Here is my current set-up:

However, I am starting to thing maybe I could benefit from a more premium tissue. After all, casinos often have dry air, and you don't want to leave a hot roll to excuse yourself to the bathroom to moisturize!
So, I am thinking of making a major investment in these:

I know, $14.95 for six boxes is a major investment, but I feel like I deserve only the best when playing craps.
I will keep the forum posted as to when my package ships, arrives, is unpacked, and is put to use.
If there is any interest, I can live-stream any of the above and contact the media.
I need some comfortable shoes and cool looking, top of the line, aviator glasses if you find any.
What I do is keep some tissues in a zip-lock bag in back pocket. They stay clean and when someone pic-pocket you they get something!!! I also preseperate them so it's easier to take them out.
But literally, after playing for a few hours in the nose will BLEED...but then again, I play in smoky ass joints...
The key to avoiding a dry nose and irritation is hyrdation. Drink lots of water.
Quote: boymimboReally, what kleenex to bring?
You know the point of this thread is to poke a bit of fun at another members search for the ultimate discrete note taking system, right?
Quote: boymimbo
The key to avoiding a dry nose and irritation is hyrdation. Drink lots of water.
Or you could just hold your nose shut so no moisture escapes that way to begin with.
Quote: rainmanWho needs tissue. Just wear a shirt with long sleeves.
Or wipe it on the felt.
Quote: MonkeyMonkeyOr wipe it on the felt.
Wouldn't that adversely affect my hardways set?
Quote: sodawaterWouldn't that adversely affect my hardways set?
I'm not sure how, unless you're using a "trick shot".
Quote: sodawaterlame troll attempt
This is ridiculously stupid. If you don't like the guy's threads, don't read them. If you want to argue with him in those threads, feel free. But cluttering the board with this kind of bullshit is seriously lame.
Quote: AcesAndEightsBut cluttering the board with this kind of bullshit is seriously lame.
That's kind of my point, and the reason for this parody thread. I wouldn't call it trolling, because I couldn't care less if I get any replies. I just thought it was funny. And if someone can make a thread about pens, then I can make one about tissues.
Won't you be the envy of every other player on the table when you put that box on the table, you too will become the most interest player in the world! If you happen to buy one of those high tech pens, you can even turn it into a dice tracking machine.
I guess the next thread will be on magic underwear, anybody got some for sale?
I don't know that you play craps at all, but a big difference between this thread and the thread I started is that there are actually other people who like to keep records at the table who already do all the normal things.
The ONLY reason I don't record rolls at the table is because of the stigma that it generates for the person recording the rolls.
I would have to go and look at your previous posts to even know if you play craps because just judging from your typical comments, you are a non-craps-player who like to make fun of craps players. I'm not sure that you've given any advice at all about this game from the perspective of a fellow craps player.
If you go and read the thread you intended to make fun of, you will see other people who also write down rolls who are interacting on that thread. And they are interacting in a positive way.
The fact that you are not like other people that play this game (to the best of my knowledge) is what makes you the guy who is left out in these conversations. It's not that you're right and the people who play craps are wrong.
It is that if you are a craps player at all, I can't even tell!
Let me remind you, again, that craps is a game. A game is something that you do for fun. For entertainment. Basically to spend your time as you please to pass the time and have pleasant feelings and thoughts in general.
From your posts, you are not even the type of person who has very many pleasant thoughts.
You are grumpy. You are argumentative. And you take issue with very nearly every single thing that I post on this forum as if I am out to get somebody.
I think that you are experiencing some kind of response to other people enjoying themselves more than you, and you're having a hard time relating to the fact that people can have fun doing things that you can't relate to having fun doing. It's really sort of sad, I think. I don't have any ill will for you, but I do wish you would move on and focus on things besides me and my posts seeing as you don't seem to be a craps player at all.
But correct me if I'm wrong and you know more about playing this game than I do.
