The list is about 5 years old. But still serves as a guide to the new playet in Vegas or the old ones who are lost.
An excellent job by the Wizard.👏👍
Ballys, Bellegio, MGM, Red Rock, Venetion, Red Rock
Aria has $50 and $100 min.
100min include;
Ceasars Palace, Cromwell, Harrahs, Mirage, Palazzo, Paris, Planet Hollywood.
This information avoids the need to fly/drive to Las Vegas and evaluate 75 casonos. No?
Better surveys can be found elsewhere.
Quote: joedolAs of the last time I was in Vegas(June), the WoV blackjack survey is not even close to being correct.
Better surveys can be found elsewhere.
Where? The idea would be to speak to places that do not concur with the Survey as opposed to slamming the Wizard.
I believe even the Wiz himself would agree with me.
I'm not going to do your work for you.
If you want to be a big time card counter you need to do the work and put in the time required YOURSELF.
Quote: joedolI didn't slam the wizard. All I said is that the survey was not correct. It is way out of date.
I believe even the Wiz himself would agree with me.
I'm not going to do your work for you.
If you want to be a big time card counter you need to do the work and put in the time required YOURSELF.
Then what was the point of the survey?
That could be viewed as a Rule 12 violation. Of course I know and all woild assume you are NOT the Wizard.Quote: joedolI'm not the Wizard. Ask him.
Hard to fathom what you are upset about enough to try to restrict others free speech. 🤔
End of squable.😊 Plenty if sites for that. No?
Quote: mosesThat could be viewed as a Rule 12 violation. Of course I know and all woild assume you are NOT the Wizard.
Hard to fathom what you are upset about enough to try to restrcit others free speech. 🤔
End of squable.😊
Thank you for the smiley. Let's keep it far, far more than civil, gentlemanly, and so far within the rules that there is no doubt.
Goes for everyone.
One of them did in fact boot me from the entire casino a while back. I won't say exactly when but it was not this year. I won a lot at Baccarat there too. They won't let me play at that casino at all. An independent host I have claims that he can get me back in, but I haven't had time to start playing there again.
At the other casino they don't seem to care and I keep going in there winning at Blackjack whenever I have the time or inclination.
My experience in blackjack is somewhat like the "Soup Nazi " episode on Seindeld.
I wish I wouldve had or known about this type of info a decade ago. Sometimes it's not about how hard one can swat. But rather how well one can duck.
Best to you. Keep up the good work.
The Blackjack portion seems to be the only part of the survey for which there has been recent effort to keep it up to date. Of course, everything keeps changing constantly in casinos, and the pandemic has seemingly intensified the amount of changes. Thus, even the 2019 survey of Blackjack games is now badly out of date.
Wizard has commented in the past that this is a very labor-intensive process to update these surveys. Rather than have our busiest and most senior guy (Wizard) running around to every casino in Vegas, maybe we could institute some sort of a system where multiple people can provide updates on changes. (I actually wonder whether we had this kind of system in the past, and it has fallen out of use.) I believe that Video Poker surveys are kept up to date in this way on another site.
Let's keep this discussion going, and I'll try to check with Wizard about the history of the Vegas Casinos Games Survey.
Quote: mosesThanks MDawg:
My experience in blackjack is somewhat like the "Soup Nazi " episode on Seindeld.
I wish I wouldve had or known about this type of info a decade ago. Sometimes it's not about how hard one can swat. But rather how well one can duck.
Best to you. Keep up the good work.
Right, My point being that you need to do your own research and while perhaps the "Database Participant" raises the stakes, the "quick to back off" may or may not happen to you. And I play as a known player with a player card everywhere.
I will say that between the two casinos, the one that booted me didn't know me and it was my first year of play there. The one that doesn't seem to care I've been playing since forever ago.
Oh by the way, proof that "Database Participant" doesn't necessarily mean anything is that the casino that booted me hasn't seemed to have affected anything elsewhere.
Quote: gordonm888I completely agree that the Vegas Casinos Games Survey is (or could/should be) a very valuable asset to users of the WOV site.
