there but I just want other members to know, that I appreciate the comments good or bad.

I tend to learn more from the negative aspect. If everything was positive, it would be boring.

Members on here are fantastic at what they talk about so please feel free to throw anything at me. I have my goalie mask on and my cup so i'm prepared for the heavy blows.
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March 26th, 2018 at 10:36:29 AM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

Members on here are fantastic at what they talk about so please feel free to throw anything at me. I have my goalie mask on and my cup so i'm prepared for the heavy blows.

I'm glad you armored up and ready. Welcome to the forum.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:20:09 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I tip for well-endowed women in low-cut dresses, but make them reach over as far as possible to pick it up.

Dilly Dilly!!
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:26:00 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I'm glad you armored up and ready. Welcome to the forum.

He better have thick skin if he wants to talk dice setting in this form. As the C- G.O.A.T, I will be the first to say that people that set dice are a waste of time on the tables.... just pick the freaking dice up and roll them! 9 out of 10 shooters that I see playing around with the dice for a minute or two before they slowly toss the dice to they're planned location usually seven out right away. When I see people setting Dice and playing with them for a long time before they shoot, I go off on all my bets and usually walk away from the table.
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March 26th, 2018 at 1:43:36 PM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

I may throw some weird methods to my madness out there but I just want other members to know, that I appreciate the comments good or bad.

As one of the members who leave others gagging about my posts on stuff like table energy, I sympathize with the slings and arrows now being hurled your way. As for myself, I suspect the overall positive energy level increased substantially when you covered the PL (and other) bets for another shooter. Funny how that works sometimes. Seems to me that someone here is trying to think "outside the box," which is probably prohibited by something in the fine print of our Forum Rules.

I also liked your advice for a newbie craps bet system. Sure, both the PL and DP bets carry a 1.4% HA, but they (mostly) offset one another. So, the casino only wins when a come-out 12 is rolled, and you suggest paying a whole dollar to cover that. So, the gambler pays $1.00 to obtain maximum free odds with a big zero HA.

I can get 10x odds 24/7 at Biloxi-area casinos where I play. That's $50 free-odds bet on a $5 PL bet. I'm sure the stat experts will explain how mistaken I am, but it appears to me that $1.00 bet on the 12 is only 2% of my at-risk, zero-HA $50 bet. And that assumes the bet on the 12 never wins. However the shooter might roll a 12 on the come-out roll, paying for quite a few of my losing $1.00 bets whenever it hits. In addition, wouldn't a system like this dampen overall variance? That could be important to a new craps player, as it is to many bottom-feeders (like myself).

So, bring on more "weird methods" to your madness. I can cover your back, but you sound like you don't really need anyone's help.
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March 26th, 2018 at 2:57:15 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I tip for well-endowed women in low-cut dresses, but make them reach over as far as possible to pick it up.

There's web sites for that you know!
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:00:08 PM permalink
Quote: WatchMeWin

He better have thick skin if he wants to talk dice setting in this form. As the C- G.O.A.T, I will be the first to say that people that set dice are a waste of time on the tables.... just pick the freaking dice up and roll them! 9 out of 10 shooters that I see playing around with the dice for a minute or two before they slowly toss the dice to they're planned location usually seven out right away. When I see people setting Dice and playing with them for a long time before they shoot, I go off on all my bets and usually walk away from the table.

Woh! back up here.
Did you just say you would rather leave your bets on to random shooters?
and then turn them off when dice setters roll? WRONG ANSWER!!!
Dice setters is what makes the most money from the tables.
I'd admit that a true dice setter would consistently roll same numbers but don't confuse a Dice setter with those that simply use a dice set specified for the purpose of avoiding a couple of the seven combinations. I use the hardway set, I even tell new shooters to put the 4's up and try to hit the back wall and I profit from them.

Random shooters are those that like to play the don't and shoot for a seven. Random shooters should be shot on site.

Keep in mind that yes, Dice setters tend to also roll a Point then seven out but the other 50% of the time, they make numbers and usually around 10 or more and that's plenty of rolls enough to incorporate a substantial profit.

I really hope you change your mind about dice setter if you intend to continue to play craps.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:08:12 PM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

Dice setters is what makes the most money from the tables.

No. They lose just the same as every other craps player.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:11:30 PM permalink
Quote: LuckyPhow

As one of the members who leave others gagging about my posts on stuff like table energy, I sympathize with the slings and arrows now being hurled your way. As for myself, I suspect the overall positive energy level increased substantially when you covered the PL (and other) bets for another shooter. Funny how that works sometimes. Seems to me that someone here is trying to think "outside the box," which is probably prohibited by something in the fine print of our Forum Rules.

I also liked your advice for a newbie craps bet system. Sure, both the PL and DP bets carry a 1.4% HA, but they (mostly) offset one another. So, the casino only wins when a come-out 12 is rolled, and you suggest paying a whole dollar to cover that. So, the gambler pays $1.00 to obtain maximum free odds with a big zero HA.

I can get 10x odds 24/7 at Biloxi-area casinos where I play. That's $50 free-odds bet on a $5 PL bet. I'm sure the stat experts will explain how mistaken I am, but it appears to me that $1.00 bet on the 12 is only 2% of my at-risk, zero-HA $50 bet. And that assumes the bet on the 12 never wins. However the shooter might roll a 12 on the come-out roll, paying for quite a few of my losing $1.00 bets whenever it hits. In addition, wouldn't a system like this dampen overall variance? That could be important to a new craps player, as it is to many bottom-feeders (like myself).

