September 28th, 2019 at 10:28:26 AM
I know this post is going to start a flame war or something. Lol. On learning HiOPTII ASC. Side note: Professor Humble mentions that the index number for, say, 6D games improve theoretically but, in testing there is no significant improvement. Anyways........
Have you used HiOPT II ASC and how has it worked out for you? On 6D?
Also, I ran a simulation on CVCX showing that if the pen is deep enough, 4.75/6D, then your E.V. 'goes up quite a bit.' It's probably, maybe, similar to, lol., DD.
Have you used HiOPT II ASC and how has it worked out for you? On 6D?
Also, I ran a simulation on CVCX showing that if the pen is deep enough, 4.75/6D, then your E.V. 'goes up quite a bit.' It's probably, maybe, similar to, lol., DD.
The Terror of Casinos.