The Blackjack portion seems to be the only part of the survey for which there has been recent effort to keep it up to date. Of course, everything keeps changing constantly in casinos, and the pandemic has seemingly intensified the amount of changes. Thus, even the 2019 survey of Blackjack games is now badly out of date.
Wizard has commented in the past that this is a very labor-intensive process to update these surveys. Rather than have our busiest and most senior guy (Wizard) running around to every casino in Vegas, maybe we could institute some sort of a system where multiple people can provide updates on changes. (I actually wonder whether we had this kind of system in the past, and it has fallen out of use.) I believe that Video Poker surveys are kept up to date in this way on another site.
Let's keep this discussion going, and I'll try to check with Wizard about the history of the Vegas Casinos Games Survey.
Not to give away the ending to Soup Nazi. Lets say Wizard was Elaine at the end. If you havent seen the episode Wizard. Trust me, the ultimate compliment.😉😄
Quote: MDawgRight, My point being that you need to do your own research and while perhaps the "Database Participant" raises the stakes, the "quick to back off" may or may not happen to you. And I play as a known player with a player card everywhere.
I will say that between the two casinos, the one that booted me didn't know me and it was my first year of play there. The one that doesn't seem to care I've been playing since forever ago.
Oh by the way, proof that "Database Participant" doesn't necessarily mean anything is that the casino that booted me hasn't seemed to have affected anything elsewhere.
Who’s going to tell him, or should we just pretend and let it slide?
Quote: gordonm888I completely agree that the Vegas Casinos Games Survey is (or could/should be) a very valuable asset to users of the WOV site.
The Blackjack portion seems to be the only part of the survey for which there has been recent effort to keep it up to date. Of course, everything keeps changing constantly in casinos, and the pandemic has seemingly intensified the amount of changes. Thus, even the 2019 survey of Blackjack games is now badly out of date.
Wizard has commented in the past that this is a very labor-intensive process to update these surveys. Rather than have our busiest and most senior guy (Wizard) running around to every casino in Vegas, maybe we could institute some sort of a system where multiple people can provide updates on changes. (I actually wonder whether we had this kind of system in the past, and it has fallen out of use.) I believe that Video Poker surveys are kept up to date in this way on another site.
Let's keep this discussion going, and I'll try to check with Wizard about the history of the Vegas Casinos Games Survey.
Great idea but it may be better to wait until the "new normal" settles in to start that up. Things are still changing rapidly.
But if a few people want to send in updates something like weekly, I say go for it.
So I rely on a couple surveys that I look at periodically, current blackjack news (CBJN) as well as Wizards survey. All I am looking for is a change in conditions reported and I will then go check it out for myself. So surveys updated, just periodically is fine. I mean 2 years, is getting a little stale, but again, extrordinary circumstances with casinos closed for a period and players not wanting to spend too much time in them when they were open. I don't think anyone wanted to spend extra time in casinos to update a survey. lol.
Quote: MDawgAt the other casino they don't seem to care and I keep going in there winning at Blackjack whenever I have the time or inclination.
Quote: MDawgI will say that between the two casinos, the one that booted me didn't know me and it was my first year of play there. The one that doesn't seem to care I've been playing since forever ago.
Oh by the way, proof that "Database Participant" doesn't necessarily mean anything is that the casino that booted me hasn't seemed to have affected anything elsewhere.
So for several months, I have been under the incorrect impression that I was not allowed to respond to you, and have since been informed that stipulation only was about one specific thread. So I am going to respond to this.
YOUR experiences are not typical of any other player's experiences. As a matter of fact, they are very atypical. And being a higher limit player does not change anything.
Las Vegas casinos play a cat and mouse game with card counters. It has been that way for a while now. It is hard to fathom that you are the exception and the cat looks at you and says, "do whatever you want".
Quote: kewljSo for several months, I have been under the incorrect impression that I was not allowed to respond to you, and have since been informed that stipulation only was about one specific thread. So I am going to respond to this.
