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August 3rd, 2018 at 9:51:46 AM permalink
Alright! I know this is going to start a flame war. Lol.

I've always wanted to learn HiOPT II ASC. The other night I was fiddling around with the online CVCX an Norm's site. This is something I found out concerning an extra six card pen on a six deck shoe. All the sims were 7.5% RoR entered into the parameter box: when calculated the RoR changed.

Come to find out, on a 6D, 78 cards cut off HiLo full indexes, 7.5% RoR (which when calculated turned out to be 8.4%), DAS, two hands, 1 - 12 B.S., $20,000 BR, the EV is $32.47. Get this, if the cutoff went to 72 cards, with the same rules, the RoR calculated at 6.8%, the EV went to $34.97. An increase of $5.50. So, on to HiOPT II ASC.

So I entered HiOPT II ASC. For the pen I started at 78. Which came to an EV of $32.59, (no big difference). The calculated RoR was 8.0%. Then I entered in 72 card c/o. The EV rose to $46.68 with the calculated RoR 8.1%. So, with the increased pen, the EV goes up 33.3%, with the RoR by 20%. BTW, without the ASC the EV does go down. I can't remember by how much but I think it was slightly about that of regular HiLo with Full Indexes.

So, the question being, at that level of pen does it seem to be worth it to learn HiOP II ASC[/]? Without the ASC the EV went down to $39.31.

I also have some numbers for a 5% RoR if you want them. They turn out 'almost' the same but with a much lower RoR.

Just thought to get your sage advice. Should one learn HiOPT II ASC? I'll probably learn it anyway. lol.
The Terror of Casinos.
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August 3rd, 2018 at 11:46:44 AM permalink
Classic discussion... and I have the 100% correct answer:

The count you make the fewest amount of mistakes with is the right count for you.

Good day.
Playing it correctly means you've already won.
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