gaming houses are already screwing us on double zero roulette ,7/5 JoB and now blackjack , Romes was correct . the average joe walks in with 500 to his name and loses it all in a few measly hours. whats the big deal it just speed things up. Eddy said in his book the bj player has 0 chance to win with 500 in atlantic city and table min being 10$ a pop he would need 1$ or 2$ tables otherwise a 10k roll is in order
so what really changes from 6:5 to 3:2 if the player is properly rolled the same end result will be met
Direct link:
I consider gambling on the strip a total rip off
I never ever play BJ on the strip
I never ever play BJ in my local casino, Tampa Hard rock.
I only play games where I can make a low roller bet with the house only having the slightest of edges
There is only one casino on the planet I play BJ
The El Cortez
As long as they keep 3/2, I'm good
Such as ???.Quote: terapinedI only play games where I can make a low roller bet with the house only having the slightest of edges;
Quote: blackjackidthis book was written in the 80s . he said 500 br for a 2$ and a 10k roll for a 10$ table understand now?
no. There's no reason (other than sensationalism) for those numbers not to be proportional. So, 500:2 as 2,500:10. Why would I need the other $7,500 when the stakes were only 5x higher?
Quote: FleaStiffSuch as ???.
Pai Gow poker at Derby lane St Pete FL
Only small edge is dealer wins ties. No commission. 5 buck min bet
99.54 JOB all over Down Town Vegas. 25cent game or 1.25 per hand
5 buck BJ at the El Cortez
Don't bet in craps. Freemont downtown Vegas. 3 buck min
While I play mostly black chip blackjack (which, as of yet, is unaffected by 6:5), the amount of comps I would get, even if black chip play was 6:5 more than outweigh any additional HE
Quote: terapined
There is only one casino on the planet I play BJ
The El Cortez
As long as they keep 3/2, I'm good
While El Cortez hasn't gone to 6:5 as yet, they have installed some CSM in the last month. Oddly these are in the second pit which opens midday as opposed to the primary pit that is open 24/7. Usually places that lease these machines place them in the pits that are open 24/7 for maximum return on their rental investment.
While CSM may not be a concern to recreational players like yourself, it has been my experience that 6:5 is often right behind the implementation of CSM. It is very much the same mentality.
Quote: MrBoWhile El Cortez hasn't gone to 6:5 as yet, they have installed some CSM in the last month. Oddly these are in the second pit which opens midday as opposed to the primary pit that is open 24/7. Usually places that lease these machines place them in the pits that are open 24/7 for maximum return on their rental investment.
While CSM may not be a concern to recreational players like yourself, it has been my experience that 6:5 is often right behind the implementation of CSM. It is very much the same mentality.
I am happy to report that the Treasure Island pays 3/2 on all multi-deck blackjack and 6/5 on single deck. Their high limit has a weekday $25 min/ $5000 max 6 deck hand shuffle, 3/2, DAS, late surrender, split As 4 times.
Quote: FleaStiffEven at max volume I can barely hear the narration.
Hmmm. I can hear it just fine. Anyone else having problems?
Hmmmmm.....Quote: aceofspadesTo play devil's advocate:
While I play mostly black chip blackjack (which, as of yet, is unaffected by 6:5), the amount of comps I would get, even if black chip play was 6:5 more than outweigh any additional HE
When the bean counters start looking at your type of action, do you think $100 6:5 will come before reducing offers, or the other way around?
Not sure, I was too distracted by the really crappie computer-generated writing.Quote: WizardHmmm. I can hear it just fine. Anyone else having problems?
Quote: WizardHmmm. I can hear it just fine. Anyone else having problems?
It's been recorded a little low so if you don't have external amplification it's
Quote: rainmanIt's been recorded a little low so if you don't have external amplification it's
Doesn't everyone have external amplification?
To be honest, I'm not sure how to adjust it in creating the video.
Quote: WizardDoesn't everyone have external amplification?
To be honest, I'm not sure how to adjust it in creating the video.