YOUR experiences are not typical of any other player's experiences. As a matter of fact, they are very atypical. And being a higher limit player does not change anything.
Las Vegas casinos play a cat and mouse game with card counters. It has been that way for a while now. It is hard to fathom that you are the exception and the cat looks at you and says, "do whatever you want".
I don't recall MDawg ever saying he was a counter or AP. i assume his stories and experiences are just that of a big gambler that SEEMS to win whenever he wants.
I think you'd enjoy them.
I used to play nothing but blackjack. I've played cards since I was I think maybe eight years old, and I always counted at BJack from the very first time I ever played in a casino. I did far more than just count, and I've written about that, including faulty machines built in to the tables that revealed the hole card at some casinos. I have written about all that, but who cares, right? As far as being an "advantage player" I have probably never used that term, you are correct. I have stated that I play at an advantage at some posts going back a year or two. Look and ye shall find my son.
Quote: DRichI don't recall MDawg ever saying he was a counter or AP. i assume his stories and experiences are just that of a big gambler that SEEMS to win whenever he wants.
He has most definitely spoke of being a card counter in the past and even being barred because of card counting, but then reinstated. That reinstated claim is another experience of his that is VERY atypical. Not saying it isn't possible, especially if a player is losing even more money at another game, a casino may be willing to overlook a little bit of card counting advantage, but it is just unusual to say the least.
However when I was banned from Blackjack at the other casino chain many years ago I made a big stink about it which resulted in nothing. Deaf ears. Then, a couple years later, without much fanfare at all, the ban was lifted by a high level director at one of the casino's locations, and that was that. If I mentioned that director's name you would recognize the name instantly.
Quote: mosesThese are the casinos for for the Green Chip circuit that is not listed as Data Partcipant, Quick to back off. 6 deck games with $25 or $50 min. with at least 75% pen.
Ballys, Bellegio, MGM, Red Rock, Venetion, Red Rock
Aria has $50 and $100 min.
100min include;
Ceasars Palace, Cromwell, Harrahs, Mirage, Palazzo, Paris, Planet Hollywood.
So Im thinking a reverse work week is best. Start on Friday night at the $100 tablea and then work back to the $25 and $50 tables during the week.
MDawg. Since you're the big dog on this forum. How much should one carry for the $100 min table. Ive read 100 x table minimum. Do you agree? As Bosox said, you dont want to run out of cash on a positive shoe.
In the past I've been significantly undercapitalized relative to my goal and still managed to pull it off most of the time. I've gone in with a goal of trying to win $20K at Blackjack many many times with a bankroll of only $20K and pulled it off more than most of the time. Once I went in trying to win $50K with only $20K and I pulled it off on a single deck. That was crazy, I went in and told the dealer "I need $50K" and the dealer said, "Okay" and maybe thirty minutes later if even that long later I walked out with $50K.
But as you know sometimes you don't need much of any money and you're running hot and other times no matter what you lay out it just seems to go.
These days whether playing Blackjack or Baccarat I just see how things are running and win what I can - sometimes a lot sometimes a little depending on how the cards are running for me and whether the bets I am supposed to win are falling in my favor.
Quote: MDawgI've gone in with a goal of trying to win $20K at Blackjack many many times with a bankroll of only $20K and pulled it off more than most of the time. Once I went in trying to win $50K with only $20K and I pulled it off on a single deck. That was crazy, I went in and told the dealer "I need $50K" and the dealer said, "Okay" and maybe thirty minutes later if even that long later I walked out with $50K.
Ok, I don't want to get into a back and forth with you, but I have no idea what you are talking about. In the past you have talked about how you used to employ card counting, playing blackjack at an advantage, and THAT is why you were barred at several locations.
The things you are saying now, are absolute voodoo talk in regards to card counting. With card counting you don't "try" to win this or that or have goals to win this or that. You play with a slim advantage and predetermined bet spread and ramp and you win what you win, is much lower than what you are thinking. You don't win $20k with a $20k playing bankroll and sure as heck don't win $50k with a $20k bankroll. THAT just is NOT how card counting works.