Quote: AcesAndEightsThis is ridiculously stupid. If you don't like the guy's threads, don't read them. If you want to argue with him in those threads, feel free. But cluttering the board with this kind of bullshit is seriously lame.
Come on was pretty clever with the pix of the different kleenex... I lauged out loud in the card room.
Quote: AhighSodawater,
I don't know that you play craps at all.... And you take issue with very nearly every single thing that I post on this forum as if I am out to get somebody.
I was seriously bummed you didn't write "you take TISSUE with nearly every single thing..."
I guess you can't have everything in life....
Quote: FleaStiffI don't know why there are these confrontational and argumentative threads. If you don't care for a certain poster, simply do what everyone seems to do for Fleastiff.... block his posts. Don't create counter-threads.
I would never block your posts!
Quote: AcesAndEightsThis is ridiculously stupid. If you don't like the guy's threads, don't read them.
You could follow the same advice.
Quote: AcesAndEightsIf you want to argue with him in those threads, feel free.
That activity is akin to trying to teach a pig to sing.
Quote: AcesAndEightsBut cluttering the board with this kind of bullshit is seriously lame.
You are of course entitled to your own opinion, however I, and many others found it very amusing.
Quote: Ahigh
I don't know that you play craps at all, but a big difference between this thread and the thread I started is that there are actually other people who like to keep records at the table who already do all the normal things.
I thought the big difference was you take yourself very seriously and this was a light-hearted bit of fluff.
Quote: AhighThe ONLY reason I don't record rolls at the table is because of the stigma that it generates for the person recording the rolls.
Why do you care? Why not bring along a friend to record your rolls if you're so worried about the stigma. You don't strike me as the kind of person that gives a wet slap what others think, at least given the way you conduct yourself on this board.
Quote: Ahigh
I would have to go and look at your previous posts to even know if you play craps because just judging from your typical comments, you are a non-craps-player who like to make fun of craps players. I'm not sure that you've given any advice at all about this game from the perspective of a fellow craps player.
So what?
Quote: Ahigh
If you go and read the thread you intended to make fun of, you will see other people who also write down rolls who are interacting on that thread. And they are interacting in a positive way.
You seem to think the "writing down the rolls" thread was the catalyst for this parody. I seriously doubt it, it may have been the straw that broke the camels back but all of the threads you start where you brag about your equipment, the cost, and much FUN you have are worthy of parody.
Quote: Ahigh
The fact that you are not like other people that play this game (to the best of my knowledge) is what makes you the guy who is left out in these conversations. It's not that you're right and the people who play craps are wrong.
That statement has nothing to do with anything that I can discern.
Quote: Ahigh
It is that if you are a craps player at all, I can't even tell!
Who cares?
Quote: Ahigh
Let me remind you, again, that craps is a game.
Whew, I almost forgot.
Quote: Ahigh
A game is something that you do for fun. For entertainment. Basically to spend your time as you please to pass the time and have pleasant feelings and thoughts in general.
That may be your reason for doing it, but it's not the only reason people do it. That's what makes your threads chaff, you seem to fancy yourself an authority on any subject you decide to post on and frankly you're not.
Quote: Ahigh
From your posts, you are not even the type of person who has very many pleasant thoughts.
Again, your opinion presented as fact. Should I speculate on the quality of your thoughts based on your posts? Would you appreciate the analysis?
Quote: Ahigh
You are grumpy. You are argumentative. And you take issue with very nearly every single thing that I post on this forum as if I am out to get somebody.
Those sound a lot like personal insults. Rounded out with a good dose of paranoia.
Quote: Ahigh
I think that you are experiencing some kind of response to other people enjoying themselves more than you, and you're having a hard time relating to the fact that people can have fun doing things that you can't relate to having fun doing. It's really sort of sad, I think. I don't have any ill will for you, but I do wish you would move on and focus on things besides me and my posts seeing as you don't seem to be a craps player at all.