No, if you have a cheap, old, crappy lap top the audio power
is week & limited to the power of the internal amp, you can attach a set of amplified speakers
and now you have external amp power. Not all speakers are pre amped and those
are also limited to the amps/sound cards power)
Example: I have my laptop plugged into a Epson projector
putting a 107 inch image on my wall plugged into that
is an home theater amp so I have the power to crank
up any week audio to deafening levels. Flea has
previously stated the lap top he uses is junk so your recording
may be low but his experience may be at the bottom of the
Quote: WizardDoesn't everyone have external amplification?
To be honest, I'm not sure how to adjust it in creating the video.
It was definitely very quiet for me too. Normally I have youtube videos play at about half volume, I had to pump that video up to full and then also pump my system volume up a bit to hear it. Regardless of external amplification, it's very quiet in comparison to other youtube videos.
EDIT: Also, the second half of the video is significantly louder than the first.
Quote: WizardThanks again for the comments guys. One of the complaints on one of my older but similar videos was the bad sound quality. I think this is the first one I've released since buying a nicer desk USB microphone. I see it has a volume know, which I didn't know microphones had. It was set about half way up. I will set it higher the next time.
What program are you using to capture/edit?
I finally got around to watching it. Holy crap. I love ya, but, holy crap! I couldn't force myself to watch the whole thing, so I skipped around a bit.
1 - Get some decent graphics.
2 - Wear something professional. Or at least appropriate like your WoO golf shirt.
3 - Pick a better location. Like in front of your fireplace. Or even in front of a blank wall.
4 - Write a basic script. Read it several times until it's just about memorized. Then have a cheat sheet of bullet points off camera so you never have to say 'um'.
Don't trust your listener to have decent equipment. I just listened to parts of it on my iPhone, then on my MacBook. Neither with external speakers.Quote: WizardDoesn't everyone have external amplification?
The first part was quieter then the second part, but both were passable on my iPhone. They were both terrible on my laptop - very quiet, then very loud and over modulated.
The first part sounded like you were too far away from the mic, while you were obviously too close on the second part. The mic should be 6"-12" inches. No closer, no further.
Bottom line, if you ever say to yourself, "That's good enough," it wasn't. "Good enough" is good enough for a quick reply to forum post or email or whatever. "Good enough" is never good enough for something that you're publishing with the hopes of hundreds or thousands of views as well as repeat views.
Back when that was a "bird game" (quarters) the craps table was so close to the street that one dealer who had become exasperated with one of the players picked up the man's bet and tossed it right through the air-conditioning "wall" out onto the street and told him to go get your money and don't come back.Quote: terapined
Don't bet in craps. Freemont downtown Vegas. 3 buck min
Quote: DJTeddyBearWiz -
I finally got around to watching it. Holy crap. I love ya, but, holy crap! I couldn't force myself to watch the whole thing, so I skipped around a bit.
1 - Get some decent graphics.
2 - Wear something professional. Or at least appropriate like your WoO golf shirt.
3 - Pick a better location. Like in front of your fireplace. Or even in front of a blank wall.
4 - Write a basic script. Read it several times until it's just about memorized. Then have a cheat sheet of bullet points off camera so you never have to say 'um'.
Don't trust your listener to have decent equipment. I just listened to parts of it on my iPhone, then on my MacBook. Neither with external speakers.
The first part was quieter then the second part, but both were passable on my iPhone. They were both terrible on my laptop - very quiet, then very loud and over modulated.
The first part sounded like you were too far away from the mic, while you were obviously too close on the second part. The mic should be 6"-12" inches. No closer, no further.
Bottom line, if you ever say to yourself, "That's good enough," it wasn't. "Good enough" is good enough for a quick reply to forum post or email or whatever. "Good enough" is never good enough for something that you're publishing with the hopes of hundreds or thousands of views as well as repeat views.
Jeeze, Simon Cowell, take a breath. I think you're being a little overly critical. It's an informative video, not a nationally televised talent competition...
Nice job Wiz, once the sound quality is adjusted, you're good. I am not the fashion police and could care less what you are wearing in your videos - it is all about the content.
Quote: Jmarch79Jeeze, Simon Cowell, take a breath. I think you're being a little overly critical. It's an informative video, not a nationally televised talent competition...