I am sorry but you are NOT talking about blackjack card counting advantage play here, you are strictly talking gambling. I am not sure what your lane is or where it goes, but the comments you are making, make it clear, you are WAY out of your lane here. This is just not even close to how card counting works.
So a spread of say $25 to a max bet of $400. The advantage per hand is going to work out to somewhere around $2 PER ROUND, About 1/2 percent (depending on exact game, rules, penetration). Maybe a little more if you are escaping some of the negative counts. So for 100 rounds played, you make about 1/2 your max bet or $200 in expected value or expected win. THAT is what a card counter is dealing with!
Now actual wins and losses will be more, up to 2-3 standard deviations of expected value or expected win. But to EXPECT or "try" to win your bankroll, even a session or playing bankroll, is "crazy talk" as far as card counting. That is not how it works and is pure gambling talk.
Have you ever heard the phrase "card counting is a grind"? Just think about that. That is the facts of card counting.
Quote: kewljThe things you are saying now, are absolute voodoo talk in regards to card counting.
First off, you're back to personal insults, referring to my gaming as voodoo. That's a term you have sprinkled all over the internet and have now the gumption to bring here again. You refer to this entire forum using that term.
You don't know how I play, you don't know what I do, how about just sticking to talking about yourself and what you do. I believe that the reason you are so disliked all over the internet is because of this sort of thing, you can't just stick to talking about how you do it, you have to go so far as to say that the ways others do it cannot be. And then you go even further and attach a pejorative term like "voodoo" to what someone else is doing, which, you have no idea what I am doing or not doing.
Quote: MDawgFirst off, you're back to personal insults, referring to my gaming as voodoo. That's a term you have sprinkled all over the internet and have now the gumption to bring here again. You refer to this entire forum using that term.
You don't know how I play, you don't know what I do, how about just sticking to talking about yourself and what you do. I believe that the reason you are so disliked all over the internet is because of this sort of thing, you can't just stick to talking about how you do it, you have to go so far as to say that the ways others do it cannot be.
Mdawg, I do not mean it as a personal insult, but what you are saying just IS NOT how blackjack card counting work! Card counting is a slow grind, with many ups and downs. I am not going to say it is impossible to have a monster session or day where you win or lose your session, day or playing bankroll. But it is somewhat rare.
Saying things like trying to win 20k or 50k with a 20k bankroll, is NOT how card counting works. It is much more along the lines of gambling thoughts or the term I use, voodoo. It JUST is not card counting advantage play. I can not be any clearer than that.
Would you like to meet at a blackjack table and see who walks off it with more money? If so, let's discuss a stake. Obviously a lot must be put up because you and I both value our anonymity so it would have to be a final showdown of do or die in terms of money.
I don't just win money at tables every now and then, I do it regularly enough to know with confidence that I can win a lot much more often than not.
Quote: mosesGood stuff Maynards. But we are drfting from the subject matter.
Sorry moses, you tried.

Quote: MDawg
Would you like to meet at a blackjack table and see who walks off it with more money? If so, let's discuss a stake. Obviously a lot must be put up because you and I both value our anonymity so it would have to be a final showdown of do or die in terms of money.
Not interested. I am a professional card counter, blackjack player. That is what I do for a living, for 17 years now, 12 in Las vegas. I don't meet many people and for good reason. And I don't engage in 'gambling contests' or challenges for the sake of ego. I have no need to prove anything to anybody.
Let me say again, I am not trying to insult you. I am just stating how card counting does and doesn't work. And I think I am entitled to do that, because I have a pretty good understanding after 17 years. :)
Now you can go on and talk about the other games you play and your adventures playing them. I won't comment on that any further. But you or anyone else talking about blackjack card counting in a manner that is completely inconsistant with how it works and I amlost assuredly will have a something to say.
Wishing you continued good 'luck'.
The way others approach it might be different, and you should seek their advice too, why not.
KJ. If you were playing a $100 min. How much cash would you carry? $50 min?. $25 min.?
Thank you in advanc for a direct answet.