So, bring on more "weird methods" to your madness. I can cover your back, but you sound like you don't really need anyone's help.

I like the way you think LuckyPhow. I myself don't make those kind of bets. At least not yet anyway. I'm still piecing together a new way to play craps. My way is getting very boring. sure I make a couple bucks with little house advantage laying bets all day long, but i miss out on the action.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:13:10 PM permalink
I don't think dice setting has any actual influence on the results of the roll when thrown legally, but I am always sure to set the dice if there is another player at the table, especially if he is betting much higher checks than me.

Then I always set the dice and throw very carefully and deliberately.

If I go on a long roll (guaranteed to happen if you play enough), there is a substantially greater chance I will be tipped as the shooter because it looks like I am focusing my efforts.

Since taking this approach I have been tipped three times at dice tables.

Another benefit is that the floormen automatically think you're an idiot and you slow the game down for comping purposes.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:16:18 PM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

Random shooters should be shot on site.

Ooo. It just got hotter in here.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:23:19 PM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

No. They lose just the same as every other craps player.

I'm sure you are a very nice person but do you know the difference between a dice setter and a random shooter.

There is not much difference other than the starting roll using the same set of numbers to start with. in many cases having dice numbers set to a certain way to simply AVOID A SEVEN.

DI's on the other hand are a whole new ball game with their fancy shmancy robotic arms and precision rolls.

But just sit back while you have your bets off and watch their rolls, dice setters tend to roll an average of 10-12 numbers pretty easy.

In my personal experience I'd have to say at least 8 out of every 10 random rollers will never see the light to a fire bet.

I myself set the dice using a hard way set and I am able to roll at least a 4 number fire bet at least 2 out of 50 rolling sessions.

One day you will see the light and start setting your own dice with your favorite set.
But in the mean time let's all make money by motivating dice setters and not embarrassing them at the table.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:26:23 PM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

I'm sure you are a very nice person but do you know the difference between a dice setter and a random shooter.

There is no difference!! Wait, yes there is. The "believers" have been scammed, while the the randoms haven't!
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:32:06 PM permalink
Try this at your next visit to the tables. Simply tell a new shooter "Put the 4's up and try to hit that back wall using one hand only"
When the table is ice cold just sit back and watch it warm up very fast.
Together we can end the RANDOM SHOOTER Syndrome.

Again don't get confused with a DI vs. a Dice setter.
If there are more than 3-4 different numbers rolled repeatedly before a seven then this would be a dice setter.
(They simply roll to avoid the seven)

A DI is one who bets on a seven and actually rolls it using precision. In most situations these people would fall under some kind of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) issue i think because they are funny to watch at the tables.

There is a member on here who has this kind of thing going on, also has youtube videos showing ultra slow dice rolling.
Last edited by: Laymedown on Mar 26, 2018
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:44:20 PM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

Try this at your next visit to the tables. Simply tell a new shooter "Put the 4's up and try to hit that back wall using one hand only"
When the table is ice cold just sit back and watch it warm up very fast.
Together we can end the RANDOM SHOOTER Syndrome.

Again don't get confused with a DI vs. a Dice setter.
If there are more than 3-4 different numbers rolled repeatedly before a seven then this would be a dice setter.
(They simply roll to avoid the seven)

A DI is one who bets on a seven and actually rolls it using precision. In most situations these people would fall under some kind of OCD issue i think because they are funny to watch at the tables.

There is a member on here who has this kind of thing going on, also has youtube videos showing ultra slow dice rolling.

I am sure you keep rigorous and detailed written records so you can prove beyond a doubt this is not selective memory or confirmation bias. Please share the data at your earliest convenience.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:47:35 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Ooo. It just got hotter in here.

When it comes to the game of craps, We need to keep it hot for as long as we can because when the table gets cold due to a bus load of tourists and random shooters, we need to be there to heat things up again.
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March 26th, 2018 at 3:53:04 PM permalink
Quote: sodawater

I am sure you keep rigorous and detailed written records so you can prove beyond a doubt this is not selective memory or confirmation bias. Please share the data at your earliest convenience.

No need to keep records. Every regular shooter that plays craps for more than 3 times a week can easily have a visual and determine how their day will go at the tables.

The more you stay, the more you play, the more you learn about what your outcome will be like.

A good example is the member IBEATYOURACES how he tends to turn off his bets when he see's a dice setter shooting at the table. To him, he is convinced that this style of play works for him.
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March 26th, 2018 at 7:22:16 PM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

A good example is the member IBEATYOURACES how he tends to turn off his bets when he see's a dice setter shooting at the table. To him, he is convinced that this style of play works for him.

His cover has just been blown.
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March 26th, 2018 at 7:30:12 PM permalink
Quote: Laymedown

No need to keep records. Every regular shooter that plays craps for more than 3 times a week can easily have a visual and determine how their day will go at the tables.

The more you stay, the more you play, the more you learn about what your outcome will be like.

The perfect casino customer! Do you also have a strategy? How do you use a good dice setter to make you money? Do you play more aggressively when you see someone setting the dice?
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
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