Nice job Wiz, once the sound quality is adjusted, you're good. I am not the fashion police and could care less what you are wearing in your videos - it is all about the content.
Thank you. I was a bit overcome there to defend myself on that one. I would like to say, to just one point, that Andy Rooney, when he gave his weekly rants on 60 Minutes, always did it from a cluttered office. At least he wore a suit though.

The other issue with the audio is that when you switch to the video of you with the mic, the audio is only coming out of the left channel.
What program(s) are you using to put these together?
The second reason is that casinos know no one cares and they convince the governments to allow it. The government/gaming commission is supposed to exist to regulate the casino and work for the consumers protection and interests. But they have turned into just another taxing agency for the politicians. Take my state of Maryland. When the regulations were created, we had some of the best rules in the country. But then the casinos convinced the regulators to let them hit soft 17. They told them it was to allow for them to lower table minimums. Secretly they told them if they let them do that it would mean more tax revenue. Now the casinos convinced them to allow 6:5, which was just another progression. Likewise the regulated slot payouts aren’t too bad. I believe each machine has to be set at a minimum of 87% and as a whole all slots have to pay out 90% cumulatively. Now the casinos are trying to get that lowered. They said it’s so they can provide more benefits to their customers. They sound like politicians wanting to raise taxes so they can provide more services for the citizens. Ok fine but what about the taxes we already pay? Where’s that money going?
Bottom line, people don’t care. They could make the payouts 80% and nobody would care so long as they got their free cookware set every Tuesday. Just my opinion, I hope I’m wrong.
I feel like that's the majority crowd in Vegas. You guys are looking at this from the prospective of APs and seasoned gamblers and math wizzes, but I don't think people like that are the demographics that casinos are after. They're focusing on the vacation crowds.
Quote: WizardThank you. I was a bit overcome there to defend myself on that one. I would like to say, to just one point, that Andy Rooney, when he gave his weekly rants on 60 Minutes, always did it from a cluttered office. At least he wore a suit though.
You're fine Wiz. I almost think you'd shine in front of a dry erase or chalk board with important content being "text added" during the editing process. I know from personal experience that writing on tablets looks messy and never looks like it is supposed to.
Its hard to determine what is "average" but it does seem that casinos use mailers and other comp schemes to get repeat customers not just once a decade neophyte vacationers. Casinos being built all over the country, entertainment events scheduled, hot hand specials, hot table specials, veterans and retired specials, etc. All these are not aimed at the 'come once a decade and bring two hundred dollars with you crowd. There is just too much time and effort spent on points and the like. Too much time and money spent on local outreach.Quote: TigerWuIf the people I know are any indication, most people rarely, if ever, gamble.
So what do they care if they lose an extra $3.50 an hour or whatever
It won't even register on their brain, and it never will,
I feel like that's the majority crowd in Vegas.
And lets face it, while some people may be there to drink, to ogle beautiful women, to eat, to see some entertainment acts, there is simply too much repeat business for a casino to focus on once a decade rather than twice a month.
Quote: WizardThank you. I was a bit overcome there to defend myself on that one. I would like to say, to just one point, that Andy Rooney, when he gave his weekly rants on 60 Minutes, always did it from a cluttered office. At least he wore a suit though.
Everything he said was definitely constructive criticism though; you've got a lot of knowledge and a really good knack for explaining complicated ideas in easy to understand terms. Those are your strengths - but video production isn't a strength for you at the moment. It can be though, if you set yourself standards and work towards meeting them for every video you make. Which you should!
That's not written in stone and its based on both low roller and above average players. I'm not talking whales.
Quote: FleaStiff
And lets face it, while some people may be there to drink, to ogle beautiful women, to eat, to see some entertainment acts, there is simply too much repeat business for a casino to focus on once a decade rather than twice a month.
There will be no way to empirically measure the impact that going 6:5 will have at Mohegan - there are too many other variables, and there is no exact way to track "coin in" at the table - it depends on what the floor decides to enter online.
However, if you are a regular at the blackjack table and you continue to frequent the casino, it would tell me one thing: you don't understand the game, in the least.
That said, comps and other reward programs do offer the casino an opportunity to measure repeat business. Without regard to the level of play or whether the repeat customer simply loses the same amount of money in a shorter time-frame, the guy either keeps coming back or does something else with his time.