I think he's experiencing some kind of a response to your sounding off constantly as the grand poobah of craps. It's getting to be a pretty tiresome refrain.
Quote: Ahigh
But correct me if I'm wrong and you know more about playing this game than I do.
So much ego... Where did that even come from?
Quote: AhighOkay, now I need a tissue because MonkeyMonkey made me CRY.
Doesn't surprise me at all. I'd be sad too if I had to attempt to defend the positions you've assumed.
Quote: AhighThat is because YOU are so OBVIOUSLY smarter than I. Very well played! Do you play this well at Baccarat?
Only someone with your clearly enormous ego would take the path you've selected. And no, I don't play it, I deal it.
Quote: AhighAgain, you are so intelligent. I was just perusing all of your posts to gather as much. I should have recognized a dealer's smug position a mile away.
You must be a power pursuer to take in 400+ posts in 2 1/2 minutes. And yeah, if you ever paid any attention to what anyone else ever says on here you'd have already known that. But I understand it's probably hard for you to hear anything over the sound of how awesome you are.
I'm going to go ahead and give you the last word on this since I know you can't stop posting until you get it, and I really don't give a wet slap either way. I only responded because I thought soda's parody of your bizarrely self-important threads was genius and wished I'd thought of it myself.
And BTW, after I hit submit I'll be unsubbing the thread and you'll be pissing into the wind. So, Enjoy!
LOL. Call out a fight and run.
Nice admitting you wished you had thought of something instead of taking the position you know everything.
I wish I could convince myself I know everything. It would be much less work.
Again, ENJOY.
FWIW I want to be a dealer, when I am done WORKING. It's a great job that I hope you enjoy, for those smart enough to realize it's a great job.
I think most dealers who deal feel trapped, however. I hope you're not one of them.
If that rule were abolished many other things that take the place of name calling wouldn't exist.
Exhbit A: this thread.
This thread is a "parody" thread of the above linked thread.
Specifically, I think I said,
Quote: AhighThanks for what I am absolutely certain is very genuine concern for my well being. Why don't you add your little quips to some other posts somewhere? You contributions are generally among those that lessen the quality and entertainment of the discussions that I enjoy participating in.
A few hours later, this thread was created.
What makes this a parody is that there is no redeeming qualities to this thread as far as playing the game of craps is concerned. The entire focus of this thread is to for comical value at my personal expense.
Several people like Sodawater and MonkeyMonkey believe that the work that I am doing is pointless, fruitless, and ridiculous.
So they express their positions this way as a method of interacting in the discussions without having anything of actual value to add (and often without reading the other posts).
Just block the people you don't like, and don't give them a second thought. Surprisingly, there's only two active members I actually have blocked. Most people on here are quite nice.
Quote: FinsRuleI usually ignore the threads I don't care about. I don't create another thread about the thread I don't care about. To each his/her own I guess.
Just block the people you don't like, and don't give them a second thought. Surprisingly, there's only two active members I actually have blocked. Most people on here are quite nice.
Yeah, I don't think I have anyone blocked.
Quote: FinsRuleOk, but why the pictures of Kleenex?
They are extremely relevant in the midst of this epidemic flu season. The topic is actually germane (pun intended), and casinos that care about public health should provide suitable hand cleaning solutions at each table.
Quote: AhighI am so sad I am pissing into the wind. Oh my how I wish I were interacting with the great MonkeyMonkey dealer.
You'll need a kleenex in case you get any splash back.
Quote: SanchoPanzaThey are extremely relevant in the midst of this epidemic flu season. The topic is actually germane (pun intended), and casinos that care about public health should provide suitable hand cleaning solutions at each table.
Or they could treat their customers like adults and allow them to "splurge" $1.99 of their money and bring their own.
Quote: thecesspitYou'll need a kleenex in case you get any splash back.
That sure sounds like the voice of experience from someone with your moniker.