Quote: moses
KJ. If you were playing a $100 min. How much cash would you carry? $50 min?. $25 min.?
Thank you in advanc for a direct answet.
No offense Moses but I don't want to answer directly, even hypothetically what kind of cash I carry.
I will answer this way. For a shoe game I won't start a session with fewer than 15 max bets. So for a day's play I would want 25 max bets so that I can have a couple small losing sessions and still have that 15 max bet minimum needed.
At a $25 table, I'd buy-in for $500 and double my money with that same strategy.
I'll probably wind up playing $5-$10 Spanish 21 before I ever get that far.
Anyway, I've been playing DD 100 - 1000, or 200 to 2000 spread, as a known player at three top Strip casinos and no one has said a thing to me yet. One thing is - they already seem to slice away a good third if not a half of a deck anyway so there's not even that much penetration. Why would they even be so worried? certainly they don't seem to be, even though I've been winning a few thou here and there, relatively short sessions, and there's no question why I'm jumping the bet, anyone could see why I'm doing it when I am doing it.
Seriously if I'm spreading to only 1000 or 2000 I view it as baby games. I could easily go all the way to table limit without batting an eye. I do it all the time at Baccarat. Maybe I haven't played enough blackjack lately to judge tolerance, but no one seems to care, and I have even been playing alone much of the time.
Quote: mosesWhere? The idea would be to speak to places that do not concur with the Survey as opposed to slamming the Wizard.
link to original post
This may be covered later in the thread but the Vegas Advantage website has an updated Blackjack survey as well as updated table games survey for the strip and Fremont Street. I think the latest update was end of June 2021.
I believe they were the source of the data on WoV until WoV stopped paying for it. Don't blame the Wizard for that; remember, he doesn't own the site any more, so it's not his call on how the budget is spent.
Because the survey on WoV is so old, I do think the WoV should either pay for at least yearly update data or else just delete the old survey and link out to Vegas Advantage.
The basis for such surveys is find the lowest minimums for games with decent house edge. However, while the game doesn't necessarily change (although, sometimes, it does - sometimes the high limit version of a blackjack game includes a rule that lowers the house edge), in high limit or private reserved blackjack tables the penetration is sometimes different, as in better. You have to be willing to play at higher minimum tables to get those advantages sometimes. You'll often find the best penetration at a casino's 500 minimum tables, although, there are many times when they'll allow you to play lower than the 500 minimum at those tables, especially if you are a known player.
And at private reserved gaming tables, although it doesn't really make sense, the maximum bet is raised but the minimum is usually just 100. They do this because they expect the special limit players to bet big even though they don't have to.
The highest special limits a casino will accept at blackjack are not that much higher than posted limits though, relatively speaking.
I watched closely - the dealer was not always consistent with the cut depth. One dealer was really nice, cutting away barely 1/3 of a deck, the other, a little over 1/2 of a deck.
And I played about the same as the prior session, if not harder, 200 - 2000. And I will tell you right now, no pit boss gave two hoots about my varying the bet, even though I ended up winning. At a high limit or private table a bet of a couple thousand means about nothing. Yes I know, it is the jumping the bet that attracts attention, but for a known player who always does that, I don't think it really attracts much if any attention, especially when the wins aren't even that large.
This is just to let you know about what IS available in Vegas right now.
Details available in my other thread if you care to look.
Are table limits like this? If they have a table maximum of $500, you shouldn't bet more than 30%, or max bet at $150?
I will mention though that my observation has been that the penetration and tolerance for bet range I have experienced is available at at least a couple of public high limit tables, you just have to search for them, and play!
No, credit lines don't really work the way you describe, at least not at the high end casinos. At a high end casino, if your line is 1,000,000 (or higher) or 100,000 or lower or whatever it is - they don't care if you pull every penny before you place your first bet. At a typical casino you are entitled to all or part of your line at any time.
BUT, if you are at a lower end casino that has granted you a pretty high line (a line that places you in their top tier of lines granted to anyone at that casino), yes, such a casino might balk if you walk in and try to draw the whole line at once.