I doubt that will matter. The empty suits are doing the math that tells them 6:5 brings in more than 3:2. It's like static analysis when they do taxes - they don't acknowledge that people modify their behavior based on what they decide.
Will blackjack players vote with their feet? Probably not.
No, they will grumble, order an extra drink and play even more poorly than they otherwise would.Quote: racquet
Will blackjack players vote with their feet? Probably not.
Watch it from the average gamblers’ persepctive. It’s just unwatchable.
Forget the math. If you want to stop 6-5 there needs to be some sort of slogan that catches on, just gets to the point, and does so in a brutal way. Something like...
6-5 blackjack is stupid.
Only suckers play 6-5 blackjack.
Quote: blackjackidfirst CT then the world!
gaming houses are already screwing us on double zero roulette ,7/5 JoB and now blackjack , Romes was correct . the average joe walks in with 500 to his name and loses it all in a few measly hours. whats the big deal it just speed things up. Eddy said in his book the bj player has 0 chance to win with 500 in atlantic city and table min being 10$ a pop he would need 1$ or 2$ tables otherwise a 10k roll is in order
so what really changes from 6:5 to 3:2 if the player is properly rolled the same end result will be met
So who is Blackjackid?
Quote: klimate10I’ve been a fan of the Wizard since the early 2000s, but videos like the one presented are why 6-5 blackjack will continue to take hold. If you try to get technical, you will only preach to the choir.
Watch it from the average gamblers’ persepctive. It’s just unwatchable.
Forget the math. If you want to stop 6-5 there needs to be some sort of slogan that catches on, just gets to the point, and does so in a brutal way. Something like...
6-5 blackjack is stupid.
Only suckers play 6-5 blackjack.
I don't consider myself a sucker, but if the choices are 6/5 at $5 or 3/2 at $15, both 6 deck and h17, the RIGHT choice is 6/5.
Quote: edwardjsmithI don't consider myself a sucker, but if the choices are 6/5 at $5 or 3/2 at $15, both 6 deck and h17, the RIGHT choice is 6/5.
The right choice is to leave.
Quote: IbeatyouracesThe right choice is to leave.
If that were correct , the right choice would have been to not enter.
Quote: edwardjsmithIf that were correct , the right choice would have been to not enter.
If known in advance, you're right.
Quote: IbeatyouracesIf known in advance, you're right
I knew it ahead, wanted to play blackjack. 6/5 is the right choice!
(Mod edit: format error carried forward from here being corrected. No content edits. - BBB)
Quote: IbeatyouracesThe right choice is to leave.
There are people who gamble recreationally.
6:5 really isn’t that big of a deal for a casual gambler playing on $5 tables
Quote: gamerfreakThere are people who gamble recreationally.
6:5 really isn’t that big of a deal for a casual gambler playing on $5 tables
It's like going to a gas station that's $2.79 when the one across the street is $2.63. Lame excuse.
Quote: IbeatyouracesIt's like going to a gas station that's $2.79 when the one across the street is $2.63. Lame excuse.
Except in this case the cheapest gas is at the 6/5 $5 table in both the short and long run.
Quote: IbeatyouracesIt's like going to a gas station that's $2.79 when the one across the street is $2.63. Lame excuse.
Not everyone is in Vegas where you have a choice of hundreds of casinos within driving distance.
Quote: edwardjsmithQuote: IbeatyouracesIt's like going to a gas station that's $2.79 when the one across the street is $2.63. Lame excuse.
Except in this case the cheapest gas is at the 6/5 $5 table in both the short and long run.
Actually it's not. You'll go broke on both. 6:5 is just faster.
Quote: IbeatyouracesQuote: edwardjsmithQuote: IbeatyouracesIt's like going to a gas station that's $2.79 when the one across the street is $2.63. Lame excuse.
Except in this case the cheapest gas is at the 6/5 $5 table in both the short and long run.
Actually it's not. You'll go broke on both. 6:5 is just faster.
At $15 3/2 versus $5 6/5, you will go broke faster,more often, at the 3/2 BJ table